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Separation and Purification Technology 33 (2003) 145 /162

Prediction of HETP for randomly packed towers operation:

integration of aqueous and non-aqueous mass transfer
characteristics into one consistent correlation
Simon Piché, Stéphane Lévesque, Bernard P.A. Grandjean, Faı̈çal Larachi *
Department of Chemical Engineering and CERPIC, Laval University, Laval, Que., Canada G1K 7P4

Received 1 October 2002; received in revised form 2 December 2002; accepted 9 December 2002


Height equivalent to a theoretical plate (HETP) calculations, essential for the design of randomly packed distillation
columns were extracted from the open literature to generate a working database including over 2350 measurements
(only total molar reflux data). The merging of mass transfer characteristics from non-aqueous and aqueous separation
experiments has instigated the generation of a consistent correlation predicting HETP. Based on results presented
elsewhere for absorption and stripping conditions (Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 41 (2002) 4911), a set of artificial neural
network (ANN) correlations for the gas /liquid interfacial area (aw) and the pure local mass transfer coefficients (kg,
g /G or L) was proposed with the following dimensionless structures: aw/aT /f (ReL, FrL, EoL, I , x , K ) and Shg /
f (Reg, Frg, Scg, x ). The gas /liquid interfacial area and the pure local mass transfer coefficients were extracted using a
reconciliation procedure which combined actually measured interfacial areas with pseudo-interfacial areas inferred
from the actually measured volumetric mass transfer coefficients (kLaw, KLaw, kGaw, KGaw */absorption and stripping)
and HETP (distillation). The neural network weights of the two aw and kg correlations were adjusted using a least-
squared composite criterion simultaneously over the six mass transfer parameters’ databases. The optimized set of
ANN correlations yielded an average absolute relative error (AARE) of 21.3% for the 2357 HETP measurements
available. Likewise, the measured interfacial area and volumetric mass transfer coefficients (3770 data) were correlated
with an AARE of approximately 26.5%, which undeniably proves the intimate correspondence of absorption and
distillation mass transfer characteristics in randomly packed towers. HETP predictions remain as well in accordance
with the physical evidence reported in the literature.
# 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Random packed bed; Distillation; Absorption; Stripping; HETP; Mass transfer; Neural network; Database

1. Introduction

Randomly packed bed technology intended for

non-aqueous mixtures separation has been the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: /1-418-656-3566; fax: 1-418-
656-5993. ground of intense research for the last 30 years
E-mail address: (F. Larachi). or so. Fundamentally, packed beds are used to
1383-5866/03/$ - see front matter # 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
146 S. Piché et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 33 (2003) 145 /162

average absolute relative error, AARE  aN
bed specific surface area (m 1)
N i1 j
yexp (i)  ypred (i)
yexp (i)
aw gas /liquid interfacial area (m 1)
CL, CG packing-specific constants for Billet and Schultes correlation ( /)
CPK packing-specific constant for Wagner et al. correlation (/)
Da a phase diffusion coefficient (m2 s 1)
DC column diameter (m)
dN packing nominal diameter (m)
dpv sphere diameter equivalent with particle volume, 6(1/o )aT1f1 (m)
EoL liquid phase Eotvös number
Fra a phase Froude number
g gravitational acceleration (m s2)
G gas mass flow rate (kg m 2 s 1)
G? gas molar flow rate (mol s1)
HETP height equivalent to a theoretical plate (m)
Hj hidden neurons
hT operating liquid holdup per bed volume
HTUOG gas-phase overall height of a transfer unit (m)
I modified relative stabilizing index
K bed characterizing number
ka a phase-film mass transfer coefficient (m s 1)
Ka overall a phase-side mass transfer coefficient (m s 1)
L liquid mass flow rate (kg m 2 s 1)
L? liquid molar flow rate (mol s 1)
m thermodynamic partition coefficient
Ma a phase molecular weight (g mol 1)
P pressure (Pa)
Q optimized cost function
Rea a phase Reynolds number
S normalized output variable
Sca a phase Schmidt number
ShOa overall a phase Sherwood number
Sha a phase-film Sherwood number
Sh  a a phase volumetric film Sherwood number, kaawaT2Da1
T temperature (K)
Ua a phase superficial velocity (m s 1)
Ui normalized input variables
xi molar fraction of specie i in liquid phase
z bed height coordinate (m)
Z bed height (m)
Greek letters
a interfacial area per bed specific surface area
x Lockhart /Martinelli parameter
o bed porosity
f particle sphericity
l stripping factor
S. Piché et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 33 (2003) 145 /162 147

ma a phase viscosity (kg m 1 s 1)

