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Strengthening the Architecture of the

International Monetary System

F ollowing the Mexican financial crisis of 1994–95,

the IMF adopted several initiatives to strengthen the
Strengthening Financial Systems
It is now well recognized that vulnerable and unstable
international monetary system and the IMF’s central financial systems can severely disrupt macroeconomic
role in the system. These included more intensive sur- performance and that weak financial systems increase
veillance of financial sectors of member countries, closer vulnerability to economic crises and deepen such crises
monitoring of developments in capital markets, more when they occur. There was thus broad agreement in
candid policy discussions with country authorities, and the Board that the IMF should work actively with
greater emphasis on members’ dissemination of infor- other organizations and members to help members
mation—both to the IMF and to financial markets. The design improved banking and financial systems. Direc-
financial crisis in Asia, however, made clear that to meet tors are also agreed that:
fully the challenges posed by a global economy and • Members should give priority to strengthening
global financial markets, more far-reaching measures financial sector supervisory and regulatory frame-
were needed to tackle potential weaknesses in financial works and to establishing the independence of cen-
systems, prevent the emergence of inappropriate debt tral banks. Sound financial systems also require
profiles, and ensure greater transparency in both public strengthening governance, including in the corpo-
and private sector activity. Successful implementation of rate sector, and improving accounting practices to
these measures would involve not only the commitment conform with international standards.
of individual countries, but also broad-based coopera- • The international community’s responsibility lay in
tive efforts of the entire international community, ensuring that work continued in developing such
including the private sector. standards for banking supervision, accounting and
In April 1998, the IMF’s Executive Board, reflect- disclosure, auditing and valuation of bank assets, and
ing on lessons learned from the Asian crisis and draw- guidelines for effective corporate governance.
ing on earlier discussions, identified a series of Increased international cooperation would also be
approaches for strengthening the international mone- required in areas beyond the establishment of stan-
tary system. These approaches were subsequently dards, including in the sharing of information
broadly endorsed by the Interim Committee, which among regulators, especially among those with
sketched out a comprehensive framework for strength- supervisory authority over institutions operating in
ening the architecture of the monetary system (see major financial centers. Regulators also should seek
Appendix VI). and examine carefully information on flows from off-
The Board discussion in April, as well as the Interim shore centers and off-balance-sheet items, the lack of
Committee communiqué, centered on five aspects of a which could obscure analysis of a country’s exposure
strengthened international monetary system: and delay the identification of potential balance of
• reinforcing international and domestic financial payments problems.
systems; Directors recognized that the issues were complex
• strengthening IMF surveillance; and that both the IMF and the international commu-
• promoting more widely available and transparent nity would need to develop expertise and devote
data on member countries’ economic situation resources to be able to offer detailed advice in each of
and policies; the areas. They agreed that the IMF could play an
• underscoring the central role of the IMF in crisis important role, especially in its surveillance activities,
management; and by disseminating internationally agreed standards and
• increasing the involvement of the private sector in encouraging members to adopt best practices. The
forestalling or resolving financial crises. Board noted that it would continue discussions on



the scope of the IMF’s work in developing and dis- shared with the Board at an early stage, while pro-
seminating international standards. At its April 1998 tecting the confidentiality of the communication
meeting, the Interim Committee endorsed this with the member. On this issue, the Interim Com-
approach. mittee requested the Board “to develop a ‘tiered
response,’ whereby countries believed to be seriously
Strengthening IMF Surveillance off course in their policies would be given increas-
The Board, and subsequently the Interim Committee, ingly strong warnings” by the IMF.
reaffirmed the centrality of IMF surveillance in prevent-
ing crises. The measures taken after the Mexican finan- Greater Availability and Transparency of
cial crisis in 1994–95 were important in helping the Information
IMF adapt its surveillance to the rapidly changing The IMF actively encourages its members to be trans-
global environment, especially with respect to emerg- parent with respect to information on economic devel-
ing market economies. At the same time, IMF surveil- opments and policymaking. Despite progress in
lance needed reinforcing in a number of areas: members’ provision of data on core indicators to the
• The IMF should intensify its surveillance of financial IMF in a continuous and timely manner, both Direc-
sector issues and collaborate with other institutions, tors and the Interim Committee saw a need for further
including the World Bank and the Bank for Interna- improvement, particularly on data timeliness. It was
tional Settlements, as well as with the private sector, also important to complement core indicators by
to offer its members the best possible advice in this broadening the IMF’s Special Data Dissemination
regard. Standard to cover additional financial data. Considera-
• IMF surveillance should pay more attention to capi- tion should also be given to increasing the Special Stan-
tal account issues. Although the benefits for the dard’s usefulness, its accessibility to the public and
world economy of an open and liberal system of cap- market participants, and publication of members’
ital movements were widely recognized, the record of compliance.
sequencing and pace of capital account liberalization Directors and Interim Committee members also
had to be monitored carefully. In particular, IMF supported the steps the IMF had taken to promote
surveillance should focus on the risks of potential greater transparency in economic policymaking. These
large reversals of capital flows, the rapid accumula- included encouraging members to release Letters of
tion of short-term debt, unhedged exposure to cur- Intent for their programs, which complemented the
rency fluctuations, and the impact of selective capital longstanding IMF policy of encouraging members to
account liberalization. release the Policy Framework Papers that members pre-
• IMF surveillance should pay greater attention to pol- pare with IMF and World Bank staff assistance in con-
icy interdependence and the risks of contagion, and nection with drawings under the Enhanced Structural
to the policies of countries of particular importance Adjustment Facility.
to the international monetary system. It was noted at the Board’s April discussion that the
• More frequent and systematic exchange of views with IMF had steadily become more transparent with
market participants was needed so that IMF surveil- respect to its own policy advice, most recently through
lance was fully cognizant of market perceptions; in the issuance of a Press (now “Public”) Information
turn, this would enable markets to better understand Notice following the conclusion of a member’s Article
IMF views and analyses. At the same time, such con- IV consultation (see Box 3). Directors emphasized that
tacts must take into account the confidentiality of the clear, concise, and analytically sound staff reports—as
IMF’s dialogue with members and ensure even- well as frank and comprehensive assessments by the
handed dealings with market participants. Board—were vital for the effectiveness of the PIN
• Effective IMF surveillance depended crucially on the process, and they agreed to return to these issues,
willingness of IMF members to take its advice. This including ways to expedite PIN publication. In April
implied, on the part of the IMF, the best analysis 1998, the Interim Committee specifically encouraged
possible, as well as concentration on issues of impor- more members to release PINs. The Committee also
tance to individual member countries. asked the IMF “to continue its efforts to increase dis-
• The IMF’s views must be communicated effectively semination of information on its policy recommenda-
to members, possibly through a series of incremental tions and encouraged member countries to increase the
steps. A member could be asked to respond to the transparency of their policies.”
IMF’s concerns within a specified time, so that the
member’s reaction could be brought expeditiously IMF’s Central Role in Crisis Management
to the Board’s attention. In cases where a member’s Directors recognized at their April meeting that it was
policies appeared to depart from the advice of IMF unrealistic to expect that every crisis could be antici-
staff, the nature of the concerns in question could be pated or prevented. In case of a crisis, the international


