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AWRE’04 9th Australian Workshop on Requirements Engineering

Capturing Informal Requirements as Formal Models

Rubens Fernandes Alex J. Cowie

University of South Australia University of South Australia

Abstract • elicitation
• analysis
We present a requirements engineering tool and associated
• specification
methodology that converts natural language and graphical
• validation/verification
requirements to models expressed in a process algebra
• management
formalism. Natural language requirements are automat-
ically converted into the concrete syntax of the process Each one of these activities has very distinct social and
algebra using reconfigurable parsing and transformations. technological aspects [3]. Analysis and elicitation demand
Graphical requirements in the form of finite state dia- a great deal of customer contact, domain knowledge,
grams are changed into textual form before parsing and experience and creativity [4], making them more difficult to
generation of the formal models. Analysis of the formal systematise than the subsequent design or implementation
models by a requirements engineer can lead to iterative activities. On the other hand, requirements management,
refinement of the natural language requirements and the specification and verification can certainly benefit from the
tool configuration. The motivation for this work comes use of tools and well defined methodologies.
from the possible reduction in reworking when formal Our work tries to address the technological aspect
methods are used early in the development life cycle. of requirements engineering by creating a framework to
Our framework allows the coexistence of an user-friendly assist the analysis and verification of requirements by the
document that is suitable for non-technical users and a developer. In this paper, we outline an approach that makes
formal model suitable for verification and reasoning. use of Formal Methods1, natural language processing and
graphical notation. We also describe a software tool cur-
1. Introduction rently in development that is based on this approach, and
conclude with an illustrative example.
Commercial software projects have always faced the
difficult goal of releasing products of quality on time and 2. Formal Methods and Natural Language
within budget. However, an increasingly competitive mar-
ket puts projects under more pressure by demanding higher Restricted forms of natural language are widely used as
quality, shorter turnaround cycles and cheaper software. a notation for software requirements specifications. Natural
The number of errors found during development have a language is convenient because it allows non-technical
strong influence on the software metrics mentioned above. users to understand the product requirements. On the other
The sooner a problem is identified and fixed, the less it hand, the lack of precise semantics increases the possibility
costs the project [1]. When an error that was introduced of errors being introduced due to interpretation mistakes
in requirements engineering is found during testing, en- and inherent ambiguity. Under or over specification are
gineers must fix the incorrect requirements, check all of also common problems when using natural language.
the ramifications through design and implementation and Formal methods have been advocated as one way to de-
finally retest the product. fine requirements with mathematical precision and rigour
In the light of the above discussion, requirements [5]. They provide the means to build system models by
engineering is critical to the success of any project. It specifying their structure and behaviour. When used in
certainly pays to verify requirements as thoroughly as conjunction with tools support, automated verification of
possible before they are used for design or testing purposes. properties for complex models is also possible.
However this is not easily achieved. 1 In this paper, the term “formal” means “having precise semantics with
Requirements engineering consists of the following mathematical basis”, rather than the more general meaning of “being
tasks [2]: organised in a formal way”.

