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National Health Service

Wales hospital uses F1 pit stop tactics for newborn resuscitation

Williams team asked to refine emergency procedures

© Reuters

Paul McClean MAY 10, 2016

A hospital in Wales has drafted in the Williams Formula One team to help speed up its
procedures for resuscitating newborn babies.

University Hospital Wales, in Cardiff, has modelled its delivery theatres on F1 pit stops,
mapping out work areas on the floor and stripping trolleys down to just the most essential

The hospital called in Williams after it noticed similarities in the teamwork, speed and
synchronisation required to attend to a pit stop and to resuscitate a new-born baby.
Williams recorded the fastest pit stop time of any team at each of the first four races of the
2016 F1 season.
A standard resuscitation involved four people, said Dr Rachel Hayward, a neonatal care
specialist, and focused on “the ABC — airways, breathing and circulation”.

She said that following a consultation with Williams, the hospital introduced three major
changes. “The first was to improve our trolley with equipment. We have colour coded
things and we want to make preformed inserts for drawers,” she said.

The second was to improve the way that the team navigates space and the third was to
refine “team dynamics”. “Everyone now has an identified role so before we get started
they are clear on what they are doing, whether it is airways or cardiac,” she said, adding
that they had presented their new working model to other hospitals in Wales.

“It’s too early to say if the new processes have saved any lives, but the feedback we’ve had
is that the trolley is much more accessible and organised, and every improvement will
benefit us,” she added.

Engineers at Williams practice about 2,000 pit stops a year to try to shave seconds off
their time.

“Both scenarios require a team of people to work seamlessly in a time critical and space-
limited environment,” said Williams. “In F1, a pit crew can change all four tyres on a car
in around two seconds, with a team of nearly 20 people working in unison to successfully
service a car.”

Dr Hayward’s team spent a day at Williams’ headquarters in Oxfordshire and said that it
was also looking at adopting some of the hand signals used by the engineers and video
playbacks of resuscitations to try to improve their response.

The hospital has asked GoPro, the video camera company, for headcameras so that they
can “thoroughly analyse things afterwards” in a debrief.

Williams said it would look at other ways of bringing its expertise into healthcare. “We
were delighted to assist,” said Claire Williams, the daughter of Sir Frank Williams and the
founder of the F1 team.

“Their work is vitally important and the pressure they work under is difficult to
comprehend. If some of the advice we have passed on helps to save a young life then this
would have been an extremely worthy endeavour.”
Elsewhere, the Ferrari F1 team has worked with Great Ormond Street hospital to help
bring its pit-stop procedures into the delicate “hand off” of child patients from operating
theatres to intensive care wards.

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