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UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE + Luther H. Hodges, Secretary NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS A.V. Asta, Director Handbook of Mathematical Functions With Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables Edited by Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun National Bureau of Standards Applied Mathematics Series * 55 Tasued June 1964 Tenth Printing, December 1972, with corrections For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Printing Ofice ‘Washington, D.C. 20402 Prie $1.35 domestic postpaid; er #10.50 GPO Bockatore The text relating to physical constants and conversion factors (page 6) has been modified to take into account the newly adopted Systeme Interna- tional d’Unites (SI). ERRATA NOTICE The original printing of this Handbook (June 1964) contained errors that have been corrected in the reprinted editions. These cor- rections are marked with an asterisk (*) for identification. The errors occurred on the following pages: 2-3, 6-8, 10, 15, 19-20,25, 76,85, 91, 102, 187, 189-197, 218, 223, 225, 233, 250, 255, 260-263, 268, 271-273, 292, 302, 828, 332, 383-397, 862, 365, 415, 423, 438-440, 443, 445, 447, 449, 451, 484, 498, 505-506, 509-510, 543, 556, 558, 562, 571, 595, 599, 600, 722-723, 739, 742, 744, 746, 752, 756, 760-765, 774, 777-785, 790, 797, 801, 822-823, 832, 835, 844, 886-889, 897, 914, 915, 920, 930-981, 936, 940-941, 944-950, 953, 960, 963, 989-990, 1010, 1026. Originally issued June 1964, Second printing, November 1964. ‘Third printing, March 1965. Fourth printing, December 1965, Fifth printing, August 1966. Sixth printing, November 1967, Seventh printing, May 1968. Bighth printing, 1969, Ninth printing, November 1970, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 6460036 * aA #7 A228 28 Preface The present volume is an outgrowth of a Conference on Mathematical Tables held at Cambridge, Mass., on September 15-16, 1954, under the auspices of the National Science Foundation and the Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology. The purpose of the meeting was to evaluate the need for mathematical tables in the light of the availability of large scale com- puting machines. Tt was the consensus of opinion that in spite of the increasing use of the new machines the basie need for tables would continue to exist. Numerical tables of mathematical functions are in continual demand by scientists and engineers. A greater variety of functions and higher accuracy of tabulation are now required as a result of scientific advances and, especially, of the increasing use of automatic computers. In the latter connection, the tables serve mainly for preliminary surveys of problems before programming for machine operation. For those without easy access to machines, such tables are, of course, indispensable, Consequently, the Conference recognized that there was a pressing need for a modernized version of the classical tables of functions of Jahnke-Emde. To implement the project, the National Science Foundation requested the National Bureau of Standards to prepare such a volume and established an Ad Hoc Advisory Committee, with Professor Philip M. ‘Morse of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as chairman, to advise the staff of the National Bureau of Standards during the course of its preparation. In addition to the Chairman, the Committee consisted of A. Erdelyi, M, C. Gray, N. Metropolis, J. B. Rosser, H.C. Thacher, Jr., John ‘Todd, C. B. Tompkins, and J. W. Tukey. The primary aim has been to include a maximum of useful informa tion within the limits of a moderately large volume, with particular atten- tion to the needs of scientists in all fields. An attempt has been made to cover the entire field of special functions. To carry out the goal set forth by the Ad Hoc Committee, it has been necessary to supplement the tables by including the mathematical properties that are important in compu- tation work, as well as by providing numerical methods which demonstrate the use and extension of the tables. ‘The Handbook was prepared under the direction of the late Milton Abramowitz, and Irene A. Stegun. Its success has depended greatly upon the cooperation of many mathematicians. Their efforts together with the cooperation of the Ad Hoe Committee are greatly appreciated. The par- ticular contributions of these and other individuals are acknowledged at appropriate places in the text. The sponsorship of the National Science Foundation for the preparation of the material is gratefully recognized. It is hoped that this volume will not only meet the needs of all table users but will in many cases acquaint its users with new functions. ALLEN V. ASTIN, Director June 1964 Washington, D.C. mt Preface to the Ninth Printing ‘The enthusiastic reception accorded the “Handbook of Mathematical Functions” is little short of unprecedented in the long history of mathe- matical tables that began when John Napier published his tables of loga- rithms in 1614. Only four and one-half years after the first copy came from the press in 1964, Myron Tribus, the Assistant Secretary of Com- merce for Science and Technology, presented the 100,000th copy of the Handbook to Lee A. DuBridge, then Science Advisor to the President. Today, total distribution is approaching the 150,000 mark at a scarcely diminished rate. ‘The success of the Handbook has not ended our interest in the subject. On the contrary, we continue our close watch over the growing and chang- ing world of computation and to discuss with outside experts and among ourselves the various proposals for possible extension or supplementation of the formulas, methods and tables that make up the Handbook. In keeping with previous policy, a number of errors discovered since the last printing have been corrected. Aside from this, the mathematical tables and accompanying text are unaltered. However, some noteworthy