THE IMF IN 1997/98

community had to be prepared to respond quickly with underscored the importance of preventive measures to
policy advice, well-integrated technical assistance, and, discourage excessive reliance on short-term financing.
if necessary, adequate financing. The World Bank and Such measures included appropriate macroeconomic
the Asian Development Bank had provided critical and debt-management policies; nondistortionary tax
technical and financial support for the Asian countries’ systems; effective prudential supervision of financial sys-
adjustment efforts; bilateral support had also been tems; the provision of timely and comprehensive data
important. The Board cited the need for the IMF to to financial markets, including on the debt of the cor-
coordinate carefully assistance from different sources porate sector; and appropriate sequencing of steps to
and ensure, in particular, that such assistance comple- open the capital account.
mented the conditionality of IMF arrangements. Directors also cited the importance of strengthening
In April 1998, the Interim Committee endorsed the countries’ capacity to withstand sudden shifts in market
central role of the IMF, in particular its role in support- sentiment, in particular, by strengthening their financial
ing the necessary reforms through conditionality. The systems. Nevertheless, it was recognized that such
Committee also welcomed the timely response to the efforts were not foolproof: circumstances would likely
Asian crisis by the international community, including arise in which prevention would not be fully effective
the IMF, and stated that the IMF could not be and countries would experience balance of payments
expected to be able to finance every balance of pay- crises. In most such cases, Directors emphasized, the
ments deficit. Its catalytic role was essential for attract- IMF’s approach should be to ensure that the appropri-
ing other sources of financing in support of members’ ate adjustment programs included the continued
adjustment efforts, as was its role, when needed, to involvement of private creditors (see the section on
coordinate support from other sources. Policy on Sovereign Arrears to Private Creditors in
Chapter VIII). At its April 1998 meeting, the Interim
Involving the Private Sector in Preventing Committee endorsed this view, agreeing that ways had
and Resolving Crises to be found to involve private creditors at an early
Directors agreed that the world financial community stage. The Committee asked that the Board consider
must strengthen its capacity to respond to balance of more actively ways to increase private sector involve-
payments crises in ways that ensure the appropriate ment in crisis prevention and burden sharing, including
involvement of all groups of creditors, including the devoting efforts to strengthen incentives for creditors
private sector. Such involvement was required to share and investors to better use information to analyze risks
the burden equitably with the official sector and to appropriately and avoid excessive risk taking. The
limit moral hazard. Specifically, Directors believed that Committee suggested the following mechanisms to
the means used to resolve one crisis should not encour- meet this objective:
age imprudent or unsustainable behavior by creditors • closer contacts with private creditors to better
or debtors, thereby increasing the potential magnitude explain IMF-supported arrangements and to develop
and frequency of future crises. modes of private sector financing that would help
In recent crises, many groups of private creditors “bail in” private creditors in times of crisis;
had sustained large losses. Equities and long-term debt • studying further the possibility of introducing provi-
instruments had lost value, and investors in bankrupt sions in bond contracts for bondholders to be repre-
enterprises had received no special treatment. A serious sented, in case of nonpayment, in negotiations on
challenge had emerged, however, with respect to credi- bond contract restructuring;
tors with short-term claims, where concerns were raised • extending the IMF’s policy of providing financing to
about moral hazard. Such claims were normally highly members in arrears to include sovereign bonds
liquid, which could make it easier for creditors to “bolt (“lending into arrears”) when appropriate;
for the exit.” Members had tried to avoid defaults on • encouraging the adoption of strong bankruptcy laws
such claims because of the potential impact on the sta- to improve operation of both domestic and interna-
bility of their financial systems and their countries’ tional capital markets; and
access to international capital markets. Thus, efforts • advising members to exercise caution with respect to
were made to roll over, extend, or restructure the public guarantees to reduce the risk of a private debt
maturing obligations to external creditors. This issue problem turning into a sovereign debt problem.



Support for Member Countries’ Adjustment

I n 1997/98, the Executive Board approved the cre-

ation of the Supplemental Reserve Facility; reviewed the
erally available in two or more tranches. The first
tranche is available at the time of approval of the
role of trade liberalization in IMF-supported adjustment financing, which normally coincides with the approval
programs and IMF policy on members’ sovereign of the corresponding arrangement.
arrears to private creditors; discussed IMF monitoring The IMF determines the amount of financing avail-
of member country policies after the conclusion of able under the SRF by taking into account the needs of
IMF-supported programs; and reviewed the program of the member; its capacity to repay, including in par-
group travel by Executive Directors (Box 9). This chap- ticular the strength of its economic program; its out-
ter briefly describes these developments and provides standing use of IMF credit; its record in using IMF
summary information on financial arrangements with resources in the past and cooperating with the IMF in
IMF member countries—Stand-By Arrangements, surveillance; and the IMF’s liquidity position.
Extended Fund Facility Arrangements, and ESAF Countries borrowing under the SRF are expected to
Arrangements—approved by the Board in 1997/98. repay within 1–1!/2 years of the date of each disburse-
ment; the Board may, however, extend this repayment
Supplemental Reserve Facility period by up to one year, at which point the borrower
In December 1997, the Executive Board established a is obligated to repay. During the first year from the
new short-term lending facility for member countries, date of approval of financing to a country under the
the Supplemental Reserve Facility (SRF). The facility SRF, borrowers pay a surcharge of 300 basis points
was created to deal with the circumstances of a member above the rate of charge on IMF drawings.11 This rate
experiencing exceptional balance of payments problems increases by 50 basis points at the end of the first year
owing to a large short-term financing need resulting and every six months thereafter until the surcharge
from a sudden and disruptive loss of market confidence reaches 500 basis points.
reflected in pressure on the capital account and the
member’s reserves. SRF assistance is available when Trade Liberalization in IMF-Supported
there is a reasonable expectation that implementation Programs
of strong adjustment policies and adequate financing In October 1997, the Board considered a staff report
will result, in a short period, in early correction of the on trade reform in medium-term, IMF-supported
balance of payments difficulties. Although resources adjustment programs.12 Directors felt that trade liberal-
under IMF facilities are available to all members, the ization, as a complement to appropriate macroeco-
SRF is likely to be used where the magnitude of the nomic and other structural policies, should play an
outflows may create a risk of contagion that could increasingly important role in IMF-supported programs
potentially threaten the international monetary system. designed to foster sustainable high-quality growth and
In approving a request for the use of IMF resources that closer cooperation with the World Bank and the
under the SRF, the IMF takes into account the financ-
ing provided by other creditors. To minimize moral 11The credit provided by the IMF is denominated in SDRs, whose

hazard, a member using resources under the SRF is value is determined on the basis of a basket of the five leading curren-
encouraged to maintain the participation of creditors— cies. The SDR interest rate, which forms the basis for the charges
both official and private—until the pressure on the bal- paid by members using IMF credit, is a weighted average of short-
term interest rates in the domestic money markets of the five coun-
ance of payments ceases.
tries whose currencies are included in the valuation basket (typically
Financing under the SRF, available in the form of the rates on short-term government paper, such as treasury bills).
additional resources under a Stand-By or Extended 12Published as IMF, Trade Liberalization in IMF-Supported Pro-

Arrangement, is committed for up to one year and gen- grams, World Economic and Financial Surveys (1998).


THE IMF IN 1997/98

the government’s fiscal position, or

Box 9 at least avoid revenue losses.
Group Travel by Executive Directors
Travel by a group of Executive Direc- In reviewing the trial program of Policy on Sovereign Arrears
tors to selected countries was initiated group travel by Executive Directors in to Private Creditors
to help broaden Directors’ understand- June 1997, the Board agreed that the A key outcome of the Executive
ing of the economic problems and poli- number of annual trips should be flexi- Board’s February 1998 discussion of
cies in individual member countries, ble, but the aim would normally be for
IMF policy on sovereign arrears to
with a view to enhancing their contri- two trips a year, each to two or three
private creditors was the emphasis
bution to Board discussion of member countries. Many thought the focus
country policies. In February 1998, a should be on program and intensive- given to involving private creditors
group of Directors traveled to surveillance countries, and that partici- at an early stage of a crisis, both to
Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, and Mali. pation by a Director (or Directors) ensure adequate burden sharing and
Previous group trips were to Egypt, from a program country in a group to limit moral hazard. The globaliza-
Jordan, and the Republic of Yemen in visit would be useful, but they favored tion of international capital markets
June 1996; and to Georgia, Hungary, maintaining flexibility in the selection and improved market access had
and Ukraine in October 1996. process. increased the importance of private
capital as a source of external financ-
ing for many developing countries;
World Trade Organization would be important toward at the same time, such access had made these countries
achieving that end. There was also a need to promote more vulnerable to shifts in market sentiment. This
trade liberalization in nonprogram countries through underscored the need for early, forceful adjustment
the IMF’s surveillance activities. Trade reform was measures on the part of borrowing countries in the face
important in promoting transparency and good gover- of emerging difficulties; for restraint in both public and
nance—reducing the scope for administrative discre- private foreign borrowing, particularly at the shorter
tion, incentives for lobbying for protection, and maturities; and for a cautious approach to the waiver of
opportunities for rent seeking. sovereign immunities, particularly by central banks.
Since most countries covered by the staff’s review With regard to how the IMF could respond to a liq-
had started out with restrictive trade regimes, trade uidity crisis that posed the risk of a member defaulting
liberalization had clearly been needed. Directors on international sovereign bonds within the existing
observed that broader and more rapid liberalization legal and institutional frameworks, Directors noted that
should have been targeted in a significant number of a balance had to be struck between promoting effective
the programs and urged the staff to aim for further lib- balance of payments adjustments and orderly debtor-
eralization in future programs. Many Directors sup- creditor relations and limiting moral hazard with respect
ported front-loaded liberalization measures as well as to both creditor and debtor behavior. Many Directors
the use of prior actions, performance criteria, struc- called for consideration of extending the IMF’s policy
tural benchmarks, and reviews to monitor implementa- on providing support by “lending into arrears,” that is,
tion of trade reforms, in order to signal their continuing to provide financing to countries even when
importance in accelerating economic growth. Other they were behind in their debt payments to some pri-
Directors cautioned that trade-related conditionality vate creditors. They recognized that such lending
should be applied flexibly and should take into should be limited and provided only where prompt IMF
account each country’s initial conditions, the degree of support was essential for the successful implementation
political support, and the authorities’ own commit- of the member’s adjustment program; where negotia-
ment to reforms. Far-reaching trade reform was a tions between the member and its private creditors on a
long-term process; it demanded a well-specified, com- restructuring had begun; and where there were firm
prehensive, and publicly announced program of mea- indications that the sovereign borrower and its private
sures and the avoidance of policy slippages. creditors would negotiate in good faith to agree on a
Directors underscored the importance of mutually debt-restructuring plan. All drawings under an IMF-
reinforcing trade and fiscal reforms. Trade liberalization supported adjustment program with a member with
did not have to affect the government’s fiscal position sovereign arrears to private creditors had to be subject
adversely; the effects would depend on a country’s cir- to financing reviews to allow the Executive Board to
cumstances and the mix of components in the reform monitor closely unexpected developments—including
package. For trade reform to succeed, Directors any litigation—in creditor relations. Some Directors
remarked that it should be broadly based and should opposed lending into arrears, at least in the absence of
initially replace nontariff barriers with tariffs, while further protection. This strategy, they believed, would
eliminating customs duties exemptions and trade- risk aggressive litigation by individual creditors, thus
related subsidies, all of which would tend to strengthen adversely affecting safeguards on the IMF’s resources.