ra a phase density (kg m 3)
standard deviation, s aN
packing critical
i1 ½ j
yexp (i)  ypred (i)
yexp (i) j
AARE (N 1)/
surface tension (N m 1)
sL surface tension (N m 1)
vi j , v j neural network fitting parameters
g gas or liquid
G gas
L liquid
vol volatile compound
int interface
promote gas /liquid contacting which can be drive in the gas and liquid films. Such variables
translated into higher inter-phase volumetric (aw, kG, kL) can be evaluated using previously
mass transfer and better column efficiency. It is published sets of correlations/models allowing
actually well-employed in many industrial opera- knowledge of the operating conditions (i.e. pres-
tions involving absorption and stripping processes. sure, liquid loading rate). On the other hand,
Modern random packings creating sufficiently involvement of thermodynamics consolidated into
high surface area and high throughput environ- the stripping factor (l/m G/L) remains rather
ments will often render this technology more peculiar since the gas /liquid equilibrium con-
attractive for distillation processes compared to stantly changes along the liquid flow path down-
tray columns, for example Ref. [2]. As a rule of stream of the column. This fact implicitly suggests
thumb, packed towers should be selected when a a steady change in the HETP as well. For
liquid mixture hosts inconvenient properties for simplification, equimolar composition of the bin-
tray columns (i.e. high stripping factor, high gas ary mixture is used as the main premise for the
density) [3]. Although structured packings are evaluation, or rather the approximation, of the
more convenient for distillation, their actual costs partition coefficient (m ) as well as the gas and
still prevent their proliferation over random pack- liquid physical properties (i.e. rG, mL, etc.). Un-
ings. Therefore, based on the current market fortunately, it renders the HETP approach more a
status, the progress of inquiring tools for the rule of thumb concept rather than an exact science.
assessment of distillation randomly packed towers
remains essential for the well-being of this tech- HETP  HTUOG
nology. l1
Performance analysis, scale-up and tower design  
ln(mG?=L?) UG U
revolves on the understanding of macroscopic  m L (1)
mG?=L?  1 kG aw kL aw
gas /liquid hydraulic behaviour as well as inter-
phase mass transfer and thermodynamic funda- Nevertheless, the procurement of separate cor-
mentals. The overall efficiency defined in terms of relations for aw, kG and kL emerging from the two-
height equivalent to a theoretical plate (HETP) film resistance concept is still accepted to be quite
adheres to the fudging of separate variables useful for extracting the areal effect from the inter-
emanating from those engineering fields (Eq. phase transfer effect in the volumetric mass
(1)). Gas /liquid interfacial area (aw), the most transfer coefficient (kgaw). In doing so, several
intriguing variable in distillation, depends entirely investigators attempted the split by proposing
on the gas /liquid flow behaviour across the solid correlations for the interfacial area (aw) and local
medium while the interface-sensitive mass transfer mass transfer coefficients (kL and kG) apart,
coefficients (kG, kL), also affected by the hydro- resulting thus in three structurally different corre-
dynamics, remains bound to molecular diffusivity lations, eventually estimating not only overall
Table 1
Summary of important correlations predicting the HETP

Onda et al. [4]a

S. Piché et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 33 (2003) 145 /162

r U 2=3 mL 1=2 rL 1=3 r U 7=10 mG 1=3 DG
kL 0:0051 L L (aT dN )4=10 (2) kG 2 G G (3)
aw mL rL DL mL g aT mG rG DG aT dN2
aw s rL UL 1=10 aT UL2 1=20 rL UL2 2=10
1exp 1:45 C (4)
aT sL aT mL g aT sL
Bravo and Fair [5]a
aw s0:5 mL UL 0:392 rG UG 0:392 kG, kL are computed from the Onda et al. correlation (Eqs. (2) and
6:249 L (5)
aT Z0:4 sL aT mG (3))
Billet and Schultes [6]a
r g 1=6 aT DL 1=2 UL 1=3 aT DG rG UG 3=4 mG 1=3
kL CL L (6) kG CG (7)
mL 4o a (4o 2  4ohT )1=2 aT mG rG DG
aw 1=2 rL UL rL UL2 3=4 aT UL2 0:45 For absorption, desorption and distillation with dsL/dzE/0
1:5(4o) (8)
aT O aT mL aT sL g
j j
For distillation with dsL/dz B/0
aw a dsL (x  xint )
 w  12:4104 (9)
aT aT O dxvol aT DL mL
Wagner et al. [10]
Z0:5 p(o  hT )UG 0:5 hT DG ML rG G? 0:5 1  o  hT 0:66
HETPCPK 1 1 (10)
aT 4DG (o  hT )DL MG rL L? 1o
Norton Chemicals [2,12]
Atmospheric distillation (0.4 /4 atm) Restrictions
HEPTexp(C1 0:187lnsL 0:213lnmL ) (11) sL /4 /36 dynes/cm
C1 /1.13 (dN /25 mm), 1.35 (dN /38 mm), 1.65 (dN /50 mm) mL /0.08 /0.83 Cp
Pressure distillation ( /4 atm)
HEPTC2 0:213ln(ML ) (12) ML /22 /72 g/mol
i.e. C2 /1.49 (IMTP #40), 1.35 (IMTP #25), 1.65 (IMTP #50)
HETP are calculated with Eq. (1).
S. Piché et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 33 (2003) 145 /162 149