changes have been made in Chapter 2: Physical Constants and Conversion Factors, pp. 6-8. The table on page 7 has been revised to give the values of physical constants obtained in a recent reevaluation; and pages 6 and 8 have been modified to reflect changes in definition and nomenclature of physical units and in the values adopted for the acceleration due to gravity in the revised Potsdam system. ‘The record of continuing acceptance of the Handbook, the praise that has come from all quarters, and the fact that it is one of the most-quoted scientific publications in recent years are evidence that the hope expressed by Dr. Astin in his Preface is being amply fulfilled. Lewis M, BRaNscomB, Director National Bureau of Standards November 1970 Foreword ‘This volume is the result of the cooperative effort of many persons and « number of organizations. ‘The Notional Bureau of Standards has long been turning out mathematical tables and hes hed under consideration, for at least 10 years, the production of a compendium like the present one. During a Conference on Tables, called by the NBS Applied Mathematics Division on May 16, 1952, Dr. Abramo- witz of that Division mentioned preliminary plans for such an undertaking, but indicated the need for technical advice and financial support. ‘The Mathematics Division of the National Research Council hes also hed an active interest in tables; since 1943 it hes published the quarterly journal, “Mathe- matical Tables and Aids to Computation” (MTAC), editorial supervision being exercised by a Committee of the Division. Subsequent to the NBS Conference on Tebles in 1952 the attention of the National Science Foundation was drawn to the desirability of financing activity in table production. With its support. a 2-dey Conference on Tables was called at the ‘Massachusetts Institute of Technology on September 15-16, 1954, to discuss the needs for tables of various kinds. Twenty-eight persons attended, representing scientists and engineers using tables as well as table producers. This conference Teached consensus on several conclusions and recommendations, which were set forth in the published Report of the Conference. There was general agreement, for example, ‘that the advent of high-speed computing equipment chenged the task of table making but definitely did not remove the need for tables”. Tt was also agreed that ‘an outstanding need is for a Handbook of Tables for the Occasional Computer, with tables of usually encountered functions and a set of formulas and tables for interpolation and other techniques useful to the occasional computer” ‘The Report suggested that the NBS undertake the production of such Handbook and that the NSF contribute financial assistance. ‘The Conference elected, from its participants, the following Committee: P. M. Morse (Chairman), M. Abramowitz, J. H. Curtiss, R. W. Hamming, D. H. Lehmer, C. B. Tompkins, J. W. Tukey, to help implement these and other recommendations ‘Tho Bureau of Standards undertook to produce the recommended tables and the National Science Foundation made funds available. To provide technical guidance to the Mathematics Division of the Bureau, which carried out the work, and to pro- vide the NSF with independent judgments on grants for the work, the Conference Committee was reconstituted as the Committeo on Revision of Mathematical Tables’of.the Mathematics Division of the National Research Council. This, after some changes of membership, became the Committee which is signing this Foreword, ‘The present volume is evidene» that Conferences can sometimes reach conclusions and that their recommendations sometimes get acted on. FOREWORD Active work was started at the Bureau in 1956. ‘The overall plan, the selection of authors for the various chapters, and the enthusiasm required to begin the task were contributions of Dr. Abramowitz. Since his untimely death, the effort has continued under the general direction of Irene A. Stegun, The workers at the Bureau and the members of the Committee have had many discussions about content, style and layout. Though many details have had to be argued out as they came up, the basic specifications of the volume have remained the same as were outlined by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Conference of 1954. ‘The Committee wishes here to register its commendation of the magnitude and quality of the task carried out by the staff of the NBS Computing Section and their expert collaborators in planning, collecting and editing these Tables, and its appre- ciation of the willingness with which its various suggestions were incorporated into the plans. We hope this resulting volume will be judged by its users to be a worthy memorial to the vision and industry of ite chief architect, Milton Abramowitz. ‘We regret he did not live to see its publication. P. M. Morse, Chairman, A Expéurt M. C. Gray N.C. Merrorous - J.B, Rosssr: H.C. Tuacunn, Jr. Joun Topp C. B. Tompxins J. W. Torey. Page Piellde . wi s ees 4 coma sy ee we wee A Foreword SERN ¢ kules oa see . oY Introduction. ss Sodnenadomeanenwn he 1, Mathematical Constants . . aa sees Baeeg 2 Davin 8. Ligeman 2, Physical Constants and Conversion Factors... 0... . . 5 A. G. MeNism 3. Elementary Analytical Methods... .......0.. ° Mrtow Apramowrra 4, Elementary Transcendental Functions ~ 6 Logarithmic, Exponential, Circular and Hyperbolic Functions Rome Zvcner 5. Exponential Integral and Related Functions... . . 227 ‘Waurex Gaurscer and Wiuutam F. Cann 6. Gamma Function and Related Functions... 2.2... 253 Pamir J. Davis 7, Brror Function and Fresnel Integrals ©. 5... 298 Water Gavrscur 8. Legendre Functions... 2... ty ewrag eee BL Inene A. SrecuN 9. Bessel Functions of Integer Order... . . 355 F. W. J. Ouvar 10, Bessel Functions of Fractional Order... . . .- 435 HA. Awtostzwice 11, Tntegrals of Bessel Functions. . 2... . ev canes 4 cue AT Yoornt L. Luxe 12, Struve Functions and Related Functions... . . . . 