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Developing the Whole Person

What is your understanding of a Whole Person?

Feelings, Moods and Emotions do not exactly mean one and the
1. Happiness
2. Sadness
3. Fear
4. Anger
5. Surprise
6. Disgust

Basic Human Drives

It is a result of a person's evaluation of an experience with another person, object, idea,
behavior or situation based on his or her values system or beliefs.

Value Virtue
Make a list......
Yes. Because the core of every person lies a system of beliefs that adheres to the highest
ideals of human existence called VALUES.
Are those that are biologically related such as HUNGER and THIRST -
4. Social - the manner by which an individual interacts with other individuals or groups of
1. Physiological - the physical attributes including the five senses
Can Attitude Be changed?
Feelings arises as the brain interprets an emotion which is usually caused by physical
sensations experienced by the body as a reaction to a certain stimuli.

The video presentation depends on how you want to project it. You
may use any form or a combination of forms.
Submit it not later than August 26. Place it on a CDR and make a
cover page for it.
10 Basic Values by Shalom Schwartz
Attitudes - are a person's thoughts, feelings, and emotions about another person, object, idea,
behavior, or situation.
in 2014 Research Study there are only 4 Basic Emotions
There are Universal Values listed by the United Nations

Emotion (latin verb, movare)

means to move or be upset or agitated. it is a variation in level of
arousal, affective state or mood, expressive movements, and
Behavior is a manifestation or acting out of the attitudes an individual has.

Virtue - are adjectives that describe the positive and desirable

qualities which usually mirror a value it represents.
5. Spiritual -the attribute of a person's consciousness and beliefs, including the values and
virtues that guide and put meaning into a person's life.
1. Self-Direction
2. Stimulation
3. Hedonism
4. Achievement
5. Power
6. Security
7. Conformity
8. Tradition
9. Benevolence
10. Universalism
6 Basic Emotions that human beings experience
by Paul Elkman

Holistic Development
5 Aspects that Make up a Complex Organism
When you feel strong emotion you will feel:
faster heartbeat
profuse sweating
dilation of eye pupil
higher blood pressure
muscular tremor
1. Peace
2. Freedom
3. Social Progress
4. Equal Rights
5. Human Dignity
1. Happy
2. Sad
3. Afraid or Surprise
4. Angry or Disgusted
are the various emotional experiences such as emotions, moods, and affective traits
2. Cognitive - the intellectual functions of the mind: thinking, recognizing, reasoning,
analyzing,projecting, synthesizing, recalling and assessing
What is the difference between VALUES and VIRTUES?
Values in the Workplace
1. Integrity
2. Accountability
3. Diligence
4. Perseverance
5. Discipline
1. Give one stimuli that can affect you emotion.
2. What are the feelings that arise from this emotion?
2. How did you response to the feelings you have based on your emotion?

Value - are ideals that create meaning and purpose in life.

Something that you give importance. Usually a value is a NOUN
1. Make a video presentation of a Filipino Value with the virtues that
would help a person acquire it. Also, in the video include the
negative attitudes and behaviors that will not help the person
acquire such value.
3. Psychological- or how thinking, feeling and behaving interact and happen in a person.

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