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The Law of
10 Simple Steps on How to Use it in
Your Life

Lady Kate 111 Copyright © 2019

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means – electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise – except for
brief quotation in printed reviews without the prior written
permission of the publisher or the author.

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 5
CHAPTER ONE .................................................................................. 6
WHAT IS THE LAW OF ATTRACTION? ....................................................................... 6
CHAPTER TWO ................................................................................. 9
WHY DOES THE LAW OF ATTRACTION WORK? ........................................................ 9
CHAPTER THREE ............................................................................ 13
HOW DOES THE LAW OF ATTRACTION WORK? ...................................................... 13
CHAPTER FOUR............................................................................... 17
LIFE. ..................................................................................................................... 17
CONCLUSION................................................................................... 31

Since its introduction into the fray, the law of attraction is

one of the most widely practiced and followed techniques

in modern society. And rightly so, too. It holds practical

knowledge for conscious living, targeted at improving

lives and bettering community.

But the law of attraction is no nonsense abracadabra

meant to fool the shallow minded. Quite on the contrary,

it is merely exploring the science between man, his

environment, and the outcome of things how man

influences the result of events and changes in his

environment. The laws of attraction teach people to

harness this influence on the environment towards

making their lives better.

What then is this much talked about laws of attraction?

Let's find out!


Chapter One
What is the Law of Attraction?

As was earlier mentioned, the law of attraction is neither

rocket science nor some silly abracadabra trick which

needs to be learned at Hogwarts. Consider the law of

attraction to be a principle which remains unchanged

anywhere in the world — like gravity.

Wherever on the planet you are and, regardless of the

value of the gravitational constant in that region, if you

toss a cork into the air, it will return down. The law of

attraction is not so different in this regard. It is a concept

of philosophy focused on the nature of man to attract

things, how this quality influences things and events, and

the kind of attraction.


The familiar maxim that "the same energies attract" is a

simple description of the law of attraction. If you register

negative thoughts, you will most likely perceive things in

a bad light. On the other hand, thinking positive will make

you see things in a brighter light.

Let's consider the law of attraction from another

standpoint. In magnetism, magnetic materials tend to

attract other magnetic materials. For instance, an iron

magnet will attract a piece of iron as iron is in itself a

magnetic material. Also, the iron magnet will attract a

material made of aluminum if the latter contains magnetic

properties. These instances highlight the theory of

magnetism and the law of attraction.

Like magnets, humans emit attractive properties towards

people, events and things which are similar. The popular

saying, “opposites attract,” doesn’t apply in the


phenomenon of how man affects the world around him.

Take a look at your friends, for example. Do you sense any

similarity in your character and theirs? Absolutely! You

attract like-minded people.


Chapter Two
Why Does the Law of Attraction Work?

This question is perhaps one of the most prominent on

your mind right now. If the law of attraction is neither a

science experiment nor a magic show, why does it work?

The rationale behind why the law of attraction works is a

complicated one which may not be understood at first. It's

just as confusing and hard to comprehend as the question

of why the law of gravity works the same everywhere. Even

to the scientist, the phenomenon of gravity is still very

much a mystery yet to be fully understood, although there

is a slight understanding that it keeps every other thing on

earth from drifting away. However, why gravity keeps us

rooted to the ground is very much a tricky subject.

The law of attraction follows a similar pattern. We do

understand, like every other elemental law binding on the


universe, that it does work even though we are yet to

comprehend it enough to define it fully.

Let's delve deeper into understanding this riddle of why

the law of attraction works and leave physics to the

scientists. This book aims to equip you with knowledge on

how to incorporate the laws of attraction into your life, not

make a rocket scientist of you.

Experts who have pondered on this riddle overtime have

come up with a relatively comprehensible and agreeable

notion that the law of attraction works based on man's

relationship to the universe.

For better understanding, try tuning in to your view of

your relationship with the universe. Analyze your feelings

about the interaction of the universe with you. Would you

say you believe you can influence your environment into


making things turn out your way? Or would you rather

believe things happen the way they ought to?

In the field of psychology, such perspectives are referred

to as the internal or external locus of control.

Many people believe that they are the result of everything

that has occurred to them. This perspective qualifies as an

external locus of control because these people think that

their lives are beyond their control. On the other hand,

people often fail to realize that they possess an internal

locus of control. That is, their lives are theirs to control

and not a mere happening of time, chance and fate.

The law of attraction works in basically the same way. The

way you think and feel affects the way things happen

around you. A paradigm shift and an in-depth

understanding of the truth about how you are related to


the universe is key to attracting good things into your life.

Bob Proctor hinted at this fact when he commented that

the law of attraction is more likely to respond to a

paradigm shift than an outspoken affirmation.


Chapter Three
How Does the Law of Attraction Work?

If at this point you are still unconvinced of the realism of

the universal principle of attraction which draws like

things together, it's nothing to be worried about. Perhaps

a discussion on how the law of attraction works can help

answer your questions.

