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Anah, Exalted be He, says:

"0)"''' who haw Iulieved, when you rise'" {pert".m )
wash your factJ and your jonarnu 10 Ihe dbows and wipe over
)'(IlIr /lead$ and wash ,..,UT feM III the ankles...

AI·M;l'idah: 6)

This states that performing ablution whenever rising to prayer

is obligatory, and tells us which Dcgan. should b<' washe<! and those which
should wiped during ablution, and spN:ifies what part of the m should he
washed or wiped. Then, the Prophet (P BUH ), through his sayings (nadir"s)
and has dearly the way ablution is to be performed.
Every Muslim should know that ablution has artain conditions, obligatory
acts, and practices of the S"mmh to be observed while performing it. Both
conditions and obligatory acts must be fulfilled as much as possible in order to

enSure the validity of ablution. As for the acts of the Sunnah related to ablution,
they are considered ry that guarantee the of
ablution . Observing these acts of the SIInna/, during ablution in creasel ones
reward, yet abandoning them does not affect the validity of ablution.

The Conditions of Ablution

There are eight condition, of ablution:
I-Being a Mui li m
2- Being men tally sound
3- Having discrlt ion
4- Having the intention of pcr(onni ng ablut ion
According to aforementioncd four conditions, ablution is invalid if
performed by a di,beli""cT, an a young child who
not diltinguish right ""d wrong), Or one who not have
the intention of .blutin" (upon performing it), such as Jl"rforming it as
a way of refreshment in a hot weather, or as a means of .:leaning on. ,
body organs or certain impurities or the
5- Usin g pure water: Water used for performing ablution must hi" pure,
SO impure water is inadequate for performing ablu1ion.
6- Using legally-obtained water: If the waler used for ablution i.
unlawfully acquired, Or taken by ablution will not be valid.
7- Being preceded by istinjll' or istijlll<lr(when necessary as previously
8- Removing what m ay prevent water from reaching skin of th e
ablution organs: That i." the one performing ablution ha, to remove
anything covering the organ. of ablulion, such as mud, dough, wax,
accumulated dirt , thick paint, ete ., in ordu to .lIow water to reach the
skin of the organ without hindrance.

The Obligatory Acts of Ablution

There are six obligatory acb, rdated to the organs of ablution:
I -Washing the w hole face: Washing the whole faee involves rinsing
the mouth and the nose with water. Accordingly, one's ablution is void
if one w.she$ One·, face wit hout rinsing 'both' the mouth and the nose
with This is because the mouth and tile
bclons to the face,
and Allah. Exalt..:! be He. say. (regarding ••. . Wa.h
Jam;, .•" AI ·Ma'id ah: 6) Thus, Al lah commands washing the
face du ri ng ablution. '" who.:ver dis regards wa,hing any pan
of the face is considered 10 be disobedi ent to the Command o f Allah .
Exalted bc He. lhe l'ropht1 (PB UH) used to hismoulh
and nose " ';Ih water " 'hile ablution .
2-Washing Ih e forur ms incl uding th e d bows: Allah, Exahed
be He, says • .... . A"d Y<'ur Iht cllo ........• (Q ur'iln: Al -
Ml'idah: 6). i, e. washing then' including the d bows, a5 the Prophtl
(PBUH) used 10 do according 10 alIaditlt narrated in this regard ', 11
i. also Slated in another b.adlrh that the Prophet (PBUH) ", .. wa,hed
his haMds (during "bl", II'M) "",il hr reach rd "pprr arms· ' This
indicates that the elbows are inclu dcd when washi ng the arms
during ablut ion.
3-Wiping o\'cr th e whole head : Wiping owr tl>c head incl udes the
en s. for Allah. Exalted be He. says. ... .. And wipe owr your /read. ...
(Quran: 6) Moreo-....,-. the Proph et (PBUH) said. " The tan
art ''''<lIed <IS par' ,,/rhe (Related by Ibn Mljah , Ad -Diraqul nl.
and other compil ers of J;imJirh)' Therefore, it is in , orre,t to abandon
wiping over the cars, for il is i nsumcient to wi pe ovcr OM part of the
head and another during ablut ion.
4-Wuhing the (eel induding t he ankles: During ablution. the fnt
must be washed includ ing the ankles. (or Allah, Exalt ed be He. says.
•....... nd IWlSh your /nl'o ,h, .. nkl......· (Qu ..l n : 6 ) Here.
the preposition 'to' means 'with' according to the b/ld;"" pointing out
how ablution is performed, and through whi.:h it is Slated that the
whole feet must I>e washed 'including' the ankles.
S-Sequence: Th e decrCi:d sequence has to be observed while pt'rforming
ablution. To d ari fy. onc with washing the face. followed by th e
hands.. then wipes over the head. and fina lly washes Ihe (n l. as dearly
shown in the verse; Allah. Euhed be He. says:
"0 you who h""", bdlewd, ... /re n}'Ou riH f" {perform/ •
..... sh your .. Md rour forearms fo fhe elbo,.,. ..nd wipe o,'er
your 1,£lUis and ",.. ,h you r fuf 10 fh t "nklts....
t I'Ul(lflCAnON

The Prophet (PBUH) used to follow Ihat order while performing

ablution, saying:
"This is an ablution without which Allah does not accept any pmyrr··
This is as rdated by AM! Dow(ld and other compilers of Jjadith.
6-Successio n: This means to wash the organs successively without any
interval between washing Iwo organs. the organs must be washed
successively wilhout pau,e. as much as possible.
Theseare the obligatory acts of ablulion that must fulfilled a,commanded
by Allah in His Ever-Glorious Rook, the Qur'an.
Scholars di"'gree concerning the ruling on lasmirah' upon starting
ablution; they differ whether it is an act of the Sunnah or an obligatory practice
of .blution. At any rate, according to a!! Muslim scholars, it is permissibl e to
start ablution with lasmiyah and it should not abandoned.
The reason - Allah knows best - behind specifying those four organs for
ablution (i.e. the face. hands, head, and the feet) may they are the
commonest bodily parts related to sins, ro their physical purification may be
an indication of spiritual purification (from the sin. committed by them).
The Prophet (PRUH) has stated that whenever a Muslim wash..-s one of these
organs (during ablution), the committed through it are remitted,
and that such fall and vanish with the now of the water used for
washing th.t organ, until the last drop of it. In addition, the Prophet (PBUH)
enjoined "'ring the Two Testifications of Faith following washing these organs
(i.e. following ablution) as a sign of combining both physical and spiritual
purity. The physical purity is achieved through washing those organs in the
way preS\:rit>ed i;.y Allah in His Ever·Glorious Book, the As for the
spiritual purity, it is achieved by the Two Testifications of Faith that
purify one from polytheism and disbetief.
In the last pan of the aforesaid verse related to ablution. Allah. Exalted be
He, says:
"... Allah don not intend 10 mau difficulty f" r you, I...t He
intmdJ to purify you and romp/de Hisfavor upon y"" that you
may gmt.,ful.H (Qur'ln: AI-MA'idah: 6)
Thu,. gentle reader, every Muslim has to know that Allah has dec...,ed
ablution in ordu to purify them from sins, and 10 com plete His favor upon
o,'pt<r 6: Ablmion

them. Likewise, if you con template the opening of the Same verse, «0 you who
haYe belie ved.•." you will find that it is a generous, gentle call through which
Allah, Glorified be He, addresses those who have faith, as they are the ones
who will listen 10, obey, ab ide byand benefit from what Allah says and enjoins_
That was ..... hy the Prophet (PBUH) said:
"No On" /reeps being in" s/ate of except ti,e believer....

The Acts of the Sunnah to Be O b se rve d during Ablution

Whatever acts done in add ition to the above· mentioned obligatory acts of
ablution an deemed desirable; he who observes them will be reward ed and
there will be no blame upon him who refrains from observing them. Hence,
s<:holars call such acts as the acts of the S"",,,rlah to be observed during ablution,
or the desirabk practices of ablution.
Those acts are.s follows:
1- Using siwdk (tooth·stick) durin g ablution: The virtues and the
way of using siwJk have been previously clarified. In particular, siwdk
is to be used while rinsing the mouth with water during ab lution,
in order 10 ensure the cleanness of the mouth and to be ready for
worshipping Allah. reciting His Ever·Glorious Book. Qur'an. and
invoking Him, Almighty and Ever·Majestic be He.
2· Startin g ablution with washing the hands three times, before
washing the face, as enjoined in various lJadiths. This is also because
the hands are the meanS Ihrough which One dips out water and washes
the other organs, so washing the hands is regarded as insurance and a
prerequisite for the purity of all t he other parts of ablution.
3- Start ing with rinsin g the mouth a nd the n ose before washing
the face. as stated in various /:1adiths. Wh en one 1.\ not in a state
of fasting, one should rinse them inside and out (making wat er
spr ead all through the mout h , and sniffing water when rinsing
the nose).
4- Inserting one's wet fingers into on e's (thick) beard. ensuring
that water reaches all its parts, and washing one's fingers and well,
especially between them.
S· Starting with the right organs before the left (as in washing the
hands and the feet).