mass transfer coefficients (Kgaw) for absorption/ HETP using the Higbie’s penetration theory to
stripping separation but HETP as well [4 /6]. As a calculate the mass transfer rate (kL and kG) and
matter of fact, the first known three-equation considerations from the hydrodynamics model
structure from Onda et al. work [4] suggests (pressure drop, liquid hold-up) of Stichlmair et
similarities, allowing reasonable error, in the al. [11] to evaluate the interfacial area. The
mass transfer response for both aqueous and combination of those premises has led to the
non-aqueous separation processes although some explicit formulation of HETP expressed in Table
antagonistic arguments can be noted. Indeed, the 1.
Onda et al. correlations (Table 1), although Simplified HETP correlations have also been
developed on grounds of gas absorption, deso- developed as a loophole out of more complex
rption and vaporization experiments, remain gen- calculations. Understandingly, packed towers effi-
erally applicable for the prediction of HETP [7]. ciency is said to be mainly influenced by the size
Bravo and Fair [5] identifying a lack in Onda’s aw and shape of the packing rather than the fluids
equation proposed another empirical aw correla- physical properties. For a gross estimation of the
tion based on over 200 experiments while using HETP, several potential factors can be omitted.
Onda’s kL and kG equations to complete HETP Norton Chemicals correlations [2,12] which only
predictions (Table 1). Yet, some disagreements use packing size constants, liquid viscosity and
were noted by Yang and Chuang [3] as for the surface tension represent good examples (Table 1).
validity of this correlation which presupposed a In a previous work, a set of neural network
disputable effect of bed height (aw 8/Z0.4) and an correlations predicting the interfacial area (ANN-
increasing effect of surface tension (aw 8/s0.108
L ) on aw) and the pure local mass transfer coefficients
interfacial area, a relationship that is opposite to (ANN-kg, kg /kL or kG) was developed using a
the low wettability (sL /) low interfacial area (aw ¡/) comprehensive database (3770 measurements) of
expectation. gas /liquid interfacial area and volumetric mass
Recently, Billet and Schultes [6] proposed an- transfer coefficients (kgaw, Kgaw) retraced in the
other three-equation semi-empirical procedure open literature [1]. The database was exclusive to
(Table 1) which requires, besides the usual operat- absorption and stripping. The modeling approach
ing conditions, the theoretical liquid hold-up value was revolving around the use of a reconciliation
and also two packing-specific constants account- procedure which combines actually measured
ing for shape, material and size. It has been interfacial areas with pseudo-interfacial areas
successfully tested over a wide range of aqueous- intuited from the actually measured volumetric
type experiments [8]. Based on their own database mass transfer coefficients. Fig. 1a exposes the
reportedly spanning over 50 test system (aqueous various steps undertaken throughout the modeling
and non-aqueous) and 70 types of dumped and process which have resulted into the following
structured packings, the correlation yielded a artificial neural network (ANN) correlations
relative average deviation of 12% for absorption/ [Shg /f(Reg, Frg, Scg, x ) and aw/aT /f(ReL, FrL,
stripping experiments and 14% for rectification EoL, x, K )]. Having demonstrated good level of
systems [9]. Billet and Schultes set of equations precision and robustness in terms of phenomen-
was actually the first to explicitly link aqueous and ological consistency, this empirical modeling ap-
non-aqueous mass transfer characteristics alto- proach could easily be extended to HETP
gether while applying appropriate distinctions for prediction allowing appropriate discriminatory
distillation type experiments. The main distinction parameters for non-aqueous systems as adopted
resides on the Marangoni factor (dsL/dz) encoun- by Billet and Schultes with the Marangoni term.
tered for ever changing surface tension due to Furthermore, HETP modeling using a neural
varying liquid compositions along the liquid flow network approach has already been conducted
path (z ). The relevance of this concept in distilla- for trayed [13] and structured packing [14] distilla-
tion will be thoroughly discussed in a later section. tion columns confirming thus the potentiality of
Wagner et al. [10] also derived a model predicting this method for the present case in hand.
150 S. Piché et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 33 (2003) 145 /162

Fig. 1. Modeling organization charts for (a) the ANN-aIw and ANN-kIg correlations developed from absorption and stripping
experiments [1] (b) the actual ANN-aII II
w and ANN-kg correlations developed from absorption, stripping and distillation experiments.

