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Steel Detailing Services

Building Design and Documentation
Steel Detailing Software Development

Truss Design Statement for BS5950-5:1998

This document applies only the 2007 edition of Quik Series Software. The software’s
engineering modules are operated purely from first principals, this means that all sectional
properties and section capacities are calculated from scratch each time in real time. This
document gives a basic outline of the calculations performed and methods used.
BS5950-5:1998 requires the extensive use of effective sectional properties at
varying stress level, plus the section capacities are a variable against the effective lengths
of the material, because of this requirement it is not possible to give worked examples as
each sample would run into many hundreds of pages.
Appendix A contains a list of sections that are covered by this software.

Principles of Operation
The method of analysis is via a 2D plane frame analysis using the displacement
method with skyline matrix technology used to solve the equilibrium. The software takes
the truss or rafter from the screen and reduces it to a single line drawing using the centroid
of each member as the reference points. Apparent intersections are created thus creating
node points with connecting lines. Each line is then subdivided into four more points, this
enables us to do far more accurate bending and deflection calculations.
Full sectional properties are calculated from the shape information stored. These
full properties also take into account the radii of all corners. The warping constant and St
Venants torsion constant are also calculated totally from first principles mostly using matrix
methods or methods of integration.
For each load case, the software calculates the forces imposed on each node and
element within the truss. Also calculated are the effective sectional properties for both
members under uniform compression and members under stress gradient. These effective
sectional properties vary with the imposed load and length of each member, therefore the
length of the member is taken to be the distance between the major node points.
On the completion of the analysis, the overall truss is checked for serviceability
deflections and each member is checked for compliance with the code. The screwed,
riveted or bolted joints are all designed by the software based on the largest terminating
load at that point. Whilst the software designs the required fasteners at each joint, it does
not do any checks to ensure that the quantity of fasteners will fit within the allowed space.
This may be addressed in future versions.

This document is subject to copyright and remains the property of Robert Cummings and
Associates. ©2006
Page 2 of 11

Load Combinations
Load combinations are a regional or location base item and not directly coupled to
the actual design code. However most countries use the load combinations listed below.

Case 1 1.4G + 1.4S

Case 2 Wsu
Case 3 2G
Case 4 1.4G + 1.6Q
Case 5 G + 1.4Wu
Case 6 G + 1.4Wu
Case 7 1.2G + 1.4Wd
Case 8 1.2G + 1.4Wd
Case 9 G + 1.4Wl
Case 10 G + 1.4Wr
Case 11 1.2G + 0.8Q + 1.4S
Case ? 1.5G + 1.6P

G = gravity load or dead load
Q = live load or short term load
S = snow load
Ws = wind servicabilty load downwards
Wu = wind load upwards
Wd = wind load downwards
Wl = wind left to right
Wr = wind right to left
P = 1.1kN applied mid span

Load Cases 1 & 2 are used for servicability checks, and all load cases are checked
for strength and stability checks.
Load Case 3 is intended to be a redundancy check on trusses. The purpose of this
check is to ensure that the truss will not collapse should a truss on either side fail, thus
preventing a progressive faiure. This check is above and beyond any code requirements,
but a check that we consider essential.
Snow loads will not appear when there is no snow load present.
Load Case 5 applies the internal wind pressure to the truss bottom chord, where as
Load Case 6 applies the internal presure to the truss top chord. The same method has been
applied to Load case 7 and Load Case 8.
For Load Case ?, each member is checked for strength and stability by applying a
point load of 1.1kN mid span of each major segment. This check is applied to members
where the length of the major segment if greater tha five time the height of the section.
Load redistributuon factors (ks) are applied to this point load.

ks = 0.2log10(10L-3/ ns-3) + 0.75 0.2 ≤ ks ≤ 1.0

ks = load redistribution factor
L = major segment length of member being designed
s = spacing of crossing members
n = number of crossings

This document is subject to copyright and remains the property of Robert Cummings and
Associates. ©2006
Page 3 of 11