AWRE’04 9th Australian Workshop on Requirements Engineering

The usefulness of formal methods relies on models without the need for specifying all of them explicitly. Parse
being faithful representations of the essential aspects of the trees are stored in the tuple space. A group of related tuples
informal system. Determining this is something that cannot constitute a T-model.
be done entirely in the formal framework, and requires Using Circe’s browser-based interface, an user can
comparison of the formal representation with the original request the generation of different concrete views of the
requirements. This inherently precludes the existence of data stored in the tuple space. Circe uses internal tools
completely automated frameworks, since some degree of called modellers to manipulate existing and build new T-
human analysis is always necessary. models containing the information necessary for a certain
Many requirements specifications are built by decom- view. A projector is used to select data from one or more
posing a system into smaller components, whose behaviour T-models and create an appropriate abstract model for the
can be more easily captured. It is then necessary to define requested view. Finally, a translator is invoked to produce
the interaction between those components, an aspect that is a concrete syntax representation of the abstract model. The
captured in structural requirements. The internal dynamics open architecture is a major virtue of Circe, as modellers,
of components is specified by behavioural requirements. projectors and translators are not restricted in terms of what
This modelling approach is supported by features present type of data they can produce or how they operate. This
in many formal methods. flexibility is also possible due to the use of an unified
Although formal methods have been applied success- storage paradigm - the tuple space - making exchange of
fully in industry and research projects, they are still not information between the tools quite easy.
widely used today. Being based on mathematical frame-
works and notations, they are not as intuitive to the general 3. Formal Methods and Graphical Notations
audience as natural language. Graphical notations are one possible alternative to the
One proposed solution to this is the translation of re- use of natural language to specify requirements. They are
quirements written in natural language to a formal notation. a widespread and well accepted technique in design and
Flake et al. [6] [7] [8] proposed the use of a subset of implementation, and have also been used to some extent in
English to specify temporal properties. Requirements are requirements engineering [12]. Some graphical notations
mechanically converted to temporal logic formulae. The provide elements to describe structural and behavioural
main issue with this type of approach is that it is quite information, supporting the modular way of specifying
restrictive in terms of the subset of the language that systems as discussed in the previous section.
can be used in properties, making the requirements sound UML is a framework composed of graphical and tex-
somewhat artificial. tual notations that allow the specification of structure
The conversion of natural language to formal notations and behaviour. However, the specification of the UML
raises the issue of synchronisation between the two forms. semantics relies largely on natural language description
Hünle et al. [9] introduced a tool that allows simultaneous and only uses mathematical notation to a limited extent.
manipulation of requirements in multiple concrete nota- Some attention has been given by the research community
tions. The tool stores requirements in an internal abstract to express a more formalised semantics for UML. Liu et
model that is presented to the user via a graphical interface al. [13] defined a formal1 semantics for use-case and class
in both English and UML’s Object Constraint Language diagrams using a formal language, so that they can be
[10]. The user can modify any of these two concrete applied to the specification of requirements. Shen and Liu
representations, and the tool is responsible for propagating [14] proposed the use of use-case diagrams with formal
the changes to the model and back to the user interface. constraints written in a text-based formal language. As with
One problem noted by the authors was that the generated all formal methods, these approaches still demand expertise
English text followed the structure of the internal abstract when it comes to writing or reading the requirements.
tree, which could result in non-intuitive sentences. The tool A similar situation is described by Miller et al. in [15].
also suffered from being too restrictive in terms of the A flight guidance system requirements specification was
English input grammar. written using a graphical requirements language called
Ambriola and Gervasi [11] developed a system that RSML (a notation influenced by Harel’s Statecharts [16]).
addresses the lack of parsing flexibility found in other The requirements were converted mechanically to temporal
approaches. Circe is an environment composed of a parser logic properties that were then verified using a model
(Cico), a storage mechanism based on general purpose checker. Again, the use of a formal method required experi-
tuple-based data structures and a number of internal pro- enced people to write and maintain the formal requirements
grams to manipulate data. Requirements are parsed by Cico manually.
using a technique called fuzzy matching, which makes it We believe that a combination of natural language,
possible to match certain variations of grammar patterns graphical notations, and formal methods is necessary to

AWRE’04 9th Australian Workshop on Requirements Engineering

address the following issues of the Requirements Engi-

neering activity: Language
• Requirements specifications must be available in a Requirements

format suitable for non-technical users;

• Formal methods must be used to model and manip- Cico
ulate requirements in order to help developers find
inconsistencies early;
Parse Tree
• The “user-friendly” and formal versions of the re-
quirements must be synchronised automatically;
• Automation should be used to facilitate the generation
of formal models from the natural language require-
ments, thus simplifying the requirements engineering Intermediate
task of creating models from scratch.
4. From Natural Language to Formal
Methods Abstract Notation
(Transition Systems)
We built a tool to address the issues above and experi-
ment with the generation of formal models from inherently Translator
informal notations. The following sections introduce our
tool and how it fits in the requirements engineering activity.
Borg is a specialised implementation of an architecture
Process Algebra
similar to Circe’s, which focuses on generating formal (Concrete Syntax)
models from textual and graphical requirements (the graph-
ical aspects will be described in Section 6). A natural
language requirements document is parsed and the out- Fig. 1. The Borg tool overview
put is stored in a T-model. The stored parse trees are
mechanically transformed into refined intermediate models
by a group of modellers. These models are then used by a Borg’s modellers can identify each of the requirements
projector to build an abstract model of the system, which classes in the parse trees and generate intermediate models
already uses particular characteristics of the target concrete that can be accessed by the projector. Modellers imple-
notation. In the final step of the tool, the abstract model is ment heuristics used to infer certain types of information
converted to a concrete formal method notation. The full from requirements, and also contain domain knowledge
architecture is shown in Figure 1. We decided to use Cico necessary to organise the parse trees in more useful ways.
as our parser, for two main reasons: In line with the nomenclature proposed by Ambriola and
• It is a domain-based parser, which allows for terms Gervasi, Borg’s modellers provide intentional knowledge,
in the grammar to have special contextual roles. The abstraction and visualisation support [11]. Our process
generated parse trees are more amenable to formal algebra projector takes the output of the modellers and
reasoning, needed for requirements analysis. builds an abstract model that can be used to generate
• When there are no exact matches between the gram- concrete syntax for a variety of notations based on process
mar and the input, Cico attempts to match patterns algebra.
that are “close enough” to the grammar. As a conse- Borg’s translator takes the projector’s output to write a
quence, the software engineer has additional freedom concrete specification of the system. The Circal implemen-
to write requirements that sound more natural to the tation used in Borg was developed by Cowie and is called
reader. Nova [18]. More details of the parsing operation and the
translation of parse trees into Circal processes is presented
Cico generates a series of T-Models comprising struc-
in the Appendix.
tural and behavioural information about a system and its
components. In order to adequately represent this data 5. Requirements Modelling with Borg
using a formalism, it has to support the structural and be-
havioural modelling concepts. Process algebras are capable Borg executes the process depicted in Figure 2. A set of
of expressing structural and behavioural constructs. In this initial customer requirements is received and goes through
work, we used a particular process algebra called Circal, requirements modelling. The output of the process are a
which was devised by Milne [17]. refined natural language requirements specification and the