2. Mass transfer correlation development L?) with standard binary mixtures (chlorobenzene/
ethylbenzene, ethylbenzene/styrene, benzene/tolu-
ene, methanol/ethanol, trans -decalin/cis -decalin,
2.1. Databases overview
ethanol/water, n-hexane/cyclohexane, n-hexane/
The cited literature pertaining to the absorption/ n-heptane, isopropanol/water, iso-octane/toluene,
stripping database was divulged in a previous toluene/methylcyclohexane, cyclohexanone/cyclo-
publication [1]. It regroups 325 measurements on hexanol, o -xylene/p -xylene, benzene/1,1-dichlor-
the interfacial area, 1100 measurements on the oethylene, trichloroethylene/n -heptane, n-
liquid-film coefficient (kLaw), 361 measurements heptane/toluene). The liquid physical properties
on the gas-film coefficient (kGaw), 1242 measure- were established on an equimolar composition
ments on the liquid-overall coefficient (KLaw) and basis. If information on the liquid physical proper-
742 measurements on the gas-overall coefficient ties were not explicitly given by the author, the
(KGaw). Table 2 (1st column) summarizes the following methods were employed to estimate the
breadth of operating variables characteristic to liquid density (weighted average), liquid viscosity
these five mass transfer characteristics. The dis- (Grunberg and Nissan method), surface tension
tillation database is constituted of 2357 HETP (Macleod /Sugden method) and liquid diffusion
measurements taken from 22 references spanning coefficient (Siddiqi/Lucas correlation) [35]. The
between 1960 and 2001 [7,10,15 /34]. All experi- resulting gas phase equilibrium composition was
ments were conducted at total molar reflux (G?/ also used as basis for the calculation of gas density
S. Piché et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 33 (2003) 145 /162 151

Table 2
Anatomy of the absorption/stripping and distillation databases

Absorption/stripping experiments (3770 data) Distillation experiments (2357 data)

flow rate range: 0.1 /0.5

Operating pressure, P [atm] 0.9 /13.6 0.026 /2.0

Operating temperature, T (K) 276 /316 258 /408
Liquid mass flow rate, L [kg m 2 s 1] 0.07 /76 0.1 /5.0
Gas mass flow rate, G [kg m 2 s 1] /0 /5.55
Packing nominal diameter, dN [mm] 6.0 /76.2 9.5 /88.9
Bed porosity, o [%] 40.0 /98.0 62.4 /98.7
Bed surface area, aT [m 1] 87 /764 62 /553
Tower diameter, DC [m] 0.04 /1.40 0.09 /1.22
Bed height, Z [m] 0.1 /5.9 0.8 /10.7
Liquid density, rL [kg m 3] 802 /1190 600 /969
Liquid viscosity, mL /103 [Pa s] 0.61 /26 0.23 /1.40
Surface tension, sL /102 [N m 1] 2.2 /7.7 1.1 /2.9
Marangoni effect, dsL/dxvol /102 [N m 1] 0 /1.0 /2.7
Liquid diffusion coefficient, DL /109 [m2 s 1] 0.1 /6.3 1.2 /6.2
Gas density, rG [kg m 3] 0.18 /16.1 0.12 /5.5
Gas viscosity, mG /105 [Pa s] 1.3 /2.1 0.2 /1.2
Gas diffusion coefficient, DG /105 [m2 s 1] 0.7 /8.4 0.2 /7.2
HETP [m] 0.09 /1.48
Interfacial area, aw [m2 m 3] 7 /244
Liquid-film coefficient, kLaw /103 [s 1] 0.81 /83
Gas-film coefficient, kGaw [s 1] 0.95 /15
Global liquid-side coefficient, KLaw /103 [s 1] 0.23 /82
Global gas-side coefficient, KGaw [s 1] 0.02 /23

(ideal gas law), gas viscosity (Wilke correlation), transfer dimensionless group is similar to the one
gas diffusion coefficient (Chapman /Enskog the- discussed in several past works [37 /39].
ory) and equilibrium constant (m ). Operating In a first step, the ANN-aIw and ANN-kIg
variables pertaining to the distillation database correlations developed for predicting mass transfer
are displayed in Table 2 (2nd column). Both coefficients in aqueous solutions [1] was tested
databases also exhibit results on 24 packing over the HETP database. It has demonstrated a
varieties, summarized in Table 3, spanning from fairly good sense of predictability (average abso-
classical packings (e.g. Pall ring) to modern high- lute relative error (AARE)/76%) allowing that it
porosity, low-pressure drop packings (e.g. IMTP was not specifically developed for non-aqueous
ring). liquid separation. At some extent, it also confirms
the compatibility of the chosen dimensionless
2.2. Artificial neural network optimisation numbers predicting mass transfer parameters for
procedure both aqueous and non-aqueous liquid separation.
Yet, modifications of the interfacial area correla-
A four-step procedure similar to the one advo- tion have to be made in order to take the
cated previously [1] was implemented to develop Marangoni factor into account. Accordingly, a
the ANN-aII II
w and ANN-kg correlations (Fig. 1b). customized relative stability index (I) (Eq. (13))
The general strategy surrounding the implementa- was added to the ANN-aw correlation architecture
tion of ANNs (NNFIT software [36]) and the (Table 4). It represents the ratio between the rate
identification of the Buckingham P dimensionless of surface tension change per molar fraction of the
input groups best correlated with the output mass most volatile component and the mixture surface
152 S. Piché et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 33 (2003) 145 /162

