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An Educational Services Publication of the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

\ PEGASUS N65-3068.5

PegOsus counts meteoroids and meosures their energy. (Inset shows comparative size of Explorer XVI, an earlier meteoroid satellite.)

Pegasus collects data on the mysterious par- Like its namesake, the satellite i s notable for
ticles of matter in space called meteoroids. i t s wings; however, the Pegasus spacecraft’s
This satellite, named for the winged horse of wings are not for flying but for reporting punc-
Greek mythology, i s one of the heaviest and tures by meteoroids.
largest of U.S. .
Plans call for three Pegasus launches. Peg- Data from Pegasus are expected not only to
@ asus I was launched February 16, 1965, Pega- advance man’s understanding of the space en-
sus I I on May 25, 1965. vironment but also to aid him in designing large
Page 2 NASA FACTS Vol. 8, No,. 1.5
manned and unmanned spacecraft intended for SUI can help engineers determine how thick a
prolonged missions. For example, the depth spacecraft’s walls must be to resist puncture by
and frequency of penetrations reported by Pega- meteoroids.






! I 188’

1, 120, OOO LBS.

Sketch of Saturn with Pegasus paylood a t launch.


Pegasus i s the Nation’s third largest space- length includes the attached second stage of the
craft. Only the 135-foot diameter Echo II and Saturn I rocket vehicle that launched the satellite.
the 1 OO-foot diameter Echo I communications
satellites are larger. Both Echo satellites are l i k e the Echo satellites, Pegasus spacecraft
balloon-like and were inflated in orbit. are visible from earth. Pegasus satellites
Unfolded in space, the wings of Pegasus span twinkle instead of reflecting a steady light be- l

96 feet. The center section, resembling the cause they “tumble” in space (turn as they move
fuselage o f an airplane, i s 71 feet long. The in orbit).

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NASA FACTS'Vol. II, NO. 15 Page 3

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Prototype Pegasus Is tested on the ground.

The 96-foot-long 14-foot-wide wings of Peg- capacitor, a device that holds or stores an
asus carry 208 panels designed to report punc- electrical charge.
tures b y meteoroids. Each of the two wings is This sandwich is mounted on soft foam plastic
made up of seven frames, hinged together, with which in turn i s laid on a rigid foam plastic
several panels on each frame. center core. O n the other side of this core is
The upper and lower sides of each panel are another layer of soft foam plastic and, outward,
covered by aluminum sheet in one of three in turn, layers of copper, polymer plastic, and
thicknesses: .0015, .008,or .016 inch. The aluminum sheet which form another capacitor
differing thicknesses of the sheets provide a with a 40-volt electrical charge.
means to measure the energies of meteoroids When a meteoroid punctures the aluminum
that penetrate them. foil, its impact vaporizes both the foil and itself.
There i s a film of polymer plastic inside the This i s due t o the velocity of impact which i s
aluminum sheet. A copper coating i s on the many thousands of miles per hour. The energy
other side of the plastic. Forty volts of electri- released by the impact i s so great that electrons
cal current flow between the outer aluminum are stripped from the vapor (gas) atoms.
0 skin and inner copper coating. In effect, the Removal of the negatively charged electrons
sandwich of aluminum, plastic, and copper is a unbalances the neutral gas atoms, giving them
positive electrical charges. The atoms are then CENTER AND ADAPTER SECTIONS ’
called ions. The resulting eledrically-charged The two great wings o f Pegasus are attached
gas, made up of ions and electrons, i s called a t o the center section which i s connected by an
plasma. adapter section to the spent second stage of the
The plasma absorbs the panel’s electrical Saturn launch vehicle. The adapter section is
charge (short circuits the panel), but momen- equipped with a television system designed to
tarily only as the plasma dissipates almost enable ground observers to watch on televi-
immediately. sion screen as Pegasus unfolds its great wings in
The panel i s automatically recharged. The orbit.
recharge which takes .003 of a second, i s re- The center section i s equipped with the motor
corded by satellite instruments. The instruments that unfolds the wings; solar panels on which
correlate the event with such other data as iden- are mounted solar cells that convert sunlight to
tification of the panel struck, panel thickness, electricity for powering satellite equipment; re-
time o f penetration, orientation of the satellite chargeable batteries t o provide electricity for
at the moment of penetration (by tumbling in running Pegasus equipment when the satellite
space, Pegasus i s punctured by meteoroids i s shadowed b y earth and i t s solar cells, con-
coming from all directions), and the cumulative sequently, are not in sunlight; sensors for such
number of hits on the panel. uses as determining satellite orientation and
As shown above, each panel : I t s two ccpnci- temperature; equipment for acquiring and re-
tor-type meteoroid detectors. There are 104 cording space data and transmitting !hem tn
panels on each wing. The 208 panels of both earth; and communications and other electronic
wings thus provide 41 6 separate meteoroid equipment for monitoring or operating the
detectors. satellite.


