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ITL Public School

Class: X
Subject : History
1. Introductory information on Indo China
1. Comprises of Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia.
2. Different groups of people lived under the powerful influence of China
3. Independent Vietnam also continued to have Chinese style of government and Chinese culture.

2. The Military conquest of Vietnam

1. 1858 French troops landed in Vietnam.
2. After Franco-Chinese war ,French assumed control of Tonkin and Anaam.
3.1887-French Indo-China was formed.

3.Factors which motivated French to have colonies

1.Colonies essential for natural resources.
2.Mission of advanced countries to bring benefits of civilization.
Possible Question
i.On what grounds could the French leave their country and live in a less developed nation?

4.Features of French colonization in Vietnam

1.Canals built and lands drained in the Mekong delta to increase cultivation.

3.Due to the above Vietnam exported 2/3rd of rice production and by 1931 became the third largest
producer of rice in the world.
4.Trans Indo China rail network ,to link north and south Vietnam and China was begun.Yunan China link
was completed by 1910,
5. second line linking Vietnam to Siam via Phnom Penh.
Possible Questions
i. `The French colonization led to an immense impact on the agriculture and infrastructure of Vietnam’,
ii. Highlight the main features of French colonization of Vietnam.
5.Beliefs of Paul Bernard regarding colonies
1. He believed that colonies should develop with the mother country.
2.If their economy was developed and standard of living of people progressed, then they would buy more.
3.This would help expand French market, thus helping French business.
4.He highlighted the barriers to economic growth in Vietnam .
5.These were
i.High population levels
ii. Low agricultural productivity
iii. Extensive indebtedness among peasants.
6.To reduce these challenges he suggested that the land reforms like in Japan could be carried out.
7.But this would not be sufficient, since Japan’s experience showed that industrialization was also needed.
Possible Questions
i.Why was Paul Bernard so hopeful that the colonies should develop, along with the mother country?
ii. Briefly examine the factors that pulled Vietnam away from economic growth.

6.Basis of Vietnamese colonial economy

1.Based on rice and rubber cultivation owned by French and Vietnamese elite.
2.The economy was not industrialized by French.
3.It was also driven by the idea of `civilizing mission’.
4. This economy was facilitated by: i. Rail and port services; ii. Indentured labour
Possible Questions

i. On what support factors , was the Vietnamese Colonial economy based on?
ii. Briefly describe the basis of the Vietnamese Colonial economy.

7.The idea of civilizing mission introduced by French: Reasons

1. French took for granted that Europe had the most advanced civilizations.
2. They took upon themselves the duty to civilize the non-civilized.
3.They thought it their duty to replace the outdated Vietnamese culture with a modern one.

8.The reasons for educating Vietnamese

i.Civilising Mission
ii. Help the French do all clerical work

9.The disadvantages of educating Vietnamese

i. Vietnamese would question French rule.
ii. Would threaten the job security of the colons.

10.The dilemma of language

French as medium French not as `Only’ medium
1. Will introduce Vietnamese to French 1. Vietnamese to be taught in lower classes.
2. The creation of Asiatic France. 2. French in higher classes.
3. Vietnamese will respect French. 3. Rewards of French citizenships to good
11.Vietnamese elite in French schools

1. Small fraction could enroll.

2. Few passed due to clever policies of French government
3a.2/3rd failed.
3b. In 1925 17 million appeared and only 100 passed.

12.School textbooks and children

The school textbooks depicted the following:
1. Glorified the French.
2. Vietnamese as primitive and incapable.
3. Capable of only manual labour.
4. Could work only in fields.
5a. Were skilled copyists.
5b. Were told that only French could ensure peace in Vietnam.
13.Vietnamese teachers and students
1. No blind –curriculum following.
2. Open resistance and silent resistance also.
3a. Became difficult to control content as number of Vietnamese teZachers increased in schools.
3b. Teachers would quietly modify the text.
14.Students, Schools and Vietnamese Nationalism
1. 1920-formation of political parties.Eg Young Anan
2. National journal formed- Annanese student.