Directors noted that the toleration of arrears to Arrangements, and eight new arrangements under the
bondholders and other private creditors under IMF- Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility. Arrange-
supported adjustment programs may be seen by market ments with Korea included disbursements by means of
participants as lowering the cost of a default to debtors, the newly created Supplemental Reserve Facility
thereby creating debtor moral hazard. They felt, how- (described above). There were also four drawings
ever, that even under a policy of lending into arrears, under the policy on emergency postconflict assistance.
the cost to debtors of default would remain substantial, • Stand-By Arrangements typically cover periods of
and that IMF conditionality would provide an effective one to two years and focus both on macroeconomic
limitation on debtor moral hazard. policies and on structural policy measures. Drawings
Directors considered, on a preliminary basis, three are generally made in quarterly installments. Repay-
suggestions for possible improvements to existing mech- ments of each drawing are made in eight quarterly
anisms for resolving sovereign liquidity crises. Regarding installments beginning 3!/4 years after the drawing.
the first suggestion, modification of the legal provisions • Extended Fund Facility Arrangements provide sup-
of bond contracts, a number of Directors felt that the port for medium-term programs that generally run
introduction of sharing provisions, collective representa- for three years (up to four years in exceptional cir-
tion of bondholders, and qualified majorities to alter the cumstances). Typically, a program states the general
terms of bond contracts could help facilitate the orderly objectives for the three-year period and the specific
resolution of liquidity crises. Directors noted, however, policies for the first year; policies for subsequent
that there had been no market response to the Group of years are spelled out in program reviews. Repay-
Ten Deputies’ proposals in this area. Therefore, a num- ments are made over 4!/2 to 10 years.
ber of Directors felt that progress was likely to require • Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility Arrange-
some kind of official action, possibly in the form of lead- ments provide support, in the form of highly conces-
ership by major industrial country borrowers in intro- sional loans, to low-income member countries facing
ducing such provisions into their own bond offerings. protracted balance of payments problems. Eligible
Regarding the second suggestion, a sovereign bank- members seeking ESAF resources must develop,
ruptcy mechanism, most Directors continued to believe with the assistance of the staffs of the IMF and the
that proposals for establishing a formal international World Bank, a policy framework paper (PFP) for a
debt-adjustment mechanism were cumbersome and three-year adjustment program. The PFP, which is
impractical and should not be pursued. Finally, Direc- updated annually, describes the authorities’ eco-
tors gave preliminary consideration to the possibility of a nomic objectives, macroeconomic and structural
modification of Article VIII, Section 2(b), of the IMF’s policies during the three-year period, and associated
Articles of Agreement to allow the IMF to sanction a external financing needs and major sources of
temporary stay on creditor litigation, thus providing financing. ESAF loans are disbursed semiannually
members with protection from litigation in the context and repaid in 10 equal semiannual installments,
of the IMF lending into arrears. Directors believed that beginning 5!/2 years and ending 10 years after the
this raised complex issues of legal procedures and inter- date of each disbursement. The interest rate on
pretation that would need to be considered further ESAF loans is 0.5 percent a year.
before moving in this area. • Emergency assistance to help members overcome bal-
ance of payments problems arising from natural dis-
Postprogram Monitoring asters or postconflict situations is normally limited to
In October 1997, the Board considered a proposal that 25 percent of a member’s quota and is available only
the IMF continue monitoring member country policies if the member intends to move within a relatively
after the conclusion of an IMF-supported adjustment short period of time to a Stand-By or Extended
program in cases involving very high access to IMF Arrangement, or to an arrangement under the
resources. Directors broadly supported a policy of post- ESAF. Repayments are made in eight quarterly
program monitoring in cases where IMF credit out- installments beginning 3!/4 years after the drawing.
standing remained in excess of 300 percent of a
member’s quota. With respect to the use of postpro- Albania
gram monitoring in cases of access below the 300 per- Financial Support. On November 7, 1997, the IMF
cent threshold, the Board asked the staff to study approved a credit of SDR 8.8 million under its emer-
further possible modalities for such monitoring and to gency postconflict assistance.
suggest draft guidelines for its further consideration. Program Objectives. Limit the decline of real GDP to
8 percent in 1997 and achieve real growth of about 12
Member Countries’ Use of IMF Facilities percent in 1998; contain the annual inflation rate to a
In 1997/98, the IMF approved nine new Stand-By range of 51–54 percent in 1997, and reduce it to
Arrangements, four new Extended Fund Facility 15–20 percent in 1998; and keep gross international


THE IMF IN 1997/98

reserves to the equivalent of some 3.5 months’ imports restructuring of the health insurance system for retirees
through 1998. and of health organizations run by unions. The govern-
Policies. Fiscal policy would aim at limiting the ment would continue restructuring social programs bet-
domestically financed budget deficit to about 13 per- ter to target budgetary resources toward vulnerable
cent of GDP in 1997 and to below 10 percent in 1998. groups. As part of a broader initiative to reform the
This would be accomplished by first restoring and then judiciary system, the program would also include steps
improving tax collection; raising tax rates, including a to modify judicial procedures to speed up the resolution
significant increase in the value-added tax rate; and of tax cases and increase legal security in credit markets.
exercising expenditure restraint, including through
reductions in the public sector workforce. The Bank of Armenia
Albania would support the inflation reduction effort by Financial Support. On June 24, 1997, the IMF
maintaining an appropriately tight monetary stance. approved a second annual ESAF loan for SDR 33.8
Under the program, the authorities plan a broad range million.
of structural reforms, including progress toward privati- Program Objectives. Achieve a real GDP growth rate
zation or liquidation of two of the three state-owned of about 6 percent in 1997, bring down inflation to
commercial banks; winding up the companies that had less than 10 percent, and increase gross reserves to the
operated pyramid schemes; civil service reform; a equivalent of 2.8 months of imports.
resumption of enterprise privatization; and creation of a Policies. Fiscal policy would aim at reducing the
functioning agricultural land market. In the short term, overall deficit to below 7 percent of GDP in 1997 by
there would be a temporary expansion of the social increasing revenue through further improvements in
safety net. To this end, the government would acceler- tax administration, fully implementing the tax arrears
ate disbursements of social assistance and would also payment scheme, establishing an operational legal
introduce public works and community service schemes framework to enforce revenue collections, and adopt-
for social assistance beneficiaries who could work. ing a series of revenue measures aimed at rationalizing
and simplifying the structure of several important taxes.
Argentina The authorities would also further reduce current
Financial Support. On February 4, 1998, the IMF expenditure to about 18.5 percent of GDP through
approved a three-year EFF credit for SDR 2.1 billion. elimination of open-ended price subsidies to privileged
The authorities announced their intention to treat the groups, cuts in defense expenditures, and lower interest
arrangement as precautionary and to draw only if payments. Monetary policy would be consistent with
adverse external circumstances made it necessary. achieving the program’s inflation targets.
Program Objectives. Consolidate the gains in macro- The authorities expressed a commitment to acceler-
economic performance and the structural improve- ating the implementation of structural reforms. In
ments achieved in recent years through a further addition to the reforms under way in the banking sec-
strengthening of the fiscal position and the completion tor and tax administration, the 1997 program would
of the structural reform agenda. Reduce the overall fed- follow a three-pronged approach toward continued pri-
eral government deficit from the equivalent of 1.4 per- vatization to lay the basis for sustained growth,
cent of GDP in 1997 to 1 percent in 1998, and to 0.3 improvement of financial discipline through enterprise
percent by 2000. Strengthen confidence by maintain- restructuring, and reforms in the energy, health, and
ing a sound financial system under the currency board education sectors. The authorities decided to take sev-
arrangement and provide for an adequate cushion of eral measures during the program period to improve
liquidity that could compensate for the limited role of the targeting of social safety net benefits to alleviate
the central bank as a lender of last resort in a crisis. poverty and improve income distribution.
Policies. The program would put in place a reform of
the labor market by mid-1998. Comprehensive tax Azerbaijan
reform would seek to improve the efficiency and equity Financial Support. On December 22, 1997, the
of the tax system and promote the competitiveness of IMF approved a total credit of SDR 48.7 million—
the economy. Reforms in budgetary procedures would with SDR 29.2 million available in two equal semi-
aim at promoting transparency and efficiency in public annual installments under the second-year ESAF, and
spending and include widening the coverage of the SDR 17.5 million under the second year of the EFF.
budget, moving to a pluriannual process, preparing Program Objectives. Speed up the transition to a
annual assessments of the cost of fiscal benefits and market economy and develop the country’s oil
incentives, and introducing the use of expenditure effi- resources without adverse impact on the rest of the
ciency indicators. Initiatives in health care would economy. Use both macroeconomic and structural
include a revision of the regulatory framework for pri- policies to dampen the pressures of domestic demand
vate health care providers and the final phases of the and encourage domestic savings. Use supply-side poli-