6- Washin g the fact , hands and feel up to th ree times Instead of once.

Thus. we h ave tackled the conditions, the obligatory acts, an d the acts of
the Sunnnh to be observed d uring a blut ion. $0, you, gentle read er, should learn
thom. and keop observing them whenever you perform ablution to ensure the
legal ptrfectio n a nd va lidity of your ablutio n as well as the ",ware! for it.

We ask Allah to gran t us all more beneficial knowledge and gu ide uS to the
righ teous deeds.


I Ad . Dloraqulnt (268 ) ! t/86] and AI . Bayh_ql (256) ! 1/93].

2 Muslim (246).
) Abii DlwUd (134) [I/nl . AI·Tirmidhi (37) [1/531. Ibn MAj_b (444) 111262j.nd Ad-
D1raq ulnl (53) 1111081.
4 H," MIoj.ah (419) [1/250j. Abii Y. ' Lt (5598) and Ad . Dloraqulnl (257) 11/831.
5 r",mi)'<lh; S.ying "Bj'mm,u," (i .•. In Ih. N.m< of Allah).
6 Ah"",d (22429) 15/355J and Ibn Ml jah (278) [1/t781.

Way of Performing Ablution

Since you are now acquainted with the conditions, the obligatory acts,
and the acts of the S"",11l1r 10 be observro during ablution. then you ;rn,
aWflrt of the way ablution is performed. which is an application of
the loovc-menl ioned ruli ngs. PUI differently, the perfect way of performing
ablution is achieved by observing obligalary acts, and
of which arc derived from th e texts of Sharl'oh (Islamic Law).
So, every Muslim has to spare no effort in observing them once he kn ew
them, Allah willing.

The Way of Performing Ablution

1·lntention, To intend perfonning ablution for tne
aets of wt:>!'Ship for
which ablution is such as prayer and the like
l -Tasmiyah: To uy "8i$mill<lh" (Le. In the Name of All;lh)
3-To wash th e hand. th r« timet

4-To rinse the mouth three times and th en to rinse the nose three
times (by sniffing water and then blowing it out using the left hand)
5-To wash the face three times, from the upper part of the forehead
(the beginning of the normal hairline) to the lower parts of the
jaws lengthwise, and from one ear to the other widthwise (without
washing the ears, as they are treated as part of the head, not the face, as
previously mentioned). The beard. as well, must be washed; ifthe hair
of the beard is not thick, one has to wash it internally and externally.
But if it is thick. it has to be washed from the outside, and it is desirable
to insert We-! fingers washing it internally, as mentioned above.
6-Towash th e hands up totheelbows three times; each band isto be
washed from the parts of the fingers and nails to the beginning
of the upper arm. Moreover. one has to remon whatever sticks to the
hands or the fingernails (such as dough, mud or thick paint) before
washing them, so as to allow water to reach such parts.
7-To wipe over the whol e head only once, including the ears, with
wet hands (provid ed the water used for wiping over them is fresh one,
unlike that remaining from waihing hands). The proper way of wiping
over the head is to be by putting one's wet hands on the upper part of
the forehead and let them pass backwards till they reach ones nape,
then ,..,turn them forwards to the starting point. After that, one is to
iniert ones two wet forefingers in the holes of th e ea ... whil e wiping
over their outer parts with one·s two thumbs.
8-To wash the feet three times including the ankles. As for one
whose hand or foot is amputated. such one is to wash what i.left of the
arm or the feet. To clarify, if the arm i, amputated from the joint of the
elbow, one is to wash. the front part uflhe upper arm , and if the foot is
amputated from ankles, one i, to wash the tip of th e (amputated) leg:
Allah , Exalted be He,
"So feo.r Allo.h as much 0.. Jlou o.hl<' •• .
(Qur'an; At-TaghAbun; 16)

Similarly, the Proph et (PB UH) ,aid:

"If I command you 10 do something. thm do (of) it as much as you ca"."'
Accordingly, if a per,on wa,hes what i, left of an amputated limb. it
will be sufficient as onc tbus does what one can.
Ch.pter 7: w'Y of P" rform ing Ablu,;oll

9- After finishing performing ablution, in with the

above stated form, one may raise one', sight towards the heaven and
invoke Allah with some of the invocations of the Prophet (PIlUH) in
this regard, such as saying:
"/ tesrify that rilere is no deiry bur AloIIC, with no partner, alld
I testify Mub.ammad is Hi$ &rvanl and His Messenger. 0
me ammlg those wlro Me conwmtly and me
among those who purify themselves:'
Or Saying:
"Exalted are You, 0 "If praise !J., to YOlj . IINtify rhallhert is nO
deiry but You. I ask You for forgivelless alld turn to You in repelltallce:'
reason behind mentioning dhikr ' and invocation following
ablution is to rombine both physical and spiritual purity. for ablut ion
is a means of physical purity. whereas dl,ikrand invocatinn (implying
monotheism and are signs of spiritual purity. In this
way, one becomes in the most perfect state of purity (co mbining
both physical and spiritu.l purity), and becomes pure enough to be
admitted to stand before Allah (in praye r), imploring Him humbly
and submissively.
By the ...<ly, it is all right to dry ones organs with a towel or the like after
Every Muslim ha.! to know that abl ution should be performed p erfectly,
ensuring t hat water reaches all parts of the organ' washed during "blution,
without negligence. To illustrate, when the Prophet (PRUH) saw" man who
had left a spot on his foot, as small a.! a fingernail, unwashed (after ablution),
he (PBUH) said to him. "Go back and pe:rfonH Morrover, some
of the Pmphefs Companions reported that whell the Prophet (PBUH) a
man offer;ng prayer while there was on the back of his foot a small part equal
to the spac. of a dirham (an Arab coin) which was not washed, i.e. water did
not reach it, he (PRUH) commanded him to both ablution and
prayer '. In addition. the Prophet (PRU H ) said:
· Woe to tile h.e/5 (if 1I0t ",aliled during nblrJtion) from rhe Fire! ·r
This is because one might be so reltIC!ant concerning washing them that
one washe, them carelessly and water can hardly reach one·s ankles during
ablution and SOme spots remain un ...<lshed. which cames them to be tortu red
in the Hellfire. Furthermore. in the badilh related by AbO DlW{)d and other
compil ers of Hndith, the Prophet (PR UH) said:

"The prayerofanyofyou is nOI camplele u"til he performs ablution

perfectly, as AI/ah, E;o:alted be He, has ordered him, He should wash
J.i$faCt and hands up to the dlm",s, wipe over his head and (wash)
hisfeel up 10 lire aIrkles..: '
However, Muslims should know that the perfection of ablution is nO! to
a lot of but it means to let water reach all parts of organ b"ing
washed. In foct, mere over-use of watu is regarded as prohibitw wastefulness
of water. Also, one may pour water wastefully during ablution without
performing it perfectly; the perfection of ablution with little water is exactly
what is legally enjoined. 11 is stated in the Two that the Prophet (PBUH)
used to perform ablution wilh one "'udd' and 10 tnke a bath with one 1<1 up
to five mudds ".
The Prophet (PBUH) also forbad e wastefulness of water; once he (PBUH)
passed by Sa'd while the latter was performing ablution and said to him:
"Whyare you wasting all tl!is water?" Sa 'd Sijid, "Ts tllere wastefulness
even in performing ablulio,,?" The Prophet (PBUH) replied, "Ye.<,
even if you were performing it from a river of run"ing
1nisb.adill! was relatw by Ahmad .nd lbn MAjah, and supported by other
narrations". The Prophet (PBUH) also slated that there would b" .ome people
of the Muslim nation who would the limi lS in purification, i. e. who
would purify them.dve. exc"Ssiveiy, wastefully ond having unsubstantiated
doubt ".He (PBUH) also said:
"There is I! demon of IIblution mlled AI· Wa/Mn, so be on your
gUllrd ag!!i",! insinuation i" "blution:"
Excessiveness in pouring water, which is considered wastefulness, leads to
other illegal, detestabl e consequence" such as:
Incomplete purifi cati on: One may depend On using water in abundance
during ablution and so does not mah sure that water reacbes all parts
of the organs. Consequently. some spots may remain unwash ed whil .
one is unawue. Hence, one's ablution b,,:come. incomplete and thus
one perform' prayer without purification.
Excessiveness in wo rsbip: Ablution is an act of wOrllhip. and if any act
of wOrllhip is excessively performed, it become. void.
] , W.y of Performing Ablmion

