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6, NOVEMBER 2005 1937

A Fuzzy Logic Control for Antilock Braking System

Integrated in the IMMa Tire Test Bench
Juan A. Cabrera, Antonio Ortiz, Juan J. Castillo, and Antonio Simón

Abstract—The use of fuzzy control strategies has recently gained that is, we need to know the longitudinal slip ratio, friction co-
enormous acknowledgement for the control of nonlinear and time- efficient, and the conditions of real adherences. Achieving this
variant systems. This article describes the development of a fuzzy target with accuracy is a difficult task in ABS systems. To ob-
control method for a tire antilock system in vehicles while braking,
integrated in a tire test bench, thereby allowing us to imitate the tain the real longitudinal slip ratio that each wheel of the vehicle
functioning and to understand the behavior of these systems in a is undergoing, it is necessary to know the linear speed of the
reliable way. One of the inconveniences found in the development vehicle and the angular speed of the wheel; however, in com-
of these systems has been the difficulty of adjustment to the real mercial braking control systems, there is only one parameter at
conditions of a functioning vehicle. The main advantage obtained our disposal—the angular speed of each of the wheels. There
when using the tire test bench is the possibility of being able to
reproduce the conditions established as fundamental to the opera- is no other sensor that measures the speed of the vehicle. Most
tion of the antilock brake system (ABS) in a reliable and repetitive studies carried out so far try to estimate the speed of the vehicle
way, and to adjust these systems until optimal performance is ob- or the friction coefficient, but each one includes some kind of
tained. The fuzzy control system has been developed and tested in sensor which allows them to know another parameter that plays
the tire test bench to be able to refine its fundamental parameters, a role in the dynamics of the vehicle.
obtaining adequate results in all the studied conditions. The ease
of the bench for the development and verification of new control For example, in [3], the linear speed of the vehicle is es-
systems for ABS has been demonstrated. timated by using a fuzzy control, but it introduces the linear
acceleration of the center of gravity in the longitudinal direc-
Index Terms—Antilock braking system (ABS), fuzzy control, tire
test bench. tion and the angular acceleration of the turn in relation to the
vertical direction (yaw) as a known parameter. In [4], the slip
reference is also obtained through a nonderivative optimizer,
I. INTRODUCTION needing the linear acceleration of the center of gravity in the
HE antilock braking system (ABS) is widely used in au- longitudinal direction. This slip reference is used in a fuzzy
T tomobiles. In an emergency braking situation the wheels
of a vehicle tend to lock quickly, increasing the longitudinal
control to obtain the brake torque. In [5] an RLS estimator
is used to obtain the adhesion characteristics, which needs to
slip ratio of the vehicle. The slip ratio, while braking, is de- know the brake pressure and the angular speed of the wheel as
fined as the difference between the speed of the vehicle and the parameters. In [6], by using an extended Kalman filter, the state
circumferential speed of the tire, divided by the speed of the of forces in each wheel is estimated, and by using a Bayesian
vehicle: method, the slip coefficient is determined, requiring knowledge
of, apart from the angular speeds of each wheel, the longitu-
vveh − wwhl · re dinal and lateral and angular accelerations. In [7], an observer
s= . (1)
vveh on a dynamic friction model between the road and the wheel
When the lock of the wheel is total (s = 1), vehicle steering is defined to estimate the speed of the vehicle and a parame-
control and stability diminishes, and the braking distance nor- ter that defines the different types of roads, requiring the brake
mally increases. Therefore, the goal of the braking control sys- torque and the angular speed of the wheel as input to the sys-
tem is to maintain the slip ratio within the values which obtain tem. Finally, in [8], by using an extended Kalman filter, the
the maximum adherence coefficient (see Fig. 1) [1]. Achiev- slope in the origin of the adhesion characteristic curve, [µ-s],
ing this goal is difficult, because the maximum adherence zone is obtained, and with this parameter and the longitudinal slip
varies with many parameters, for example adherence conditions ratio, s, the type of road on which the vehicle runs is identi-
between the road and the wheel, vertical load, inflation pressure, fied, requiring knowledge of the longitudinal slip ratio for every
slip angle, and so on. Therefore, the ABS control systems need instant.
to know the exact point within the adhesion curves [µ-s] [2]; As we can see, the summarized investigations in the previous
paragraph are focused on determining the exact point within the
adhesion curves [µ-s] and also the kind of surface in the road-
Manuscript received March 16, 2004; revised January 17, 2005, March 31, wheel contact in a precise way. One of the problems found in
2005. This work was supported in part by the Government of Spain. Ministerio the works carried out in ABS systems is the disposition of test
de Educacio´n y Ciencia, Comisio´n Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologi´a
(CICYT): Modelo Dinámico de Robots Mo´viles. Modelizacio´n de Neumáticos, benches to be able to evaluate and compare the behavior of the
TAP95-0383. The review of this paper was coordinated by Dr. M. Abul Masrur. proposed algorithms in a real way. An example can be found
The authors are with the Mechanical Engineering Departament, University in [9], wherein a test bench consisting of an electrical traction en-
of Málaga, Plaza El Ejido s/n 29013 Málaga, Spain (e-mail:;;; gine connected to an induction machine is developed, and which
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVT.2005.853479 is used to simulate the road behavior. The bench developed in [9]
0018-9545/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE

Fig. 2. IMMa tire test bench.

Fig. 1. Adhesion characteristic curves. INPUT VARIABLES

has the limitation that it does not allow simulation of the lat-
eral dynamics of the vehicle, variations in the inflation pressure,
variations in the camber angle, variation in the adhesion of brake
pads, and it does not take into consideration the real response
of a hydraulic brake system.
This article has two aims: the first one is to describe the
development of a test bench [10] to be able to evaluate and verify
braking control algorithms. The test bench which is presented The developed brake system has been incorporated in the tire
reproduces the dynamic behavior of a vehicle circulating along bench at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University
a road taking into consideration longitudinal behavior. Due to of Malaga (IMMa) (see Fig. 2) [10]. The fundamental advan-
the use of a conventional brake system, a dynamic response tages of using a test bench that simulates the dynamic behavior
closer to reality is obtained. The second part of the work is the of the wheel in contact with the road are 1) the possibility to
implementation of a new ABS control system. In this control carry out tests repetitively and with all the possible variables
system, the measurement that we need to know is the angular (see Table I) varying according to the indicated function dur-
velocity of the wheel, and knowing the control signal, which ing the testing time and 2) our ability to obtain the values of
is obtained from the system, we can obtain the brake pressure. longitudinal and lateral forces, longitudinal slip ratio, and other
With these two parameters and by means of an RLS estimation parameters as shown in Table II.
technique, with forgetting factor, the friction coefficient and the The brake system consists of a hydraulic circuit, which feeds
linear speed of the vehicle is obtained, which in our case is the a conventional brake piston which applies its force by means
linear speed of the flat belt. Once the linear speed is known, of the brake pads to a brake disc. The disc has some notches at
and according to (1), we calculate the longitudinal slip ratio. equal distances made along its circumference, where an induc-
Therefore, with the friction coefficient and the longitudinal slip tive sensor at an appropriate distance is placed, for the reading of
ratio we can identify a point within the adhesion characteristic the angular velocity of the wheel. In the hydraulic circuit there
curve [µ-s] (see Fig. 1). Now we only have to identify the kind is also a sensor to measure braking pressure PB (see Fig. 3).
of road. To achieve it, we use a first fuzzy block that obtains the The braking control is carried out through a proportional valve,
existing kind of road in the wheel-road contact with these two activated by an amplifier card that allows establishing the law of
parameters. This information is used to know the optimal slip control that we consider to be convenient. This valve is activated
reference, which serves to define the inputs in the second fuzzy by means of the main application that controls the tire test bench
control block that obtains the necessary braking pressure in the using a known voltage-pressure relationship.
system. As we mentioned before, the brake system is totally integrated
Section II of this paper describes the brake system devel- in the test bench and is consequently controlled by means of the
oped in the test bench. The fuzzy braking control is described main application which carries out the control of the whole test
in Section III. This braking control system is tested using the bench (see Fig. 4). This application allows us to establish the
test bench, obtaining the results that are shown in Section IV. kind of test that we are going to perform, such as a test where
Conclusions are given in Section V. a sudden braking situation in curve is established, obtaining