cies to remove the obstacles to growth in the non-oil the minimum ratio for capital-to-risk-weighted assets to
sector inherited from the planning era. Use fiscal poli- 10 percent from 8 percent starting in 1999. A superin-
cies to reduce the deficit of the general government to tendency of pensions would ensure that the new private
less than 1 percent of GDP during the next three years. pension funds can operate effectively as financial inter-
Use monetary policy to maintain low levels of inflation. mediaries. To improve governance and public account-
For 1998, aim to accelerate growth to 7 percent, while ability, the government would intensify judicial reform
maintaining inflation below 5 percent and limiting the and reforms of public service and customs. It would
external current account deficit to some 27 percent of continue to strengthen the sectoral superintendencies
GDP, including imports related to development of the that regulate public utility sectors and introduce a pro-
oil sector. gram to improve commercial and property registers.
Policies. High priority has been placed on public The authorities would continue to implement educa-
sector management reform, bank restructuring and tion reform; implement an integrated national health
privatization, and an equitable process of enterprise plan that covers, in particular, mothers, infants, and
and land privatization. A comprehensive program to elderly citizens in needy urban and rural areas; acceler-
overhaul the public sector, based on the appropriate ate land titling to strengthen the property rights of
role of the state in a market economy, would be small farmers; and increase investment in rural
designed and implemented with the objective of elimi- infrastructure.
nating the state’s commercial and industrial activities
and focusing on regulatory and policymaking func- Burkina Faso
tions. It would aim at establishing a modern, efficient, Financial Support. On September 8, 1997, the IMF
and professional civil service capable of managing pub- approved a second annual ESAF loan for SDR 13.3
lic resources, together with a competent and impartial million. For support under the HIPC Initiative, see
judiciary and legal system that can enforce property Chapter IX.
rights and contracts. Over 70 percent of state enter- Program Objectives. Further increase the ratio of
prises—by asset value and employment rate—would be budgetary revenue to GDP and accelerate structural
transferred to private hands through 2000. The gov- reforms. Achieve a real GDP growth rate above 6 per-
ernment is committed to substantial reforms in the cent, contain inflation at 3 percent, and reduce the
health sector, in response to deteriorating quality and external current account deficit to 10.5 percent of
access problems. GDP. Improve the quality of economic statistics.
Policies. Fiscal policy would aim at increasing the pri-
Bolivia mary budgetary surplus to 1.9 percent of GDP in 1997
Financial Support. On September 10, 1997, the through a rise in the revenue-to-GDP ratio to 12.9 per-
IMF approved a third annual ESAF loan for SDR 33.7 cent of GDP. The revenue increases would reflect the
million and an extension of the loan’s period through full-year impact of a September 1996 rise in the value-
September 1998. For support under the HIPC Initia- added tax rate to 18 percent from 15 percent and fur-
tive, see Chapter IX. ther efforts to strengthen customs revenues. Budgetary
Program Objectives. Raise sustainable economic expenditure would be better monitored through com-
growth and alleviate poverty, while ensuring progress puterization of the budgetary cycle. Monetary policy
toward lower inflation and a viable balance of pay- would seek to contain bank credit expansion, in line
ments. The capitalization and privatization program with the program’s inflation objectives.
and the pension reform should help achieve these Structural reform measures would include steps to
goals, but the reforms will incur additional fiscal costs expedite privatization and a strategy to open public
over the next several years. Thus, design fiscal policy to utilities; judicial system reform; and deregulation of rice
absorb these costs gradually to ensure that domestic and sugar sectors, elimination of nontariff barriers to
savings continue to increase and to help promote fur- agricultural trade, and restructuring of the cotton sec-
ther development of local capital markets. Also, tor by reinforcing farmers’ cooperatives. To address
strengthen social programs to reduce poverty further. social needs, the government set quantitative objectives
Reduce inflation to 7 percent and achieve GDP growth in the education and health sectors to correct past
of 5 percent. major weaknesses. The enrollment rates in primary
Policies. The combined public sector deficit is schools and for girls would be increased gradually, as
expected to widen between 1996 and 1997–98 and would the numbers of health centers.
then return to its 1996 level by early in the next
decade. With respect to structural policies, the govern- Cameroon
ment intends to continue with privatization. The gov- Financial Support. On August 20, 1997, the IMF
ernment is committed to adopting Basle norms for risk approved a three-year ESAF loan for SDR 162.1
weighting of bank assets from mid-1998 and raising million.


THE IMF IN 1997/98

Program Objectives. Place the economy on a sustain- the trade regime by replacing the few remaining import
able growth path and restore internal and external via- quotas with tariffs and then rationalizing and reducing
bility. Rebuild the physical and economic infrastructure overall tariffs. Objectives in the social area and in
with a firm and long-term commitment to structural poverty alleviation would be achieved through higher
reforms with a view to unlocking the country’s consid- growth, lower inflation, and continued budgetary sup-
erable resources. Over the three-year period, aim to port of efforts to improve primary health and education.
achieve real annual GDP growth of at least 5 percent,
limiting average annual consumer price inflation to 2 Chad
percent and stabilizing the external current account Financial Support. On April 29, 1998, the IMF
deficit at about 2 percent of GDP. approved a third annual ESAF loan for SDR 16.5
Policies. At the core of the program would be a million.
comprehensive structural reform agenda aimed at fur- Program Objectives. Achieve real GDP growth of 6
ther reducing the public sector’s burden on the econ- percent, limit inflation to 3.5 percent, and contain the
omy, liberalizing the energy and transport sectors, current account deficit at 17 percent of GDP in 1998.
deepening the financial market, and consolidating the Policies. The government would strengthen the fiscal
gains in external competitiveness. Key policies in sup- adjustment effort of previous years. Although the over-
port of the government’s medium-term strategy would all budget deficit, on a commitment basis, would be
include maintaining external competitiveness through limited to 8.6 percent of GDP, the current budget for
efficiency-enhancing structural reforms; reducing fiscal 1998 projects a surplus of 0.7 percent, reflecting an
imbalances through a steady increase in the ratio of increase in revenues of 36 percent, to 9 percent of
non-oil revenue to GDP and firm control over expen- GDP, to be achieved through more efficient revenue
diture; and strengthening the efficiency of the tax sys- collection, tightened controls on exemptions, and
tem by strictly enforcing tax laws, combating fraud and strengthened and computerized operations in the cus-
corruption, introducing a value-added tax, rationalizing toms directorate. Expenditures would be restructured
income taxes, reforming forestry and agricultural taxa- in favor of health and education, and a comprehensive
tion, and phasing out export taxes. A new tax regime reform of the civil service would be initiated. The
for the forestry sector and a requirement for sustainable regional monetary authorities would maintain a pru-
forest management plans before concessions were dent policy stance, in line with the program objectives
granted would benefit conservation. Further priorities for low inflation, while consolidating foreign exchange
include increasing public expenditure on social services, reserves. Structural reforms would be pursued to
especially health and education, and rehabilitating enhance the efficiency of the productive sectors of the
infrastructure; accelerating state enterprise reforms; economy and improve government revenues. Social
completing financial sector reform, including insurance policies designed to reduce poverty substantially would
companies and the social security system; and improv- continue to be implemented.
ing public sector management and efficiency.
Côte d’Ivoire
Cape Verde Financial Support. On March 17, 1998, the IMF
Financial Support. On February 20, 1998, the IMF approved a three-year ESAF credit for SDR 285.8 mil-
approved a 14-month Stand-By Arrangement for lion. For support under the HIPC Initiative, see Chap-
SDR 2.1 million. The authorities indicated that they ter IX.
would treat the arrangement as precautionary and Program Objectives. Under the medium-term adjust-
would draw on it only if adverse circumstances made it ment strategy for 1998–2000, achieve real GDP
necessary. growth of about 6 percent a year, allowing per capita
Program Objectives. Achieve real GDP growth of 4 income to rise by more than 2 percent annually; main-
percent in 1998 and an average inflation rate of 3.5 tain inflation of about 3 percent a year, consistent with
percent. The external current account balance (exclud- the exchange rate peg; and reduce the external current
ing transfers) would target a deficit of 15.7 percent of account deficit to 2 percent of GDP by 2000. Bring
GDP in 1998, and tightening fiscal policy would the fiscal position close to balance by 2000 and achieve
reduce the overall fiscal deficit to 8.7 percent of GDP a surplus thereafter; adopt structural reforms to pro-
in 1998 from an estimated 15 percent in 1997. mote private sector development and investment; and
Policies. The authorities would introduce administra- reduce poverty, especially through well-targeted mea-
tive measures to strengthen budgetary execution. They sures in the education and health sectors.
would also maintain a pegged exchange rate and thus Policies. To consolidate the fiscal situation, the
gear monetary policy to balancing the private sector’s authorities would strengthen revenue performance by
credit needs against the reserve accumulation targets of improving tax and customs administration, reducing
the program. The government would liberalize further exemptions, and continuing to fight against fraud and