In sinuation in purification: One may get insinuation and b<: doubtful

purification to excessiveness in using water
perfonning ablution.
In fact, the best way to the .foresaid is to follow in the
Prophet. footstep. and abide by hi. SUMMah, for the most evil of (religious)
matters are those newly innovated. May Allah guide us all to thO! which He
likes and to what pleases Him.
To sum up, you have, genlle reader. 10 b<: keen to ensure that your
ablution and all the other "cts of worship are legally and perfectly observed,
with neither nOr negligence. for both extremes are dispraised,
and is the best of all matters. Negligence in of wor,hip makes
them imperfect, and excessiveness makes them subject to religious innovations;
following the example of the Prophet (PBUH) and abiding by his Sunnah is the
optimum way to perform acts of worship with due perfection. 0 Allah, make
uS know what is right and guide uS to fo!low it, make uS know what is wrong
and guide us to avoid it, and do not make th ings obscu re for us, lest we may
go astray,


1 AI· BLlkhirl (7288) 11313081 and Mu.>Jim (6066) 18Ij()8).

2 At· Tirmidhl (55) I t 1771. M u,;im (552) 1211121. Aoo Dliwild (t 69) ! 1I89j, An_Na,I.'1
(J48) IJllOOjood Ibn Mlj.h (470) 1(1273).
3 Set Ibnu. · Suno\", '/trnal AI· ...rn "",'·IAy/oh, p.ll.
4 Dhi'r. Invocations irnplyin!\ ",rn<rnbr,m« of.oo rntntioning Albh.
S Mu,lim (575) 12/1261·
6 Abii D1"i1d (175) ! 1/921.
7 AI · BukMrl (165) {113>Oj, (60) .nd Mu, lim (572) 1211 25 1. (>69) 1211231.
8 AbLi D;\wild (85-8) I 1/3761. ( 11 JS) III S741. Ibn Ml jah (460) r1/268 1: .1",
At·Tim, idhl (302) {2/l0l].
9 Mudd: A standard m" • • ur< , h.t .quals 543 gram ..
10 Sol', A ".ndard m" 'ur< th.t <qu.t, 2t 72 gram •.
11 (201)) tlJ98j.nJ Mu,;im (735) 1212331.
12 Ahm. d (7062) )21291] and Ihn Mlj. h (425) )112 54)
13 Abmad (16778) 14/123 1 aod Aba (96) 111591.
14 At· Tirmidhl (57) 11184) and Ibn Mljah (421) r112521.


Wiping over the Khuffs'

Islam is a religion of easiness and simplicity, not difficulty and strictness;

it decrees suitable rulings for each case, which ensure fulfilling legal purposes
and duties with no difficulty.
This aFplies to the rulings on abll.ltion decreed by Allah. To illustrate,
somrlimes there is something covering the organs washed during ablution
which is hard 10 remove and maybe needed as a means of protectiOll, either
for th e feet (such as khufft and the like) , or for the head (such as turbans and
the liko). or for protecting wounds o r the lih (such as splints, bandages, etc. It
is permissible for the one performing ablution to just wipe over such
covorings instead of removing them and washing what is underneath. This
is the easiness made by Allah , Glorified and Exalted He, for His
rdkving them from difficulty and strictness,
As for the perm issibility of wiping over the khufft (and their likes. such as
socks) during ablution, instead of removing them and wa.\hing underneath, it

is in many mutawJtir,' ,ahih' badith. Ihat Ihe Prophet (PBUH) used 10

wipt: over them whether al home Or on a journey; he (PBUH) enjoined doing
the same,
A, regards the legal proofs of the pennissibility of wip ing over the khliffi;,
AI-Hasan said, "/ was told by sevenly of Ihe o,mpanions of AI/ahs Messe'lger
(PBUH) that he "sed /0 over his kllUffs (with his wel Ilonds during ablution)." '
Moreover, An-Nawilwl said, "J1,e pcrmis.<ibility of wiping over the khufft was
reporled by innumerable Companions." lmam Ahmad also said, "There is not
a shadow of doubt in my mind concern ing 1110 legality of wiping over Ihe khuffs,
as there are forty harlil/'S of 1/,. Prophet (PBUH) i"dicaring its permis.<ibiJity." '
In addition, Ibnul -Mubarak and others slated that there WaS
among the Companions concerning the permissibility of wiping ov.. the
khuffs during ablution', Likewise, Ihnul-Mundhir and others reported the
scholars' COnSensus on the pt:rmis.<ibility of such an act during ablution ' , In
addition, the Adherents of the Sunnah and Muslim Community unanimously
agree on its permissibility, unlike those innovators in religion who do not
deem it pt:nnissibk

Wiping over the Khuffs during Ablution

This act is permitted and observing it is beller than taking offthe khuffs and
washing the feet, as the former is a sign of making use of the legal permission
made by Allah, Almighly Ever·Majestic be He, following th e example
of the Prophet (PBUH), and contradicting the religious innovators. Wiping
over the khuffs is a spiritual removal of the impurities undnneath, Also, the
Prophet (PBUH) never changed the condition of his feet to pt:rform ablution;
ifhe (PBUH) was wearing two klouffs, he used to wipe over them, and if not, he
used to wash his feet. Therefore, it is impermissible to put on klwffs just before
ablution in order to wipe over them while performing ablution.

The Duration of the Validity of Wiping over

the Khuffs without Taking Them off
It is permissible for a resident (i. •. not a trawler) 10 keep weari ng khuffs
and wipe OVeT th em during ablution for a period of one day and night. As
for a tTav.ler whose journey legally allow, shorTening prayer (i,e. when the
destination is far enough), Ihe period of permissibi lity is three days and night"
according to the bad/th related by lmlm Muslim, whkh states that the Prophet
(PBUH) specified three days (during which one can wipe over his khuffs) for
a tnlvdtr and one day and night fo.- a resident'. For both (the resident and
the tn"eler), th e period of permis,sibility (of wiping OVeT the khlllfs) starts
from the time of being in a state of ritual impurity (causcd by pas,sing urine,
stool or wind) after wearing the /chuffs, as ritual impu rity necessitates ablution
(for pn)'ef). Still, some scholars that Ihe du n 1ion begins from tne first
ablution afur be ing in a state of ritual iml'tlrity.

The Conditions of Wiping O\'e!' the Khuffs, the Socks, and the Like
I· To in I of ritual purity (i .e. a state of ablution) upon wearing
them , for it is Slated in th e Two Sall/hs' and other books of Jiadilh tha t
the Prophet (PRUH) said to the o nc who ""'nted to help him (ie. the
Prop""t) in taking his khuffs off to perform ablution:
"Ledw Ihem liS I hUll pl4llhem after for/arming ablulio" .. ..
It is also narntrd that ,safw;!.n lbn . As.s;\1said:
"We arr cOlH mandM (by Ihe Prophet) to wipt over Ihe k/uifft if ..... put
them on while being in a Slale of ritlla/ purity (j.e. after
Thus, it is quite obvioo$ that the rulin g is depe ndent On being in a
state of ritual purity when putting th e khuffs on, so if one is in a state
of rilual impurity when putting them on, it is in' perm i.ssible for onc
10 wipe over them.

2· The khuffs must be lawfully acquirrd, gottcn, and made. To clarify, if

they arr taun by f01"(( . or made of silk (for men), it is imIXrm issible
to wipe OYff them du ring ablution . In a word,a legal is not
to what is illegal.