Table 3 calculated for all HETP and mass transfer coeffi-

Database summary of ANN-aII II
w and ANN-kg correlations cient measurements using the ANN-kIg correlation
effectiveness (in terms of AARE, %) relative to the packing (Fig. 1b). This in turn allowed the extraction of
pseudo-interfacial areas which were merged with
Packing type actually measured interfacial areas and used for
data # (aw/kgaw/Kgaw/HETP) aw kgaw Kgaw HETP the development of the new ANN-aw correlation
Raschig ring (1630/439) 21.7 23.9 33.1 26.5
(third step). Both ANN-aw and ANN-kg correla-
Pall ring (491/1225) 26.6 16.5 17.1 19.5 tions obtained up to this stage remain initiatory
Intalox saddle (347/79) 34.8 19.5 26.4 18.3 correlations requiring further optimization
Berl saddle (358/60) 19.8 33.7 47.7 42.9 through a refined tuning of their weights. A
Hiflow ring (167/198) 19.1 14.6 16.1 postulation is made that the inputs intervening in
IMTP ring (0/154) 20.0
Tellerette (143/0) 45.6 13.6
the initiatory ANN-aw and ANN-kg correlations
Cascade mini-ring (26/87) 19.8 15.2 still remain the best explicatory inputs after the
Nor-Pac (NSW) ring (86/14) 14.1 17.6 24.6 ANN weights have been tuned. This implicitly
Super Intalox saddle (96/0) 19.1 assumes that the initiatory ANNs accomplished
Hedgehog (95/0) 18.9 already a sufficient representational level of the
Jaeger Hackettes (18/67) 8.2 14.4
Sphere (68/0) 16.0 30.1
mass transfer parameters.
Jaeger Top-Pak (42/17) 26.1 31.0 22.4 The fourth step consisted in reconciling between
Nutter ring (22/36) 14.4 16.4 the six mass transfer characteristics. This was
Bundle ring (48/0) 10.0 accomplished through minimization of a cost
Spiral tile (18/28) 27.7 56.2 function Q (Eq. (14)) which includes the predic-
Oblique triangle (30/0) 28.9
VSP ring (0/24) 34.9
tion errors on the HETP, interfacial area and all
Hy-Pak ring (15/0) 25.2 four volumetric mass transfer coefficients. Simul-
Flat triangle (15/0) 104.0 taneous optimization of ANN-aw and ANN-kg
Glitsch 30Pmk ring (0/14) 17.5 weights (vi j,vj) was achieved using Powell’s algo-
Fleximax (0/10) 16.1 rithm [40] by minimization of:
Ralu ring (6/0) 52.3
Q (logaexp logacal )2
tension. The Marangoni effect (dsL/dxvol) was i1

evaluated using a simple finite difference method X

around xvol /0.5 (i.e. [sL(0.6)/sL(0.4)]/0.2). For  (logSh+G;exp logSh+G;cal )2
binary non-aqueous solutions, the index will be i1

either negative or positive depending on the liquids X

to be separated while aqueous solutions does not  (logSh+L;exp logSh+G;cal )2
create any Marangoni effect (I/0). i1

1 dsL 2
I (0:5) (13)  (logShO+ O+
G;exp logShG;cal )
sL (0:5) dxvol i1

It is conceived here that the ANN-kg correlation X

O+ 2
L;exp logShL;cal )
structure requires no adjustment for accurate
prediction of either kG or kL in aqueous and
non-aqueous conditions. Therefore, a decision was X
 (logHETPexp logHETPcal )2 (14)
made to use the ANN-kIg input/output structure as
the basis of further improvements. The ANN-kg
architecture and its general expression are given in For each iterative step during minimization, the
Table 5. It leads to the second modeling step where local volumetric mass transfer coefficients (kgaw)
pseudo-film mass transfer coefficients (kg) were were calculated by multiplying the predictions for
Table 4
ANN-aIIw normalized inputs, output, schematic diagram and optimized weights

S. Piché et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 33 (2003) 145 /162

Table 5
ANN-kII g normalized inputs, output, schematic diagram and optimized weights

S. Piché et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 33 (2003) 145 /162

S. Piché et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 33 (2003) 145 /162 155

Table 6
Statistical comparison between the Piché et al. [1] correlation (based on aqueous systems) and the new correlation (based on aqueous
and non-aqueous systems)

No. of data AARE (%) AARE s (%)

