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NIM : E1D016068

Teaching English Language and Literature in Indonesia holds many challenges that require clever
workmanship if it is desired that literary teaching can function as a vehicle for student intelligence. This
article discusses various issues and dilemmas faced by the English language and literature study program
in Indonesia and proposes a reorientation of literary teaching towards the development of literary literacy.
First, various approaches to literary learning will be presented which are commonly adopted in Indonesia.
In the discussion of this learning approach there will be found critical points that become challenges and
problems that must be overcome. Furthermore, the discussion will focus on various crucial dilemmas and
possible solutions that can be chosen. This paper will conclude with the proposed use of the concept of
"literary literacy" as the focus of learning English literature in its status as a foreign language in

Unlike what happened to elementary and secondary education levels that were "nurtured" and
"controlled" in great detail, the Ministry of Education and Culture (cq Directorate General of Higher
Education) only gave general signs about any subject (and what scope) that the study program must meet
( study program), especially those that teach English language and literature as a foreign language. This
looseness of space may foster creativity for a group of English language and literature study program
developers in a small number of universities in Indonesia. But for most groups of study program
developers in other universities, this freedom can be very confusing. The description of this mass
confusion was very clear when the leaders of study programs and faculties from 54 universities shared
problems in the "Symposium and Formation Meeting of the Association of English Studies in Indonesia"
held at FIB-UI Depok on September 11, 2014.

In the event initiated by the University of Indonesia (FIB-UI) Faculty of Cultural Sciences, in
addition to the formation of the management of English study program associations throughout Indonesia,
there were also "academic ventures" among the leaders of English Language and Literature study
programs. A lot of complains took place in this forum of intellectuals-practitioners managing study
programs "English literature".

On the outline, the main problem that arises is the insecurity of the program managers in relation
to their respective factual circumstances, and in connection with the regulatory ideas that come from the
Directorate General of Higher Education, including the use of nomenclature naming study programs (eg
"English Language and Literature") and designations the degree of graduates (ie "Bachelor of Literature"
/ SS), and the gradation of access to licensing facilities and development funding support that come
together with the status of accreditation and the composition of the educational background of the various
instructors and managers of English study programs.

Next will discuss various issues and dilemmas relating to the disparity in the quality of the broad
Indonesian English study program. First of all, the norms of the purpose of teaching English language and
literature as a foreign language will be presented in higher education institutions in Indonesia, and also
discussed the options available for teaching English literature as a foreign language. From this we will
identify various issues and dilemmas that are a function of the diverse teaching objectives and the chosen
learning approach and the availability of resources (human resources and various physical and academic
facilities) that support them. Based on the problems faced by the English literature study program in its
efforts to teach English as a foreign language to students in Indonesia, the proposal was then proposed to
use the idea of "literary literacy" as a teaching guide for all English language and literary study programs
so that the study program's mission could be upheld and comparability between English language and
literature products throughout Indonesia can begin to be built.

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