Fig. 4. Computer software diagram.

4) Data reading process: this process is in charge of the data

acquisition of the different sensors selected for the test.
This data will be stored in the memory of the computer
and afterwards recorded on the main hard disc.
As can be seen, the application has a set of processes which
allow carrying out the necessary movements in a predetermined
test, reading the data that are programmed in it (see Table II),
and performing, by means of the established rules, a control
action in the brake system. Therefore, we have developed the
whole system necessary to be able to determine and check the
most optimal braking process in our test bench.
Fig. 3. Brake system scheme.


information from all the sensors that we have established within The use of fuzzy logic has gained great acknowledgement
the test (see Table II). recently as a methodology to design robust controllers of non-
As described in Fig. 4, the main application carries out a series linear and time-variant systems. There are numerous works re-
of independent processes in real time. Every process runs simul- lated to braking fuzzy control [3], [4], [11]–[18]. In this work,
taneously and has an assigned objective. When the information an ABS control system has been developed and implemented in
of a test to be carried out has been recorded in the application, the test bench. This system, as can be observed in the control
we proceed to the performance of it. The program carries out scheme described in Fig. 5, obtains information about the type
the four processes which can be seen in the diagram: of road by means of a fuzzy logic block as an innovation of the
1) Braking control process: this process is in charge of per- previously mentioned works. Once the type of road is known,
forming the braking control, establishing for this purpose we establish the reference slip ratio adapted to such conditions.
an optimal control law. This process handles the propor- Another fuzzy logic block is used to determine the brake pres-
tional valve of the hydraulic circuit in Fig. 4, which acts sure using two inputs, the error between the reference and the
directly on the brake calliper installed on the wheel hub. actual slip ratio, and its variation in time. Our control diagram
2) Movement actuators running process: this process is in has three clearly differentiated parts (see Fig. 5). In the first
charge of carrying out the movements that have been part, the adhesion characteristics are estimated by means of an
established in the test. These can be movements in the RLS technique, and the speed of the belt is calculated. To do
tire (camber angle, slip angle, vertical position) or lateral this, we need to create a model of dynamic behavior of the test
movement of the flat belt. It is also possible to change the bench. In this work, the braking of the wheel will be developed
vertical or the lateral load. following a straight line. Therefore, the lateral dynamic of the
3) Erroneous parameters control process: it verifies that the wheel is not considered. Besides, measurements in the bench
parameters that are established in the test are within the show that slippage between the steel belt and the drums is very
ranges of the flat belt and tire movement. small, so its influence is not considered. Hence, the belt speed

Fig. 5. Pressure control scheme.

equations are obtained:

Iw · ω̇ = µX · FZ · re − PB · KB

IB · = TM − µX · FZ · RT . (3)
Focusing on the first equation of (3), and by means of an
RLS regression technique with forgetting factor λ, the friction
coefficient is obtained. The regression model would be Φt ·
θ + εt = Y t , where Yt is the measurement vector, Φt is the
regression vector, εt is the error, and θ is the parameter vector to
be estimated, which in our case is:
wr (t) − wr (t − 1) PB (t) · KB
Yt = +
tm Ir
Fig. 6. Test bench scheme. Fz · re
Φt = , θ = [µx (t)]. (4)
To obtain the measurement vector Yt , a sample time, tm =
can be expressed as: v = wT · RT , where wT and RT are the 0.01 s, is established. This sample time is also used in the
angular velocity and radius of the driver drum, respectively. control time of the braking control system. To update the co-
From Fig. 6, the following equations that create a model of the variance [21] and the Kalman constant in the RLS algorithm,
dynamic behavior of the tire and the flat belt are obtained: the following equations are used:
P (t − 1) · Φt
Iw · ω̇ = FX · re − TB K(t) =
λ + Φt · P (t − 1) · Φt
IB · = T M − FX · R T . (2) P (t − 1)
RT P (t) = · (1 − K(t) · Φt )
As can be seen in Fig. 6, the hydrodynamic bearing exerts a + 1000 · (Y (t) − Φt · θ(t))2 (5)
force, NH , equal in magnitude to FZ , so there is no deformation
where λ = 0.9 and initial condition θ(0) = 0, and
in the steel belt, and friction between the steel belt and the
P (0) = 10. Once the friction coefficient is known, the belt speed
bearing can be neglected. Also, rolling resistance force is not
(v), integrating (3), is calculated:
included in the previous equations, because these terms are small
and ignored in most ABS development works [2], [5], [6], [8], RT
v(t) = v(t − 1) + · (TM (t) − (µx (t) · FZ ) · RT ) · dt.
[9], [11], [13], [16]–[18]. IB t−1
The brake torque is expressed as a linear function with regard (6)
to the braking pressure; this is a simple model that is widely used The following parameters of this expression are known: RT
in ABS simulations, although other works [19], [20] use more (radius of the driver drum), IB (inertia moment of the system),
complex expressions for the brake torque. Using the expres- and FZ (vertical load). Vertical load is kept constant in this
sion of the longitudinal force, F X = µX · F Z , the following work, although the bench allows us to simulate vertical load