Wind Loads
The wind speed expressed is the ultimate design wind speed expressed in m/s for
metric users and mph for imperial users. From this wind speed, the free stream gust wind
pressures are derived. If the wind speed has a trailing ‘C’ then cyclonic conditions are
Vu = ultimate design wind speed
Vs = serviceability wind speed = 0.401662Vu
qu = ultimate wind pressure = 0.000613(Vu)2
qs = serviceability wind pressures = 0.000613(Vs)2

For wind loads upwards the external pressure coefficient is set at 0.90. with the
internal pressure coefficients preset at 0.20, for cyclonic conditions the internal pressure
coefficient is set at 0.70.
For wind loads downwards the external pressure coefficient is set at 0.40, with the
internal pressure coefficients preset at 0.30, for cyclonic conditions the internal pressure
coefficient is set at 0.65.
For wind loads left to right the external pressure coefficient is set at 1.00, with the
internal pressure coefficients preset at zero.
For serviceability wind loads downwards the external pressure coefficient is set at
0.90. with the internal pressure coefficients preset at 0.20, for cyclonic conditions the
internal pressure coefficient remains set at 0.20.
For serviceability wind loads upwards the external pressure coefficient is set at
0.40. with the internal pressure coefficients preset at 0.30, for cyclonic conditions the
internal pressure coefficient remains set at 0.30.

Serviceability Checks
For serviceability checks, all members are checks for deflection mid span and
displacement at each node point.
For members under dead load, the limits are set at a maximum of length on 300,
were a member is cantilevered the limit is set at length on 150. Where members are under
wind load only, the limits are set at a maximum of length on 150, were a member is
cantilevered and under wind load only the limit is set at length on 75.

Strength and Stability Checks

For strength and stability checks, all members in all load cases are checked without
exception. Methods of calculating the above are listed in much more detail below. Items
check for are listed below:

• Compression
• Bending
• Shear
• Tension
• Bearing
• Combined bending and compression
• Combined bending and tension
• Combined bending and shear
• Combined bending and bearing

This document is subject to copyright and remains the property of Robert Cummings and
Associates. ©2006
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Common Notations
Ag = gross area of section
An = nett area of section
Lx = effective length in X axis
Ly = effective length in Y axis
Ix = second moment of inertia about X axis
Iy = second moment of inertia about Y axis
Zx = section modulus about X axis
Zy = section modulus about Y axis
rx = radius of gyration about X axis
ry = radius of gyration about Y axis
xo = distance from X centroid to X shear centre
yo = distance from Y centroid to Y shear centre
ro1 = polar radius of gyration
J = torsional constant
Iw = warping constant
E = Young’s modulus of elasticity 205000
G = shear modulus 79000
df = screw diameter
tw = material thickness
Ys = material yield strength
Us = material ultimate design strength
py = material design strength
= lesser of Ys and 0.84Us

Tension Capacity
Need to satisfy:
Ft* ≤ Pta BS5950 Part 5 Clause 7.2.1
Ft* ≤ Ptb BS5950 Part 5 Clause 7.2.2

Ft* = applied tensile load

Pta = tensile capacity of member

= pyAn
Ptb = tensile capacity of member
= pyAa
Aa = effective area of section
= a1(3a1 + 4a2) / (3a1 + a2)
a1 = sectional area of connected leg
a2 = gross area of unconnected legs

Quik Series Software reports the tensile capacity for each member in each
load case. The value reported is notated by the symbol ‘Pt’ which is the
lesser value of Pta and Pte.

This document is subject to copyright and remains the property of Robert Cummings and
Associates. ©2006
Page 5 of 11

Bearing Capacity
Need to satisfy:
Fw ≤ Pw BS5950 Part 5 Clause 5.3

For section supported an the end BS5950 Part 5 Clause 5.3

Pw = tw2pyC7(8.8 + 1.1(75/tw)0.5

For section supported internally BS5950 Part 5 Clause 5.3

Pw = tw2pyC5C6(13.2 + 2.87(75/tw)0.5

Fw = applied bearing load
Pw = bearing capacity of section
D = flat length of web
C5 = 1.49 –(0.53 py/228) ≥ 0.6
C6 = 0.88 + 0.12tw/1.9
C7 = 1 + D/tw/750

Note: In the case of multiple webs the above should be applied to each web and
bearing capacity is then the sum of each capacity.