evasion. They would follow a prudent expenditure pol- raise banking system prudential standards, plus an
icy while providing adequately for basic health and intensification of financial system surveillance; and
education services and infrastructure maintenance. accelerate structural reforms to improve productivity
Monetary policy, conducted at the regional level, and raise private savings. On the fiscal side, tax rev-
would be consistent with the fixed exchange rate enues would be expected to continue to improve
regime and a further improvement of the CFA franc through further economic expansion, some new tax
zone’s net foreign asset position. measures, and stronger tax administration. At the same
Regarding structural reforms, trade liberalization time, the ratio of general government expenditures to
would be pursued in the context of regional arrange- GDP would decline.
ments, while privatization would be accelerated with The authorities would reinforce measures to address
the sale of 15 enterprises in 1998. The authorities the growth in domestic credit and improve the sound-
decided to liberalize fully the marketing of coffee and ness of the financial system, such as raising capital ade-
cocoa, begining with the liberalization of coffee in quacy ratios and the level of required bank reserves.
October 1998. To reduce poverty, public spending Banks’ minimum capital requirements would be raised
would continue to be redirected in favor of education and prudential regulations imposed on a consolidated
and health, with a system being established to monitor basis for banks and their nonbank financial subsidiaries.
poverty indicators. The authorities intend to adopt a more aggressive
approach to financial sector surveillance to reduce sys-
Djibouti temic risks and improve supervision of bank and non-
Financial Support. On May 21, 1997, the IMF bank financial institutions. They would also implement
approved a request for the extension of a Stand-By measures to strengthen securities and capital markets.
Arrangement for SDR 4.6 million through the end of Other structural reforms would focus on faster imple-
March 1998 and augmentation of the amount avail- mentation of enterprise privatization and land reform,
able under it by SDR 2 million. A further extension thus would improve the scope for noninflationary
through the end of June 1998 was approved in March growth by minimizing distortions and reducing con-
1998. straints on potential output.
Program Objectives. Regain control of the fiscal situ-
ation and implement structural measures in a number Ghana
of areas to improve the economy’s supply responsive- Financial Support. On March 23, 1998, the IMF
ness and competitiveness. approved a second annual ESAF loan for SDR 82.2
Policies. Policies would include intensified efforts to million.
reduce further current expenditures and improve the Program Objectives. Secure a stable macroeconomic
quality of the tax system, as well as the overall regula- environment that supports private-sector-led economic
tory framework for economic activities; enhance flexi- growth, thereby creating jobs, boosting incomes, and
bility in factor inputs and create conditions conducive reducing poverty. Achieve annual real GDP growth of
to a resumption of investment; and create new job 5.6 percent, or 2.5 percent on a per capita basis; reduce
opportunities. annual inflation to 11 percent by the end of 1998, fur-
ther halving it to 5.5 percent by the end of 1999; and
Estonia contain the current account deficit at 7.3 percent of
Financial Support. On December 17, 1997, the GDP in 1998 while maintaining gross official reserves
IMF approved a 15-month Stand-By Arrangement for at 2.7 months of imports.
SDR 16.1 million. The authorities indicated they Policies. The government would strengthen the fiscal
would treat their arrangement as precautionary and adjustment effort launched in 1997 and increase 1998
would draw on it only if adverse external circumstances tax revenue by about 1 percent of GDP, in part by
made it necessary. improving sales tax revenue collections, introducing the
Program Objectives. Achieve an annual growth rate value-added tax effective December 1, 1998, and inten-
of real GDP of over 5 percent and reduce inflation fur- sifying tax system reforms. Inflation would be brought
ther to about 8 percent in 1998. To reduce demand down through control of the money supply, condition-
pressures, expand the general government surplus to ing any action to lower interest rates on the abatement
1.8 percent of GDP. Reduce the current account of inflation expectations. Structural reforms would be
deficit. pursued to enhance private investment and improve
Policies. The program would follow a three-pronged resource allocation; to further deregulate the petroleum
approach: implement tighter fiscal policies to restrain and cocoa sectors; to pursue the divestiture program
domestic demand; adopt monetary measures (within aggressively; to liberalize the financial sector; and to
the limited policy options available under the currency reform the civil service and autonomous government
board) to reduce the rate of credit expansion and to agencies.


THE IMF IN 1997/98

Guinea Policies. Fiscal policy would be the key focus of the

Financial Support. On April 3, 1998, the IMF authorities’ economic policy, with a twofold objective
approved a second annual ESAF loan for SDR 23.6 of further raising the current primary surplus through
million. an increase in the revenue-GDP ratio and overhauling
Program Objectives. Implement tight financial poli- the tax system. The government would introduce a
cies and further structural reforms to consolidate the general sales tax and a major reform of external tariffs,
stabilization under way and to create the conditions for reduce export taxes, and revise excise taxes, particularly
sustainable and diversified economic growth. Achieve on petroleum. On the expenditure side, the program
growth of 5 percent in real terms; reduce inflation to was to focus on containing nonessential outlays and on
about 3.5 percent; contain the current account deficit at further streamlining the civil service. A major strength-
7.7 percent of GDP (excluding official transfers); and ening of budgetary procedures was to be introduced,
increase gross official reserves to 3.4 months of imports. with prior authorization of the Ministry of Finance
Policies. Fiscal measures would include pursuing fur- Budget Directorate required for all expenditure com-
ther improvements in tax and customs administration, mitments. In the monetary field, domestic credit policy
ensuring compliance with the VAT, and introducing a would be kept tight to quell inflation. Structural
new, unified real estate tax and a lower VAT threshold reforms would continue to focus on accelerating public
for enterprises in the service sector, with the aim of enterprise privatization; increasing efficiency in the
raising total revenues to 11.6 percent of GDP. Alloca- energy sector; enhancing the role of the private sector
tions to the priority sectors of health, primary educa- in agriculture, fisheries, and forestry; improving social
tion, and rural development and roads would be services; and reforming the civil service.
increased, and sufficient local counterpart funds pro-
vided for foreign-financed investment projects. Budget Guyana
management would be reformed to improve efficiency For support under the HIPC Initiative, see Chapter IX.
and transparency, and a new computerized expenditure
monitoring system put into operation. Monetary policy Indonesia
would be designed to support the external sector and Financial Support. On November 5, 1997, the IMF
achieve inflation objectives. Bank supervision would be approved a Stand-By Arrangement for SDR 7.3 billion
tightened and prudential regulations enforced more over three years. In approving the request, the IMF
strictly. Structural reforms would include accelerating used the accelerated procedures established under the
privatization, public sector restructuring, and judicial Emergency Financing Mechanism. On July 15, 1998,
sector reform; reinforcing the efficiency of the civil ser- the IMF approved an additional SDR 1 billion.
vice; extending the cost-reduction program in public Program Objectives and Policies. For details, see
enterprises to the mining and energy sectors and Chapter V.
preparing a divestiture timetable by the end of June
1998; and improving the legal environment for busi- Korea
ness activity by creating an arbitration court and Financial Support. On December 4, 1997, the IMF
preparing reforms to reinforce transparency and effi- approved a three-year Stand-By Arrangement for
ciency in the judicial system. The authorities would SDR 15.5 billion. In approving the request, the IMF
continue to reorient resources toward primary educa- used the accelerated procedures established under the
tion and to increase nonwage expenditure on health. Emergency Financing Mechanism. On December 18,
the Board concluded its first review of the arrangement
Guinea-Bissau and activated the new Supplemental Reserve Facility.
Financial Support. On July 25, 1997, the IMF Program Objectives and Policies. For details, see
approved a third annual ESAF loan for SDR 4.7 mil- Chapter V.
lion and an extension of the period through the end of
March 1998. The ESAF Arrangement was augmented Latvia
by SDR 1.1 million. Financial Support. On October 10, 1997, the IMF
Program Objectives. Maintain annual economic approved an 18-month Stand-By Arrangement for
growth of about 5 percent; lower the average annual SDR 33 million. The authorities indicated they would
rate of inflation to about 6 percent in 1999 from 51 treat the arrangement as precautionary and would draw
percent in 1996; and reduce the external current on it only if adverse external circumstances made it
account deficit (excluding grants) by about 5 percent- necessary.
age points to 16 percent of GDP by 1999. Maintain Program Objectives. Attain a real GDP growth of 4
the level of investment at 22 percent of GDP, while percent for 1997 and 5 percent for 1998; reduce the
enhancing its efficiency through a projected rise in annual rate of inflation to 9 percent in 1997 and 7 per-
gross domestic saving to 4 percent of GDP in 1999. cent in 1998; and narrow the external current account