495 Mntow Apramowira 13. Confluent Hypergeometric Functions . 2... .. + 508 Lucy Joan Staran 14. Coulomb Wave Functions eee 537 Muvtox Avnamowrre 15, Hypergeometrie Functions ‘ 556 Farr: Onxrierrinorr 16, Jacobian Elliptic Functions and Theta Functions . . 567 L. M. Mune-Tnomsox 17. Elliptic Integrals eas cee 587 L. M, Muxe-Tnowso 18, Weierstrass Elliptic and Related Functions < 627 ‘Tuomas H. Sourmarn 19. Parabolic Cylinder Functions. 2... 85 3.0. P. Muze aS ‘CONTENTS 20. Mathieu Functions... . Gunmeue Buaxcu 21, Spheroidal Wave Functions. . . wet ‘Ansou N. Lowan 22, Orthogonal Polynomials. 2... 2... ee ‘Uns W. Hoonsraassza Bernoulli and Euler Polynomials, Riemann Zeta Function Exuiz V. Hayysworra and Kant Gousero 24, Combinatorial Andlysis 2. ee K. Goupazse, M. Nwaaw and B. Hayswonra 25. Numerical Interpolation, Differentiation and Integration Pumar J. Davis and Ivan PoLonsxy Probability Functions... 0... Manvin Zxuan and Norway C. Szvano 27. Miscellaneous Functions... 0... ee Inexe A. SrEGUN 28, Seales of Notation... 0.2... 1 eee Senees 8. Pravy and A. Scuore 29, Leplace Transforms... 2... 0. ee See Subject Index. cer ie eee Index of Notations... . . Sree 8B 26. 721 751 ™m 803 821 875 925 Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables Edited by Milton Abramor wit and Irene A. Stegun 1. Introduction ‘The present, Handbook has been designed to ‘de scientific investigators with a compre- Rensive and self-contained summary of the mathe: matical functions that arise in physical and engi- neering problems, ‘The well-known. Tables “of Functions by E. Jahnke and F. Emde has been invaluable to workers in these fields in its many taitions! during the past ‘half-century. “The resent. volume extends the work of these authors yy giving: more extensive and more accurate numerical tables, and by giving larger collections of mathematical properties of the tabulated functions. ‘The number of funetions covered has also been increased. ‘The classification of functions and organization of the chapters in this Handbook is similar to that of An Index of Mathematical Tables by A. Fletcher, J. . P. Miller, and L, Rosenhead.* In general, the chapters contain numerical tables, graphs, polynomial or rational spproximations for automatic computers, and statements of the principal mathematical properties of the tabu- lated functions, particularly those of compute- 2. Accuracy ‘The number of significant figures given in each table has depended to some extent on the number available in existing tabulations. “There bas been no attempt to make it uniform throughout the Handbook, which would have been a costly and Isborious undertaking. In most tables at least five significant figures have beon, provided, and the tabulas intervals have generally. been chosen to ensure that linear interpolation will yield.four- or fivesigure accuracy, which suffices in most Physical “applications. Users requiring higher kaart Seana vase eels Sia. ena Scene Coa ro tional importance. Many numerical examples are given to illustrate the use of the tables and also the computation of function values whieh lie Outside their range, -At the end of the tot. in each chapter there is a short bibliography giving books and papers in which proofs of the mathe- matical properties stated in the chapter may be found. Also listed in the bibliographies are the more important, numerical tables. Comprehen- sive lists of tables are given in the Index men- tioned above, and current information on new tables is to be found in the National Research Council quarterly Mathematies of Computation (formerly Mathematical Tables and Other Aids to Computation). ‘The mathematical notations used in this Hand- book are those commonly adopted in standard texts, particularly Higher Transcendental Func- tions, Volumes 1-3, by A. Erdélyi, W. Magnus, F. Oberhettinger and F. G. Tricomi (MeGra\ Hill, 1953-55). Some alternative notations have also been listed. ‘The introduction of new symbols has been kept to a minimum, and an effort. has been made to avoid the use of conflicting notation. of the Tables precision in their interpolates may obtain them by use of higher-order interpolation procedures, described below. Tn certain tables many-figured funetion values are given at irregular intervals in the ent. An example is provided by Table 9.4. yur pote of these tebles is to furnish “key values’ for the checking of programs for automatic computers; no, question of interpolation arises. ‘The maximum end-figure error, or “tolerance” in the tables in this Handbook ‘is %o of 1 unit everywhere in the caso of the elementary. func- tions, and 1 unit in the caso of the higher fuinetions except in a few cases where it has been permitted to rise to 2 units. x INTRODUCTION 3. Auxiliary Funetions and Arguments One of the objects of this Handbook is to pro- vide tables or computing methods which enable the user to evaluate the tabulated. functions over complete ranges of real values of their parameters. In order to achieve this object, frequent use has been made of suxiliery functions to remove the infinite part of the original functions at their singularities, and auxiliary arguments to cope with infinite ranges. An example will make the pro- cedure clear. _ The exponential integral of positive argument is given by B= [tee artnet tytgntdat avemetintgatgat - 1,21, 3! agp Hts | Jere ‘Tho logarithmic singularity precludes direct inter- polation near 2=0. The functions Ei(z)—In x and Ei(@)—In 2—y], however, are well- behaved and readily interpolable in’ this region, Either will do as an auxiliary function; the latter vrs in Tact salectod ast yields slightly higher accuracy when Ei(z) is recovered. ‘The function ="[Hi(@)—In 2—»] has been tabulated to nine decimals for the range 0<2<3. For $<2<2, Ei(z) is sufficiently well-behaved to admit direct tabulation, but for larger values of z, its expo- nential character predominates. A smoother and ‘more readily interpolable function for large 2 is ze~*Ei(z); this has been tabulated for 22) Fa(n,) (Coulomb wave function) Illustrations of the generation of functions from ‘their recurrence relations aro given in the pertinent, chapters. It is also shown that even in cases where the recurrence process is unstable, it may still be used when the starting values are known to sufficient accuracy. ‘Mention must also be made here of a refinement, due to J. C. P. Miller, which enables a recurrence process which is stable for decreasing n to be applied without any knowledge of starting values for large n. Miller’s algorithm, which is well- suited to automatic work, is described in 19.28, ‘Example 1. 