15.Fears of Vietnamese intellectuals

1. Loss of their identity.
2. The devaluation of their culture.
3. Development of slave mentality.

16.Tonkin Free School

1. Started 1907.
2. Classes in Science, French and Hygiene.
3. Held in evening and paid separately.

4. Short hair cut.
5. Hair cutting chant.

17. The Saigon Native Girls School Incident 1926

1.In 1926, in Saigon Native Girl School a Vietnamese girl sitting in one of the front seat was asked to move
to a back seat to make space for a French student to sit.
2.The girl refused and then the Principal expelled her.
3a.When angry students protested ,they too were expelled, which further led to more protests.
3b.The government then forced the school to take the girl back, to which the Principal reluctantly agreed.
Possible Questions
i. Describe the incident of the Saigon Native Girls School.
ii.Why did the students at Saigon Native Girls School protest?
iii.`The girl at Saigon Native Girls School had to pay a price for her courage’, Justify.

18.Cause of the bubonic Plague

1.Hanoi ,had been built as a modern city with wide avenues and well built sewer systems ,in the French
part of the city.
2.The dirt from the old city flowed in to the river and during rainy season the street drains overflowed with
dirty water.
3a. The large sewers in the modern city which were seen as a symbol of Modernity became large breeding
grounds for rats.
3b. The sewers served as transport system for the rats and thus they were able to enter the well cared
homes of the French.
4. Thus due to increasing number of rats, Bubonic Plague striked Vietnam.
Possible Questions
i.`Modern architecture doesn’t necessarily create conditions for health’, Justify.
ii. How did the modern architecture of Hanoi facilitate the breeding of rats that led to bubonic plague?

19.Measures to kill the rats-Rat Hunt

1. Started in 1902, Vietnamese workers were hired and each was paid according to the number of rats
2. Vietnamese started to realize the benefits of collective bargaining, for which they came together and
asked for a higher bounty, since they were the ones who were doing the dirty job.
3a. They further discovered a new way to profit from the situation. As the bounty was paid on giving the tail
of the dead rat, so started simply clipping the rats and leaving them.
3b. Some started even rearing them to earn money.
4.The government had to stop their programme as it didn’t help in stopping Bubonic plague.
5. This was one small way in which the Vietnamese everyday fought the French.
Possible Questions
i. Explain the failure of the Rat hunt, launched in Hanoi in 1902.
ii.`The rat hunt never involved the killing of the rat,’ Justify.

20.Religions followed in Vietnam( Confucianism, syncretism, Christianity, Buddhism, local beliefs, popular religions, Chinese )
1. Elites mainly followed Chinese and Confucianism
2. Peasantry followed mainly Syncretism: local beliefs combined with Buddhism
3. Popular religions –spread by people who claimed to have seen God.

21.Hoa Hao movement: its beginning and its features

1. Began in 1939; gained popularity in Mekong delta.
2. Founder was Hyunh Phu So.
3. He performed miracles and helped the poor.
4. He was opposed to: i. Useless expenditure; ii. Sale of child brides; iii. Gambling; and iv. Opium

22.Suppression of the Hoa Hao movement by French

1. French declared him Mad Bonze.
2. The doctor who had to prove him insane, became his follower.

3. In 1941, French doctors declared that he is sane.
4. The French exiled him to Laos and sent his followers to concentration camps.

23.Movements relationship with Political Parties

1. Had contradictory relationship with mainstream Nationalism.
2. Political Parties needed their support but could not support their activities.
3. Parties could not control and discipline these groups.
4. They could not support their rituals.

24.Scholars Revolt
1a. Started in 1868 was a movement against French control and spread of Christianity.
1b. Catholics since early 17th century had been winning converts and had by 18th century converted some
three lakh people into Christianity.
2. Was led by officials at imperial court who were angered by the spread of Catholicism and French power.
3. Led a general uprising in Ngu An and Ha Tien, where thousand Catholics were killed.

