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Attenuators are devices used to adjust signal levels, to control impedance mismatch
and to isolate circuit stages. Attenuators weaken or attenuate the high level output of a
signal generator, for example, to provide a lower level signal for something like the
antenna input of a sensitive radio receiver. The attenuator could be built into the signal
generator, or be a stand-alone device. An attenuator section can also provide isolation
between a source and a troublesome load.

In the case of a stand-alone attenuator, it must be placed in series between the signal
source and the load by breaking open the signal path. In addition, it must match both
the source impedance ZI and the load impedance ZO, while providing a specified
amount of attenuation.

Passive design
Passive attenuators consist of two types ‘pi’ and ‘Tee’ attenuators.

(1) π Attenuator
The circuit for the Pi attenuator is
Q.1 What resistor values would be required for both the Π attenuators for 10 dB of
attenuation matching a 50 Ω source and load?

Sol The 10 dB corresponds to a voltage attenuation ratio of K=3.16 of the above

table. Transfer the resistor values in that line to the resistors on the schematic diagram

(2) Tee Attenuator

The circuit for the T attenuator is
(3) Bridged T Attenuator
The circuit of the bridge T attenuator is
This circuit is commonly used with PIN diodes to form an electronic attenuator as only two
variable resistors are required (instead of 3 for the Pi or T attenuators).

RF attenuators
For RF, the individual sections must be mounted in shielded compartments to thwart
capacitive coupling if lower signal levels are to be achieved at the highest frequencies.
The individual sections of the switched attenuators in the previous section are mounted
in shielded sections. Additional measures may be taken to extend the frequency range
to beyond 1000 Mhz. This involves construction from special shaped lead-less resistive

Coaxial T-attenuator for RF Coaxial π -attenuator for RF

RF connectors (not shown) are attached to the ends of the above T and Π attenuators.
The connectors allow individual attenuators to be cascaded, in addition to connecting
between a source and load. For example, a 10 dB attenuator may be placed between
a troublesome signal source and an expensive spectrum analyzer input. Even though
we may not need the attenuation, the expensive test equipment is protected from the
source by attenuating any overvoltage.

Cascaded sections
Attenuator sections can be cascaded for more attenuation than may be available from
a single section. For example two 10 dB attenuators may be cascaded to provide 20
dB of attenuation, the dB values being additive. The voltage attenuation ratio K or VI/VO
for a 10 dB attenuator section is 3.16. The voltage attenuation ratio for the two
cascaded sections is the product of the two Ks or 3.16x3.16=10 for the two cascaded
Smith chart

Derivation of Smith chart

Example - 1. A 50Ω, λ / 4 line with ZL= 50 + j100 Ω. Find Zin, ΓL, VSWR.

Example- 2. A 75 Ω line with ZL = 150 + j150 Ω. Find ΓL, VSWR at 0.375 λ from
load, shorted distance to give a resistive Zin and its value.

Example – 3 . A 100Ω line with YL= 0.0025 - j0.0025 S, find Zin for 3.15 λ from
load and VSWR.
Example.4 . A 100Ω line with ZL has VSWR=2 and Δxmin = 50cm. Minimum
location is shifted toward load by 15cm as load becomes a short circuit, find ZL.
Impedance matching
Impedance matching concept: For given ZL, design a matching network to have
Γin = 0 or selected value

1. Single stub matching

(a) Shunt stub or reactive element

Example – 1. ZL=50-j75Ω, Z0=100Ω, find ds, shunt short stub length ls

Example – 2. ZL=100/(2+j3.732)Ω, Zo=100Ω, find shortest ds, shunt short stub

length ls
(b) Series stub or reactive element

Example.3. ΓL=0.4 - 30°, Γin=0.2 45°, Z0 = 50Ω, f = 4 GHz, find ds, shunt C or series L
2. Double-stub matching

Forbidden region for ZL can be tuned out by adding a certain length l of line

Example – 4. ZL=100 + j 50 Ω, Zo = 50Ω, l =λ / 8, d = λ / 8, find l1, l2

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