3· The khuffi and their mwt completely cO\'er the feet up to the
ankles. One cannot wipe over unlfSS they are thick enoogh and
coveri ng the pamofthe fut which a", to be wuhed. Thus. are
too short to cover th e fett up to th e ankles. or arr not thick enough to
conceal underneath, it is imperm issible to wipe O'o·e, them.
Since it is permissible 10 wipe oVff lhe khufJi it is IXrmissible 10 wipe over
any fOOl covering.!. such as socks made of wool or s\"hlike mat eri.l. whi ch
a", thick enough to cover underneath. Th nt '" due to the fact thal th e Prophet
(PBUH ) wiped IUs ro.:ks and hi. shoes while performing ablution, as

lute<! in the badHh by Ahmad and other complleu of Hlldllh. and

i/lh.ib (autMnt k) by At·Tirm ldhl". Wiping 0Vff such things during
ablution is valid uMil the legal period of pnmission ends rq;ardJcss of the
frequency oftaking tMm off and puUi ng them on.
As regards the it is p"rmissibl e to wip" over it on two conditions.
The first is that the turban must be covering the area of the head which is
traditionally sec:ond condition is that the turban must be wnpped
round the jaw up to the head. onc or mo", than onc turn, (If 10 be with
a Mck is slMro in many blldil/ts by more than Imlmi
that t he Prophet (PBUH) wiped over his turban during ablutio n. To ill ustrate.
·Urn a. Ibnul· Khanlb (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
"Ht who is no/ pur/jird by wiping om- IM lurb/ln (i.e. does nOI
dum il sufficient for wiping uvrr Ihe helld). lhtn may Allah nOI
It Is worth mentioning th at it is permissible to wipe on r the khujJs and
turbans only in caKofpurification from the 51ateo( minor ritual impurity. but
not major ritual impurity (e.g.j<fndbah); onc has to take off 00<"5 khuffi and
turban and wash undcmeath in the laller case.
A s fo r splints. bandages. and the like, il is p"rmi ssible 10 wipe over them
during ablution (without ",mov ing them). is perm itt ed 10 wipe
plut(f$ that rovtr WOl,Lnds; all such coverings are permillcO to be wiped
provided they cover only the injured area or the necCSSMy p;arts which
nuclto be covered for tre.tmen!. However. if the splint, the bandage, or the
like, COVtrll than the inju red .ru the unneccs ... 'Y pariS
must be removed. In addition. it is p('rmis$ ib!e to wip(' over splints in both
Mala of ritual impurity (minor and major ritual impl,Lrity), an d Ihere is no
fiIrd period for tn. of wiping over them, In other words. il is
permlulbleto wifN' ovcrt he Spli nt until it is removed or tM broken !imbllcals.
In a nutshell, the permi ssibilily of wiping o,'er the splint dl,Lring pl,Lrificalion is
drpe ndtnt on the necessity of the
The proof of the perm issibility of wiping over the splint is the followi ng
h.adfth nar"lIed by Jibir (may Allah M pleased with him); he "'J'Orted:
"OIlel , we WtTe on a jo urney and one of UJ was /njurr:d in hi:!
htlld by a stont. Then man had <l wet dream, so he asked hil
companion:! saying. '1:1 it permiuiblt/or me to {!tT/arm layammutI!
Oupl<f 8: Wiplng KJn.jfo
(dry abltj/io" Willl dea " earth)?' ntty amwtred him sayi"g. 'We
d() nol 1« any Irgtll pumis$i()n for )'I'U <IS )'I'U a"., able /0 omleT:
So. the man had a ritual bolh ilfltT which he died , When we came
10 AI/aM (PH UHJ, 11" l<JId Il im aooul Ihis. He (PBUH)
said, 'n/ey killed him; may Allah kill/hem! Why did Illly m./ ask
...htn bling ignurant,f()r inquiry is Ihe tu".,for igrummcr? It omuld
havt bun sufficient fo r /,im to per/onn tay<lmmum (im lnul of
ablution) and 10 his wound ...ilh a piea of clolh owr IInd
thn 10 ,we. it (tile piece of cloth).'·
(Related by Abtl DAwo.d and lbn Mlja h, and laiJliJ (a uth en-
tic) by lbnus-Sakan)"

The Areas to Be Wiped over

Wiping is to be appli..:! to the upper part of th e kl,ujft or the socks. As for
the turban, most of it should be wiped over, tSp« ially its folds. Hown'er, the
$plint has 10 be wholly over.

The Way Wiping over the Khuffs is Performed

Wiping over the khu/Js (dur ing ablution ) Is to be by passing one's we, fingers
from one's toes towards on e's leg. The right fOOl is to be wiped over with Ih.
right hand, and via Also. one loould open OIleS fingers du ring wiping.
and soould nOl uptat wiping. May Allah gu ide us all to


I /Or.ujfs; Loath ... tods o.-.h.,.. or thtidik

! Mura"'<ll;r « ""lln uOOloly _" rrom) ha.!i/h i, • hmi/I/' by a 1. t'g<" 0(
n.,.,.,ton wh .... "8re<:"'011 t upoo telling. lie I, In.:onuh.. ble (lh i. <on (\i ,lon mu" ""
m<1 in I"" .. d> from I"" btginn ing 10 tl'" 00><1).
3 S<>hih {o"I""nl;,;) /lDdilh i•• /J<I,lirh "'''''''' <Nln of I.. nsmiss;oo ha. b«n I .. nsmin«l
by lruly pious penon • b«n !mown for the;. upright""" lII<I aactit...k,
.uch .Il->dilh is f.... from and bI.mltll.
4 Se. Ibnul·/>funJhl,'• .-1./·,1_1 11/430. -Illl. ... yIa· r. MI.I" A"IY)"h 1111621 .• rH!
A/· I"IJ", &!""""'id . Uno.!"r 11/6151.
S Stt .-I./-nl'" lIr!o"'<lm •U",d.:Il .-I./ •.-I../!k.!m 11/61 SI .
6 S« AI·A""", 1114).1)_

7 1bid
8 M..,.,Jim (6J7) [21 1671.
9 1he Two :;.,bih" Two Au'hentx: IlouU <>f Al·lll1kh l rl . nd Mudim.
10 AI·Buf.h.lrl (2()6) i1141}4] .nd Mur.lim (630) 1111
I1 Ab.maJ (l1lO1!) [4/HO].
n Ahmad (18167) I4/.WlJ. Ab<! I)lwild (1,9) IIIAS], At· Tirmidhl (9\1) 1111 67] a nd loo
Mijah (5)9) (1 /)4 1J.
Il AbQ DMId (l16)1 11I711; ... also AbO'! w...:.d (ID) Illm) onc! [bot MJph (S7l) [W11 J.

Things Nullifying Ablution

that you ha"" become 1"10"' aware ofhow ablution is what

;15 conditions are, and what its obligatory practices and acts nfthe Su"nah :oK,
you n.ud now 10 know what causes ablut ion to be null ified. In this way,)"Ou
will avoid performing an act of worship (such as pr.!)'ffJ while your ablution
is null, and so will be tht3C1 ofwor5hip performed in that stale. Every Muslim
should know that are things that nullify ablution and that it becomes
completely null if any of them is done; in this case, one has to re-perform
ablution to do any act of worship n«e... itating ablution.
TM thIngs nullifyinll ablution tany of whi.:h makes it invalid) are cerlain
malte" idmt ified by the lawgi""r' to be affecting Ihe validity or ablutio n.

The Things Nullifying Ablution are of Two Types

1- Dirert nulliliers: They are the mallers that cause th e nullification of
ablut ion direclly. such as urine. stool, 3nd whatever comes OUI of Ih e
anus Ihe sexual orpn,

2- Indirect nulli fiers: a", the matters that nullifotalion

of ablution indi",ctly. or makes validity of ablution suspicious.
Such mallers include unconsciousness or similar slates like sl""ping,
fainling. insanity. etc. The reason i< that if one is in a state of un con·
sciousness, one h«omes unable to fed what COmeS out of onll body
o r what o ne does. ThUs, doubt in such is as an adUll
nullifying (actor.

For more clarification, we can classify the things nullifying

ablution as foll ows:
I) Whatever comes out of the s\ool and urine exits, such as stool. wind.
urine. sptrrn. fluid. and unusual menstrual blood. Stool
and urine are among the dirl'<:t things nullifying ablution, according
to the "'ligiou! tnts .nd jurislic consensus. as w!u,n Allah. Exalted be'
He, revealed thecastS that obligate ablution He .said:
":.. Or olle ofyou from lite ploce of Iti/lllelf. ..
(Qur'in: 6)
As for <ptrrn and p""scminal flu id. they nllllify ablution according 10
the (authentic) in this regard. and the juristic
consenSU5 "'ported by Ibnul·Mundhir a nd others'.
As "'@:ardls ;sti/JII/llllt,' it nullifies ablution according to the /yuIilh
by El.lima h Hillt Abii liubaysh mentioning that she was

affiicted wilh ;sli/JlluIlIt, and when she asked the I>rophet (PBUH)
about ils ruling. he ( PHU H) said to her:
-Perform IIb[ulioll IIJ(n (rou ellll) offer pmJ"r.for il is (dut only

Thi. iladilir wu by Abil mwild and Ad. D1roqu!nJ,' who said

that all the t ... Ilsmiltcrs of lhat truslwor1hy.