In the previous discussions, we have compared the law of

attraction to abstract phenomena like feelings, thoughts,

and gravity. With gravity, the concept of attraction is

easily depicted because a coin tossed into the air will

doubtlessly fall through the air and kiss the earth. Why?

Gravity — the force is pulling everything towards the

center of the planet. Although gravity is much an unseen

phenomenon, its effects can be experienced immediately.


In a similar vein, it can somewhat be hard imagining

feelings and thoughts to possess such qualities that they

tend to affect the world around us. But fortunately,

technological advancements have made it possible for us

to witness the visible effects of our feelings and thoughts

immediately. Like watching the coin fall through the air,

some experiments which demonstrate the impact of

emotions and thoughts have been carried out over the

years. And believe you me, these experiments have

produced tons of results which serve as evidence that what

we think and feel have visible and immediate effects on

our environment.

For instance, an inquiry once into the concept of feeling in

plants returned overwhelming results. Reports showed

that plants reacted differently when happy and angry

feelings were directed towards them. The plants which

had happy feelings directed towards them blossomed and


bloomed and responded positively while the others on the

receiving end of angry feelings responded negatively,

resulting in stunted growth or death.

Another experiment by Dr. Masaru Emoto was carried out

on the water. Dr. Emoto took photographs of water

crystals in their frozen state after thoughts of peace and

love, or fear and hate were directed at them. The

experiment involved both verbalizing intentions out loud

and merely thinking about them. In both cases of

verbalization and thoughts, the results were very much the

same. The water with the messages of joy, peace, and love

resulted in beautiful, bright, symmetrical crystals. On the

other hand, the water with hate, anger, and fear resulted

in broken and disjointed crystals. The experiment of Dr.

Emoto showed that your intentions have real effects on

your environment.

Lastly, a study carried out in the year 1979 on men

between the ages of 70 and 80 on the effects of fondly

recalling youthful days and reliving youth. The men were

divided into two groups with one lot pretending to be

young and surrounding themselves with shows, TV, music

and other activities of youthful exuberance while the other

party reminisced and talked about their youthful days.

When the experiment ended, the lot who focused on

recalling the days of their youth showed physical signs of

de-aging. Their blood pressure decreased, eyesight

improved as did hearing, and arthritis decreased. The

experiment thus proved that by the single act of

imagining, physical aging is easily reversed. That is, the

law of attraction based off of the thoughts and imagining

of this group attracted youth back to them.


Chapter Four
Simple, Practical Steps On How to Apply the Law of
Attraction to Your Life.

Having seen how effective and life-changing the law of

attraction can be when applied consciously and in the

right manner, let's now consider some practical steps on

how you can use it to your life.

Outlined below are simple steps you can take to apply the

law of attraction to your life and manifest your desires.

1. Dream, Imagine, Visualize:

You can't move forward if you can't even see where you are

going. "If the blind leads the blind, both will end up in a

ditch." Remember this line? Well, the same applies to the

law of attraction. The teachings of Abraham Hicks prove


that anything can be brought into reality as long as you

make the conscious effort of imagining.

To effectively employ the law of attraction to your life, you

must be able to dream up or visualize what you want. You

have to see it to get it. It mustn't physically be there but

have in mind what you desire.

Visualization has since been proven with scientific

evidence as a useful and practical technique for improving

skills. Matter of factly, amongst professional athletes,

visualization is used as a training tool to boost their skills

and performance.

If you are wondering how visualizing or dreaming of

something will draw it to you, say no more. It is a simple

scientific revelation that the brain cannot tell apart what

is real from what is imagined. Hence, when you dream and


visualize, your brain builds up new neural pathways and

bridge the gap between the happenings in your

imagination and the physics world.

The famous guru who has been well featured on The

Secret, John Assaraf, is renowned for his story of getting

his dream house through vision boards. A vision board is

merely a collection of cutout pictures of what you dream

of achieving. It is aimed at helping you visualize the

achievement of those dreams. A vision board is especially

helpful for people who find it hard to imagine their


Moving on, the key to tapping into the law of attraction

goes beyond a mindless visualization of your desires.

You can’t just conjure up your desires when you feel like

and expect the universe to manifest them somehow. This

step is no abracadabra process. Practicing regular


visualization of your dreams is the essential key in the law

of attraction.

2. Think Positively:

The effect of the mind is a mind-blowing phenomenon.

Whatever you focus on is what you attract. If you spend

your days focusing on what you're lacking, you'll only

attract negativities. Instead, focus on what you want. Skip

that thought about your poor finances. Envision yourself

with better finances. Doing this gives you a paradigm shift,

centering your focus on what you want rather than what

you do not wish for.

The rationale behind this logic of positive thinking is that

letting go of the negativities in the present and looking

forward to a better, more positive outcome affects your


perspective of things. This alteration in view is what draws

the positive to you.

In the book, The power of positive thinking, Vincent

Norman Peale talked about many different experiences

he's had which changed with his thinking. Your life is a

product of your thoughts.

