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1. In my opinion, Teow Boon is a Transformational Leader. We can observe this from the fact that :

● He has a new vision and goal to improve work productivity. He has in mind an objective to make
his employees healthier physically and mentally in the workplace, that in turn will have an impact on the
company’s productivity and profitability. Thus he is an innovative leader.
● He is creative in that he tries to create new experiences throughout the company. He is highly
imaginative, basing his idea on the premise that Healthy Employees are happy employees. His creativity
is also visible from the fact that he envisions that a healthy mind and body will contribute to the overall
growth and productivity of his organization. Then, he tries to realize the vision with a measurable
● He introduces an innovation in management practice by making Workplace Healh Promotion
(WHP) program a component in performance appraisal that affects bonus payout for employees. He
expects the tactic will motivate them to commit to the program.

As for his personality, I believe Teow is a man of understanding, persistence, enthusiasm,

resourcefulness, and dedication. We can observe these traits from the following facts:
● Understanding: He understands that it is often hard to change an old habit, so he sets small
achieavable goals so that the employees can start leading a healthier lifestyle quickly, while at the same
time building their confidence to go after higher goals.
● Persistence: He remains resilient despite the fact that initially only 10 percent of the employees
participated in the WHP program. He believes the transformation of the company will eventually
● Enthusiasm: He sets an example by himself taking part enthusiastically in all WHP activities.
● Resourcefulness: He can come up with smart tactics so that the employees are not bored with
the program. He creates points system, monetary tokens, and award recognitions for employees who
make the effort to lead healthier lifestyle.
● Dedication: He is highly dedicated to maintaining the company’s market leadership by making
the company more profitable and the employees healthier.
Thus, I fully believe that Teow’s personality and leadership style contribute significantly to CCN’s
productivity increase. This is proved with the net outcome of the WHP program after 4 years of
implementation across departments, where on the health promotion Silver Award ceremony he proudly
told that the employees were happier, more open, engaging in discussion, and enjoyed better
communications at work. In short, his dedication to help others lead a healthier lifestyle at home and at
work eventually impacts the company’s progress.

2. In my opinion, Teow Boon Ling has both charismatic and transformational leadership styles. He is
charismatic in that he is understanding, responsive, sensitive, and persuasive. He understands the
problem by admitting that the program is not easy to carry out and take part in. He makes many efforts
to convince himself and others that by taking part in all the program’s activities, the employees will start
enjoying a healthier lifestyle quickly. And any higher goals after that can be achieved with less effort. So
Teow’s influence motivates others to take an active part in the program.

Teow is also a transformative leader in that he has a vision to transform the company’s productivity. He
not only keeps the status quo. His strategy is the WHP program. And to make the program’s success
measurable, he creates points system, monetary tokens and awards for his employees who make the
efforts to join the activities. He transforms the company by making his employees healthier at work.

-Kevin Setya Wagner S-

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