into diffuse sets, for example, for a slip input of 0.4 (see
Fig. 7(b)), the fuzzifier turns this value into the following mem-
bership grades: µ(slip = zero) = 0, µ(slip = mid) = 0.67 and
µ(slip = high) = 0.5. Once we have the diffuse set values, we
apply the existing rules in the knowledge base. These rules are
the if-them type. More than one of the rules in the knowledge
base can be activated at the same time and have logical opera-
tors like AND, OR and NOT in the antecedent, the same as in
classical logic. In our inference system, the logical operators are
defined as follows:
{µ(slip = mid) = 0.67 AND µ(slip = high) = 0.5}
= min(0.67, 0.5)
{µ(slip = mid) = 0.67 OR µ(slip = high) = 0.5}
= max(0.67, 0.5)
{NOT µ(slip = mid) = 0.67} = (1 − 0.67).
Fig. 7. Membership functions in road type fuzzy control. (a) Adhesion coef- Once the antecedent is solved with the logical operators of
ficient input. (b) Slip input. (c) Road type output.
the rule, the implication is carried out and the consequent is
obtained from each of the rules, which are truncated diffuse
TABLE III sets, by the value of the antecedent. These are added up, and
MEMBER FUNCTIONS VALUES. (A) ADHESION COEFFICIENT VALUES. (B) SLIP then we go on to the defuzzification phase. In this phase, we go
VALUES. (C) ROAD TYPE VALUES on from a diffuse set to an exact real value (crisp). In our case,
we have used a centroid method.
At this moment, only the rules for the road type fuzzy iden-
tification block have to be defined. The control rules and the
membership functions have been adjusted in the test bench.
The rules have been obtained according to the slip behavior in
the adhesion characteristic curves. These curves clearly have
changes. A model for vertical load that only needs to know the three performance zones shown in Fig. 8. As we can observe in
value of the friction coefficient to simulate vertical load changes Fig. 8(b), in the A zone of the curve, the variation of the slope
is proposed in [22]. is always positive and we are within the linear part of the curve.
As during braking, the clutch is usually disengaged [23], In the B zone, which is the maximum slip zone and where the
and we can consider the engine torque TM (t) = 0. The friction brake control must work, the variation of the slope becomes
coefficient µX (t)is known in every instant because we have zero and finally, in the C zone, the variation is negative and that
estimated it previously. Therefore, we will know the value of is when the maximum slip takes place in the wheel.
the linear speed of the flat belt. Once we have obtained the With this knowledge of the adhesion curves, the rules have
value of the speed, v(t), we will be able to obtain the value been established. In Fig. 8, two studied cases are shown which
of the longitudinal slip ratio directly, by simply applying (1). produce a similar performance in the brake system. For this
Knowing both the s(t) and µX (t) values, a point of the adhesion reason, only the slip in the braking control system has been
characteristic curve is determined. considered as input (see Fig. 5). In Fig. 8(a) the fuzzy control
The second part of the control diagram is a fuzzy identifi- rules are shown in the case where the variable input is the slip. In
cation block to obtain the type of road. Once the point [µ-s] this case, the slip has been divided in three zones (zero, middle,
in the characteristic curve is determined, we have to know to and high), making them coincide with the three differentiated
which curve it belongs; that is, which is the kind of wheel-road zones in the adhesion characteristic curve.
contact at that moment. This control block has two input mem- Finally in Fig. 8(b), the slope of the characteristic curve is
bership functions called ‘adhesion coefficient’ and ‘slip,’ and used as the input in the fuzzy control. This slope is obtained
one output membership function called ‘road type,’ which are by subtracting the friction coefficient in the studied instant and
shown in Fig. 7. the friction coefficient in the previous instant, and dividing it
The membership functions are triangular and trapezoidal (see by the difference between the slip in that instant and the slip
Fig. 7) and their values are determined in Table III. in the previous instant. Once the slope is obtained, we divide it
The performance of this fuzzy identification block would in three zones (positive, zero, and negative), obtaining the rules
be, in a summarized way, the following: the inputs defined as that are shown in the figure.
‘adhesion coefficient’ and ‘slip’ are real values (crisp) and ob- It can be observed that the rules are the same in both cases.
tained in the first part of the control system. These values are Only the input membership functions change (slip or slope). As
fuzzified in a first phase; that is, the input values are turned reflected in the rules, when the slip is in the A zone of the curve,

Fig. 8. (a) Determination of fuzzy rules with slip membership function. (b) Fuzzy rules for slope membership function.

the curve is of a major adherence, so in this part the braking The third and last part of the control diagram is a fuzzy control
control can raise the braking pressure. Once the slip enters the block which is in charge of obtaining the braking pressure.
B or C zone, the kind of road depends on the adhesion values; According to Fig. 5, inputs are established as:
that is, the more adhesion there is, the more adherence there is
to the road. e(t) = sref (t) − s(t)
Once the rules have been established, the surface that gen- de(t) = e(t) − e(t − tm ). (7)
erates the inference system with the different values of the
output variables and the input variable for the two studied The first equation determines the existing error between the
cases are obtained. These surfaces have been calculated using slip reference, obtained from the kind of road, and the slip
MATLAB’s Fuzzy Logic Toolbox with the Mamdani’s fuzzy estimated in that instant. The fuzzy logic block that determines
inference system (see Fig. 9). the kind of road gives a value between 0 and 1, meaning 0

Fig. 9. (a) Fuzzy logic controller’s 3-D input-output map, case I. (b) Fuzzy logic controller’s 3-D input-output map, case II.


