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Mekelle University 2017/18Academic Calendar

2018/2019 G.C (2011 E.C) Semester-I

MM/DD/YR in G.C MM/DD/YR in E.C Action Accomplished
Sep. 11/2018 G.C መመመመመ 01/2011 E.C Ethiopian New Year
Sep. 13-19/2018 G.C መመመመመ 03-09 /2011E.C Final exam period for Non-MOE students including distance programs
Sep. 14/2018 G.C መመመመመ 04/2011 E.C Academic Staff report to duty
Sep. 18–20/2018 G.C መመመመመ 8-10/2011 E.C planning week
Sep. 20-23/2018 G.C መመመመመ 10-13/2011 E.C Proposal defense for summer PG students
Registrar sends new under and post graduate application documents to
Sep. 21/2018 G.C መመመመመ 11/2011 E.C
departments/schools for screening and approval of applicants
Sep. 22/2018 G.C መመመመመ 12/2011 E.C Publish tentative class schedule including expected first yearstudents
Sep. 27/2018 G.C መመመመመ 17/2011 E.C Finding of the True Cross (YeMeskel Beal)
Last date for reporting exam results of summer and evening programs
Sep. 28/2018 G.C መመመመመ 18/2011 E.C
to RAD and online
All Senior students arrive at campus, confirm registration in RaD
Oct. 23-24 /2018 G.C መመመመ13-14/2011 E.C
office by presenting printed registration slip in person
Oct. 23- 28/2018 G.C መመመመ 13-18/2011 E.C Online Registration for all senior Regular, In-service,
Extension UG & PG students
Sep. 29/2018 G.C መመመመመ 19 /2011 E.C Non-MOE Summer students clear from campus
Department/School council determines Status for non-graduate summer
Oct. 03/2018 G.C መመመመመ 23/2011 E.C
and extension students or/and approves graduation for graduates.
Make-up exam application for all senior Regular, In-service, Extension
Oct. 02-04/2018 G.C መመመመመ 22-24/2011E.C
UG & PG students.
Oct.01- 10/2018 G.C መመመመመ 21-30/2011 E.C First year students complete their profile and fill their
department choice in the e-student
Registrar distributes Make-up exam & Readmission applications of all
Oct. 05/2018 G.C መመመመመ 25/2011 E.C senior Regular, In-service, Extension UG & PG students to schools or
Oct. 01-5/2018 G.C መመመመመ 21-25/2011 E.C Entrance examination period for post graduate programs
Oct. 25-26/2018 G.C መመመመ15-16/2011 E.C All First year students will arrive at Campus
Add & drop duration for all senior Regular, In-service, Extension UG
Oct. 08-10/2018 G.C መመመመመ 28-30/2011 E.C
& PG students.
Oct. 29/2018 G.C መመመመ19/2011 E.C First semester Class begins for all senior Regular, In-
service, Extension UG & PG students.
All schools and departments shall post result of entrance exam and send
Oct. 08/2018 G.C መመመመመ 28/2011 E.C list of passed and reserved list of new PG & extension applicants to
RAD office for registration
Oct.30/2018 G.C መመመመ 20/2011E.C Orientation at campus level for first year students
Oct. 31-Nov1/2018 G.C መመመመ 21-22/2011 E.C Final day for refining submission of department choice in the e-student
Last date for reporting list of approved readmitted applicants
Oct. 04/2018 G.C መመመመመ24/2011 E.C and accepted post graduate applicants & last date for reporting make-up
exam results (grades) to Registrar
Online Registration for first year Regular and Extension UG & PG
Oct. 20-23/2018 G.C መመመመ10-13/2011 E.C
Students and for all students who have taken make-up exams.

Oct. 24/2018 G.C መመመመ 14/2011 E.C First semester Class begins for first year students who

have direct department placement
Oct. 22/2018 G.C መመመመ 12/2011 E.C Add & drop date for all students who have taken make-up exams
Oct. 22/2018 G.C መመመመ 12/2011 E.C College/Institute council approves graduation
Oct. 15-19/2018 G.C መመመመ5-9/2011 E.C Research review week at college level
Nov. 05/2018 G.C መመመመ26/2011 E.C First semester Class begins for first year students who
were late due to department choice
Oct. 25/2018 G.C መመመመ 15/2011 E.C University senate meeting
Nov. 29-30/2018 G.C መመመ20-21/2011 E.C University Research review day
Dec. 16/2018 G.C መመመመ 07/2011 E.C Eidalfetir (Ramadan)
Last date for requesting readmission on line by students (that of second
Dec. 28/2018 G.C መመመመ 19/2010 E.C
Dec. 28/2018 G.C መመመመ 19/2011 E.C Last date for thesis submission of post graduate
Jan. 18/2019 G.C መመ 10/2010 E.C Final examination schedule published for the 1 st semester
Jan. 07/2019 G.C መመመመ29/2010 E.C Ethiopian Christmas (Genna)
Jan. 09-13/2019 G.C መመ01-05/2011 E.C Defense Period for M.Sc. students graduating in the first semester
Jan. 19/2019 G.C መመ 11/2011 E.C Ethiopian Epiphany (YeTimket Beal)
Dec 11/2019 G.C መመ 30/2011 E.C Academic Staff evaluation by students
Feb. 8/2019 G.C መመመመ 1/2011 E.C Class End of Semester-I for all programs and all
Feb . 11-Feb25/2019 G.C መመመመ4-18/2011 E.C First semester exam for students of all programs and all enrollments
Feb26-March01/2019 G.C መመመመ19-መመመመ 22/2011 E.C Application for Make-up examination for Second Semester

one week Inter-Semester Break

March .05/2019 G.C መመመመ 26/2011 E.C Last date for grade submission (on line)