8. Acknowledgments The production of this volume has been the result of the unrelenting efforts of many persons, all of whose contributions have been instrumental in accomplishing the task. ‘The Editor expresses his thanks to each and every one. "The Ad Hoe Advisory Committee individually and together were instrumental in establishing the basic tenets that served as e guide in the form: tion of the entire work. In particular, special thanks are due to Professor Philip M. Morse for his continuous encouragement and support, Professors J. Todd and A. Erdélyi, panel members of the Conferences on Tables and members of the ‘Advisory Committeo_have maintained an un- diminished interest, offered many suggestions and carefully read all the chapters. Trene A. Stegun has served effectively as associate editor, sharing in each stage of the planning of the volume, Without her untiring efforts, com- pletion would never have been possible. ‘Appreciation is expressed for the generous ‘cooperation of publishers and authors in granti permission for the use of their source material, Acknowledgments for tabular material taken wholly or in part from published works are given fon the first page of exch table. Myrtle R. Kelling- ton corresponded with authors end publishers to obtsin formal permission for including their material, maintained uniformity throughout the Dibliographie references and assisted in preparing the introductory material, Valuable assistance in the preparation, checkin and editing of the tabular material was receiv: from Ruth E. Capuano, Elizabeth F. Godefroy, David 8. Liepman, Kermit Nelson, Bertha H. ‘Walter and Ruth Zucker. Equally important hes been the untiring cooperation, assistance, and patience of the members of the NBS staff in handling the myriad of detail necessarily attending the’ publication of a volume of this magnitude. Especially appreciated have been the helpful discussions and services from the members of the Office of Techni- cal Information in the arees of editorial format, graphic art layout, printing detail, preprinting Teproduction needs, as well as attention to pro- motional detail and financial support, In addition, the clerical and typing staff of the Applied Mathe- matics Division merit commendation for their efficient and patient production of manuscript involving complicsted technical notation, ‘nally, the continued support of Dr. E. W. Cannon, chief of the Applied Mathematics Division, and the advice of Dr. FL, Alt, assistant chief, as’ well as of the many mathematicians in the Division, is gratefully acknowledged. ‘M. Amramowirs, 2. Physical Constants and Conversion Factors A.G. McNise! Contents Page ‘Table 2.1. Common Units and Conversion Factors 6 ‘Table 2.2. Names and Conversion Factors for Electric and Magnatio Vile sce ee et we 4G 6 ‘Table 2.3. Adjusted Values of Constants ere ee Table 2.4. Miscellaneous Conversion Factors. . . . 8 Table 2.5. Conversion Factors for Customary U.S. Units to Metric Units... 8 Table 2.6, Geodetic Constants . 8 "National Bureau of Standard, 2, Physical Constants and Conversion Factors ‘The tables in this chapter supply some of the more commonly needed physical constants and zonversion factors.* ‘The International System of Units (SI) established in 1960 by the General Conference of Weights and Measures under the Treaty of the Meter is based upon: the meter (m) for length, defined as 1650 763.73 wave-lengths in vacuum corresponding to the transition 2p.—Bds of krypton 86; the kilogram (kg) for mass, defined as the mass of the prototype kilogram at Sevres, France; the second (s) for time, defined as the duration of 9 192 631770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of cesium 133; the kelvin (K) for temperature, defined as 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic tem- perature of the triple point of water; the am- pere (A) for electric current, defined as the current which, if flowing in two infinitely long parallel wires in vacuo separated by one meter, would produce a force of 2 x 10" newtons per meter of length between the wires; and the candela (ed) for luminous intensity, defined as the luminous intensity of 1/600000 square meter of a perfect radiator at the temperature of freezing platinum. All other units of SI are derived from these meter as the unit for length and 1/1000 of the Kilogram as the unit for mass gives rise simi- larly to the cgs system, often used in physics and chemistry. SI, as it is ordinarily used in electromagne- tism, is a rationalized system, i.e., the electro- magnetic units of SI relate to the quantities appearing in the so-called rationalized electro- magnetic equations. Thus, the force per unit length between two current-carrying parallel wires of infinite length separated by unit dis- tance in vacuo is 2f = misi,/4r, where po has the value 47x 10“H/m. The force between two electric charges in vacuo is corresponding- ly given by f= q10-/4rat*, « having the value L/ue?, where ¢ is the speed of light in meters per second. («~8.854 x 10™F/m) Setting p. equal to unity and deleting 4 from the denominator in the first equation above defines the cgs-omu system. Setting equal to unity and deleting 47 from the de- nominator in the second equation correspond- ingly defines the egs-esu system. The cgs-emu and the egs-esu systems are most frequently