AWRE’04 9th Australian Workshop on Requirements Engineering

Initial Customer


Parser Natural modeller
Modelling Configuration Language Specification

Language Process Algebra
Requirements (Concrete Syntax)

Fig. 2. Requirements Modelling Model

corresponding set of formal models in concrete notation.

The activities involved in requirements modelling are Analysis
intimately linked to the underlying framework provided by Requirements
Borg. Each of the individual steps in requirements mod- Modelling

elling is shown in Figure 3. The whole process consists of

a feedback loop where the natural language requirements
are manipulated by Borg to generate a formal model of the Requirements Specification
system. This model is analysed by the requirements engi- Formal Model
neer with the help of the Nova tool. During analysis it may
Fig. 3. Requirements modelling in detail
be possible to identify incomplete, ambiguous or incorrect
customer requirements. If the model is not satisfactory,
changes are made to the natural language requirements,
output of these tasks such as the modeller implementation
parser configuration or modeller specification and the cycle
or parser configurations can be reused by similar projects,
starts again. Here is a more detailed description of each one
thus reducing the development effort. The level of attention
of the tasks that are triggered by the analysis of the formal
needed for each one of the tasks is highly dependent on
the project and the system requirements.
A Requirements are updated according to results An important point to emphasise is that the analysis and
obtained from the analysis of the formal model. manipulation of the generated models is still a task that
B The Natural Language parsing rules and other cannot be completely automated. We recognise that the
related parser configurations need to be updated creative, cognitive and analytical aspects of requirements
if they are not sufficient to cover all the possible engineering remain the responsibility of human engineers.
ways to specify the requirements needed. In During the development of Borg and of some experi-
most cases, the parser grammar is set up at mental examples, we felt that certain types of behavioural
the beginning of the project according to the requirements required more verbosity in their definitions
specification style used. At this stage, only minor than would be considered natural for a reader.
updates may be necessary; For example, when modelling an automatic door that
C The modeller may need modifications to support can be in two states - OPEN or SHUT - and the transition
the changes done in steps A and B. Similar to the between these states is triggered by pressing one of two
parser configuration, once the modeller is stable, buttons - BOPEN or BCLOSE - one is tempted to write
only minor changes may be required. the following requirements:
A refined requirements specification and a formal model
Requirement 5.1: When BOPEN is pressed, the door
of the system are obtained as a result of requirements
becomes OPEN.
modelling, and can be used as input to the design phase.
A number of observations can be made about the Requirement 5.2: When BCLOSE is pressed, the door
process described above. It is possible that some of the becomes SHUT.