Quik Series Software reports the bearing capacity for each member in each
load case where there is a support point. The value reported is notated by
the symbol ‘Pw’.

Shear Capacity
Need to satisfy:
Fv ≤ Pvm BS5950 Part 5 Clause 5.4.2
Fv ≤ Pva BS5950 Part 5 Clause 5.4.3
Fv ≤ Pvb BS5950 Part 5 Clause 5.4.3

Fv = applied shear load

Pvm = shear capacity of member

= 0.7pyDtw
Pva = average shear capacity
= 0.6pyDtw
Pvb = shear buckling capacity
= (1000tw/D)2Dtw
D = flat length of web

Note: In the case of multiple webs the above should be applied to each web and
shear capacity is then the sum of each capacity.

Quik Series Software reports the shear capacity for each member in each
load case. The value reported is notated by the symbol ‘Pv’ which in the
lesser value of Pvm, Pva and Pvb.

This document is subject to copyright and remains the property of Robert Cummings and
Associates. ©2006
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Compression Capacity
Need to satisfy:
Fc ≤ Pc BS5950 Part 5 Clause 6.2.3
Fc ≤ Pcs BS5950 Part 5 Clause 6.2.3
Fc ≤ Pca BS5950 Part 5 Clause 6.2.4
Fc ≤ Ptf BS5950 Part 5 Clause 6.3.2

Fc = applied compression load

Pc = flexural buckling resistance

Pcs = short strut capacity
Pca = flexural buckling resistance for eccentricity
Ptf = tortional flexural buckling resistance

Pcs = Aepy
Pc = (Pe Pcs) / (Ø + (Ø2 – Pe Pcs)0.5
Pe = ∏2EA/λ2
λ = Le/r with upper limit of 250
For Lx/ry,Ly/rx the higher value to be used
Le = effective length of member
r = radius of gyration
Ø = 0.5(Pcs + (1 + n)Pe)
Ae = effective section area calculated at py
n = for λ ≤ 20 n = 0
= for λ > 20 n = 0.002(λ – 20)

Pca = (McPc) / (Mc + Pees)

Mc = moment capacity
es = distance from full centroid to effective centroid

Ptf = (1 / 2ß)[(Pex + Pt) – {(Pex + Pt)2 - 4ßPexPt}0.5]

Pex = ∏2EIx/Lx2
Pt = (1/ro2)(GJ + (2∏2EIw/Lx2)
ß = 1 – (xo/ro) 2

Note: For closed sections, Pca is equal to the Pc

Quik Series Software reports the compression capacity for each member in
each load case. The values reported are notated by the symbol ‘Pcs’ which
in the value of Pcs, the symbol ‘Ps’ reports the ‘Pc,Pca,Ptf’ value.

This document is subject to copyright and remains the property of Robert Cummings and
Associates. ©2006
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Bending Capacity
Need to satisfy:
M* ≤ Mc BS5950 Part 5 Clause
M* ≤ Mb BS5950 Part 5 Clause
M* ≤ Me BS5950 Part 5 Clause

M* = maximum moment

Mc = moment capacity of section

Mb = buckling resistance of section
Me = elastic buckling resistance

Mc = Zeypo
Zey = effective section modulus at po
po = {1.13 – 0.0019(Dw/tw)(Ys/280)0.5}py
Dw = greater of the section depth or twice the compression zone

Me = ((∏2AgED) / 2(Lx/ry)2)Cb{1 + 0.05(Lxtw/ryD)2}0.5

D = flat length of web

Mb = (MeMy) / (Øb + (Øb - MeMy)0.5)

My = poZy
Øb = 0.5(My + (1 + n)Me)
n = for (Lx/ry) ≤ 40Cb n = 0
= for (Lx/ry) > 40Cb n = 0.002((Lx/ry) – 40Cb)

Quik Series Software reports the moment capacity for each member in each
load case. The values reported are notated by the symbol ‘Mc’ which is the
value of ‘Mc’, the symbol ‘Mb’ reports the lesser of ‘Mb’ and ‘Me’.

This document is subject to copyright and remains the property of Robert Cummings and
Associates. ©2006
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Combined Bending and Compression

Need to satisfy:
(Fc/Pcs) + (M*/Mc) ≤ 1 BS5950 Part 5 Clause 6.4

Quik Series Software reports the moment capacity for each member in each
load case. The value reported are notated by the symbol ‘Mc + Pcs’ which is
expressed as a percentage.