used in the unrationalized forms. Table 2.1. Common Units and Conver Factors, CGS System and SI base units by assigning the value unity to the ; <1 cas proportionality constants in the defining equa- | _ Quantity | _Name Name _| Factor tions (official symbols for other SI units appear | ore, | penton (N)] dene ad in Tables 2.1 and 2.2). Taking 1/100 of the | Power | watt GW) 10: “Bee aho “Preface to Ninth Pratne” pag Hi and page. Table 2.2, Names and Conversion Factors for Electric and Magnetic Units st emu esa oxSI Quantity name name name factors Current ampere (A) | abampere | statampere ~3x 10" Charge coulomb (C)] abeoulom | stateoslomb ~ax 108 Potential volt (¥) | abvolt statvelt ~ (ia) x 104 Resistance ohm (2) | abokm fatale Inductance henry (H) | centimeter Capacitance farad (F) ‘centimeter Magnetising force Aum erated Magnetomotive force a zilbert Magnetic fax weber (Wh) | maxwell Magnetic fn density tesla (T) | gauss (G) Electric. displacement | Example: If the value assigned to a current 100 amperes its value in abamperes is 100 X 1 PHYSICAL CONSTANTS AND CONVERSION FACTORS: 7 ‘The values of constants given in Table 2.8 are based on an adjustment by Taylor, Parker, and Langenberg, Rey. Mod. Phys. 41, p.875 (1969). They are being considered for adoption by the Task Group on Fundamental Con- stants of the Coramittze on Data for Science and Technology, International Council of Scientific Unions. ‘The uncer- tainties given are standard errors estimated from the experimental data included in the adjustment. Where appli- cable, values are based on the unified scale of atomie masses in which the atomic mass unit (u) is defined as 1/12 of the mass of the atom of the #®C nuclide. Table 2.3. Adjusted Values of Constants Unit Uncen ——__Vat_ Constant. Symbol || Valo \inty |Systeme International) Centimeter- \-second “Te = stl) (ces) ‘Speed of light in vacuum mn 2.997 9250 | +10 |x10 m/s x10! cm/s Elementary charge = teniei? | 70 | io © 104° cmitgin + 430g280 | 2 | 1000 merges Avogndro constant oN, |eo221e9 | 40 [ici matt 30 mol ‘Atomic mase unit, cow | hwevest | in | 10a ig og Electron rest mass cece | My 9,109 558 54) 1049 kg 10 g 6.485 930, Bo et oo 104 ou Proton rest mass ...... My 672 614 1) 107 kg 10-4 g Lergse1) 830 a ie a Neutron rest mass cm. [kenge | at | 108" ig ion ¢ 1a0s.66s.20) 10 0a eu Faraday constant .......... iF 9,648 670 ‘54 | 10* = C/mol 108 cm*/4gi/Bmol-1* | 2s25e0 | 16 10M emgitgsimol t Planck constant in |ee26198 | 60 104 ergs x | xoscsor9 | 80 10a" ergs Fine structare constant fraerast | ios Ve 13703602 | 21 108 Charge to mass ratio for electron..| e/m, 1.758 802 8 54 10" em//gi/t * samo | 16 | to emigre t Quantum-charge ratio ... “ We ‘4.185 708 acy 10-7 emi/2gt/ag-a + } 18795234 | 46 1047 emi/agi/t t Compton wavelength of electron ..| re | 24268086 | 74 ios" em rote | sasisee | 12 101 em Compton wavelength of proton ..| tev | 18814409 | 90 tom em rev/te | 2300129" | 14 10% cm Rydberg constant ... Ra 1.097 87312) 11 10° em Bohr radius SoS | io em Electron radios Sr]h [aera | as 10" em Gyromagnetie ratio of proton | 2.675 196 5 82 | 108 10! rad+s1G-1* Yee [Aastra | tor ie sig Concorrected for dismagnetiom, {]y7 | neveizv0 | §2 | 10 radeetT2 | 10 radvetGre HO) a“ ~ _ vie 4.257 597 13 | 10° Ha/T 108) 1G" Bolirrmgosion Slim | aateoss | 6s | tote ee ion eggs ‘Nuclear magneton va] 5.050 951 50) 1047 Tt 10-" erg/G* Proton moment My 1.410 620 3. 99} 10- JT | 10% erg/G* foe —fanearee | a7 | 100. 10 Cepeoretd for daaention, 0) . w|sedim | 299709 | an) 0 - Gas constant Soja" |ssuse | as] toe Fimo Normal volume perfect GOR cranes] Fe 2.241 86 39 | 10-* mmol ‘em'/mol Boltzmann constant ........ kk 1.380 622. 59 | 10 VK erg/K Firat radiation constant (Bris) —-/q | aoa@era | 88 | 10% Jem cre-cm Second radiation constant sa] Oo 1.438 833. 61 | 10% mK om: K Stefan-Boltsmann constant |e Seee: | 96) tot WemK+ ere emtet Gravitational constant Gg 6.6732 $1) 10-7 Nemt/kgt dyn-em*/g? ‘Based on 1 std. dev; applies to last digits in preceding eolamn, “Blectromagnetic system. ‘+Blectrostatie system. 8 PHYSICAL CONSTANTS AND CONVERSION FACTOKS ‘Table 2.4. Miscellaneous Conversion Factors Standard gravity, go Standard atmospheric pressure, Py 1 thermodynamic calorie,* cal, 1 IT calorie, cal, 1 liter, 1 1 angstrom unit, A 1 bar 1 gal astronomical unit, AU light year 1 parsec .806 65 meters per second per second® = 1.013 25 x 10° newtons per square meter* 1.013 25 X 10* dynes per square centimeter* .1840 joules* .1868 joules* = 10" cubic meter* 10° meter* (0° newtons per square meter* (0° dynes per square centimeter* = 10* meter per second per second* 1 centimeter per second per second* 496 X 10% meters 9.46 X 10" meters = 8.08 x 10" meters 3.26 light years 1 curie, the quantity of radioactive material undergoing 3.7 X 10" disintegrations per second*. 1 roentgen, the exposure of x- or gamma radiation which produces together with its secondaries 2.082 x 10° electron-ion pairs in 0.001 293 gram of air. ‘The index of refraction of the atmosphere for radio waves of frequency less than 8 x 10° Hz is given by (n — 1)10* = (77.6/) (p + 4810e/t), where is the refractive index; t, temperature in kelvins; p, total pressure in millibars; e, water vapor partial pressure in millibars. Factors for converting the customary United States units to units of the metric system are given in Table 2.5. Table 2.5. Factors for Converting Customary U.S. Units to SI Units Geodetic constants for the international (Hayford) spheroid are given in Table 2.6. ‘The gravity values are on the basis of the re- vised Potsdam value. They are about 14 parts per million smaller than previous values. They are calculated for the surface of the geoid by 1 yard 0.9144 meter* the international formula. 