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Left: Deborah Bell

and Onyx relaxing at
Photo: Robin Glanville

Right: Chariot, bronze

– Objects of Power:
memory of metal,
memory of wood –
Goodman Gallery
Photo: John Hodgkiss
PROFILE: Deborah Bell PROFILE: Deborah Bell

I’m in a makoro, a wooden boat carved from a single tree. A huge black antique. This home is like a cultural
museum made resplendent with
dog balances on my lap. In front of me are four ancient carved figures
colour and comfort.
with large, strong bodies and magnificent hands. On their heads they
Deborah recalls her first exhibition and
carry animals, boats and people. Behind me is Deborah Bell, muse of how she discovered a room at the
this magnificent journey. back of the gallery with a simple
display of wooden neck rests. “Each
piece was so beautiful, a conscious
No, this is not a fantasy trip on the Nile!
understanding of aesthetics and
This is Deborah’s home and I’m with
beauty. These artists saw art as a
Onyx, the affectionate Great Dane,
power object, not an intellectual
brother of Xena (warrior princess); and
Robin Glanville, artist, photographer
She returned regularly to this quiet
and tender partner to this power-
room for peace during her exhibition
house Creation Magician. I’m here for
and loves museums for the ancient
a glimpse into the inspirations behind
cultural pieces that resonate deeply
Deborah’s art and to enjoy Robin’s
within her. In fact, she feels museums
delicious coffee!
have more influence over her than art
Oh, and the boat? It’s a long story.
galleries. She believes that we are not
Ms Bell is a creative force of taught about the power of art: “If you
extravagant proportions. This petite, look at old cultures, then you know the
leonine-eyed woman manifests meaning of art. Making art is creative
artworks that combine ancestral spirits, intent.”
monumental visions and highly skilled Photo: John Hodgkiss
Deborah works with diluted acrylics, Photo: John Hodgkiss
craftsmanship. Her artistry comes more
pastels, oil sticks, charcoals and
from a driving desire to express the
crayons. She creates sculptures with
creation than formal training, although
metals, clay and wood. Skilled in print-
she’s done a BA Masters at Wits and
making, she has also done video and
lectured at Wits and UNISA.
film-making. She is vibrantly diverse in
To enter her home we pass through an her attempt to express form and
enormous wooden castle-doorway, explains that she is summoning a
watched by her brick-clay Sentinels – a Presence. Her art is only complete
tall, thin, reverent council of gods or when the Presence has been fully
angels standing symbolically for revealed.
Fortitude, Constancy and Eternal
Without knowing the outcome, her
Photo: Robin Glanville Stability.
work begins with a word, an icon, a
Inside is rich, sensual, fascinating. picture or a symbol. “I feel as if I pull it
O pposite page clockwise Vases of old-fashioned roses converse out of creation, I summon archetypes
from top left: with African art pieces, Kentridge and from beyond the known. It is almost
Damascus, mixed media on paper – Flux – Kente cloths celebrate together. I want accidental, unfolding from the space of
Goodman Gallery to touch, linger at the collections of creation.”
Empress Dominion with Chariot in beautiful things, stand quietly in the
She experiences creation like magical
background – Goodman Gallery, warm sunlit spaces. Shelves beckon
alchemy, the making of art like going
Objects of Power: memory of metal with books, artefacts and stones.
through fire: “You have to keep going,
memory of wood Her love of global traditional art is you keep working it. As you work you
Deborah and a statue from Unearthed obvious. Recognising art as a sacred are empowering the art. I work from
Forged, mixed media on paper – Flux discipline, she honours each piece and essence.”
mixes African, Eastern and European Photo: John Hodgkiss
She is conscious of what she draws,
pieces, both contemporary and Photo: Robin Glanville
what she is pulling into life. As a


PROFILE: Deborah Bell

Opposite page: Monument: sacred brick –

Nirox Foundation Statue Park
Left: Bronze figures from Horse and Rider series
Below: Deborah working in her studio
Bottom: Deborah and her partner Robin
Glanville in their home

Photo: John Hodgkiss

student, she drew a man before she splashes and rivulets the colour of
met him. Then she spent years trying gold, copper, rusty iron and evocative
to get pregnant and did so after a words like Forge and Enflame emerge.
drawing of a woman holding a baby. The bulls are almost sculptural; they
Aware of quantum realities, she has have a dense roundness that is
respect for the space of potential to energised by the metallic movement.
which she connects. She is alert to There is also a horse with a Chinese
symbol and visual language, rider and the tantalising name:
communing with her media and Memories of Silk recently exhibited at
allowing her understanding to unfold. the Goodman Gallery.
She talks animatedly about the space The white walls are sketched with
between the worlds of conscious and cross-hatchings of charcoals and
pre-conscious Knowing and reaches pencils that escaped past canvases.
deep into that space to reveal her There are penned words like Muse –
creations. inspire, Siren – destroy, or a list: Fury,
Clearly, many appreciate the Forge, Flow, Fold, Flux, Fuse. Naturally
authenticity of what she does. She has there are jars of brushes, which she
collaborated with William Kentridge leaves unwashed for weeks, a left-over
and Robert Hodgins, exhibited solo habit from having to wash her
Photo: Robin Glanville
and with groups and appears in public mother’s brushes as a child, which she
collections, including the Durban and disliked! (Her mother was also an
Johannesburg Art Galleries and the artist).
National Gallery in Cape Town. This incredible on-going body of work
To my unqualified eye, Deborah’s skills is evoked from many times and places.
seem daunting. They require Deborah explores collective memories
accessories like eye masks, construction through her personal journey, honestly
tools, scaffolding and enormous and transcendentally. Her art is beyond
smelting fires. She takes it all in her time, culture or theory. It’s a dynamic
stride, working from a brick factory, force giving form to the beautiful, the
engraving onto metal plates, banging profound, the mythical and the poetic.
clay with wooden paddles, whatever it And why were we in a makorokoro? It
takes to get the job done. was in the courtyard being repaired for
This artist is her art, it walks through life use on the lake. Judging by the
with her, and her entire environment is enthusiasm that Onyx showed for
an expression of this. joining us, I only hope that he and
Xena have as much balance as the
Across the courtyard in her studio,
sculpted dog boating serenely along
magnificent bulls leap across
the Cradle waterways!
enormous canvases with strange spirit-
riders gliding along on their backs. Deborah Bell:
Deep tones are enlivened with Photo: Beverley Parr

Photo: John Hodgkiss


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