25.Vision Of Modernization
Views of Phan Boi Chou
i.His first focus was on the French and that they should be driven out.
ii. He believed after independence from French, the monarchy can be taken care of.
iii. He believed in making use of the monarchy.
Views of Phan Chu Trinh
i.He wanted to overthrow the monarchy, to create a basis of promotion of popular rights.
ii.He believed in raising the people against the monarchy.
iii. He wanted to establish a democratic republic.
iv.He accepted the ideals of the West but charged the French for not implementing them .
v.He demanded that French set up legal & educational institutions; and set up agriculture and industries.
Possible Questions
i. Compare and contrast the views of Phan Boi Chou and Phan Chu Trinh.
ii. Highlight the views of the Vietnamese nationalists on modernization.

26.Information on Phan Boi Chau

1. A Confucian scholar.
2. Formed revolutionary society with Prince Cuong De
3. Wrote a book called, `The history of the loss of Vietnam’, along with a Chinese reformer ,Liang Qichao.

27.Main focus of the book written by Phan Boi Chau

1. Loss of sovereignty of Vietnam.
2. Ties becoming weaker with China.
3. The book became a bestseller.
4. The book converted into a play.

28.The Go East movement

1a. In 1907-08 some 300 Vietnamese students went to Japan to acquire modern education.
1b. They established the Restoration Society in Tokyo in 1908.
2. They looked up to Japan for:
i. Arms and help.
ii. To escape French police.
29.China as an inspiration
1. In 1911 Sun Yat Sen overthrew the monarchy and established a republic.
iii. To find a place where revolutionaries could work little freely
iv. For Education
3. The reasons they admired Japan were:
i. Japan had modernized itself.
ii. Had resisted colonization from the West.
iii. Had gained victory over Russia in 1907.

4. However the Japanese ministry of interior were strict with them and some of them were deported to
China and Thailand.

2. Vietnam too changed its objective and made it Democratic Republic.

3. Students established the Association for the restoration of Vietnam.
Possible Questions
1. Examine the factors that led to Vietnam’s dependency on Japan primarily.

30.Great Depression and Vietnam

1.Prices of rubber and rice fell.
2. Rise of rural debts.
3. Unemployment and rural uprisings.
4. Nghe An and Ha Tinh-electrical fuses.

31.Political developments in 1930

1.In February 1930 Ho Chih Minh brought together competing Nationalists
2. Formed the Indo-Chinese Communist Party.
3. Was inspired by the militant demonstrations of the European communist parties.

32.The attack of Japan on Vietnam

1.In 1940 Vietnam was occupied by Japan as a part of its South East Asia drive.
2. Vietminh fought the Japanese occupation.
3.In 1945 Vietnamese recaptured Hanoi and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam was formed with Ho
Chih Minh as its chairman.

33.Challenges of the New Republic of Vietnam

i. The French were trying to regain control by using the emperor, Bao Dai.
ii. When they were faced with the French offensive, the Vietnimh were forced to retreat and finally after an
eight year old struggle the French were defeated in 1954, at Dien Bien Phu.
iii. The over confident French were outwitted by Vietnamese in Dien Bien Phu.
iv The war was followed by the peace negotiations of Geneva, Vietnam had to accept the division of its
country, into North and South Vietnam.
v. The north was taken over by Ho Chih Minh and the communists. The South was taken over by Bao Dai.
vi. But the Bao Dai regime was overthrown in a coup by Ngo Dinh Diem.
vii. Diem built an authoritarian government
viii. Any opposition to the regime was called communist and jailed.
ix. Ordinance 10 was retained.
x. He was opposed by the NLF.
xi. But the US , was worried about the growing communist influence in Vietnam, and it decided to
Possible Questions
i. State the significance of the Geneva negotiations, in the political history of Vietnam.
ii. Why was South Vietnam turned into a battlefield, soon after the division of the country?
ii. Describe the repressive regime of Ngo Dinh Diem in South Vietnam.

34.Factors leading to US intervention in Vietnam

i. They felt that the victory of the Ho Chih Minh government, would create a domino effect of creating
communist regimes in the world.
ii. They underestimated the power nationalism and patriotism of a small country like Vietnam.
iii. They underestimated the will of a small powerless country, to fight the technologically most advanced
country of the world.
Possible Questions
i.Examine the factors leading to the intervention of US,in the private affairs of Vietnam?
ii. State the main reason behind US’s interest in invading Vietnam? How was Vietnam able to defend itself
so well against the most powerful country of the world.