1 foot 0.3048 meter* 1 inch 0.025 4 meter* Table 2.6. Geodetic Constants 1 statute mile 1.609.344 meters* ; b = 6 856 912 m 1 nautical mile (inter- 1852 meters* national) cane | | SR T pound (avdp.) 045859287 Kilogram™ Tongitude | latitude 1 02. (avdp.) 0.028 349 52 kilogram Meters tora alae 1 pound force 4,448 22 newtons oe | 1855398 | 1842.925 | 9.780350 1 slug 14.598 9 kilograms 15 1.792.580 | 1844170 | 9.783800 1 poundal 0,188 255 newtons 380 1608.174 | 1847.580 | 9.793 238 1 foot pound 1,855 82 joules 45 1814.175 | 1852256 | 9.806 154 ‘Temperature 82+ (9/5) Celsius 60 980.047 | 1856.951 | 9.819099 (Fahrenheit) temperature* % 41.725 | 1860401 | 9.828 598 1 British thermal unit? 1055 joules 30 0 1861.666 | 9.882072 2 Used principally by chemists. + Used principally by engineers. + Various definitions are given for the British thermal unit. ‘This represents a rounded mean value differing from none of the more important definitions by more than 3 in 10. * Exact value, 3. Elementary Analytical Methods Minton Apramowrrz Contents Page Elementary Analytical Methods. ........... wis 10 3.1. Binomial Theorem and Binomial Coeficients; Arithmetic and Geometric Progressions; Arithmetic, Geometric, Harmonie and Generalized Means... . - 10 3.2 Inequalities. ©... 2 ee Sintes 0 3.3. Rules for Differentiation end Integration : ou 3.4, Limits, Maxima and Minima. 2... 2.2... : 2B 3.5. Absolute and Relative Errors... . 4 3.6. Infinite Series... ee 4 3.1. Complex Numbers and Functions |). | 16 3.8. Algebraic Equations... . = : 3.9, Successive Approximation Methods... . . wees dit 3.10. Theorems on Continued Fractions . . tee 19 Numerical Methods «0... 0. eee eee ae. 2 341. Use and Extension of the Tables ......... 19 3.12. Computing Techniques... 2.2... 19 References. 2 ee Hea deems TENE Os 23 Table 3.1. Powers and Roots . . . eee m mt, k=1(1)10, 24, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5 n=2(1)999, Exact or 108 ‘The author acknowledges the assistance of Peter J. O'Hara and Kermit C. Nelson in the preparation and checking of the table of powers and roots. + National Bureau of Standards. (Deceased.) 3.1. Binomial Theorem and Binomial Coeffi- cients; Arithmetic and Geometric Progres- sions; Arithmetic, Geometric, Harmonic and Generalized Means Binomial Theorem, 3. @+r=a4(t) o4()) oe ors Binomial Coefficients (see chapter 24) +o (n a positive integer) - (a sa (0 1)... (@-kH) nl Ht Chm oe) sua (PGCE) ns GC ss (HCE He sa 1-H tee ‘Table of Binomial Coefficients (7) Ne 2|2|4{5]6]7]s|o]s|u| 2 —\ . Elementary Analytical Methods 3.19 Sum of Arithmetic rogrenion ton Terma a+(atd) +(at2d)+ ... +(a+(n—I)d) =nat }nln—1)=3 (td), last term in series=l=a+(n—1)d ‘Sum of Geometric Progression to n Terms 3.1.10 Sema-tartar+ ... -+ar M—r) (—10,k=1,2, .. Harmonic Mean of n Quantities /7 1,2,...)m) 3.1.4 m= a)" 3.1.15 M()=0(t<0, some a zer0) BL16 lim M()=max. — (@,02, B17 lim M(Q)=min. — (@,02,-- @q)—=min. a 3.1.18 lim (@=@ 3.1.19 M()=4 3.1.20 M(-)=H 3.2, Inequalities Relation Between Arithmetic, Geometric, Harmonic ‘and Generalized Means B21 A> G2 H, equality if and only if a4—¢ 3.2.2 min, aHq2> ... 24m BEBEhD ... Dd, 3) ab2(3 a) & ) ‘Wilder's Inequality for Sums 3.2.6 3.2.7 4 Ay hoa, p>, g>1 Its 7 p>, g>! 328 Slabls(Zylal*) “(Sy at) equality holds if and only if {6,|—clas} stant>0). If p=g=2 we get (c=con- Cauchy's Inequality 3.2.9 [ abs | <3 at 35 bf (equality for a—chs, constant). ‘Holder's Inequality for Integrals Wo Té=4-=1, p>, g>1 ptq i Prlg 3.2.10 feos [verree]”[ [ocra]™ equality holds if and only if |g(z)|=elftz)|-* (c=constent>0). It |=2 we get S Schwars's Inequality 3.211 [fseroene]'s f° verde f° cores Minkowska’s Inequality for Sums If p>1 and a, 6,>0 for all k, 3.212 (& tortbar)"s(Sat)"4+(H an)”, equality holds if and only if b:—cas (¢=con- stant>0) ‘Minkowski’s Inequality for Integrala Itp>l, 3.2.13 (f we@+ocree)'"<(f" reorras)” +(f neoirae)” equality holds if and only if g(2)=¢f(e) (-=con- stant>0). 3.31 332 333 J wan iet 334 (upp mBiuldecudelde 3.3.5 é et: ade 3.3.6 é wy=u (2 ES in +2) Letbniz’s Theorem for Differentiation of an Integral sat HS teow “ete da 2 jeader JO) EO) ge 12 ELEMENTARY ANALYTICAL METHODS, Leibnis’s Theorem for Differentiation of a Product 3.3.8 Sofas) aC ee 339 Sift 3300 aaa (Ht) Bea Integration by Parts frdrma0— f ota nifty f fis) Integrals of Rational Algebraic Functions 3.9.12 3.8.13 (Integration constants are omitted) (arb) an 7 3.3.14 foetiyrae (oe—1) det 3.3.18, Sa lax-+0) Integrals of Irrational Algebraic Funs ‘The following formulas are useful for evaluating . ate where P(2) is a polynomial and n>1 is aninteger. 3.3.16 dz (ae bate) | 1, Par b—(6t—dae)} 8817 oR aaa eas 3818 =7—2, @4ae=0) Taatb 3.3.9 ade de SaePeperas eet airs 3.3.20 ae let Wry eHae) fT] dete) saat ft ad arctan 3.3.22 Sie aap inlet +o] de ba 3.3.23 orem | 2 st fearapmis tn Haeray waaay as |e5| 3325 [emma -d(a+ bz) ee Si chip 800 [SOF Ga0,ac0 3.8.28 ea a llBdle+bayM*4 H(e+ae)"*|— (A>0) ee 33.29 Serstere—ae a en HEBT” — eeato<) 3.3.30 | aad —Be)>0) © dad=beyh* ey 3.3.31 Sie+b(o+aanee ab META a b0y(e4-da))"4 _(ad—be) (ad— be)? tmastaar Bid J [arb era 3.3.32 SLEED ej totem cerann (ad—be) f dz 2% J (ere) (ean 3.3.38 de bao -¥? In |2a?(a2?+bz-+c)"?-+-2az-+b| (a>0) au D 3.3.34 =o" axesinh Gee (@>0, dac>89) 3.3.35 In [Rar-+b|(e>0, bac) 3.3.36 = (-0)-™ aresin REED, (<0, b> dae, raz +01<(P—Aey) 3.3.1 © feet inde (aero 4ac—8* de “as @Teto 3.3.38 Sxetzyen dt Where (=I) Fee p bape) rupee here = 3.3.39 f ade ero ~ 1 ua. te ce pet bate GT hare sao fo rta let esol 33.4 Pe@soridam§ (tot) LF in fet (ta dr ssa fasta de ssa fxg de 3.344 f wey 345 [rz yiden§ (29145 aresin 2 dz____1,, |a+(a*—a)}} sate [gta ih | dz, Si ei)" +d) x(ad—be)s 1 “Tada [oretay A> 3.3.50 maaan [b(ca*+ teen er | 2b (be i (b(ca* +d) }—z(be—ad) (be>ad) 3.4, Limits, Maxima and Minima Indeterminate Forms (L’Hospital’s ule) 3.4.1 Let (2) and g(2) be differentiable on an interval a0. Points 2 for which #’(2,)=0 are called stationary points. 3.4.3. (2) Functions of Two Variables ‘The function f(z, y) has 8 maximum or minimum, for those values of (7, yo) for which ayfoady — d#ffdc* and for which diff dHfoady |< (@) f(@,y) hes a maximum it <0 and <0 at (oss () f(eyy) bas a minimum it 250 ana 2h Zo at Corn). 