Liktwise. wind nullifies abl ut ion according to lIlwIJ

(authentic ) b.tu/illts nanated in thiJ regard . ., well as the ju rist ic
collsensu'. Fm example, Prophet (PIIUm said:
will "OII1C£'pl Ihe proye' of anyone of ro"
if he pasus u,ine,
sloul or breaks wi",/ u"lillie perfom" ab/ldiQII:
AiSQ, (PBUH ) u id rtgard ing 0""" ,,,,certai nly one had
brokn wind or not:
"One ,hould not proyer (to re·perform unless one hears
round (ofbreaki,rg wind) or smells wmething." '
AJ for what COnK$ OUt of one's body other than urine. slool, and the
aforesaid secretions, such as blood, vomit, nrunlttd and the 11".
scholars disagr« whdheT such things nullify ablution or nol. Yet, the
prq><mw,rant opinion i$ that it does not nulli fy ablution. However, if
ont ablution in ' his case 10 avoid such a ;uri"ic disagrtt·
menl. it will be. better.
2)Among the things nullifying ablut ion is mental unconsciousness eith er
due 10 insanity or due to sleeping, fainting and th e lih. Thus, the
ablution of one in SlIth. Slate i. d...,mnI lIull. a.s tllere is suspicion in
this case that something hucome oul of one's body (such as a drop of
urine, wind, or the liu) whik is Unaw;ll"C. Still, dOling is rrgardrd
as an exuptional case (Le. it does nOl null ify ablu tion) as the Prophefs
Compilflion.s (may Allah bf pkMcl with thtm) used 10 whik
waiting for III the mO$<jue ' . In a word, only d«p sleeping Cau ses
the nullification of ablut io n acco rding to the ample legal proofs.
J} Eating meat of camels, liUle or much, is al,o One of the things nullifyi ng
ablution, accordin g to the up/i( it (authentic) had/rh of Allah's
Mrsscnger (PBUH) in th is regard ' . Im'm Ahma-d (may Allah
mercy on him) said thattherc arc fWOtab.ih (authentic) hadilhs o.scribed
to Allah', (PBU H) in this connection. Still, eating any lawful
mut other than that of nme4don nol nuse ablution to be null.
The,.., aT< some other issueson wh ich s.cholars dis,agree wh ether they nulli fy
ablution or not, such as touch ing one's penis, touchi ng a woman lustfully,
washing the body of a deceased person, and apostasy. Some s.cholars view that
uch of the above-menlion<Cd matters nuSfi the nullifICation of ablution. while
other, maintain that it does not . The ;$.Sue is sti ll controversial and subje<:tto
analogical deduClion, ablution in such ca$eS SO as to avoid
that juristic disagre<:menl will be helter.
There is <till an important i'fue in th is regard should be clarified,
namely the case when onc is certain about the validity of one's ablution, then
onc suspects that any of th e things nullifying ablution has taken place; what

should one do in Ihis case? It is slated thal the Prophel (PBUH), in Ihe l1adith
related by [mam Muslim on the :!ulhority of Abii Hurayrah {may Allah be
pleased with him),.aid,
•IfaMy One ofyou feds anyf1 mule nee ( while being in a state ofablut;o n)
and;s doubtful whether anytlting (like wind) has jSjuedfrom him or
not, he should notleavt the mosque (to re-perform ablution) unless
he hears a sound (of breaking wind) or pe"cives a smell:'
This honorabie hadith, as well as similar ones that state the same
meaning, indicates that if one who is certain about one', purity th en
doubts it, one should deem one,df pure (despite one's suspicion) and act
accordingly. ThL, is because Ihe original ruling is Ihal one is slili in a Slale
of purity, as purity is cerlain in I his cas e, and the null ification of ablUlion
here is based on mere suspicio n. Thus, certainty i, nOI to be: eliminaled
because of suspicion. This is. in faCI, a greal generic ruling 10 be applied in
all cases; namdy, Ihe original ruling is to remain applicable until otherwise
is verified. By comrast. if one is certain about the nullificat ion of one',
ablution and suspects its validity, one has to re. perform ablution, .. the
original cose here is one's minor r itu al impurity. which is not abrogat ed
due to mere suspicion.
OMuslim read er, you should keep yourself pure and verify your ablution
whenever you stand for prayer. and Care for the validity of your ablution as
much as you can, for prayer without valid abl ution is invalid. You should
also beware of i ,,,inuation and Satan's whispers thal cause you to doubt th e
validily of your ablution, making you in a state of doubt and confusion.
Therefore, you should seek refuge with Allah from the evil s and pay his
insi nuations no al1entinn. Moreover, you should ask Ihe people of ju rist j,
knowledge about whatever confuses you of the issues of purification and
purity, in order to about your purity_ You shoutd .. Iso care for
the purity of your clothes So as to verify the validity of your prayer and
the perfection of the acts of worship you perform, fo r Allah , G lorified and
Exa lted be He, say"
";., Indeed, Allah love. Iho.e who con.tantly 'opentant and
IOW'J thou who purify (Qur'an: AI -Baqarah: 222)
May Allah guide us all 10 useful knowledge and righleous deeds.
Ch.ap«r 9: Thin!,;' Nullifying Abl"tion


I lhe Lawg ... , of (hlamk Law) i. Allah, F...IIM be He: In. torm u n . 1", «fe,
to In. Propbel (PBUH) •• h. n.,.r ordained but what was ,.,..,.IM 10 him by Allah,
2 S« ,1.1,,1."""1 [11134[,
3 hlillJdah: Vogin. 1bluJing oth.r Iban ,,,en.,ru.tion.
Abir D1wild (186) [ 111431, An ·N.d'l (J.60) [11203 ] and Ad·m. .. qujn; (778) [11213].
s AI- l\u kMrl (137) [11312 ] a nd Mu,lim (W2) [21272].
6 Mudim (833) [2/2%]
7 MUllim (SOO) [ lI27Ij; al", Ahm.d (18495) [-11190[, AM Dolwild (184) [11961, AI-
Tirmidh! (81) 111122] .nd Ibn M1jah (494) [1 12831·
8 Mu,lim (803) 12/2721.

Ritual Bathing

You b«n introdU«d 10 the rulings on ablution. whkh is a

means of purification from mioor ritual impurity (OIUKt! by passing wind,
acnmenl a r urind, and tile things Ilullifying it. So, t he focus is now givr"
10 highlighting the rulings on purification from major ritual impurity, be it
menstruation. ()r postnatal bluding. This kind of purificatio n is
ca ll ed ritual bathing, during which one wash es onc:' whole body in a specific
way on which we will elaborate on below. The legal proof that ritual bathing is
obliptory in such cases is that Allah. wl!ed be He. Py':
w• •• And if you ,n" ;11 .. ""Ie Df jantJbah, Ih,,, purify yourwlvn ...
Al ·M:I.'idah: 6 )
It is sa id that ritua l bia lhing from jQnAbllh was pract ice<! by the
disbelieve rs during the ldhiliyy<lh (Prc- Islamic Period of Ign orance).
and it was among the remaining leachings or lh e religion revea led 10
PrOphel rbr;\hlm (Abraham ) (P6UH).

