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Chicken Feet - Voodoo, Hoodoo & JuJu

--credits to Paul Osborne aka Dark Knight

Chicken feet are best used for protection of your personal belongings, your home, and your car,
etc. Basically, anything that belongs to you that you do not want stolen. It also protects you and
your belongings from negative energies or dark entities that might want to invade your space
like that of psychic vampires and the likes. The most powerful chicken’s feet are the ones that
come from black feathered chickens. For protection of your home, it is best to place them
outside your home right next to your front door. For protection of your automobile, you can hang
them from your rear-view mirror in your car. The chicken’s foot works by magically "scratching"
one's would-be thief with its nails. It is a warning to those who would want to do you wrong. It is
a warning symbol to the would-be thief that if you steal my shit, I am going to hurt you in a way
you have never known. This is similar to seeing a skull and crossbones on a bottle of liquid,
which tells you that if you drink this liquid, you are going to die or become very ill. In some parts
of the South, the chicken’s foot is used to place a curse on someone. If you found a chicken’s
foot placed in your car, your home, or your purse, then someone is trying to place work some
dark magic on you. However, any animal parts can be used to do the same thing to someone,
when placing a curse on them. Therefore, if you find any dead animal parts around you that
were not brought home by your cat, I suggest that you increase your own “Light energies” to
ward off the curse. At this point getting your own chickens foot is not going to help you, as it is
too late. You will need stronger protection, such as that of Archangel Michael. You can use a
single chicken’s foot with nothing fancy going on, just the dried up old chicken’s foot.
Understand that if you do this, you might attract an animal such as a raccoon that would like to
chew on that chicken’s foot. That is why it is better to have a painted one, so that the oils are not
still excreting from the dried up foot, as they typically do. If they are not painted, they should at
least be coated with a urethane. However, that does not really get the message across to the
would-be thief or negative entity. It is best to paint them different colors and if you so choose,
have other trinkets, beads or feathers hanging from them. This way they stand out and people
know that it is most definitely a magical charm. People, who know anything about Voodoo,
Hoodoo, or JuJu, might think twice about stealing something, when seeing an animal part
hanging near front door. This definitely sends a signal, that the owner of this home is a
practitioner of the magical arts. You can also use to chickens feet and cross them like an X, just
like the skull and cross bones. However you decide to use them, be it a single chickens foot, or
two chickens feet, you can also use them along with a mojo bag if you so choose. It is best to
Charge your Chicken’s Foot with a Prayer to Santisima Muerte, who is also known as Santa
Muerte “The Lady of Most Holy Death” or “Saint Death”. Here are a couple of payers that can be
used to Charge your Chicken’s foot for protection… Protection Incantation for Santisima Muerte
Holy death, my Lady, Mistress of Darkness and Coldness, I come before you and employer
protection. My Lady, protect me and take care of me with your cloak from my enemies, the
snares, the traps and vengeance. See through the Darkness, take care of me, my home and my
family. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen. Pics are chicken feet
amulet for front door protection and Magickal enchanted hat

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