Combined Bending and Tension

Need to satisfy:
(Ft/Pt) + (M*/Mc) ≤ 1 BS5950 Part 5 Clause 7.3

Quik Series Software reports the moment capacity for each member in each
load case. The value reported are notated by the symbol ‘Mc + Pv’ which is
expressed as a percentage.

Combined Bending and Shear

Need to satisfy:
(Fv/Pv)2 + (M*/Mc) 2 ≤ 1 BS5950 Part 5 Clause 5.5.2

Quik Series Software reports the moment capacity for each member in each
load case. The value reported are notated by the symbol ‘Mc + Pt’ which is
expressed as a percentage.

Combined Bending and Bearing

Need to satisfy:
1.2(Fw/Pw) + (M*/Mc) ≤ 1.5 BS5950 Part 5 Clause 5.5.1

Quik Series Software reports the moment capacity for each member in each
load case. The value reported are notated by the symbol ‘Mc + Pw’ which is
expressed as a percentage.

This document is subject to copyright and remains the property of Robert Cummings and
Associates. ©2006
Page 9 of 11

Screw Connections
Need to satisfy:
F* ≤ 0.8Psc BS5950 Part 5 Clause A.1.4
F* ≤ Pst BS5950 Part 5 Clause A.1.4
F* ≤ Psb BS5950 Part 5 Clause A.1.4
F* ≤ Psv

F* = applied shear force

Pst = connection tilting capacity per screw

Psb = connection bearing capacity per screw
Psc = screw shear capacity per screw
Psv = shear capacity of material

Pst = 3.2(tw3df)0.5fy
Psb = 2.1twdffy
Psc = screw manufacturers shear value
Psv = 2.5dftwfy

Quik Series Software reports the total screw capacity at each node plus it
also reports the total load on each joint or node for each load. Further
reporting is not required as the software designs the fastener quantity to
suit each joint load.

Common Tek Screw Capacities

Screw Type Screw Gauge Screw Diameter Single Shear Axial Tensile
6-16 6g 3.6 mm 3.4 Nm 4.2 Nm
6-20 6g 3.6 mm 3.5 Nm 4.3 Nm
8-16 8g 4.1 mm 6.3 Nm 6.3 Nm
10-16 10 g 4.8 mm 6.8 Nm 11.9 Nm
10-24 10 g 4.8 mm 6.2 Nm 11.4 Nm
12-14 12 g 5.5 mm 8.8 Nm 15.3 Nm
12-24 12 g 5.5 mm 9.0 Nm 16.7 Nm
14-10 14 g 6.2 mm 10.9 Nm 19.7 Nm
14-20 14 g 6.2 mm 11.2 Nm 21.2 Nm

The above table reproduced courtesy of the ‘Buildex Product Catalog 2003’ edition.

This document is subject to copyright and remains the property of Robert Cummings and
Associates. ©2006
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Appendix A Available Sections

This document is subject to copyright and remains the property of Robert Cummings and
Associates. ©2006
Page 11 of 11

Truss Design Statement for BS5950-5:1998 ........................................................... 1
Preface ................................................................................................. 1
Principles of Operation .............................................................................. 1
Load Combinations ................................................................................... 2
Wind Loads ............................................................................................ 3
Serviceability Checks ................................................................................. 3
Strength and Stability Checks ....................................................................... 3
Common Notations ................................................................................... 4
Tension Capacity ...................................................................................... 4
Bearing Capacity ...................................................................................... 5
Shear Capacity ........................................................................................ 5
Compression Capacity ................................................................................ 6
Bending Capacity ..................................................................................... 7
Combined Bending and Compression ............................................................... 8
Combined Bending and Tension..................................................................... 8
Combined Bending and Shear ....................................................................... 8
Combined Bending and Bearing ..................................................................... 8
Screw Connections.................................................................................... 9
Appendix A Available Sections ............................................................... 10
Contents ............................................................................................. 11

This document is subject to copyright and remains the property of Robert Cummings and
Associates. ©2006

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