deficit to 6.1 percent of GDP in 1997 and to 4.9 per- were adopting measures to further improve the quality
cent in 1998. Target gross international reserves at the and coverage of services in these areas.
equivalent of about three months of imports for 1997
and 1998. Reduce the general government fiscal deficit Mongolia
to 0.9 percent of GDP in 1997 and 0.5 percent in Financial Support. On July 30, 1997, the IMF
1998. approved a three-year ESAF loan for SDR 33.4
Policies. The program emphasized the acceleration million.
of structural reforms, including the completion of Program Objectives. Reduce inflation to single-digit
enterprise privatization and the strengthening and rates, achieve annual real growth of 6 percent, and
extension of private property rights, with the aim of increase official gross international reserves to the
establishing Latvia firmly as a market economy, encour- equivalent of over 15 weeks of import cover. Reduce
aging restructuring, and stimulating saving and domes- the budget deficit to 6 percent of GDP by 2000 and
tic and foreign investment. Virtually all remaining raise national savings over the medium term. Achieve
state-owned enterprises, including large companies, fiscal adjustment by reducing the size of the public sec-
would be privatized by mid-1998. In this context, steps tor and adopting reforms in public administration and
would be taken to resolve the issue of consumer arrears taxation.
and to ensure that energy tariffs were set on a cost- Policies. Monetary policy would be geared to main-
recovery basis. Other structural reforms, including land taining positive real interest rates on central bank bills
registration and a reduction in the number of business and limiting commercial bank access to central bank
regulations, would also advance under the program. credit to the refinancing and rediscount facilities. The
Trade liberalization would continue, and legislation elimination of import duties and the large up-front cost
would be submitted to parliament by mid-1998 for a of bank restructuring—fundamental components of the
further substantial reduction in agricultural tariffs. reform strategy—were projected to cause the budget
Measures to improve tax administration and expendi- deficit to rise to 10.5 percent in 1997. The deficit
ture productivity, including through civil service would be reduced significantly, however, in 1998 as
reform, would make possible increased expenditures on the costs of bank restructuring decline and further tax
social services and infrastructure. The government reforms are phased in. Public administration reforms
would take steps to improve the efficiency of social are to be aimed at improving expenditure control and
spending, including through a reform of the national accountability to set the stage for decentralized deci-
health insurance system. sion making. The government is committed to reform-
ing education and health to improve the delivery of
Mauritania services and restructuring other aspects of the social
Financial Support. On July 14, 1997, the IMF welfare system to reduce budgetary costs and improve
approved a third annual ESAF loan for SDR 14.3 targeting.
Program Objectives. Achieve real GDP growth of Mozambique
4.9 percent in 1997, hold inflation at 5 percent, and Financial Support. On June 23, 1997, the IMF
limit the external current account deficit (excluding approved a second annual ESAF loan for SDR 25.2
official transfers) to 5.5 percent of GDP. In fiscal million. For support under the HIPC Initiative, see
policy, achieve an overall government surplus of 4.1 Chapter IX.
percent of GDP in 1997, reflecting the further rational- Program Objectives. Increase nonenergy GDP by 5
ization and control of expenditure, and containment of percent in 1997 and total GDP by 6 percent, cut end-
the decline in total revenues in relation to GDP, mainly of-period inflation to 14 percent in 1997, and increase
on account of lower fishing royalties. gross international reserves to the equivalent of about
Policies. Monetary policy under the program would five months of imports of goods and nonfactor services.
be consistent with the achievement of the program’s Policies. The program would envisage a tight mone-
inflation and balance of payments objectives. The gov- tary policy and maintenance of a floating exchange rate
ernment took a number of actions to reform the legal, system. The focus of fiscal policy would be on strength-
judicial, and regulatory framework, including notably ening tax administration, reducing exemptions, and
accelerating procedures for establishing new enterprises modernizing the direct and indirect tax systems to
and adopting measures to encourage private sector encourage compliance and remove distortions. The
investment in the mining sector. Legislation was also government would continue its program of privatiza-
being prepared to encourage private sector participa- tion, with a view to completing it by mid-1999.
tion, particularly in the transport and utilities sectors. Another major priority would be the reform and
The authorities were committed to observing mini- strengthening of public administration. Plans would
mum levels of expenditure on health and education and include greater decentralization of decision making,


THE IMF IN 1997/98

increased transparency and accountability in govern- nal current account deficit (excluding official transfers)
ment, and civil service reforms. Mozambique would be at 11.1 percent of GDP in 1997, lowering it to 10.5
committed to expanding the share of the social sectors percent of GDP in 1998. Raise budgetary revenue to
in total spending and to improving the effectiveness of the equivalent of 9.3 percent of GDP in 1997 and to
social expenditure. The 1997/98 program targeted an 10.7 percent in 1998.
increase in such spending to reduce poverty and Policies. The government would reduce the overall
improve the human capital base. budget deficit to 7.3 percent of GDP by 1998 through
enhanced revenue mobilization and a cautious expen-
Nicaragua diture policy. Expenditure policies would continue to
Financial Support. On March 18, 1998, the IMF ensure that wages and salaries do not crowd out other
approved a three-year ESAF loan for SDR 100.9 essential expenditures, especially those on maintenance
million. and key social services. The government would take
Program Objectives. Move toward sustainable public steps to streamline the regulatory framework and to
finance and external sector positions, carry out struc- reduce its involvement in those areas of interest to the
tural reform, and promote growth to alleviate poverty private sector. It would continue efforts to strengthen
and reduce unemployment. Increase public saving by 6 legal provisions governing commercial transactions
percentage points of GDP and achieve a small surplus and, in particular, the recovery of commercial bank
in the combined public sector balance (after grants) by loans. Current budgetary expenditures allocated to
2000. Increase gross reserves—net of central bank health and education would be increased by 10 percent
paper—to three months of imports, achieve real GDP a year in real terms during 1997–2000.
growth of about 6 percent, and reduce inflation to
about 5 percent. Within this medium-term strategy, the Pakistan
1998 program, supported by the first annual ESAF Financial Support. On October 20, 1997, the IMF
loan, seeks to increase gross reserves—net of central approved a three-year financing package for SDR 1.14
bank paper—to the equivalent of 1.8 months of billion, with SDR 682.4 million available under the
imports, achieve a real GDP growth rate of 4.8 percent, ESAF and SDR 454.9 million under the EFF.
and limit inflation to 8.0 percent. Program Objectives. Raise the average annual growth
Policies. The government would reduce the size of rate of real GDP to the 5–6 percent range; progres-
the public sector and increase central government rev- sively reduce annual inflation to about 7 percent; and
enues by broadening the tax base, increasing the trans- reduce the external current account deficit (excluding
parency of the tax system, and eliminating a large official transfers) to the range of 4–4.5 percent of
number of discretionary VAT and customs exemptions. GDP, with a view to strengthening external reserves
Central government current expenditures would be substantially. Design fiscal policy to cut the overall
frozen and export subsidies eliminated. Monetary pol- budget deficit to 4 percent of GDP by the third year of
icy would be geared to supporting the external sector the program, which would help boost national savings
and inflation objectives. Public sector reforms would to about 15 percent of GDP in 1999/2000.
continue to improve services and efficiency, and the Policies. The government would further rationalize
executive branch would be restructured to reduce the the public sector, shifting more of the primary produc-
number of government ministries and agencies report- tive role to the private sector, and strengthen local
ing directly to the president. A comprehensive judicial institutional capacity. In the public sector, the domestic
reform would be prepared, designed to improve legal tax base would be broadened, tax administration
procedures and enhance enforcement of contracts and strengthened, government expenditure shifted toward
property rights. Discriminatory treatment against for- the social services and human capital formation, and
eign investors would be eliminated, reform of the state key public enterprises restructured. The government
banking sector completed, and public utilities, state oil had also resolved to enhance the authority and the abil-
distribution, and the services of the major ports ity of the State Bank of Pakistan to regulate and super-
privatized. vise banks, improve the legal and judiciary process for
enforcing financial contracts, privatize the state-owned
Niger banks and financial institutions, and develop the capital
Financial Support. On July 28, 1997, the IMF market. In the external sector, the interbank foreign
approved a second annual ESAF loan for SDR 19.3 exchange market would be deepened and exchange rate
million. policy guided increasingly by market developments.
Program Objectives. Raise real GDP growth to 4–5
percent a year, thereby allowing real per capita income Panama
to increase by at least 1 percent a year; reduce inflation Financial Support. On December 10, 1997, the IMF
to 3 percent by the end of 1997; and contain the exter- approved a three-year EFF credit for SDR 120 million.



