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Aerosol Spraying Will

Kill Politicians, Too

By Devvy Kidd
My last column on aerosol spraying brought thousands, not hundreds, but
thousands of e-mails from people wanting to give their story about the spraying
going on in their area and the steady decline in their health. It literally was
overwhelming. It's also world wide as a respectable number of e-mails came from
Australia, Great Britain, Canada and other countries which are experiencing the
same phenom as we are all across America. Not everyone agrees with the
conclusions reached by many qualified scientists, doctors and researchers: our
government is spraying the skies of America, making millions of Americans sick,
silently killing and creating an environmental disaster that will make the MTBE
mess seem like child's play. For those who choose to believe what we're seeing is
harmless, you do so at your own risk.
I have written on this critical issue before, including an overview of what
happened when Rosalind Peterson and I had a meetings in Sacramento, California,
several years ago with my state reps's office flunky. Nothing ever came of our
request for testing and the situation in Rosalind's area (Mendocino County)
continues to deteriorate at an accelerated rate. The links at the bottom of this
column are important and I include them in my columns so Americans can
research for themselves. There is a tremendous amount of garbage on the Internet,
so I try to provide the most credible and important data/resources possible. I know
time is an issue, but the issue of aerosol spraying is literally a matter of life and
Many who contacted me took issue with my use of the word contrail v chemtrail.
Rosalind has supplied me with her response to a Discovery Channel presentation
on this issue regarding the use of the word contrail v chemtrail; Rosalind was a
guest (see her full and complete rebuttal here):
"Please note that the Best Evidence Producer and I spoke about the use of the
word 'chemtrail' in this program. I made it clear that the use of this word
marginalizes those that use it because there is no clear definition of the word. The
United States Air Forces notes that the word 'chemtrail' is a hoax on their web site
and writes letters, upon the request of U.S. elected officials like California U.S.
Senator Diane Feinstein, to inform the public in writing, that the word 'chemtrail'
is a hoax. Therefore, Senator Feinstein, and other elected officials, are given 'a
pass' and don't have to answer our real questions about what has happened to our
once clear, deep blue skies and how atmospheric heating and testing programs are
impacting our environment, climate, and possibly human health.
"Throughout the 'narrated text' of the entire program I was linked repeatedly to the
'straw man', argument phrase 'chemtrail believers' giving the impression that I
believe in some 'conspiracy theory' with regard to persistent jet contrails. I was
careful to refer to official government documents describing NASA's atmospheric
heating and testing programs. I also referred to the same persistent jet contrails, the
public has been seeing not only in the United States but also around the world,
which NASA has been studying. There are many public government documents
about current weather modification programs, and other ongoing experimental
atmospheric testing and heating programs. There are so many U.S. Government,
private, university, and military programs going on in our skies, at this time, that it
would be impossible to classify them all under the undefined word 'chemtrail.'"
If you click here, Rosalind provides a point by point rebuttal to the producer of
this particular program, "Chemtrails Contrails." Rosalind was bushwhacked and
called her appearance the old "bait and switch."
Next, we have the issue of the honey bees disappearing across this country that has
a whole lot of scientists very worried. No doubt the King of Loony Tunes, Al
Gore, will come out soon with a proclamation that global warming is the culprit. I
believe the direct cause is the aerosol spraying of our skies for more than ten years
with a contributing factor being GM (genetically modified) crops. I've mentioned
this in my previous columns and I'll say it again here: When Jodi Waters first
raised the issue of MTBE in gasoline and how destructive it is to human life and
the environment, she was pilloried and excoriated by the controlled media. Several
years down the road and two huge rallies at the state capitol in Sacramento (I was
at both), Jodi's findings and allegations proved to be 100% right, the MTBE is
gone, the clean up is still going on (BILLIONS of dollars) and people are still
dying slow deaths from water contamination.
The media was wrong. Jodi was right.