negative values of the error will be higher than the positive

The inference system used in this fuzzy control block is the
same as the one used in the previous case. Once the input and
output variables have been established to the control, a study of
the behavior required for the control is carried out to be able
to define the rules that govern it. To establish the control rules,
six differentiated cases of behavior of the input variables are
established (see Fig. 11).
Fig. 10. Membership functions in the second fuzzy control. (a) Error input.
(b) Error difference input. (c) Pressure output.
In the first case in Fig. 11(a), the error is positive or large
positive, and the pressure will be high because we are in the
part of the curve where we have not reached the maximum slip
a low adherence road and 1 a high adherence road, and we coefficient. In the second case [Fig. 11(b)], the error is large
multiply this value by 0.3 (slip to obtain the maximum adhesion negative which means that the wheel is locked so we have to
coefficient in a high adherence road) to obtain the slip reference. make the pressure zero. These are the two simplest cases for
So we have established a relationship between the kind of road which to establish the rules. For the following rules we have to
and the slip where the adhesion coefficient is maximum. The take the difference of the committed error into consideration,
second equation determines the difference between the error in and they are rules to establish the behavior when we are near
that instant of time and the error in the previous instant of time. the reference slip; that is, when the error is zero or when we
The membership functions for the established parameters are, slightly exceed the limit of the reference slip.
in this case. First we establish the rules when the error is negative. That
As we can observe in Fig. 10, the membership functions are is, we have slightly exceeded the limit of the reference slip.
also triangular and trapezoidal, and the values for each of the To establish the rules, we must observe Fig. 11(c) and (d).
variables are reflected in Table IV. In Fig. 11(c) the error is negative and the error difference is
It should be noted that the membership functions for the positive. In this case, the error was bigger in the previous instant
error input variable are not symmetrical with regard to the than the existing error in this instant of time. This means that we
Y-axis. This is due to the fact that according to (7), the existing come from a situation of low pressure and we are diminishing
difference between the slip reference sref (t) and the slip in that the slip, which means that we can increase the braking pressure
instant s(t) is not in the same order, because the slip reference a little. In case the slip in the previous instant is the same as
does not reach a value of more than 0.1–0.3. Therefore, the in this instant; that is, the error difference is zero, we can also

Fig. 11. Error and error difference behavior. (a) Positive error. (b) Large negative error. (c) Negative error and positive error difference. (d) Negative error and
negative error difference. (e) Zero error and positive error difference. (f) Zero error and negative error difference.

Fig. 12. Fuzzy logic pressure controller’s 3-D input-output map and rules.

increase the pressure a little, but less than in the previous cases. TABLE V
Fig. 11(d) shows the case in which the error continues being low
negative and the error difference is negative too. In this case,
in the previous instant we are in the zone where we have not
exceeded the slip limit or we have exceeded it but less than in the
studied instant, so we are applying a high pressure, which means
that if we have exceeded the slip limit more in the following time
increase, we have to reduce the pressure.
Finally, we establish the rules for the case in which the com-
mitted error is zero; that is, when the slip in that instant of time
is equal to the slip limit. This is shown in Fig. 11(c)–(f). In
the first case, when the error is zero and the slip in the pre-
vious instant is superior to the slip limit [Fig. 11(e)]; that is,
the error difference is positive, then the same thing happens as of the tests, as they were described in Fig. 4, has been pro-
in the previous cases. In other words, we were in a situation grammed with C++ language, although the simulation of the
in which the pressure was low and we have managed to re- test bench and the proposed control have been carried out with
duce the slip, so we increase the braking pressure, but with a MATLAB’s Simulink Toolbox. For both cases, a series of pa-
value which is a little higher than in the negative error case. In rameters that need the proposed control have been used, some of
case the slip in the previous instant is also the slip limit, then we which have been obtained in the test bench from tests, and oth-
increase the braking pressure, but in this case with a very low ers read directly from the sensors of the bench. The parameters
value. are reflected in Table V.
Finally, in the case in which the error is zero and the slip in the The first test carried out is a brake test with the developed
previous instant is inferior to the slip limit [Fig. 11(f)], in this control and with a Michelin MTX R14 65 tire. In this case,
case we were in a situation in which the pressure was increased the test is carried out with a flat belt whose adhesion charac-
and we achieved an increase in the slip, so the braking pressure teristics were found by performing tests of longitudinal force
has to be reduced. in the test bench. Later, the encountered curve is introduced in
Once the conditions of each rule have been established, the test bench model and the brake control for its simulation.
the rules for the developed fuzzy control and the surface Therefore, we have three different named speeds: real, simu-
that the inference system generates are shown in Fig. 12. As lated, and estimated. The real speed is obtained in the test bench
in the previous case, the surface has been obtained using MAT- by means of a sensor, which reads it directly when the test is
LAB’s Fuzzy Logic Toolbox and Mamdani’s fuzzy inference carried out. In this case, the programmed brake control starts
system. to work in the main application as described in Fig. 4. The es-
timated speed is the one obtained by means of (6), previously
estimating the slip coefficient and finally the simulated speed
IV. RESULTS which is obtained simulating the test bench and the developed
In this section, a series of results obtained with the proposed control with Simulink. The result of this first test is shown in
brake control and the test performed in the previously described Fig. 13.
test bench are shown. The computer application developed to In Fig. 13(a), the behavior of the three previously mentioned
carry out the control of the test bench and to obtain the results speeds in the test carried out can be observed. We see that the