3.5. Absolute and Relative Errors (1) If 2 is en approximation to the true value of z, then 8.5:1 (a) the absolute error of 2 is Ar=25—2, 2—% is the correction to 2. 3.5.2 (0) the relative error of ty is be— “EE 3.5.8 (c) the percentage error is 100 times the relative error. 3.54 (2) The absolute error of the sum or difference of several numbers is at most equal to the sum of tho absolute errors of the individual numbers. 3.5.5 (3) If fit ty... Z») is a function of % % +. %- and the absolute error in 2% i: = n) is Ax, then the absolute error fi PE ant ZL ant .. 2 sn, 3.5.6 (4) The relative error of the product or quotient of several factors is at most equal to the 38.7 (5) If y=J(), the relative error sy=Y¥ = L@) Approximate Values TE |<<, In| <<, b<0, two real roots, q=0, two equal roots, 2<0, pair of complex conjugate roots. —bja, ae=ela Solution of Cabio Equations 3.8.2 Given 2+a2'+a2+a,=0, let Ly lapel 1 Om} 5 ahs rE (0,84) If ¢-+r2>0, one real root and a pair of complex conjugate roots, ¢+r=0, all roots real and at least two are equal, ¢+r°<0, all roots real (irreducible case), Let (rte, a= [r— (C+ then a= (t8): Solution of Quartie Equations 3.8.3 Given o-a2+a92*-+0,2-+09= real root 1, of the cubic equation a —ag+ (a,a4—4aa)s— (0+ ot} —$.t) and determine the four roots of the quartic as solutions of the two quadratic equations of Gem-s) 910) ]~ 1s ELEMENTARY ANALYTICAL METHODS If all roots of the eubic equation are real, use the valuc of wt, which gives real coefficients in the “quadratie oquation and select signs so that if Phat tant taetae= (e+peta) et tpeta), then Prt Pr= Gs, Prt ht =r, Pde t Pai =i, T= Ao. If 2, & #1, 2 are the roots, Bed, Beeeyee= 4, Beds, H202= Uo. Successive Approximation Methods General Comments 3.9.1 Let r=2 be an approximation to z=£ where f(2)=0 and both x and are in the interval aSz0, then the process converges but not, necessarily monotoni- cally. (n=1,2, . Degree of Convergence of an Approximation Process 3.9.2 Let 2, 2%, . . . be an infinite sequence of approximations to a number & Then, if where A and k are independent of n, the sequence is said to have convergence of at most the éth degree (or order or index) tog If k=1 and ACI the convergence is linear; if k=2 the con- vergence is quadratic. Regula Falsi (False Position) 3.9.3 Given y=f(e) to find & such that s(@)=0, choose 7 and x such that fizs) and (x1) have opposite signs and compute fate for, fife Then continue with 2, and either of z or x for which f(z) or f(z) is of opposite sign to flr). Regula falsi is equivalent to inverse linear inter- polation Method of Iteration (Successive Substitution) 3.9.4 The iteration scheme 2.4—=F(2:) will converge to a zero of z= F(z) if Q) |F'@|<¢0 and f’(z), f(z) do not change sign in the interval (z, §), or (2) Oscillatory convergence, f(xalf'"(eo)<0 and "(@), (2) do not change sign in the interval @o, 21), %SESa. Newton's Method Applied to Real nth Roots 3.9.6 Given 2*=N, if 2 is an approximation =N"* then the sequence will converge quadratically to 2. Tama, ang (Zn) Gs) Aitken's 5-Process for Acceleration of Sequences Ifn=3, ney 3.9.7 If te, Zest, tes are three successive iterates in a: sequence converging with an error which is approximately in geometric progression, then (em ane)_ziteys—ah ete Bay az, Mya 2ryr tease is an improved estimate of z. In fact, if zy—2-+* O(a*) then =2+O(A*), [N<1. ELEMENTARY ANALYTICAL METHODS 19 3.10. Theorems on Continued Fractions Definitions 3.10.1 a (1) Let Satta ba If the number of terms is finite, f is called a terminating continued fraction. If the number of terms is infinite, f is called an infinite continued fraction and the terminating fraction oa STE eB is called the nth convergent of f. @) If lim 4 exists, the infinite continued frac- tion f is gaid to be convergent. If ae=1 and the bare integers there is always convergence. Theorems (1) If a and by are positive then fey Sin t>Sou @ A= An=by Anite By=b,ByrtOnBa-2 where A=1, Ao=be, B1=0, Bo=1. © fie ac) 8) AyByarAn-B, (8) For every n>0, dn ( ltbetbabst « fp id Lieu Cicaty OT eb cabs + tbabs ss be 11 1 1 ub ata aa aa” z 2 a staan * o+(-1) ‘Wig vt Lage _ ae , e+ Frovre 3.1. y=2". ai aneo,d 41, 2,5. Numerical Methods 3.11. Use and Extension of the Tables Example 1. Compute 2” and 2 for using Table 3.1. = (1.45071 4598-10") (4.20707 2333-10) 6.10326 1248-107 Maer (1.25184 9008-10™)#/29 =5.40388 2547.10" Example 2. Compute 2~*M for 2=9.19826. (9.19826)!"= (919.826/100)*"= (919.826)'/108 Linear interpolation (919.826)1"= 5.507144. By Newton's method for fourth roots with N=919.826, 1p_919.826 _. 5 FL tasty t306.007148) ]=5.s0714 345 Ropetition yields the same result. ‘Thus, in Table 3.1 gives '=5.50714 3845/10'= 1.74151 1796, x =zl/e— 18933 05683, 3.12. Computing Techniques Example 3. Solve the quadratic equation 18.22-+.056 given the coefficients as 18.2:t.1, See page 20 ELEMENTARY ANALYTICAL METHODS .056+.001. From 3.8.1 the solution is 2=H(18.24((18.2)*4(.058)}) =1(18.2+ (331.016!) =1(18.2+ 18.1939) = 18.1969, .003 ‘The smaller root may be obtained more accurately from . (058/18.1969=.0031 +.0001. Example 4. Compute (—3+.0076i)!, From 3.7.26, (—3+.0076i)'=u++iv where ‘Thus r=[(—3)*+-(.0076)*]!= (9.00005776)'=3.00000 9627 [some 9627— cay}. =| 2 1.73205 2196 a : “= 29 2L Ta205 2196) 00719 392026 We note thet the principal square root has been computed. Example 6. Solve the quartic equation 2*—2.37752 49222'+ 6.07350 574127 —11,17988 0232 +-9.05265 5259=0. Resolution Into Quadratic Factors GtpetadGttpa+a) by Inverse Interpolation: Starting with the trial value g=1 we compute Example 5. Solve the cubic equation 2’—18.12 —348=0. To use Newton's method we first form the table of f(z)=2*—18.12—34.8 2 fie 4-432 5 8 6 726 7 1815 We obtain by linear inverse interpolation: a5 0n(=3) BeBe A808. Using Newton’s method, j’(2)=82"—18.1 we get, a= ay—S(eo)/f" (a0) Repetition yields =5.00526 5097. Dividing Sle) by 2—5.00526 5097 gives 2*+5.00526 50972 +6.95267 869 the zeros of which are —2.50263 2549 +£.83036 800%. We seck that value of g for which y(q)=0 Inverse interpolation in y(q) gives y(q)=0 for g=2.003. Then, a] @ i pm | wlad 2003] 4520) —2850].172] .o11 2 and g= Inverse interpolation between 4 2.008 gives g=2.0041, and thus, oa oe 2.0081 | 4.51706 7840 | —2. 