March .8-9/2019 G.C መመመመ 29-30/2011 E.C planning week before class begins
Student status determination by each department and reported to
March .8/2019 G.C መመመመ 29/2011 E.C
college/institute and Registrar & Alumni
Registrar distributes Make-up exam applications of all Regular, In-
March .8/2019 G.C መመመመ 29/2011 E.C
service, Extension UG & PG students to schools or departments
March 8-12/2019 G.C መመመመ 29-መመመመ 3/2011 E.C Second semester registration period for all programs & enrollments

Feb 15/2019 G.C መመመመ 8/2011 E.C College/Institute council approves graduation
Last date for reporting list of approved readmitted applicants
Feb. 25/2019 G.C መመመመ 18/2011 E.C and accepted post graduate applicants & last date for reporting make-up
exam results (grades) to Registrar online

2019 G.C (2011 E.C) Semester-II

Second semester Class begin for all Regular, In-service, Extension UG
March. 13/2019 G.C መመመመ 4/2011 E.C
& PG students.
Add & drop duration for all Regular, In-service, Extension UG & PG
March .13-14/2019 G.C መመመመ 5-6/2011 E.C
students and registration for make-up exam applicants.
Feb. 25/2019 G.C መመመመ 18/2011 E.C Eid-Al Adha (Arefa)
Feb. 25/2019 G.C መመመመ 18/2011 E.C University senate meeting

March 02/2019 G.C መመመመ 23/2011 E.C Victory of Adwa
April 19/2019 G.C መመመመ 11/2011 E.C The president establishes graduation committee
All schools and departments shall send summer PG and UG programs
April 22/2019 G.C መመመመ 14/2011 E.C
to RAD for announcement.
April 24/2019 G.C መመመመ 16/2011 E.C Registrar announces programs for summer enrollment
May 01/2019 G.C መመመመ 23/2011 E.C International Labor Day (YeLabaderochbeal)
May 05/2019 G.C መመመመ 27/2011 E.C Eth Patriots Victory Day (YeArbognoch Ken)
Application period for new summer undergraduate and postgraduate
May 08-20/2019 G.C መመመመ 30-መመመመ11/2011 E.C
May 24/2019 G.C መመመመ16/2011 E.C The Prophet’s Birthday (Moulid)
May 28/2019 G.C መመመመ 20/2011 E.C Dawn fall of Dergue
RAD prepares University Academic calendar of 2012 E.C and submits
May. 4-Jun17/2019 G.C መመመመ 27-መመ10/2011 E.C
for Senate approval
May. 4-5/2019 G.C መመመመ 27-28/2011 E.C Last date for thesis submission for postgraduate students
May4-7/2019 G.C መመመመ 27-30/2011 E.C Announcement
Jun10-2410/2019 G.C መመ 3-17/2011 E.C Application for all CEP & PG Programs
June 21/2019 G.C መመ 14/2011 E.C 2nd semester tentative final examination Schedule published
Entrance examination period for summer program for post graduate
Jun4-7/2019 G.C መመ 27-30/2011 E.C
June 28/2019 G.C መመ 21 /2011 E.C Class End for all graduating classes
Jun1-6/2019 G.C መመ 24-29/2011 Second semester final examination period for graduating classes
July 29/2019 G.C መመ 22/2011 E.C Class end for all non-graduating students
Jul.1-7/2019 G.C መመ 25-30/2011 E.C Thesis defense period for all graduating students
Second semester final examination period for all non-graduating
July1-12/2019 G.C መመ24-5መመመ/2011E.C
July11/2019 G.C መመመ4/2011E.C Last date for grade submission of graduating class
July12/2019 G.C መመመ5/2011 E.C Department/School council approve graduation
July 13/2019 G.C መመመ6/2011 E.C College/Institute council approve graduation
July 17/2019 G.C መመመ 10/2011 E.C University senate meeting
July 16/2019 G.C መመመ 9/2011 E.C Last date for clearing from campus for non-graduate students
July 16/2019 G.C መመመ 13/2011 E.C Graduation Day
July 22-23/2019 G.C መመመ 15-16/2011 E.C Graduates Clear from campus
July 29/2019 G.C መመመ 22/2011 E.C Last date for grade submission of non- graduating class