Program Objectives. Deepen and broaden structural recently adopted measures to tighten the limits on
reforms in the context of continued prudent fiscal pol- the exposure of banks to the real estate market and to
icy and low inflation, with the goal of promoting sus- discourage the growth of foreign currency liabilities
tainable output and employment growth and reducing through new liquidity requirements and by removing
poverty. Raise GDP growth to 5 percent by 2000, tax disincentives on peso deposits.
while holding annual inflation at about 1!/2 percent. Financial Support (II). On March 27, 1998, the
Policies. Structural measures would focus on further IMF approved a two-year Stand-By Arrangement for
privatization, import tariff reduction, and financial sec- SDR 1.0 billion. The authorities expressed their inten-
tor reform during the first half of the program period. tion to treat the arrangement as precautionary and
Reforms relating to taxation, civil service, and social would draw on it only if adverse external circumstances
security would be implemented during the second half made it necessary.
of the program period. The authorities would imple- Program Objectives. Contain the slowdown of real
ment an ambitious privatization program, and a new GNP growth to 3 percent in 1998 and to 5 percent in
round of substantial tariff reform would take place to 1999; limit inflation to 8 percent in 1998 and to 6.5 per-
further increase transparency and efficiency to attract cent in 1999; and reduce the current account deficit to
foreign investment. A comprehensive tax study would 3.1 percent of GNP in 1998 and 2.7 percent in 1999,
be completed in 1998 and its recommendations imple- with adjusted reserve cover rising to 1.9 months of
mented in the second half of 1999, to improve tax imports in 1998 and to 2.3 months of imports in 1999.
collection by 2000. The authorities would strengthen Policies. The consolidated public sector deficit would
the social safety net for the most vulnerable groups in be limited to 0.9 percent of GNP in 1998, followed by
society. Efforts would also be made to improve effi- balance in 1999. Higher interest payments would be
ciency in the provision of basic health and education compensated for by cuts in other current and capital
service, through investment income from privatization expenditures. In implementing the cuts, programs
proceeds. directed at poverty reduction would be protected. Mon-
etary policy would be designed to be consistent with the
Philippines inflation objective and restoring confidence in the peso,
Financial Support (I). On July 18, 1997, the IMF within the overall framework of base money targets and
approved the extension of an arrangement under the a floating exchange rate regime. Comprehensive and
EFF for SDR 474.5 million through December 31, proactive banking sector reforms would be implemented
1997, and its augmentation by SDR 316.7 million. In to contain the effects of the slowdown in growth, the
approving the extension and augmentation of the EFF, peso depreciation, and higher interest rates. Capital
the IMF used, for the first time, the accelerated proce- requirements would be increased further, provisioning
dures under the Emergency Financing Mechanism. requirements tightened, regulatory oversight strength-
Program Objectives. Achieve economic growth of ened, disincentives to peso intermediation reduced, and
6.3 percent in 1997, reduce average inflation to 6.5 a resolution strategy for problem banks adopted.
percent, contain the external current account deficit to Reforms would be implemented to strengthen the cor-
about 4!/2 percent of GNP, and hold adjusted reserve porate sector, including continuing trade and invest-
cover equivalent to 2.1 months of imports of goods ment liberalization, comprehensive reform of the power
and services by year-end. sector, and further privatization. Agriculture would be
Policies. The new floating exchange rate policy strengthened, along with improvements in education
would be supported by strong monetary and fiscal and health services—with a focus on primary education
policies. Interest rates would be kept high until the and the rural areas—helping to reduce poverty. To
foreign exchange market stabilized, and base money cushion the impact of the regional crisis on the poor,
growth reduced to keep annual growth in broad the availability of rice stocks and other basic commodi-
money (including foreign currency deposits) at 23 per- ties would be ensured, the inflationary impact of the
cent—a rate consistent with inflation and growth tar- peso depreciation on socially sensitive petroleum prod-
gets. Fiscal policy would be tightened in the second ucts contained, and best efforts made to protect social
half of 1997 to offset slippages in the first half and programs in the budget, especially those directed at
achieve a public sector surplus of 0.3 percent of GNP poverty reduction and the poorest regions.
for the year as a whole. The fiscal tightening would
include revenue-enhancing measures as well as expen- Rwanda
diture cuts. The government would also seek passage Financial Support. On December 12, 1997, the
of the remaining elements of the Comprehensive Tax IMF approved a credit for SDR 6.0 million, the second
Reform Package, a vital element of its policies to of two drawings under the IMF’s policy of emergency
strengthen savings performance. It would further postconflict assistance, bringing total disbursements for
strengthen the financial system with the help of calendar year 1997 to SDR 14.9 million.


THE IMF IN 1997/98

Program Objectives. Aim at fiscal consolidation, Program Objectives. Intensify the postconflict recov-
including a reduction in the primary budget deficit, ery by further strengthening the ongoing macroeco-
through tax reform and improvements in budget and nomic and structural reforms. Target real GDP growth
treasury management. Initiate reforms of the civil ser- at about 10 percent, inflation at 8 percent, and gross
vice and public enterprise sector, and consolidate finan- international reserves at 1.8 months of imports. Aim to
cial sector restructuring. reduce the overall budget deficit and improve the qual-
Policies. The Ministry of Finance, Economy, and ity of expenditure.
Planning established an administrative unit to spear- Policies. To achieve the targeted fiscal deficit reduc-
head the reform of the public enterprises; three enter- tion, the government would significantly increase rev-
prises were privatized, and eight were offered for sale. enue and substantially cut military expenditure, in line
The demobilization program was initiated with the with the improvement in the security situation. It
departure of 5,000 soldiers. The National Assembly would achieve the ambitious revenue target for 1997
had approved support for genocide survivors, and the through discretionary measures and strengthen income
government—assisted by nongovernmental organiza- tax and customs administration. On the expenditure
tions and other members of the international commu- side, the authorities would use the shift in budgetary
nity—was implementing various programs for helping resources away from military outlays to education,
other vulnerable groups. health, economic services, and capital expenditure to
improve the quality of expenditure. Inflation would be
Senegal kept under control, the reserve position strengthened,
Financial Support. On April 20, 1998, the IMF and the economic recovery and the reintroduction of
approved a three-year ESAF loan for SDR 107 million. money in rural areas supported. Key reforms would
Program Objectives. Seek to achieve real GDP include rationalizing the government workforce to
growth of 5–6 percent a year, thereby allowing per improve the quality and efficiency of public services,
capita income to rise by 2–3 percent a year; keep infla- streamlining public enterprise reform to further reduce
tion below 3 percent; and reduce the external current government involvement in the economy, and simplify-
account deficit (excluding official transfers) to less than ing legal requirements for foreign and domestic invest-
7 percent of GDP by 2000. ment. Judicial reforms would seek to make legal
Policies. Fiscal policy would be geared toward limit- procedures more transparent and to simplify adjudica-
ing the overall fiscal deficit, on a commitment basis and tion of civil and commercial cases to afford greater pro-
excluding grants, to 2 percent of GDP in 1998. On the tection to economic agents. Further reform would be
revenue side, the authorities would implement the West designed to improve fisheries surveillance and deregu-
African Economic and Monetary Union’s (WAEMU’s) late the prices of petroleum products. Increases in bud-
Common External Tariff, substantially reducing average getary spending on social and economic services would
import duties. The short-term revenue losses from the be targeted primarily on enhancing human capital
tariff reform would be offset over time by measures to development.
broaden the tax base, drastically reduce exemptions, and
improve the efficiency of the tax system. On the expen- Tajikistan
diture side, the government would maintain strong Financial Support. On December 19, 1997, the
financial discipline, while reordering priorities in favor of IMF approved a credit for SDR 7.5 million under its
social services and the investment program. Monetary policy of emergency postconflict assistance. On April 1,
policy would support WAEMU’s growth, inflation, and 1998, the IMF approved a second emergency postcon-
external sector objectives. flict credit of SDR 7.5 million.
The authorities would speed up the implementation Program Objectives. Establish financial stability
of their unfinished reform agenda, particularly public through further fiscal adjustment, tight monetary pol-
enterprise and energy sector reforms, and undertake icy, and enhanced financial discipline in the enterprise
new reforms to modernize public administration. sector. Achieve real GDP growth of 4–5 percent in
The government would design an action plan for 1998, a fall in inflation to about 18 percent, and a rise
public sector reform that would seek to promote good in gross international reserves to about 1.5 months of
governance, further strengthen the judicial system, and imports by the end of 1998. Design fiscal policy to
build more constructive relations with the private reduce the government deficit to less than 3 percent of
sector. GDP in 1998 and eliminate budgetary wage and cash
compensation arrears, while reducing central bank
Sierra Leone credit to the government.
Financial Support. On May 5, 1997, the IMF Policies. The program placed considerable emphasis
approved a third annual ESAF loan for SDR 10.1 on structural policy measures and institution building
million. to sustain economic recovery and enhance policy