I \



Drawings show Pegasus folded within boilerplate Apollo (left), and unfolded in space.
The forward and wing restraints hold Pegasus in place until it i s freed from Apollo.
NASA FACTS Vol. II, No. 15 Page S
At launch, the wings of Pegasus are folded
like. an accordion to fit inside of a specially
adapted ”boilerplate” of the Apollo service
moduk?. Capping the service module i s a
boilerplate Apollo command module. The two
modules enclose and protect Pegasus from
launch to orbit.
Boilerplates are engineering test models of Working model represents second stage of Saturn and
craft. The Apollo command module i s one of Apollo boilerplate with folded Pegasus in place. Service
module’s shell, which protected satellite during launch,
three sections of the Apollo spacecraft in which has drifted away, freeing the Pegasus satellite to open its
three American astronauts will first journey to 96-foot long wings.

the moon. The command module i s intended

t o serve as the control room and living quarters module from the moon and rejoin the parent
for the trip. The service module, another sec- Apollo craft in orbit.)
tion of the Apollo spacecraft, will be equipped Typical o f Pegasus launchings was that of
with rocket engines and fuel tanks, providing Pegasus 1. Pegasus I was launched b y the 1.5-
the spacecraft with considerable maneuverabil- million-pound-thrust Saturn I rocket vehicle (see
ity. ( A third Apollo section, not represented below) f r o m Cape Kennedy, Florida, i n t o an
i n the Pegasus experiment, i s called the lunar orbit ranging from 308 t o 462 miles above
excursion module. Two Apollo astronauts will earth. In orbit, the shells of the Apollo com-
l a n d the lunar excursion module on the moon mand and service modules (see diagram Saturn
while the third remains in orbit with the com- SA-9 vehicle) were detached from the adapter
0 mand and service modules. Later, the two section and, nudged b y spring action, rolled
astronauts will launch the lunar excursion forward along guide rails. They rolled off the

Pegasus model begins to unfold. Note also deploying solar panels, bearing the electricity-generating solar cells,
above and below the wing and in a “pup-tent” arrangement at forward end.

Page 6 NASA FACTS Vol. II, No. IS

Pegasus as it would look unfolded in space.

end of the guide rails and drifted off into space,

exposing and freeing Pegasus. Shortly after-
ward, Pegasus unfolded its wings. Total time
from lift-off to complete deployment of Pegasus
I in orbit was 17 minutes.
The orbit of Pegasus I i s inclined or angled
32 degrees from the equator. The satellite’s
orbital period, or time for one revolution, is
about 97 minutes.
Pegasus i s designed to function for a year or
more. It i s expected to orbit earth for more
than three years. . .

