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‘FILED b raven IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Bhima FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT INV AND cra ar FOR DUVAL COUNTY FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA YS. CASE NO.: Ne CF.2016 O10 G02. Hinelson hearing. Io supparh thecens the Defendont's ceguest the | Defendant offers the following: The United State's Constituhion,os wells the Florida Constitution sufficient inquiry to determing whethec appointed a The Florida Court of Appeals further held in Finfrock v/ State 24 | Iso ad 43), (Fla 24 DCA Zol2); | Poge lof fo, two of them wert going ta intecview avery important “—*"* es Allgood. The Defendant further desecibed witness, Tar! in usd re Sth “potion, when the agteed_upan date to int lock of participation the Alligand interview did ost occur, Tn the Sine Sthpetition the Defendant listed Ms. Eldridge asa soiitaess to the events dlesceibed ia said pebiion aso ___

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