Piché et al. This work Piché et al. This work

HETP 2357 75.7 21.3 99.9 18.4

Interfacial area, aw 325 22.5 23.6 16.1 18.1
Liquid-film coefficient, kLaw 1100 22.5 22.1 19.0 19.4
Gas-film coefficient, kGaw 361 21.8 26.9 15.6 18.6
Global coefficients, KLaw and KGaw 1984 26.2 29.4 24.6 33.5
TOTAL 6127 44.1 24.5 51.6 23.5

aw and kg while comparing them with their which exhibit very different operating positions.
experimental counterparts. Using a similar pro- Added to the fact that HETP measurements are
cess, overall volumetric mass transfer coefficients only approximations from the real mass transfer
(Kgaw) were calculated and compared in conjunc- coefficients, it should be understood that predic-
tion with the two-film theory and knowledge of tion of volumetric mass transfer coefficients for
partition coefficient. HETP was calculated using absorption and stripping with the latter correla-
Eq. (1). Tables 4 and 5 contain the final optimized tion will be less effective. Nonetheless, homogene-
weights for ANN-aII II
w and ANN-kg , respectively. A ity of the optimized correlations (ANN-aII w , ANN-
‘downloadable’ simulator is also made available at kII
g ) for predicting mass transfer in both aqueous
the following web addresses: http://www.gch.ula- and non-aqueous environments remains well illu- or strated in Fig. 2. Interfacial area (Fig. 2b) and
chi. local coefficients (Fig. 2c) present good consis-
tency within the 9/2s scope (40% envelopes) while
HETP (Fig. 2a) and overall coefficients (Fig. 2d)
3. Performance analysis reported as KLaw values (KLaw /mKGaw) manifest
slightly more scatter which seems logical consider-
3.1. Statistical evaluation ing the fact that the inaccuracy comes from three
different sources: aw, kG and kL.
Statistical comparison between the Piché et al. The statistical performance on account of pack-
ANN correlations [1] developed from absorption ing elements (Table 3) exposes the ability of the
and stripping experiments and the new ANN-aII new set of equations to predict, generally success-
and ANN-kII fully, the HETP (4th column) over a wide range of
g correlations is summarized in Table
6. As mentioned previously, Piché et al. ANN packing physical properties. Needless to say,
correlations display rather imprecise results over exceptions will always take place in such empirical
the HETP measurements (AARE /76%) while correlation (i.e. Berl saddle, VSP ring) which in
keeping good track of the aw, kgaw and Kgaw this case does not create much of an issue since
experiments (AARE /9/23%). In contrast, the these packings involve a small fraction of the
new ANN correlations, while predicting good experimental database.
HETP (AARE /21%), also offer good results
over the aqueous-type experiments although it is 3.2. Influence of physical properties on predicting
not as accurate as the Piché et al. correlations HETP
(AARE /9/27%). Of course, this particular in-
congruity comes from the inherent difficulty of ANN correlations ability to provide good
modeling, in the same framework, two databases phenomenological representations over wide
156 S. Piché et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 33 (2003) 145 /162

Fig. 2. Parity plots of the ANN correlations (a */ANN-aII II II

w and ANN-kg coupled prediction on the HETP; b */ANN-aw prediction on
the interfacial area database; c */ANN-aII II II
w and ANN-kg coupled prediction on the film coefficients (kLaw, kGaw); c */ANN-aw and
ANN-kII g coupled prediction on the overall coefficients (K a
L w )). Dotted lines represent 9/ 40% envelopes.

ranges of operating conditions can be verified with values are: column diameter (0.5 m), bed height (3
the help of a sensitivity analysis on physical m) and liquid mass flow rate (5 kg m 2 s 1) with
properties. Several ANN-aII w, ANN-kIIL and total molar reflux. A summary of the following
II parametric study findings is presented in Table 7.
ANN-kG simulations combined into HETP that
were performed by ascribing different values for
one studied variable while the others holding
3.2.1. Operating conditions
constant, providing thus more insights on the
Simulations expressed in Fig. 3a adhere clearly
influence of operating variables on the HETP.
to the general behaviour of HETP against the
For this study, the corresponding physical proper-
liquid loading rate [41]. At very low flow rates (i.e.
ties of 1 in. metal Cascade mini-ring and equimo-
L B/0.5 kg m 2 s1, Fig. 3a), the packing remains
lar chlorobenzene/ethylbenzene mixture at partially wetted resulting into very low interfacial
atmospheric pressure were used for the simulations area and sky-high HETP. As the liquid load
(Figs. 3 /6) unless otherwise stated. Other default increases, the wetted packing fraction is progres-
S. Piché et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 33 (2003) 145 /162 157

Fig. 3. Simulations representing the effect of operating vari-

ables on HETP (a */effect of liquid mass flow rate; b */effect of
operating pressure). Loading and flooding capacities were
calculated from Billet and Schultes correlation [42].

sively enhanced until extensive wetting is achieved

(i.e. aw $/aT). A sharp decrease in the HETP is
observed in this region. It is believed that an
additional increase of the flow rate in the pre-
loading zone will continuously decrease the HETP
through enhanced liquid/vapour mixing until the
loading point is reached (see Fig. 3a, loading point
predicted by Billet and Schultes correlation [42]).
From this point on, the HETP reaches a plateau
all through the loading regime where maximum
separation efficiency is achieved. Packed towers
are usually designed in this region. This high-
efficiency plateau will end next to the flooding Fig. 4. Simulations representing the effect of important liquid
and gas physical properties on HETP (a */effect of gas density;
regime which is characterized by instability, en-
b */effect of gas and liquid diffusion coefficients; c */effect of
trainment and thus poor efficiency. It must be liquid viscosity).
158 S. Piché et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 33 (2003) 145 /162