Thell' all' six in which perfonning I rifual balh is for

• Muslim:
Ejaculation by a man or a woman, being awak/.: or asl"",p, provi<lNl
Ih •• it is as.rocialNl with sexual pkaSUIl' in case of wakefulness. If no ••
owing to an illness Or inab ilily 10 conlrol il, Ihen a rilual balhing i. not
obligatory. However. it is absolulely obligatory (or one to take a rilual
bath if one ejaculates while being asleep. which is t;;Ilkd wc:! dmaming.
as one in Ihis case is unconsdous and may not feel any pkasure. On
the other hand. if one wakes up and flnds the: traces of ejacul. tion. it i,
obligatory for one to take a ritual bath then, but i(Ihe..., is no Irace of
ejaculation. ritual balhing is not obligatory.
Inserting a ma n's penis into a woman's vulva, even if without ejac·
ulation. as it is slated in a /JIldo"rl, related by Muslim Ihat Ihe:
Prophet (P8UH) says:
·Wilell allyotle sits amidst fOljr PMts (of the woman) and t/" circum·
(istd parts (of tht genilals) touch Mcli otiltr. a ritual btltil wcomes
obligatory (for !>oth).""'
Thus, sex ual intercourse. cven if without cjaculation. obligates ritual
balhing for ooth the man .nod the woman according 10 the afores;;oid
hndilli as well as Ihe conSl:nsus of Muslim ""OOlal1.
Embracing Isla m; whcn a di sbelicver embraces Islam. forthe Prophet
(PBUH) commanded !lOme oftht "",w convnts to Islam to rc:rform ritual
bathing following drdaring Ihnf Islam'. H<>Wr\TI", many s<:holarJ view
lhat it i. dc:$inble. not obligatory. for a convert to take a ritual
as the Prophd (I'BUH) has neWr been reporttd to have commanded
rwry new to do so. So, the ruling here is that it is regarded a.
de$irablr according to r«onciliation btlWfftI lhe: various legal proofs in
this and Allah knows b...t.
Dtat h is the fourlh casc: that l1«.... ritual bathing (Le:. washing the:
body of the drceued) e>:cqlt for martY" (see rulings On funeral.).
Mcn struation a nd postnata l bleeding a"" th e fl fth the: . i)[lh case,
in whkh ritual bathing is obligatory (for women), for lhe
(PBUH) said 10 a woman:
Oul"<r 10: Rimll B.. hinS
"So. when )<I"r menstruation period bqfinJ, givt! up performing prayrr.
when it en<4. wnh off the blOQ<\ (Le. take a ritual bath) and then

perform prayer."'
MoreO"er, Allah commands men nOl IQ al)l'mach the ir wi,"es in
case Ihey are in a sta le of menstruation until have p"rijiui
. ..• (Qu r"h: Al-Baqarah: 222), i.e. through rituallnlhing
following the menstrual period.

The Way a Complete Ritual Bath is Taken

• lIaving the 10 lau a ritual balh
• Beginning wilh la smiyah'
• Washing one's han ds thri ce
• Washing one'. geni lal
• Pufonn ing full abl utio n
• head; pouring water over the head thrice so Ihal it
thorough ly reaches onc's salp
• Pouri ng waler over o ne's whole body and rubbing it with onc's hands,
making sure that water reaches all parts of the body
The menstruati ng or th e woma n in a state of postn al .1 bleeding has 10
undo hu hair braids or plgtalll when tilling. rllllal balh. However, a woman
in I Slale of jondb<lh not have to undo her hair braids 10 have a nlllal
balh, as il does not a(fecl the val id ity of her rilUal bathing in this case. This is
because jandlNlh is a freq uenl state, and undoillg ha; r b",ids now and
then might cause her difficult)". SliII, it is obl igatory for a woman in that stale
(o fjan"b<lh) to makt wa ler reach her scalp.
In general, it is obligatory (or Qll e pc: rformillg ritual bathing, a man or a
,",'Oman, to enSure that thoro ughly reach es onc's sca lp. and to wash the
body parts well. soch as Ih e skin ofl he the skin of the armpits,
the navel, and the pan, of Ihe kf>ttS. Moreover. if one wears a ring,
a wrmwatch, o r the like. oM ha, 10 move it 10 lel water underneath.
Thus, one has to perform rituallnthing so perfedly. w rifyi ng Ihal there is
not a single body parI bUI water has reached, for Ihe Prophet (PBUH ) said in
a hlOdilh ITlat..d by Abil O .iwUd .nd AI - Tirm idhi:
wash 'lit hair well and
deanu th • • kin.

-The", i. jIlndooll under every .ingle hair, $I)


MOretlVC r, onc should by no use water wastefully taking a ritual

lNth. Rather, 0"'" should use wata provided lNt hing is JX'rfonntd
Pl"OJX'rtr lnd JX'rf«t1y as prescrikd in Muslims should fOllow the
example of the Prophet (pIIUH) ,nd r.ltionalize their use of water during
purificatiull, for he (PBUH) u..,d to perform ablu tion with one mudd and to
take a bath with one AI$<>. it is for a MUSlim to sc rt<'n himself
while taki ng a b.ath for it is to take a bath naktd while king s«n
by propIe, as 5tated in the iIaJilh in wh k h the Prophd (pBUH ) $1)'$:
"Verily, AUalt is Mafia/and /ikt:S modtstyand !'tiling. 50 whell
I1l1y(m e of you fl1ktl a bath, he ,/10,,1<1 screell h;m,dj($O a. "ot to
!>e su" by others)."
(Related by Abtl O)wUd and An·NaHl).•
Taking a ritual b.ath to purify onesdffrom the Slale of major ritual impurity
is one of the trmt, klw('('n I servanl and his lord, 5(l one should k ktt'Tl on
fulfilling Ihis obligation properly and observ ing its rulings carefully, 5(l as 10
perform il legally an<! perfectly. If one is uocm ain aboul any of the rulinp
0 0 rilual bathing. 011<" soould consult scholars; Shyn6S soould prevtnl
one from doing:;o, fo r Allah Himstlf(:as stated in theQur'h) is not shyof lhe
truth. If Wlyness prevents a Muslim from aboul his religious affairs, it
is then regarded as a cOlldem ned kind of shyness and cowardice whispered by
Salan to ktcp him away from learning Ihe religious rulings nUfiSary for him
and fulfilli ng Ihe obligat ions of his religion perfectly.
Purity;'. iS$lIe, and brinll ""&iigelll regard ing il is a legal
mistake, for;1 is a condilioll of the corre.:tness of p"yer whkh is pm. r of
Islam. We ask Allah 10 bestow upon us, as well as all Muslims, insigh t Inlo His
religion, and to grant us sincerity in ou r .... ords and deeds.


1 /a>l<1b<1h: A .t.t. of major '; lUol iml"',ity .... t.ttd to ... uat di,.,horg<.
2 Mu$lilll (78)) [312651; , I." Al· Bu khirl (291) IllS12J .nd Mldlim (781) 121261 1.
3 Ab6 DI....wI (l55) 1111801, AI ' Tlrmidhl (6001) I21S021 and An . Na$I' (1811) 1111 ISJ.
• AJ·Bukhlr1 (228):and MIdI'm (333).
5 T<Umi;IaIr: $oyins "liUmm.tlr" In tho: NOm( of AUohj.
6 AbO Dlw.ld (243) III I UJ. A! ·1innidht (1 0) 1111731 ond Ibn Mljah (S97) IIIl)li.
7 At·lIukhlrl (201).mI Mullim (325).
8 Ahmld (179)5) 141J.O<SI, Abol DJwM (40t 2) 1411%1and An ·N.. (404) 1112 t81.


Tayammum'(Dry Ablution)

AUall. Glorified and Enlln1 lit: He. has purinClllion for pn)'t'T
from both of minor and major ritual impurit y by using pure WIltC'!".
which He dOWIl from the sky_ PurifICation with watCT (when being in
either statn of ritual impurity) is obligatory for a Muslim as long as waler is
available. However. in som e cases, eithn water is unavai lable or one is unable
\0 use it due 10 a legal excusc. for that Allah. oul of Hi s g,.a and mercy.
has kindly provid ed a substitute for it, namely tayam" lum with clean carth, to
mal«. things easy for ",rva nt 5 and 10 spare them difficulty.
Allah, &.oiled be He, in His Glorious Book, the Qur'h. says:
"0 }'flU who '!lI ve bdievtd, "'hen)'Du ,i,e ' 0 1 J
...Dsh ""U, 'QU,lInd your""ellrmJ 10 riot elbow. "lid wipt avrr
you. h , ,,d. ,,,,d ...".h your ftet 10 tht Alld if you "re ill
"fj"mt bah . ,h,,, purify )'flur'tIVtl. HU llf,ou <IT!' ill or
"" 11 0 .. Ollt of y<lu e<lmt l from th e pillet of rt/itvillg

" imulf Or ro"

