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Ultrasound_2861_Win7 WorkStation

V6.9.1.4 installation information

Before intall the workstation software, let the
Computer(PC) and Ultrasonic Machine electricity,
through the USB cable connection.
1. Double-click “Ultrasound_2861_Win7_ch WorkStation V6.9.1.4”:

Click ‘Next’ continue installation

User could make your choice to your potion,then click ‘Next’ continue installation

Click ‘Install’ continue installation

User could click ‘Browse’ change install path, also could click ‘Install’ to install in
default path

Click ‘OK’ continue installation

Click ‘Next’ continue installation

Click ‘Finish’ continue installation

Select the second, then click ‘Finish’ continue installation

Click ‘Finish’. Finish software installation part

2. Check up the capture card 2861 is running normally:
Right click ‘Computer’ on the desktop, select ‘Manage’. The interface will then
look like the following figure:

Select ’Device Manager’. The interface will then look like the following figure:

If there is a ‘USB 2861 Device’ such as red mark. Install success.

3.User setting:double-click enter the software:

Click drop-down list near the ‘User name’ , select the system’s default user
name(admin). Then click ‘Set’ enter the system, The interface will then look like the
following figure:

Click ‘NST/PAL’ to change the resolution

Because the resolution is wrong , so the image will not display correctly.
Then click the “capSetting”

Click drop-down list and Select ‘PAL_D’ near the ‘Video Standard’, click ‘Apply’
,then click ‘OK’ finish Capture Settings
If the interface such as this,explains set successfully.
Then click “NST/PAL” to change resolution

Because change the resolution,the image will be blurred

PS: if you select the Video Standard is “NTSC_M” , you must use the resolution is
640x480; Else if you select the Video Standard is “PAL_D”, you must use the
resolution is 720x576。
Click ‘sysSetting’, enter the System Settings interface

Hospital name will be included in the reporting page automatically;

Exam result can be added or deleted the Exam Result here;
The diagnosis doctor and examine doctor in examine file can be added or deleted the
Exam Doctor here
4.Change password:

Select your User name, then click ‘Modify PWD’ to change password

Input one time Old PWD and repeat input two times New PWD, then click ‘Set’. If
testing right will be prompted ‘Password is changed’ ; If testing error will be
prompted ‘The new password input error, please input again!’

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