implementation capacity. Particularly important for Program Objectives and Policies. For details, see
structural reform were privatization, land reform, Chapter V.
bank restructuring, and enterprise reform. The author-
ities intended to ensure a continued open trade and Togo
exchange regime by refraining from introducing Financial Support. On June 30, 1997, the IMF
restrictions on exports or imports during the program. approved a third annual ESAF loan for SDR 21.7
Tajikistan would continue to use technical assistance million.
from multilateral and bilateral institutions to build Program Objectives. Correct weaknesses that
on progress in a number of areas, including the com- occurred in 1996, particularly in the fiscal consolida-
pilation of statistics, tax administration, building a tion effort, and accelerate the implementation of
treasury system, bank supervision, and central bank agreed structural reforms. Achieve average annual
operations. On the monetary front, the government real GDP growth of more than 5.5 percent; reduce
would reduce the annual growth rate of broad money annual average inflation to 3 percent by the end of
to less than 25 percent in 1998. It would normalize the program period; and lower the external current
relations with external creditors, clear external debt- account deficit (excluding grants) to an annual
service arrears, and avoid new debt-service arrears. average of less than 5 percent of GDP. Reduce the
Sustainable and balanced economic growth would overall fiscal deficit to 4.3 percent of GDP, while
be facilitated by banking sector reform. Smaller improving the primary balance to a surplus of 0.8 per-
businesses would be privatized, and medium- and cent of GDP.
large-scale enterprises restructured or sold. Tax Policies. The authorities would correct weaknesses in
administration would continue to be strengthened, fiscal consolidation and accelerate structural reforms.
introduction of a treasury system finalized, and the Reforms of the tax system and of tax administration
government would begin to align fiscal accounts with would be continued, with technical support from the
international standards and increase outlays on the IMF. The authorities would increase outlays in real
social safety net. terms for the health and education sectors, and for the
rehabilitation and maintenance of infrastructure, while
Tanzania curtailing nonpriority spending. Budgetary and treasury
Financial Support. On December 3, 1997, the IMF procedures would enhance the control of expenditures,
approved a second annual ESAF loan for SDR 71.4 and the government would also undertake a compre-
million, incorporating an increase in the initial amount hensive restructuring of its domestic debt. The govern-
of SDR 51.4 million by SDR 20 million to help Tanza- ment would pursue the fight against poverty through
nia deal with the effects of drought. an appropriate investment policy in the areas of health,
Program Objectives. Achieve real GDP growth of basic education, and vocational training. To protect the
4.7 percent, reduce inflation to not more than 13 per- most vulnerable segments of society, the government
cent, and limit the external current account deficit would also continue its labor-intensive public works
(excluding official transfers) to 14.4 percent of GDP. projects.
Policies. Fiscal policy would target a surplus on the
current government budget of 1.1 percent of GDP in Uganda
1997/98 and rationalization of the structure of both Financial Support. On November 10, 1997, the
revenues and expenditures, including the introduction IMF approved a three-year ESAF loan for SDR 100.4
of a value-added tax in July 1998. Monetary policy million. For support under the HIPC Initiative, see
under the program would be consistent with achieving Chapter IX.
the program’s inflation and balance of payments objec- Program Objectives. Sustain high and broad-based
tives. The government would continue with reforms of economic growth and ensure that the poor would be
the banking and the parastatal sectors, and with civil able to participate in, and benefit from, increased eco-
service reform. The scope of privatization had been nomic activity. Maintain macroeconomic stability, lib-
widened to include the utilities and other core para- eralize further the economy to promote private sector
statals, and its pace was being accelerated. Key steps and export-oriented growth, and undertake structural
would be taken to strengthen the delivery of health and and institutional reforms to further reduce impedi-
education services. ments to growth and job creation. Achieve real GDP
growth of at least 7 percent a year on average, reduc-
Thailand ing annual inflation to about 5 percent and increasing
Financial Support. On August 20, 1997, the IMF gross international reserves to the equivalent of 4.9
approved a Stand-By Arrangement for SDR 2.9 billion months of imports of goods and nonfactor services.
under the accelerated procedures of the Emergency Increase the gross-investment-to-GDP ratio to about
Financing Mechanism. 23 percent in 1999/2000, and reduce the overall fiscal


THE IMF IN 1997/98

deficit by about 1.7 percent of GDP over the program Uruguay

period. Financial Support. On June 20, 1997, the IMF
Policies. The authorities would improve customs and approved a 21-month Stand-By Arrangement for
tax administration substantially, reduce the incidence of SDR 125 million. The authorities intended to treat the
smuggling, and prevent other forms of revenue leak- arrangement as precautionary and would draw on it
ages while exercising considerable expenditure only if adverse external circumstances made it
restraint. Monetary policy would continue to build necessary.
upon the major gains achieved in reducing inflation, Program Objectives. Reduce inflation to single-digit
taking into account projected balance of payments levels by the end of 1998 in an environment of sus-
developments, the need for adequate provision of tained output and employment growth and maintain a
credit to the private sector, and increased savings by the viable external position. Achieve real GDP growth of at
government in the banking system. The government least 3 percent in 1997 and 1998, led by expanded
would deepen and broaden structural reforms in the investment and exports; reduce inflation to 14–17 per-
financial sector, civil service, tax and customs adminis- cent by the end of 1997; and strengthen the interna-
tration, trade liberalization, privatization program, and tional reserve position.
enterprise restructuring, and more generally improve Policies. Policies would be designed to consolidate
the environment for private sector activity through public finances; adopt prudent credit and wage mea-
deregulation. The authorities would reduce the inci- sures—including gradual deindexation of wages and
dence of poverty through increased social expenditures administered public sector prices; and continue struc-
and intensify efforts to measure and monitor the out- tural reforms. State reform would be expected to
come of these expenditures. reduce civil service positions by eliminating vacancies,
outsourcing, and cutting employment. The govern-
Ukraine ment would also increase the participation of the pri-
Financial Support. On August 25, 1997, the vate sector in activities previously reserved for public
IMF approved a one-year Stand-By Arrangement for entities. Special efforts would be made under the pro-
SDR 398.9 million. gram further to assist the most vulnerable groups in
Program Objectives. Lay the basis for the resumption society through targeted programs.
of economic growth through structural reforms.
Reduce inflation to 15 percent during 1997 and to 12 Yemen
percent during 1998. Increase gross international Financial Support. On October 29, 1997, the IMF
reserves to the equivalent of 6.0 weeks of imports in approved a financial package for SDR 370.6 million,
1997, and to 7.4 weeks of imports in 1998. Design fis- with SDR 264.8 million under the ESAF and
cal policy to reduce existing arrears on wages, pensions, SDR 105.9 million under the EFF.
and social benefits, while avoiding new arrears. Acceler- Program Objectives. Achieve real non-oil GDP
ate privatization, demonopolization (particularly in the growth of 6 percent a year on average over the three-
agricultural sectors), and deregulation to provide a year program period, a core inflation rate of at most 5
conducive environment for private sector development. percent a year on average, a reduction in the external
Policies. The main thrust of structural policies would current account deficit to 2 percent of GDP on average
be further deregulation, privatization, and demonopo- by 2000, and maintain sufficient foreign exchange
lization. With small-scale privatization virtually com- reserves to cover 4.5 months of imports. Seek signifi-
plete, the focus would shift to privatizing medium- and cant improvements in social indicators through sub-
large-scale enterprises. The consolidated budget deficit stantially higher budgetary allocations for education
would be limited to 4.6 percent in 1997 and 4.5 per- and health as well as strengthened social safety net
cent of GDP in 1998. Structural reforms would include arrangements.
establishing more efficient labor markets through Policies. The authorities would continue to maintain
increased wage flexibility, implementing faster land a tight fiscal stance and appropriately supportive mone-
reform and privatization within the agro-industrial tary policies directed at ensuring positive real interest
complex, and widening and deepening energy sector rates. Structural reforms would focus on expenditure
restructuring. As part of its outward-oriented growth reorientation toward the social sectors and public
strategy, the government would maintain a liberal and investment in infrastructure; direct and indirect tax
transparent trade regime. Social policies would include reforms; the elimination of subsidies; civil service, pen-
a further strengthening of means testing of social pro- sion fund, customs administration, and budget man-
grams, streamlining the diverse set of allowances to agement reforms; financial sector reforms focused on
provide a higher level of benefits to the most needy indirect monetary control, the quality of the banking
recipients, and rationalizing the pension and unem- system, and prudential supervision; and a broad privati-
ployment insurance systems. zation program.


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