" OWl conllulw womu o nd do IU1/ fin d wo /u,
Ihen .ui; dton r" rlh "nJ wipe OWlr your f act. on d hand . wilh
it. Allah dot. n OI inlend /0 mab difficulty fo r you, bUI Ht
Inl,nd. I" pllrify J"'" "nd ro",pld . HI. f" vor upon Y"U '''0'
YO" may b. " roltful." (Qur'h: AI·M $·idah : 6)
Linguislically, Ihe word 'taYOlIIIOl""" in Ar;obic means intention, and
(according 10 the Warnic ruin) il rnr;1nS wiping ova Ihe fac:c and hmds
with clran eanh in a !p«Hic .....y. Tayammum is slaled in the Nwle Qur'!n,
prescribed in the SUllllah (Prophd ic T,adition), approvtd by consensu •.
is a privilege wh ich ou l of Hi s grace and mercy. has Sp<'cified
for Ihe purity ()f lhc nalion ofProphtl Muhammad (PBUH) in ordcr to make
th ings easy for them. In the Two it is rdated that the Prophet (PBU H)
"f bWI gnmltJ (by Allah)fi"" (things) which _ Jt(JI gffmltd
10 on)'OlIe We me (and Imy"re) (I) AII"h mude me ,,;Clod·
ous by 0"", (by HI's "'y ,n,mi(s) for a diSlanct of ml e
jou rn'Y' (l) Th. tMtiJ IUlS been for m. (and for my

followers) 0 mosjid (11 mosque or 11 dum pJlICt for prayer) Qnd 0
mell/IS of purification. 5{J an)'On. of my followers Can pray IInywlrert
whenever the time of 11 prayer is du, ... ·>
Tayammum is a substittllt for purification with watti' in cast one is legally
unable to usei!. Pu rification with /ayammum alsotnablesa Mu5lim toperform
a11the acts of worship rt<Juirt abl ution with such as prayer. /awJ!
(circu mambulating the Ka ' bah), rtciting the Noble tIC. Th is is because
'''yammum h;u: bttn <k<:r«'tI by Allah as a lcgal substitule for pu rification with
W31ft. Pmphd (PBU H) also said;


uJ._ ..
".. .And il$ dean earlh Iras been (by Allalr) Il5 a purifying mt allS

The Cases in which Tayammum Subslitutes

for Purification with Water
1- Unava ilability of wat er, ",hen one finds no walft. whether one is al
home or on a journey; Allah. Exalted be He, says;
K •• • ,4"d do nolfind ....,tu, If,.n utI< du", . /Jrth ..••
(Qurln: 6)
a..p<e< 11: T..,...... (Dry Ablu,ion)
2· Ava ilability of 1»11insuff nt; wllen Ihe available wa rer is enough
only for drin king. cooking. and such n«cnilies. and purifica lion with
wat er might ca use it to run oul when it is needed to quench the thirst
of o ne, one's family, people, an im als, etc.
3- ProNbility of harm; wllen purifi cation with water might callSC: harm
due 10 an illness, or cause the delay of ooc's r«overy. or the like, for
Allah. Exalted be Hc. AYS:
.... Bill if YO" an ill ... Iht'll ud: clean earth ...•
(Qur'ln: 6)
4- Inabillly 10 use wa ter du e 10 wh en onc is unable 10 use water
due to an ill nes.s that one from moving 10 get wat er and
there is nobody to help him perform ablution, $I) onc fea.. to miSiS
performing prayer at its due lime.
s- n..: fu r of cakhinseold; wllen o nc fears the harm 0( catching cold if
ooe pu rifieo OMSdf with waler. p rovided onc is unable to hcat it, for
Allah. Exaltnl be.' He. saY':
••. ..And d o no/ kill yourselves {or o ne imOlhtr/ .....
(Qur'1t\, 29)

In any of the cases. onc can perform Myomm um (instead

of ablution with wat'"'") and offcr pra)'ff. In addit ion, if water i$ enoug h only
to wash .some of the organs of ablution, OIK Can use It and then perform
'ayommum forthe of the organs: Ana h. Eltalted be He. 5;1)'1:
·So fu r Allah 4f much III you arc IIblt ...

(Qur'ln: At -TagM bu n: 16)

Moreover, if there is a wou nd that hurts if it is washed nr wiped over. one

can perform lara mmum for that wound. and COnlinue performing ord inary
ablution (with water) for the rnl of the organs, for Allah. Eltalled be &ays:
•... And do not kill ytlunclws for .. nolltn/ ... •

(Qur1n: An -Nisi': 29)

However, if wiping ovenhe bandage of the wound with water does not hurl
or ca use any harm. it is sufficien t for one t o wipe that bandage instead of
wiping over il wilh dea n ea rth (i.e. laYl'm mum).

It is permissible to layalllmum with dean earth, saliM earth,

sand, and suchlike pure earthy stuff, according to the preponderant of the two
juristic opinions in this regard, for Allah, Exalte<\ be He, ,aY':
K ... Then suk .. •H (Qur'an: AI-MA'idah: 6)
Wh en it was time for pr.yer. the Prophet (PBUH) and his Companion s
uS<'d to laymnlllum whe",,,,,r they performed prayer (when water was
unavailable), using earth or anything of the kind: they never took clean earth
with them everywhere to use it (for tayammum) in case they did
not find water.

How to Perform Tayammum

When performing rayamm"m, one stri kes th e earth with one's hands
while parting one's fingers. Then one wipes over one's face with the palm of
one's and overthe hands with the palms of one's hands, provided
both the face and the hands are wholly wiped over. It is permissibl e to mike
the earth twice, wiping over the face after the first strike and over the hands
after th e other. However. the fo nner of performing tayammum is the one
authentically narrated to have observed by the Prophet (PBUH)' .

Things Nullifying Tayammum

.:. Whatever minor ritual impurity nullifies ablution (such as stool,
urine, wind, etc.) nuUifie, layammum .
•:. Whatever major ritual impurity ne<;es.sitates ritual bathing (such as
jan<lbah, menstruat ion, and postanal bleeding) nu ll ifies layalllmum.
The ruling hue is that th e ,ub,titut. act (i .e. tayammum) takes the
same rulings on the original act (i.e. ablution and ritual bathing) .
.;. When water is found (in caSt layammum is performed of lack
of water)
.:. Wh en th ere is no longer" legal excuse such as illness and the like.
If onefinds neither water nor earth. or is unable to uS<' either. it is permissible
for une then to perform prayer with neither ablution nor layammum. for Allah
"does not charge. soul ucept with that with in its capacity"; One alS() is not
legally requ;",d to re-perform such a prayer for one, (by adopting easiness)
acts in accordance with Allah's Commands, as Allah, Exalted be He, says:
a...",... 11: T"J" ........ (Dry "7

Allah ... ..... rh as yo .. " .... ..

(Qur'in: 16)
Fu rthermore, the Prophet (1'IlUH) said:
I romlMM )'QII IQ do $(}fllet/,ing, then do of ilm much lIS )'QII ( ,,".'"
ThUs. '"' ha..., n plai ned to YOll, gentle reatkr, a summary o f the rnli ngo
on ,,,yomm..m, and if yw 3 1'(' doubtful about any of them or any OI her ru ling>..
you ha..., urgently to consu lt men of religiO\lll kflQWlw ge: you should
!leglect any migious issues, np«ially those related to the pillar of
Islam, for the i$s ue is really !erinus.
May Allah guide us .11 to felicit y and rightwusneSf regMding our words
a nd deeds, making our righteous deed$ $incerdy done for His Sake, and in
devotion to His Honorablc Fa(ct May Allah grant our invocation, for He is
...,rily the Hearingand Responsivtt


1 Ta"""mum: dry .blut;"n with earth (.m.n ...t... is u.......U.bk or

one ..nno( Uot it).
1 Al.!lukhl r! (335) !1/56Sj .nd Must im (t 163) [3161
3 Muolim (t t 65) 1317].
4 At·Bukhlr! (J.l8)ll /S74j.nd MUllIm (818) [21284).
5 Al·Bukhlrl (72&8) [1)/3081 and Mwlim (6066) [SJ t()8l .