2019G.C / 2011 E.C Summer program Semester-III

July 17-18/2019 G.C መመመ 10-11/2011 E.C Summer students arrive at campus
Registration for Summer students &semester-III extension students
July 18-19/2019 G.C መመመ 11-12/2011 E.C
Make-up examination week for all summer programs and extension
July 22-23/2019 G.C መመመ 15-16/2011 E.C
Class begins for all Summer and Extension students
July 22/2019 G.C መመመ15/ 2011 E.C
(Except those having tutorials for distance courses)
July 24-25/2019 G.C መመመ 17-18/ 2011 E.C Add and Drop days
July 29/2019 G.C መመመ 22/2011 E.C Class begins for students having tutorials for distance courses.
July 29/2019 G.C መመመ 12/2011 E.C Last date for reporting make-up exam results online
Sep.5/2019 G.C መመመ 30/2011 E.C Class End for MOE students
Sep. 13-18/2019 G.C መመመ 27- መመመ 3/ 2011 E.C Final exam period for MOE students

Sep. 19/2019 G.C መመመ 4/2011 E.C MOE students clear from campus
Sep. 12/2019 G.C መመመመመ 01/2012 E.C Ethiopian New Year
Sep. 13-18/2019 G.C መመመመመ 02-08/2012 E.C Final exam period for Non-MOE students including distance programs
Sep. 20/2019 G.C መመመመመ 09/2012 E.C Academic Staff report to duty
Sep. 20-23/2019 G.C መመመመመ 09-12/2012 E.C Non-MOE Summer students clear from campus
Registrar sends new under and post graduate application documents to
Sep. 23/2019 G.C መመመመመ 12/2012 E.C
departments/schools for screening and approval of applicants
Sep. 23–26/2019 G.C መመመመመ 12-15/2012 E.C planning week
Sep. 23-26/2019 G.C መመመመመ 12-15/2012 E.C Proposal defense for summer PG students
Publish tentative class schedule including expected first year
Sep. 27/2019 G.C መመመመመ 16/2012 E.C
Sep. 30/2019 G.C መመመመመ 19/2012 E.C Finding of the True Cross (YeMeskel Beal)
Last date for reporting exam results of summer and evening programs
Oct 01/2019 G.C መመመመመ 20/2012 E.C
to RAD and online
Oct. 1-2/2019 G.C መመመመመ 21-22/2012 E.C Entrance examination period for post graduate programs
Oct. 1-2/2019 G.C መመመመመ 21-22/2012 E.C All Senior students arrive at campus
Department/School council determines Status for non-graduate summer
Oct. 03/2019 G.C መመመመመ 23/2012 E.C
and extension students or/and approves graduation for graduates.
Make-up exam & application for all senior Regular, In-service,
Oct. 03-04/2019 G.C መመመመመ 23-24/2012 E.C
Extension UG & PG students.
Online Readmission application for all senior Regular, In-service,
Oct. 03-04/2019 G.C መመመመመ 23-24/2012 E.C
Extension UG & PG students.
Online Registration for all senior Regular, In-service, Extension UG &
Oct. 03-06/2019 G.C መመመመመ 23-26/2012 E.C
PG students.
Registrar distributes Make-up exam & Readmission applications of all
Oct. 06/2019 G.C መመመመመ 26/2012 E.C senior Regular, In-service, Extension UG & PG students to schools or
Oct. 08-09/2019 G.C መመመመመ 28-29/2012 E.C All First year students will arrive at Campus
Add & drop duration for all senior Regular, In-service, Extension UG
Oct. 08-10/2019 G.C መመመመመ 28-30/2012 E.C
& PG students.
Oct. 10/2019 G.C መመመመመ 30/2012 E.C College/Institute council approves graduation
All schools and departments shall post result of entrance exam and send
Oct. 10/2019 G.C መመመመመ 30/2012 E.C list of passed and reserved list of new PG & extension applicants to
RAD office for registration
First semester Class begin for all senior Regular, In-service, Extension
Oct. 14/2019 G.C መመመመ 03/2012 E.C
UG & PG students.
Oct. 14/2019 G.C መመመመ 03/2012 E.C Orientation at campus level for first year students
Oct. 14-15/2019 G.C መመመመ 03-04/2012 E.C Final day for submission of department choice in the e-student
Oct. 16/2019 G.C መመመመ 05/2012 E.C Colleges and Institutes submit signed GCRs to RAD
Last date for reporting list of approved readmitted applicants
Oct. 16/2019 G.C መመመመ 05/2012 E.C and accepted post graduate applicants & last date for reporting make-up
exam results (grades) to Registrar
Online Registration for first year Regular and Extension UG & PG
Oct. 16-18/2019 G.C መመመመ 05-07/2012 E.C
Students and for all students who have taken make-up exams.
Oct. 21/2019 G.C መመመመ 10/2012 E.C Add & drop date for all students who have taken make-up exams
Oct. 21/2019 G.C Class begins for all first year Regular, In-service, Extension UG & PG
መመመመ 10/2012 E.C
Oct. 21/2019 G.C መመመመ 10/2012 E.C University senate meeting


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