Fig. 5. Simulations representing the effect of (a) packing type Fig. 6. Simulations representing the effect of (a) absolute
and (b) column diameter on HETP. surface tension and (b) surface tension gradient on HETP.

emphasized that the current scheme presented in interpret this tendency since the absolute value of
Fig. 3a can vary from case-to-case, especially in HETP is dependent on the physical properties
the pre-loading zone. Several reasons have been which in turn are dependent of the equilibrium
advanced going from liquid maldistribution to the temperature and pressure. It finally comes to a
varying liquid /vapour mixing intensity within the case-to-case analysis. However, it could be ex-
packed bed structure [2]. Still, the pre-wetted zone pected that a decrease of pressure which results in
(high HETP), loading zone (lowest HETP, best lower interfacial area [1] is one major reason for
performance) and flooding zone (increasing the high HETPs in the vacuum region. Under high
HETP) normally follow the characteristic scheme pressure conditions (P /1/5 atm), different trends
described above. can be observed for each flow regime. In the pre-
Under vacuum conditions, HETP significantly loading zone (i.e. L /1 kg m 2 s 1, Fig. 3b),
increases as the pressure decreases (Fig. 3b). This HETP seems to reach a minimum at some critical
trend is confirmed for every flow environment pressure where after it starts to slowly increase.
(pre-loading to flooding) even though the overall This observation was also confirmed by Yang and
consequence seems less important for low flow Chuang [3]. Yet, as the flooding point is ap-
inputs. Several explanations could be advanced to proached, a pressure increase neither improve
S. Piché et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 33 (2003) 145 /162 159

Table 7
Summary of the parametric study (variation of HETP with increment of the parameter)

L rG mL DL DG aT DC sL dsL/dz

Pre-loading regime ¡/ ¡/ ¡/ ¡/ ¡/- / / / ¡/ ¡/ ¡/ ¡/ ¡/ ¡/ ¡/ / / / / /- ¡/ ¡/

Loading regime ¡/- / ¡/
Flooding regime / / / ¡/

/ */slightly increases, / / */increases, / / / */largely increases, ¡/ */slightly decreases, ¡/ ¡/ */decreases, ¡/ ¡/ ¡/ */largely decreases.

nor it reduce mass transfer efficiency in the apparent at high vapour diffusion coefficients
column. Again a combination of several factors (empty circles). The fact that the vapour diffusion
could only explain this observation. It should at coefficient has more weight on the absolute HETP
least be suspected that for low gas/liquid flow in contrast to the liquid diffusion coefficient
rates (i.e. less interfacing gas and liquid fluxes) a implicitly suggests that the mass transfer resistance
substantial increase of the operating pressure will for distillation is concentrated in the vapour film.
not improve the interfacial area potentiality (aw / Liquid viscosity is also considered as a matter of
as P /) as it will rapidly reach a quasi-maximum high interest for distillation. Generally, the mass
while pure mass transfer coefficients will progres- transfer efficiency is hampered by high liquid
sively decline (kG ¡/ as P /), thus resulting into an viscosity which knowingly produces poor inter-
increasing HETP (kGaw ¡/ at high P ), see circle facial area (empty circles, Fig. 4c). Furthermore,
symbol in Fig. 3b. On the other hand, greater gas / the Stokes /Einstein dependence that usually pre-
liquid flow rates will improve the interfacial area vails between viscosity and diffusivity (see dotted
which should ultimately push back the critical line, Fig. 4c) suggest a further reduction of the
pressure where HETP starts to increase. overall efficiency (high HETP) for high viscosity
systems (empty triangles, Fig. 4c) [35]. Still, the
hydrodynamics effect of liquid viscosity is more
3.2.2. Physical properties
significant on the absolute HETP in contrast to the
The influence of vapour density which is closely
mass transfer resistance factor in the liquid film
related to the operating pressure is shown in Fig.
(see Fig. 4b, empty triangles). Other fluid proper-
4a. Two distinct simulation curves are sketched.
ties such as liquid density and vapour viscosity
The first one (empty circles) describes the pure
hydraulic influence of vapour density on HETP. only slightly influence the HETP and are not
Logically, an increase of vapour density results in represented here. Yang and Chuang [3] however
a sharp decrease on HETP due to increasing made the following observations: a) HETP very
interfacial area. Yet, an antagonistic factor where slightly decreases with liquid density, b) HETP
molecule gas diffusivity decreases with density (i.e. moderately increases with vapour viscosity.
DG ¡/ and kG ¡/ as mG /, see dotted line in Fig. 4a) It is widely recognized that packing properties
neutralizes the hydrodynamic improvement of plays a pre-dominant role in defining the HETP.
high vapour density on the overall efficiency. Most rule of thumbs analyses are based on the
This is well represented by the second simulation packing type and size [2]. Norton Chemical
curve (empty triangles) which combines variation simplified correlations are good examples (Table
of vapour density with appropriate values of 1). In this case, the lowest HETP (in the loading
vapour diffusion coefficient (Chapman /Enskog zone) directly depends of the packing nominal size
theory). Note that the right-side vertical axis in with some adjustments on account of liquid
Fig. 4a is oriented downwards. Regarding mole- viscosity and surface tension. Fig. 5a demonstrates
cular diffusivity, Fig. 4b illustrates how systems the validity of these assertions as 1 in. packings
maintaining high diffusion coefficients achieve (higher surface area) produce lower HETP than 3
better separation results. This state of affair is in. packings for example. In such a case, the final
160 S. Piché et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 33 (2003) 145 /162