55259 257 007s 552 2 oog2 | 4 51684 2260 | —2. 55282 851 ‘00001 685 2 onda | 4.51651 e903 | —2 35308 447 —1 00075 263 Inverse interpolation gives gr 00420 2152, and we get finally, ® e p » via) 200420 2152 | 4 51683 7410 —2. 55288 358 | . 17530 8659 | —. 00000 0011 ELEMENTARY ANALYTICAL METHODS oo References Texts (a) R.A. Buckingham, Numerical methods (Pitman ‘Publishing Corp, New York, N-Y., 1957) [8.2] 7. Fort, Finite differences (Clarendon Press, Oxford, ‘England, 1948) [8.3] L. Fox, The use and constraction of mathematical tables, Mathematical Tables, vol. 1, National Physical Laboratory (Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, England, 1956). [8.4] G. H. Hardy, A course of pure mathematics, 9th ‘ed. (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, England, and The Macmillan Co., New York, N.¥., 1947). [8.5] D. R. Hartree, Numerical analysis (Clarendon ress, Oxford, England, 1952). (8.6) F. B. Hildebrand, Introduction to numerical analysis (McGraw-Hil Book Co,, Inc., New York, N-¥., 1956) [8.7] A. 8, Householder, Principles of numerical analysis (MoGraw-Hill Book Co., Ine., New York, N.Y., 1953) {8.6 L. V. Kantorowitesh and V. I. Krylow, Naherungs- methoden der Hoheren Analysis (VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin, Germany, 1956; tranelated from Russian, Moscow, U.S.S.R., 1952), [8.9] K. Knopp, Theory and application of infinite series (Blackie and Son, Ltd., London, England, 1951). [3.10] 2. Kopal, Numerieal analysis (Joka Wiley & Sona, Ine., New York, N.Y. 1958). [8.11] @. Kowalewald, Interpolation und gentherte Quad~ ‘att (B. G. Teubner, Leipuig, Germany, 1982). {8.12] K. §. Kunz, Numorieal analysis (MeGraw-Hill Book Co., Ine, New York, N.¥., 1957) (2.13) C. Lanczos, Applied analysis (Prentioe-Hall, Ine, Englewood Clifs, N.J., 1956). [3.14] 1. M. Longman, Note on a method for computing Infinite integrals of oscillatory functions, Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soe. 62, 764 (1058) 18.15] 8. E. Mikeladze, Numerical methods ‘of mathe- matioal anolysie (Russian) (Gos, Iadat. ‘Tehn.- Teor. Lit, Moseow, USS.R., 1953). [8.16] W. E. Milse, Numerical caloulus (Prineston Univ, Press, Princeton, N.J., 1949). [3.7] L. M. Milne-Thomson, The calculus of finite difer- ‘ences (Macmillan and Co,, Ltd., London, England, 1981) (2.18) H. Mineur, ‘Techniques de calcul numérique (Librairie Polytechnique Ch. Béranger, Paris, France, 1952) [8.19] National Physical Laboratory, Modern computing methods, Notes on Applied Scienoe No. 16 (Her Majesty's Stationery Offiee, London, England, 1957). [8.20] J. B. Rosser, Transformations to speed the con- vergence of series, J. Research NBS 46, 56-64 1951). [3.21] J. B. Searborough, Numerical mathematical anal- ysla, 3d ed. (The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 'd.; Oxford Univ. Press, London, England, 1986), [8.22] J.P. Steffensen, Interpolation (Chelsea Publishing Co, New York, N.¥., 1950), [8.23] H. 8. Wall, Analytic theory of continued fractions (D. Van’ Nostrand Co., Ine, New York, N.Y., 1948). [3.24] E. T, Whittaker and G. Robinson, The calculus of observations, 4th ed. (Blackie and Son, Ltd., London, England, 1944). [8.25] R. ZurmUhl, Praktisohe Mathematik (Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1953) Mathematical Tables and Colleotions of Formulas [8.26] E. P. Adams, Smithsonian mathematical formulae ‘and tables of elliptic functions, Sd reprint. (The ‘Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 1957). [3.271 L. J. Comrie, Barlow's isbles of squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots and reciprocals of all {integers up to 12,600 (Chemical Publishing Co., Inc., New York, N.Y., 1954) [8.28] H. B. Dwight, Tables of integrals and other mathe matical data, 3d ed. (The Macmillan Co,, New York, N-Y., 1987), 15.29] Gt, Britain HM. Nautical Almanse Office, Inter- polation and allied tables (Her Majesty's Sta- tionery OMlce, London, England, 1956). [330] B. 0. Peires, A short table of integrals, 4th ed (Ginn and Co,, Boston, Mase., 1956). [8.31] G. Schule, Formelsammlung zur praktischen Mathe- ‘matik (de Gruyter and Co., Berlin, Germany, 1945). 4, Elementary Transcendental Functions Logarithmic, Exponential, Circular and Hyperbolic Functions Rorm Zucner Contents Page Mathematical Properties . ap ee eines acuearey) BT 4.1, Logarithmic Function. 5... . . oT 4.2, Exponential Function... : Ba : 69 4.3. Circular Functions...) 2... ee errr: 44. Inverse Circular Functions) 221). - _ 79 4.5, Hyperbolic Functions... 6... ee +. 88 4.6, Inverse Hyperbolic Functions... . + 86 Numerical Methods... oe wa . 89 4.1, Use and Extension of the Tables 1... ere re) References . . . RGRAY SHR RE awe 93 Table 4.1. Common Logarithms (100<2<1350) . . + 9% logis 2, 2=100(1)1360, 10D Table 4.2, Natural Logarithms (0<2<2.1) ©... 2. 2 ee es 100 Inz, 2=0(.001)23, 16D Table 4.3. Radix Table of Natural Logarithms . . : eee In (+2), —In (1—2), 2=10-(L0-")10-™#, -m—=10(—1)1, 25D ‘Table 4.4 Exponential Function (0 <|z|<100) . . 6 @, £2=0(001)1, 18D, 2=0(.1)5, 15D (110, 12D, —2=0(.1)10, 20D £2=0(1)100, 198 ‘Table 4.5. Radix Table of the Exponential Function - 40 ee%, r= 100-10, n= 10(—1)1, 25D ‘Table 4.6. Circular Sines and Cosines for Radian Arguments (00, B#z>—axz) Limiting Valnce 4.1.30 Es a*Inz=0 (wconstant, @a>0) 4.131 lim z* In z=0 (aconstant, Ba>0) -y (Euler’s constant) ST721 50649... (eee chapters 1, 6 and 23) Tnequalitiee 4.1.33 Tee -1, 2#0) 4.1.34 2<-nd—9< 3 (elt+e 1 4.2.31 ey &<) 4282 0 7E<(l-e)<2 (@>-1) 42.38 2<(@—-D<=5 <1) 42:34 1e>e (e>—1) 4.2.38, e>itz, @>0, 20) 4236 e>(142)>e9 (0, 0 42.20 pee a azar et

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