AWRE’04 9th Australian Workshop on Requirements Engineering

Requirements 5.1 and 5.2 are not precise enough in

order to be translated directly to a formal notation. The Natural
problem is that they do not clearly define which door states Requirements
accept the BOPEN or BCLOSE button presses. A human
reader could assume that either BOPEN would not be ac-
cepted while the door is in the OPEN state, or that BOPEN
could occur in the OPEN state with no effect on the
door. In constructing a formal model however, it is often
necessary to explicitly state such assumptions. This sort of
issue can be resolved in two different ways. The modeller
can be implemented to “assume” one way or another
when an incomplete or ambiguous definition is given. The
problem with this is that the modeller implementation may
become quite complex and dependent on particularities of
Process Algebra
the system, since it is not completely feasible to capture
(Concrete Syntax)
this sort of tacit knowledge in a program. A second option
is to require more information at the Natural Language
level, by changing the input grammar. In this case, the Fig. 4. Adding support for graphical requirements to Borg
new requirements could be rewritten:
Requirement 5.3: While the door is SHUT, when
BOPEN is pressed, the door becomes OPEN. 7. Example
Requirement 5.4: While the door is OPEN, when We now present an example which illustrates the re-
BCLOSE is pressed, the door becomes SHUT. quirements modelling process described in Section 5. Con-
sider modelling the software requirements for a lift system
The requirements may now become quite complex to (LS) consisting of a Door Module (DM) and a Lift Module
write and difficult to read as more states and constraints are (LM), which control the behaviour of the door and lift
added to the system behaviour. These problems arise from respectively. The DM can be in the OPEN state or in the
the fact that the “missing” information in the requirements SHUT state, and the LM can be in the MOVING state or
is needed to formally specify the system. At some point the IDLE state. Using a top-down approach, the following
in the transition between the informal and the formal requirement relates the lift system to its components:
definitions, those details need to be supplied. It is a
Requirement 7.1: The lift system is composed of the
decision of the requirements team whether to implement
door module and the lift module.
the intelligence to resolve these issues in the tool, or require
the user to be more thorough at the natural language level. Structural requirement 7.1 represents an implicit defi-
nition of the full system behaviour. It indicates that the
6. Using Graphical Input behaviour of the lift system can be obtained by combining
the behaviours of the door and the lift modules.
Graphical notations can be used to convey behavioural Before the first requirement can be used by the tools,
information in a concise and intuitive way. For complex some configuration has to be done. Domain specific terms
behaviours, a graphical representation is usually more are entered in the system glossary. Lift system, door module
understandable than its natural language equivalent. From and lift module are all added along with their acronyms LS,
an aesthetic point of view, a requirements specification DM and LM. Cico and the graphical requirements parser
that contains both textual and graphical information is use the glossary to identify important terms and convert
also more visually motivating to the reader. For these them to appropriate tokens in the parse trees. Once this
reasons, we decided to enhance Borg with graphical input step is completed, the requirement is parsed, and the parse
capabilities. trees are generated.
Requirement 7.1 is expressed in process algebra using
The approach we took was to implement an additional
front end to allow the definition of requirements in the the composition operator. Composition is an operator that
defines behaviour in terms of other behaviours. The full
form of labelled transition systems (Figure 4). Our system
lift system behaviour can be obtained by expanding the
parses requirements defined using the Dot language of
the Graphviz toolkit [19]. Transition systems are quite composition. Of course, before this can be done, we need
to write the requirements for the DM and the LM. Their
intuitive, and their translation to process algebra is straight-
forward. initial states are straightforward:

AWRE’04 9th Australian Workshop on Requirements Engineering

OPEN command
struction of system models. However, his approach seems
to require considerable human input in the construction of
the behavioural trees.
The final process algebra model for our system can be
CLOSE command
quite easily represented in graphical format using transition
Fig. 5. Graphical requirement for the Door Module diagrams. Figure 6 shows the behaviour of the lift system.
This specification of the lift system presents a problem
since it allows the lift to move while the door is open.
Requirement 7.2: The DM state is initially SHUT. Additional requirements need to be created to prevent this
Requirement 7.3: The LM state is initially IDLE. condition from occurring. The appropriate natural language
requirements are:
These requirements do not correspond to any Circal
processes by themselves, but serve to introduce the SHUT Requirement 7.6: If the LM state is equal to MOVING
and IDLE states to the modeller and relate them to the the LS shall not allow the OPEN command.
DM and LM. Upon occurrence of events, DM and LM Requirement 7.7: If the DM state is equal to OPEN the
will respond differently. The door module can be specified LS shall not allow the START command.
in the following way: Requirements 7.6 and 7.7 add constraints to the lift
Requirement 7.4: When the DM state is equal to SHUT, system by relating states and transitions from both lift and
upon receipt of the OPEN command, the LS shall set the door modules. It is possible to represent such constraints in
DM state to OPEN. process algebra by using processes [18]. Borg identifies the
The event that correspond to the door opening is identi- parse trees generated by these requirements as constraints,
fied by the term “OPEN command”, and needs to be added and generates the appropriate processes for them. The re-
to the glossary. This process of refining Cico’s configura- vised behaviour of the lift system is obtained by composing
tion according to the specification format corresponds to together the process representations of the requirements
step B in Figure 3. A similar requirement is needed for the and the process representations of the constraints. This
CLOSE command: time, the lift system is free of the moving/open problem
Requirement 7.5: When the DM state is equal to identified earlier, as can be seen in Figure 7.
OPEN, upon receipt of the CLOSE command, the LS shall An important point to make about the analysis step of
set the DM state to SHUT. the modelling process is that it really consists of evaluating
the formal model from a “real world” perspective to judge
In larger projects it can be seen that specifying such
its usefulness. In this example, it corresponds to reaching
types of requirements can be quite repetitive and suscepti-
the conclusion that “lift moving” and “door open” were
ble to clerical mistakes. An alternative way to define these
not desirable at the same time. It reinforces the need for
is simply to represent them as a graphical requirement, as
human interaction during requirements engineering, even
shown in Figure 5.
when some of the steps are automated.
The LM can be defined by a similar graphical construct,
using the IDLE and MOVING states and the MOVE 8. Conclusion
and STOP commands. Borg translates the behavioural
requirements for the DM and LM to equivalent constructs We introduced Borg, a framework for the assisted gen-
in process algebra: processes. A process represents the eration of formal Circal models based on natural language
behaviour of a particular component in a system, and can and graphical requirements. The motivation for this work
be combined with other processes using the composition is:
START command
The requirements presented so far are sufficient to SHUT * IDLE SHUT * MOVING
specify the model of the system. Borg generates a Circal STOP command