35.Vietnam War called a brutal war
The use of following weapons led to the war being described as a brutal war:
1. B52 bombers.
2. Napalm
3.Agent Orange
4. Phosphorous Bombs

36. Effect of Vietnam war on America

1. Government was criticized for entering an indefensible war.
2. Youth were drafted for the war.
3. Enlistment in US Army waived off for university graduates.
4. Many pro -war and anti-war movies were made.
Possible Question
Study the impact of the Vietnam war within America.

37.Ho Chih Minh Trail

1. Was an immense network of footpaths and roads.
2. Used to transport men and material from North to South.
3. Had support bases and hospitals.
4. Women carried around 25 kilos on their back and 70 kilos on the bicycles.
5. Made in a way that they could be rebuild after being bombed.
Possible questions
`Ho Chih Minh trail was an intelligent military strategy used by the Vietnamese’. Justify.

38.Women as national heroes

Trung Sisters
1. Had fought against Chinese domination in 39-43 CE.
2. They gathered a force of 30,000 and resisted the Chinese for 2 years.
3. When defeated they committed suicide instead of surrendering to the enemy.
4. Phan Bai Chau made a play on the sisters.
5. The reason for their revolt is not known but after the play they glorified. Painting, plays, novels
Trieu Au
1. Lived in 3rd century CE.
2. Was an orphan and lived with her brother.
3. Organised a large army to resist Chinese rule.
4. When her army was crushed she drowned herself. Sacred figure.
1. New image of womanhood emerged.
2. Writers idealized women who rebelled against social norms.
3.One such book was a novel written by Nhat Linh caused a scandal.
4. It showed a woman leaving her marriage and marrying someone of her choice.
1. As brave warriors in magazines.
2. Shot down planes.
3. Ngyuyen Thi Xuan shot down a plane with 20 bullets.
4. Depicted as workers with hammer in one hand.
5.Served as nurses.
6. Constructed tunnels and underground rooms.
7. Diffused bombs.
8. Made airstrips.
9. Carried cargo.
10. After the war they worked in agricultural cooperatives and factories.
Possible Questions
`The military historians of Vietnam give a lot of credit to the women for the success of the war’. Justify.

39. Assessment of USA’s success in Vietnam

1. Vietamese could not be crushed.
2. Support of Vietnamese people for USA could not be won.

40.Factors that led to the end of war

1. USA’s failure in achieving its objective.
2.US actors visited Vietnam to praise the Vietnamese for their heroic defense of their country.
3. There was widespread questioning of government policy.
4. War ended with the treaty of Paris in January 1974.
Possible questions
1. Describe the final stages before the ending of the Vietnam war with USA.

1 Markers :
1.What was the most visible form of French control in Vietnam?
2. Who were called Colons in Vietnam?
3.What kind of a party was Young Annan?
4.What was the bounty programme?
5.State the meaning of `Syncretic Traditions’.
6. Name the society formed by Phan Boi Chau.
7.Under whose influence did Phan Boi Chau write The History of the Loss of Vietnam?
8.Why was the League for the Independence of Vietnam formed?
9.By whom was the Democratic Republic of Vietnam formed?
10.In which famous battle were the French defeated?
11. What was agent orange?
12.With which country was the Domino effect theory associated?

1.Describe the drawbacks of the development programme undertaken by the French in Vietnam. HoTs
2.Examine the role played by religion in the nationalist movement of Vietnam.
3.Assess the factors that led USA to withdraw from the war.
4.State the factors that led the Vietnamese to admire Japan.
5.Mention the assistance that the Vietnamese were expecting from the Japanese.
6.Recall and write about the role played by Vietminh.
7.Explain the factors that led to the victory of the Vietnamese in the war.

5 Markers
1.Describe the Go East movement. Examine its success.
2.Present a brief profile of Ho Chih Minh.
3.Analyse the events that turned Vietnam into a war zone after 1954.
4.Describe the dilemma of `Education’ as it presented itself before the French Government. HoTs.
5.Explain education turning into an important platform for the fight against colonialism. HoTs.
6.Examine the effect that China exercised on the Politics Culture and Society of Vietnam.

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