Actual telecast sent to earth by a TV on the Pegasus Meteoroids are particles of matter, of varying
adapter section shows the Apollo service module moving
a w a y from Pegasus in orbit. Circular object in back-
sizes, in space. In outer space, the objects are
ground i s rear of Apollo service module. called meteroids. When they head through the

NASA FACTS Vol. II, No. 15 Page 7
atmosphere toward earth and glow due t o at- presumed but not proved. The frequency of
mospheric friction, they are referred t o as meteoroids and meteors reported in earth’s en-
0 meteors and sometimes are called “shooting vironment appears to vary with different periods
stars.” Portions of meteors that survive the of the year. Comparison of meteoroid data
fiery trip through the atmosphere to strike earth from man-made earth satellites and from NASA’s
are termed meteorites. Mariners II and IV indicates that meteoroids may
be 10,000 times more abundant near earth than
Studies of these mysterious objects have been along the paths of these craft in interplanetary
carried out by satellites, sounding rockets, inter- space. (Mariner It, launched August 27, 1962,
planetary spacecraft, high-altitude flights of the flew from earth to the vicinity of Venus. Mar-
X-15 research airplane, telescopic and radar iner IV was launched November 28, 1964, on a
observations, and in laboratories. For the most flight skirting Mars.)
part, meteoroids are smaller than grains of sand. Because of its large size and the broad range
Sizable meteoroids are rare. Laboratory anal- of thicknesses of material it presents for mete-
ysis of meteorites has shown that they are oroid puncture, Pegasus i s expected to contribute
composed of elements which also exist on earth. significantly to meteoroid knowledge. For ex-
ample, Explorers XVI and XXIII, the largest of
NASA’s Explorer XVI satellite, launched De- the meteoroid study satellites prior t o Pegasus,
cember 16, 1962, provided data showing that exposed about 25 square feet of instrumented
tiny meteoroids could pierce thin metal surfaces. area to meteoroid bombardment. This is about
This hazard to spacecraft had previously been one-eightieth of that presented by Pegasus.
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Overhead view of Pegasus inside of Apollo “boilerplate” service module; Apollo command module moving into place.

Page 8 NASA FACTS Vol. II, No. 15

In launching Pegasus I, Saturn I placed a total weight

The S-IV i s a cluster o f six RL-10-A-3 en-
of about 33,000 pounds in orbit. Broken down, this gines that utilize liquid oxygen and liquid hydro-
includes the 3200-pound wings and center section of
Pegasus; the 2700-pound adapter section and i t s asso- gen to generate a total thrust of 90,000pounds.
ciated supporting structure, the 14300-pound spent S-IV i s 41.5 feet,long and 18.5 feet in diameter.
S-IV Saturn second stage; the 2600-pound Instrument
Unit; and the approximately 10,000-pound boilerplate The Instrument Unit contains Saturn’s guid-
Apollo command and service modules. In addition, the
ance system, power supplies, and equipment by
S-IV had obout 700 pounds of unused propellant when
i t s engines were cut off in orbit. The propellant grad- which Saturn can be monitored and-tracked
ually evaporated in space.
from earth. The unit, shaped like a narrow
drum, i s 34 inches high and 154 inches in
Pegasus i s launched by Saturn I, the Nation’s
most powerful rocket vehicle. Before the Peg-
asus experiments, Saturn I flights were part of
the rocket’s developmental program and
launched boilerplate Apollo command and
service modules.
In this connection, secondary missions of
Pegasus-are tests of the jettison of the Apollo
launch escape system (LES) and additional ex-
perience in and study of Saturn I performance
to aid development of the more powerful Saturn
IB and Saturn V launch vehicles.
The LES is intended to rocket the manned
Apollo craft from the launch vehicle in case of
suspected trouble. Plans call for the Saturn IB
t o be used in Apollo manned orbital flights
preparatory for the lunar mission and the Saturn
V to rocket the manned Apollo craft t o the
Saturn I i s made up of three basic sections:
the S-I, which i s i t s first stage; the S-IV, which
i s its second stage; and the Instrument Unit
Saturn I with Pegasus I payload on launch pad at
mounted on top of the second stage. Cape Kennedy, Florida.
S-l i s a cluster of eight H-1 rocket engines
burning liquid oxygen and refined kerosene. It
generates a total thrust of 1.5 million pounds.
S-l i s 80.3 feet long and 21.4 feet in diameter. The launch of Pegasus satellites i s the primary mis-
sion of the eighth, ninth, and tenth Saturn I develap-
Uprated i n power, it will b e used as the first mental night tests. These are the last of the series of
stage for Saturn IB. such tests.

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