decision on the choice of a packing (i.e. 1 in. CMR tends to break up thus reducing the interfacial
vs 1 in. Pall ring) resides on the hydrodynamic area. While agreeing with these terms, Xu et al.
efficiency (i.e. flooding capacity, pressure drop). [43] still considered that positive systems should
Column diameter plays a rather limited role on the reinforce the liquid film and increase the interfacial
tower’s efficiency. As shown in Fig. 5b, the HETP area, an aspect that was not taken into considera-
barely decreases for small columns (respectively tion by Billet and Schultes. Yet these explanations
higher effective packing surface area, aT ? /aT/4/ do not totally sit with the simulations expressed in
DC). Fig. 6b. This is especially the case for the pre-
loading zone.
3.2.3. Surface tension and the Marangoni effect A possible explanation could reside on the
The significance of the absolute surface tension combination of two antagonist sub-factors from
on the HETP, although contained in several
the Marangoni behaviour: (a) film stability effect
correlations remains minor for the normal area
and (b) film recession/spread effect. The latter
of operation (i.e. loading regime). As shown in
notion rests on the fact that a reduction of surface
Fig. 6a, an increase of the surface tension causing
the liquid to contract itself only slightly reduces
the interfacial area (HETP / as sL /) at high liquid
flow rates. In this state of operation, trickling
liquid film conditions is quasi-inexistent which
obviously lessens the influence of surface tension.
On the other hand, the liquid film dependence on
such an interface-sensitive constituent is more
significant at lower flow rates (i.e. L /1
kg m 2 s 1, Fig. 6a). For this instance, the
simulated HETP increases by approximately 10
cm between 15 and 30 dynes cm 1 while it only
increases by 4/5 cm for the higher simulated flow
Surface tension is also known to vary from top
to bottom of the column due to the ever changing
mixture composition. This in turn induces a
Marangoni effect (dsL/dz) which is known to
influence the interfacial area [42,43]. Systems
with increasing surface tension along the liquid
flow path (i.e., downwards) are referred to as
positive systems (dsL/dz /0) whereas, for negative
systems, surface tension decreases (dsL/dz B/0)
liquid streamwise. With supporting test results,
Billet and Schultes [6] observed a reduction of the
interfacial area for negative systems whereas the
Marangoni effect becomes minor for neutral and
positive systems. These observations were trans-
posed into their interfacial area equation (see Eq.
(9) in Table 1). Equilibrium between the surface
tension gradient shear stress and liquid film shear
stress is their main reason to explain this beha- Fig. 7. Schematic diagram representing the possible influence
viour. If the surface tension decreases across the of Marangoni sub-factors (film stability and expansion effects)
flow path, the liquid film becomes unstable and on the interfacial area.
S. Piché et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 33 (2003) 145 /162 161

tension should result, at some extent, into spread would yet be recommended to use the previous
of the liquid film, and thus an increase of the ANN correlations published elsewhere [1] for
interfacial area. This being said, the liquid film stripping and absorption process design or analy-
spread is expected to be more influential at lower sis. It is more precise, more robust and does not
liquid flow rates, where the liquid film structure is include the obvious modeling pitfalls from mixing
pre-dominant. This is illustrated in Fig. 7 where precise aqueous mass transfer coefficients with
the relative consequence of the film spread effect approximate HETP values.
on interfacial area (aw / as dsL/dz ¡/ by film
spreading) is considered linear for simplification.
As for the film stability factor, it could be expected Acknowledgements
to follow a trend similar to the one alleged by
Billet and Schultes and Xu et al. Negative systems, Financial support from the Natural Sciences
being more prone to film instability, would exhibit and Engineering Research Council of Canada
decreasing interfacial areas (aw ¡/ as dsL/dz ¡/) at (NSERC) and the Fonds Québécois de la Re-
varying degree (Fig. 7). Here again, the film cherche sur la Nature et les Technologies is grate-
stability factor is expected to be lessened as the fully acknowledged. We also express our
liquid flow rate increases. The summation of both appreciation to André Normandin from Mésar-
Marangoni sub-factors presents different out- Environnair for helpful discussions and the tech-
comes depending of the flow regime. In the pre- nical literature he made available to us.
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