Fig. 13. Control behavior for MICHELIN MTX R14. (a) Belt velocities graphic. (b) Brake pressures graphic. (c) Kind of road.

values of the three are similar, which validates the simulation of the brake as it is shown in Fig. 14(b). We also observe how the
studied in the test. On the other side, the behavior of the brake control adjusts the slip level seen in Fig. 14(d) ranging between
pressure in the test bench and the estimated brake pressure can 0.14–0.18 for wet road conditions and 0.13 for dry road condi-
also be observed [see Fig. 13(b)]. The estimated brake pressure tions. These slip levels depend on the adjustment of the mem-
is obtained by means of the brake system model, and it is similar bership functions of the control which establish the road type
to the real brake pressure which is measured in the test bench. and the value of the maximum optimum slip (sopt ). Both pa-
According to this test, the behavior of the brake system model rameters have been adapted to obtain the optimum performance
is accurate. Finally, the control behavior to obtain the road type of the brake control and to maintain the slip in all the tested
is drawn in Fig. 13(c). conditions within the appropriate values.
The following test was carried out changing the adhesion In Fig. 15, the behavior of the brake control, in which the
characteristics and the execution time to test the dynamic be- adherence conditions are wet and snowy asphalt, is shown.
havior of the control system in a wide range of road conditions. Fig. 15(c) shows how the control estimates the existing road
This test was performed with the same tire as previously, and type and how the brake pressure decreases considerably when
all start at a belt speed of 27.2 m/s. the control detects snow in the wheel-road contact. In Fig. 15(d),
Fig. 14 shows the control behavior in dry and wet road con- the slip varies between 0.15–0.16 in the case of wet asphalt and
ditions. Fig. 14(c) shows how the control detects the change in between 0.15–0.18 in the case of snow. Finally, Fig. 16 shows
adherence conditions and so the control adjust the pressure level the behavior in the case of wet and icy asphalt.

Fig. 14. Control behavior in dry and wet conditions.

Fig. 15. Control behavior in wet and snow conditions.


Fig. 16. Control behavior in wet and ice conditions.

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Juan A. Cabrera received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. Antonio Simo´n received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D.
degrees in mechanical engineering from the Univer- degrees in aeronautical engineering from the Poly-
sity of Malaga, Spain. technic University of Madrid, Spain.
He is currently an Associate Professor of Mechan- He is currently a Professor of Mechanical Engi-
ical Engineering at the University of Malaga. His neering at the University of Malaga, Spain, and he
research interests include modeling and control of is the Department Head of Mechanical Engineering
vehicle systems, advanced vehicle systems, genetic at Malaga University. His research interests include
algorithms applied to mechanisms and tire models, modeling and control of vehicle systems, advanced
and multiobjective evolutionary strategies. vehicle systems, genetic algorithms applied to mech-
anisms, and tire models and biomechanics.

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