The hired guns (experts) for the state and feds were wrong. Jodi was right. Big
money was at stake for the oil companies and they didn't care who died for the
bottom line.
The "experts" finally admitted Jodi was right and while the political whores in the
California State Legislature, and that includes former Gov. Pete Wilson, tried to
give Jodi the run around and destroy her credibility, people died from MTBE
poisoning of their public water supply the state said was safe. We can't afford for
the "experts" to be wrong again. Look at the massive increase in pediatric
leukemia, asthma attacks as well as development of asthma, lung cancer and other
respiratory problems being recorded in these big metropolitan cities where
constant aerosol spraying has been going on for years. I'm betting that if someone
did a comparison study to the days of spraying and the increase in ER visits for the
aforementioned, you would find a match up. This not only has increased the cost
of medical treatment, but huge burdens to the state when the patient is on public
assistance as well as Medicare because the yound and the elderly are hit the
I submit to you that the issue of aerosol spraying is the same as the MBTE
disaster. Not a single public servant anywhere has come forward - despite all the
evidence, i.e., water readings which show huge spikes in aluminum and barium as
well as other deadly chemicals and said, "Wait a minute. There's something very
wrong going on here. We need to get the health department and water official
involved and find out what this is all about." Members of the state legislatures
need to understand that they are also breathing this dangerous gunk and it is killing
them the same as the rest of us. Members of the state legislatures need to
understand that their children and loved ones are breathing this dangerous gunk
being sprayed, our environment is being attacked and if not stopped, the
disappearing honey bees will make the rest pale in comparison.
I'm not going to rehash what I've already written, but I interviewed a former
California State Fish & Wildlife biologist up in Mendocino County a few years
ago; Allan was referred to me by Rosalind. This man, now retired, is not some
bug-eyed conspiracy wacko. He worked in his capacity for 34 years and he told
me that the spraying was killing the trees and crops; the sun could not get through
the layers of this stuff and the destruction down the road a few years will be
awesome. He also told me that in all his years in his official capacity - never had
he been so stonewalled in his efforts to get answers on the issue of aerosol
spraying. That alone should tell people someone is hiding something.
As Rosalind says in her response to the Discovery Channel: we don't know who is
doing this aerosol spraying, although we can guess. The planes spraying right over
my area are flying fairly low compared to the ones that flew over Sacramento.
These are huge, white cargo type planes, not commercial jets. Most of us believe
they are Air Force planes. There has been no spraying over Big Spring, Texas
where I live since March 7th. We've had persistent winds, rain and some snow, so
the planes have not been here and I have not had to suffer through the spraying. I
am fully aware that state legislators get approached by constituents all the time and
that there are nut cases out there, but the aerosol spraying issue isn't one of them. I
would ask any elected public official to go to THIS SITE and read some of the
comments from people like Dr. Leonard Horowitz, who is eminently qualified to
speak on the subject; I have read his books, AIDS, Ebola and Emerging Viruses
and Death in the Air and highly recommend them.
Millions of Americans are aware of this aerosol spraying, yet not one single
member of Congress nor any agency of the federal government will answer our

1. Who is doing this spraying? Who authorized this spraying of dangerous

2. chemicals over our skies?
3. What is the purpose of spraying these dangerous chemicals raining down on
humans, animals and the environment?
A large number of our state legislatures are going to go out of session soon. I
would ask scientists and doctors who know what's going on and fully understand
the health problems becoming an epidemic because of this aerosol spraying: Get
together in a group and get to your state house to see your state senator and
representative. Take the best information you have, explain to your senator and rep
that what's happening with this spraying is a major disaster well underway and we
the people have the right to know who is spraying and why. Tell your state senator
and rep that they have the power to demand from the federal government the
answers to our questions above. We've got to break this log jam of silence and stop
this spraying before the cost in human suffering, death and environmental
meltdown reaches a point of no return mark. The disappearing honey bees should
be a HUGE wake up call for the state legislatures. Ask then to act now and
demand answers from the Bush Administration.
Important research material
Aerosol Crimes 1st Edition - Excellent video by Clifford Carnicom.

The Methodic Demise of Natural Earth by Dr. Michael Castle
Scientists fear unusual weather behind massive seabird die-off
Chemtrails Data Page
Portland Oregon Weather Modification Forum November 4, 2006
Agriculture alert
Night Clouds - NASA experiments
Chemtrail Sunscreen Taught In US Schools
9, FYI:
Goodbye Chemtrails, Hello Blue Skies!
Publications (NASA)
Aviation and the Global Atmosphere
Aerosol operation crimes & cover up
Rosalind's site: California Skywatch
Mysterious collapse of honeybee populations threatens national food supply
Honey bees in US facing extinction
The Silence of the Bees
Are GM Crops Killing Bees?
Are mobile phones wiping out bees?
The Future of Food (DVD)
Seeds of Deception (Book)
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