Removal of Impurity

Ai a Mu$lim is required 10 rmm minor and major ritual

impurities in order 10 perform prayer, he is also commanded to pur ify his
body. doth es and remove any spot of impurity. Allah says:
-A"d ytJur d oth'''g p.. (Qur';!.n: AJ·Muddaththir: 4)
The Prophet (PBUH) commandrd a woman to >nm the menstrual blood
from her g.1rment '. With thi s in mind, it is our duty to ,hed more light on thi S
i .. ue, namely the removal of impurity, illustrati ng the m05t important related
rulings. hopinglha\ it may benefit Muslims. Fllqfhs (may Allah have mercy on
IMm) uKO! to 5p<'Cify a chapln in thoeir volu""" .. "Iilll'd "" Chapter
On th.. h m oval orlmpurity" i.e, Ihe removal orlhe impurities that amkt pu re
. • uch as clothes. utensils. sheets, floors. etc. Water is the basic meanS
used for the remov.l of in, purity. a. it i. thr origin.1 orpurification, as
described by Allah Who says:

A"d " lfl daw" uPO" yo .. from ,ht sky, nil" by ...hl,h la
p"rify yo...... (Qu r'an: AI·Anr.;l: 11)

Kinds of Impure Objects That Must be Removed

Impurity may be linktd to the ground, the floor, or what is connected to
them, such as wall., WlItl'1' rocks. etc. In such a case. jt ii sufficient to
such impurity by washing it only once, i.e . to pour water once until it
Ihe impuIT object. as IM Prophel (PBUH) orderw 10 pour a buckel of
waler over the urine oflhe B«Iooin who had urin ated in Ihe mosque'. Such an
Impurity is naturally ITmoved when coveml with nlinwaler or floods.. So long
as the impure objec t is ITmoved by pouring water, or by rainwater or floods,
it is sufficient to deem the are. concerned On the othe r h.nd. impurity
may not be relatw to the ground, the floor. or wha t isconnec ted to them. such
as Ihe impurity a ustd by dogs. swine, or what Is rei lied to them. In Ih is case,
the impuIT obj«1 mU$1 be washw limes. one of lbem wilh earth. for Ihe
ProphCl (PBU H) J,
"Whm " dog liclq 0 ",nujj br/o"ging /0 ""yo"e of10", Id him wmh
jl $O't''' tht firsl oflllmt wilh to rlh.'"
(Relatw by Muslim and other «)mpilel'!; of Hmlilh)
Still . this rul ing is not restricted to ute",ils; it is also applicable to dothes.
sherts. and the like. If the impu,", object is rel.lw to nei th .... dogs nor .wine.
such as urine. stool , blood , and Ih e like. it hl$ to be washed. rubbed. and
wrung oot until it is completely ITmoved, leaving neilher sign nor color.
In Ihings washed can "" divided inlo Ihrtt cattgorirs:
I. Squeeuble things such as clothes. so Ihey must be wrung oul after
2. Unsquenable things such as leath er and th e like, so they have to be
overlurned du ring washing.
3. Things that can neither be wTUngOU! nor overturned;such things haw
to be washed, scrubbed and tllen pressed wilh a heavy obj«1 until
most of their water dries..
When the fillhy aITa on ones body. dothn. a small place ofprayer, or Ihe
like.. cannot be located, Ihe whok ou.pecled aITa has to be washed until it is
c(rlain Ihal impurity has been Still, if t he i"'puIT aru itself cannOt
be th e whole object has to be washed.
As 1Or" pun: rnalerialsoiJed will! urine of ilIl infant, it is sufJkicnllo purify it
wilh sprinlding water, nOl washing it, as stated in badirh narraled on the authority
orUmm Q II)'" Bint (may Allah be pleased with her), She narrated,
"' brought my baby Wn (who had "", slarted eating ardill"ry food
rhen) la A I/",h's MesMngv (PBUH) who look him and him
sit in h.. lap. The child urinolw on Ihe garmcnt of /Ju Prophd
(PBUH), SO he (PBUH) tWwI for >I",ler and sprinkled i( ovrr 'he
SOl/M without WI1$hi"8 il,··
However, if the child iJ old enough to eat ordinary food, the ru ling on
hislher urine is regarded as that of grown-ups. In such urine is 10
removed by washing a5 in th e cue of olher kinds "fimpurity.
There are three kinds of impure objects:
• Major impu re object$. such as ClIuKd by dogs and the loo,
• Minor impure objects, such as tM urine ,,£in fants (who have not
st.uted eating ord inary food)
• Moderate impure objects, .... hich oth er impo"" objects.
At this point, mu st distinction betwee n pu"" and impure urine
and manuu of animals. ThoK of legally edible animals, such as camels. cows.
shup and th e like, a"" pure, according to a badith ""Ialed by AI.Bukhlrl and
Mu&lim stati ng that the Prophet (PBU H ) gave permission to the of
• Unaynah to take the uri ne and milk of In.: camels of charity as medicine' . This
I1ad ffh implies that the urine of camels is pu"". for it is to bke an
impo"" obj ect as medicine. Some may argue that the Prophet perm ined taki ng
or drinking such urine l5 medici ne only in case of necess ity. To this. say that
the Prophet (pBUH) enjoined wash ing the trace of th e urine of camels
performing prayer. wh ich shows that he did not deem it impu"". It is
.Iso stated in a (authen tic) fJpdith that the Prophet (PBUHI. before the
Prophet's Mosque was built .....ould perform at shu pfolds· and would
command hill Companions to J'C'rform in such folds,' though they had
b«n liurdy urinated in.
snaykhul ,Wlm Ibn T'IIymtyah (may Allah have mm:yon him) said:
·Purity i. the original ruling on kinlh of manure except jor those
which ore ruled Ollt . . : '

The leftover of legally edible animals is pure and so is th e leftoyer of

cats. "ccording to the hadith narmted on the authority of Abfi QatAdah. who
reported lhat th e Prophet (PBUH) said about cats:
"/( (i.e. is not impure; it is one DJ tllose or female domestic
wMch go round among you:
(Related by At-Tirmidhi. who cl""ms it lallib. (authentic), and oth er
compilers of Hadirh)'
In the h.adith at hand, the Prophet (PBUH) resembled cats to who
go round among their masters waiting for their orders. Thus. deeming cats
pure as stated in the badith is a way of relieving Muslims from strictness and
difficulty. Some ",holo.. maintain the same ruling on legally inedible animals
smaU.. than calS, such as birds and the like. They view that the leftover of
such small animals (or birds) is as pure as that of cats. On the other hand, the
manu"" urine, and the remaining food of any legally inedible animals other
than cats and their likes 3"' impure.
Thus. ta king care of physical and moral purity is central in a Muslim's
lik Moral purity requires mon<Jtheism and devotion to Allah, in both
words and deeds. As for physical purity, it includes purifying onesd ffrom
tnajQr and minor ritual impurities, as well as purification from all kind s
of tangible impurities. This is because our rdigiQn, Islam, is the religion
of purity, cleanness. and purification from both physical and spiritual
filthiness . A Muslim must always obs erve purity and cleanness, for the
Prop het (PBUH) .. id:
'Purification is hnlf offnith: "
So, a Muslim mUlt concern himself with purity and avoid all kinds of
impurity: Allah's Messenger (PBUH) has stated that the commonest reaSOn
for the tortuTe in the grave is onc', soiled with uTin e without purifying
oneself ". Hence, if you are soi led with impurity, you must hasten to purify
yourself in order to hep yourself pure, espedaily when you want to p..form
prayer. Always check your state of pur ity, and when you want 10 enter a
mosque, you should che<:k Ih e deanness of your shOf:s; if you find
something filthy, you have to remove it and dean your shoes, and do not ever
enter a mosque with filthy shoes. May Allah guide us all to whatever pleases
Him of words and de<!ds.
a..pco, 12: Rcmcwolollmpu , i,y


1 U27111l001.nd Mwlim (li7J) 1)11110).

1 AI· Bukhtrl (6025) (10/5521and Muslim (li57) IlI1811.
) MUJiinl (6019) III 1751: ..., also AI·BukhJrl ( 171) 11/3591.
4 Ai· Buklllr1 (223) 111425J Ind Mu.lim (66)) J2JI8S).
5 AI · Buklllrl (2))) 1114361 and Mu.>!im (019) 161154 ].
6 AI · 8ukhJrI II1U 41 .nd Mw.l im (l1 74) 1111 I j .
7 Musl im (SOO) jlI171 ): >« . 1"" fani .-\I·Oadld4'.I!) Ind M ..silsll". Ad.-Da 'ifoh (29(12).
m 11Iymiyah' Mojmli '" I-fIII4!nl (20IJJ9), (21/40, 7(, 75, 534, S117, 613) and (25/239).
SH .1$0 .-\I.IJJu(y.!"" M-"IIm,)')\lh p.4!.
9 Ab<I WWIld (751 (1149), A1-Ti,mioJ!,l (92) [111531. An-Nun (61!) (l1S81 and Ibn
Mljah (367) (1/2281.
10 M.wim (S31) 121951.
I 1 AI.l:illim (651) ( 112801and Ad,W'*I"lIli (460) ( 11136).

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