process algebra model expressed in the concrete syntax

used by the Nova tool. Nova implements the semantics of
the composition operator, so it is possible to derive the OPEN CLOSE OPEN CLOSE

resultant behaviour of the lift system from the model. In command command command command

this way, we are able to build the system specification as

the composition of the set of requirements in a similar START command

fashion to what Dromey proposes in [20]. We consider OPEN * IDLE

STOP command

that our process algebraic representation and Dromey’s

behavioural trees are alternative approaches to the con- Fig. 6. The lift system process

AWRE’04 9th Australian Workshop on Requirements Engineering

START command
SHUT * IDLE SHUT * MOVING translated from the model could assist in the verification
STOP command
of correctness of the model.

command command
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AWRE’04 9th Australian Workshop on Requirements Engineering

This section presents a more detailed view of the parse
Tuple type Description
trees generation and the modeller operation by showing DEPT A requirement that is composed of a
how requirement 7.4 is converted to Circal. relational operation (a condition) and
After processing a requirement, Cico produces a parse an operation that is the result of the
condition being satisfied.
tree representation in a T-model, as shown in Figure 8. RELOP In the example presented in this paper,
Nodes indicate tuple types, and leaves are terms used in RELOP is a relationship between a state
the requirement or specific commands introduced by Cico variable and a state description.
CONDRECEIPT A condition that becomes true when an
during the tree generation. Borg’s modellers use tuple types event occurs.
and terms to match and translate parts of the parse trees OPERATION A change in state.
into abstract models. Table I describes each one of the DOOP Indicates the execution of an operation
types used in this example. by an actor.
The modeller uses the following information to con-
struct the behavioural information in this case: DEPT

• The RELOP tuple is used to discover what is the RELOP DEPT

original state where the event being described by the

CONDRECEIPT tuple can occur. DM state is equal to shut CONDRECEIPT OPERATION

• The DOOP tuple contains information that relates this

open command DOOP

behaviour to its parent component, ie the Lift System.

• The OPERATION tuple is used to derive the desti- LS OPERATION

nation state, and the CONDRECEIPT indicates the

event occurrence that will take the process to that
SET DM state open

Fig. 8. Parse tree generated by Cico from Requirement 7.4
The final generated process is depicted in Figure 9,
and as can be seen it is only part of the full behaviour OPEN command
shown previously in Figure 5. It is also the purpose of the
modellers to perform a second pass on the T-models to
combine the various pieces of structural and behavioural
information into one complete abstract model. Fig. 9. Graphical representation of Circal process generated
from Requirement 7.4

Copyright 2004 Rubens Fernandes and Alex J. Cowie
The author(s) assign to AWRE and educational non-profit institutions a non-exclusive licence to use this document for personal use and in
courses of instruction provided that the article is used in full and this copyright statement is reproduced. The author(s) also grant a non-
exclusive licence to AWRE to publish this document on the AWRE web site (including any mirror or archival sites that may be developed)
and in printed form within the AWRE 2004 Proceedings. Any other usage is prohibited without the express permission of the author(s).


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