3. Make a decision:

The same way you decide you're disappointed at a turn of

event is the same way you can determine what you want

in your life. You have to be sure and clear about your

dreams, and the things you want to achieve and have and


Many people fail to decide what they want out of life and

don’t want to believe why the law of attraction was unable


to work out, which is rather silly. As it is with setting goals,

you have to be very clear about what you want. It's not

enough to say you want something. Vague decisions

produce vague results. Don't make your decisions a mere

passing thought. Make decisions, be clear about them and

mean them!

4. Feel:

The primary reason many people discredit affirmation

and visualization as techniques that don't work is that they

failed to attach emotions when affirming and visualizing

their aims and objectives.

It's not enough to imagine your dreams and yell out

positive affirmations alone. You need to attach that touch

of reality when you visualize and affirm your goals. It's

imperative you understand how vital the role of your


emotions play in bringing what you want to manifestation,

and in the activation of the law of attraction.

Solely relying on your visualizations will end up as nothing

short of a daydream. And affirmations alone would be

another string(s) of words used daily. Put your emotions

into your visualizations and affirmations. Feel what you

want. Tap into the subconscious with a conscious mind.

5. Don't forget to ask:

Another essential step that can trigger the law of attraction

is asking. Having decided on what you want out of your

life, write it down and ask for it.

For example, if you want better finances, write down the

finances you want on a paper. Ensure your writing is in the

present tense.

You can write, "I am grateful that my finances are better


Avoid asking in the future tense, like, "I'm going to get

better finances." No. Ask for it in the present like it already

is — like your goals have been achieved. Also, endeavor to

use the pronoun 'I' as it connotes the 'you factor' and

provides you with a strong sense of self.

6. Receive it:

If you want something, you must be prepared to receive it.

This step is the part many people often miss out on. They

have successfully asked, visualized, and affirmed their

goals, but fail to receive it. You have only successfully

ordered a package when you receive it.


But how can you receive when your arms are full?

Sometimes, you can get so caught up in wanting things to

go your way you forget how tightly you hold onto the past.

Sometimes, to receive you ought to let go. You can't say

you have a new life if you still hold on to the old one. A cup

filled to the brim can't hold more water. It'll merely run

over. This rhetoric also applies to the law of attraction.

Make space for the new things you want by letting the old

stuff go.

Let go of that old belief and habits and perspective and

behavior. The universe is handing you your requests, but

your arms are too full and ladened with the old stuff to

allow you to receive the new.


7. Believe and Trust:

Believing is what triggers the magic of attraction. You see

it all the time in Disney cartoons. You have to trust that

you are able for the law of attraction to work

Wholeheartedly believing that things will happen as you

have visualized and asked will cause them to manifest.

You mustn't fail to believe. You can't have doubts now.

You can't keep affirming positive thoughts on the outside

and nurse disbelief on the inside. No. That's just you

sabotaging yourself. Desist from such a demeaning act.

Don't be the one in your way. If you want something, say

it, mean it, believe it will work out and have no doubts.

Your trust and belief are catalysts to your goals.


8. Be Grateful:

Don't get too caught up in visualizations and affirmations

that you don't give cognizance to what is. Gratitude is a

crucial factor in getting the law of attraction to work for


Gratitude brings you in tune with the universe around you

so much that you naturally become focused on what you

have and are thankful for it. Sometimes the only way to

expect new things is to be grateful for the previous ones.

Be thankful for everything you have and where you are.

Gratitude is always rewarded. In one of his lessons, Bob

Proctor mentioned that the quickest way to alter your

thinking process so your vibrations change is to practice


On the other hand, if you aren't grateful, you'll end up

complaining about everything. Everything would seem

wrong and out of place because you have chosen to see life

from the standpoint of what you don't have and can't be

grateful for.

Complaining gives you more things to worry and complain

about while gratitude attracts abundance.

9. Be mindful:

You can only see and understand what you are conscious

of. Sometimes, the reason the law of attraction seems not

to work is that you are so caught up in your expectations

or anxieties that you pay no attention to changes around

you and how you affect them. Pay attention!


Quit going about your visualizations and affirmations

mindlessly. Nothing works when you don't pay attention

to it. The key to understanding anything lies in paying

attention. So, do it. Stay focused. Be attentive.

Stay mindful of your dreams, and observe as they

gradually manifest.

10. Write down your goals:

One verse of the Christian bible said to write down the

vision and make it understandable. So that those who run

might run with it.

This verse explains what this step is all about. Write down

your visions as you expect them to happen. Leave nothing

out. Remember to write in the present tense.


Stare at them daily, before you leave home and when you

return, when you feel down, and when you fail or win.

Profess your goals every other day of the week. Let it sink

into your subconscious and be a part of you. Let them be

the guide that reminds you of what you expect out of life

— the reason you don't give up on yourself. And slowly,

watch the universe make them manifest.


You have now been enlightened on how to live your life to

the fullest and rule your world. You now can have the

world in your pocket and manifest the life of your dreams!

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