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Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz often used in jewellery. The name comes from the Ancient Greek ἀ a- ("not") and μέθυστος
méthystos ("intoxicated"), a reference to the belief that the stone protected its owner from drunkenness. The ancient Greeks wore
amethyst and made drinking vessels decorated with it in the belief that it would prevent intoxication. It is one of several forms of
quartz. Amethyst is a semiprecious stone and is the traditional birthstone for February.

The earliest records of history on Amethyst show a lot of these gemstones been used to treat various forms of addic-
tions especially alcoholism during the medieval periods. Amethyst was THE antidote and magic pill for curing “drunkenness,” even
the name originates from the Greek word meaning “without intoxication ” According to Aristotle a myth goes like this about a
young ancient maiden , who called up goddess Diana to protect her from the god of wine and intoxication- Dionysus. As soon as
Amethyst invoked the goddess Diana for help, she turned the girl into a white crystal to shield her from an attack. Dionysus realized
what had happened and felt remorse for his actions, so he cried of tears of red win-which was what turn Amethyst to pur-
ple. Therefore, Amethyst is symbolically teaching humanity that working with this stone invokes the WILL POWER to overcome
any addictions. Thus, Amethyst is a sobriety stone. Cleopatra made sure she was wearing an Amethyst ring at all times engraved
with Mithra’s sun god; she seduced two of the most powerful Roman generals at that time, Mark Antony and Julius Caesar, it was
believed by Amethyst would ensure the devotion and faithfulness in marriage. The colour purple in the ancient days was knows as
the colour of the royalty and nobility, Amethyst has been used to adorn the rich and powerful. The finest and largest Amethyst
always filled king’s crowns. Amethyst was mentioned in the Bible as one of the 12 stones adorning the breastplate of the high
priests of Yahweh. The religious and spiritual teachers always embraced Amethyst for its symbol of celibacy and piety.

In the Old Testament and around the middle and late 1300 (B.C.) twelve stones had been chosen to be representative of the
twelve tribes of Israel. (Exodus 28: 17-21) Among these stones amethyst was chosen as the gem representing the tribe of Dan one
of the sons of Joseph. Amethyst is also mentioned as one of the twelve stones adorning the breastplate of the high priest Aaron.
(Exodus 39).

Keywords: Chastity, Sobriety, Self-Control, Spiritual Awareness, Meditation, Balance, Psychic Abilities, Inner Peace
During the Renaissance period, all the remnants of the old Dark Age “mentality” and thinking needed clearing, Amethyst was a
significant crystal that played a huge role in healing humanity. The end of dark ages brought about severe alcoholism. Amethyst
came into the scene during this period as a stabilizer, also helped programmed people by instilling back their power of sobriety and
to help instil a serious mind. The renaissance period demanded people to step up from their old ways, because a lot of work needed
to be done. Amethyst was the catalyst for this change. It helped society treated mental diseases associated with alcohol, drugs,
smoking, and other types of destructive compulsive behaviours brought by the dark ages. We can learn a lot from this period of his-
tory, for what we are going through now is akin to the transition phase that took place between the transitions from the dark ages to
the renaissance period. We can say that we have essentially transitioned from mental slavery/matrix system, to the age of infor-
mation and enlightenment/sovereignty. As such, just like how the spiritual teachers used Amethyst to eradicate destructive behav-
iours, so also can we learn from them in destroying the old world karmic negative mental patterns. Amethyst are the gemstones for
restoring humility and modesty. Amethyst has bio magnetic field similar to our physical body, working with these gemstones will re-
plenish and re-store lost energy.


Assists in visions, and to bring riches and powers.

Sobriety stone, cures alcoholism, helps in overcoming ALL addiction, alcohol, food, sex, and other addictions.

Treats hearing disorders, insomnia, headaches and other pain.

Relieves anxiety and confusion.

Amethyst is a crystal of protection, it repels more than it attracts things.

Place Amethyst crystals under the bed to ensure a good night’s sleep.

Aids in lucid dreaming and will assist with dream memory recall.

Assist in dealing with legal problems and money issues.

Heals with the withdrawal of any sort of addiction.

Stimulates and activates the right brain thinking and develops psychic intuition .

Elimates impurities from the bloodstream, and cleans blood.

Zodiac Sign:

The astrological signs of the zodiac that corresponds with Amethyst are Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius and Capricorn.


Amethyst is associated with the third eye and crown or 7th chakra.
Feng Shui:

In the philosophy of Feng Shui, Amethyst will enhance your wealth, so placing Amethyst in your money altar is key. Amethyst can
also be place in the southeast direction for giving and receiving wealth, in the centre for balance spiritual growth, and northeast cor-
ner of your home for seeking wisdom. You can also pick an area from your intuitive guidance to attract money and good luck.

Cleanse & Activate:

Amethyst may be soaked in sea salt and alkaline or distilled water for one day. Dry, then leave outside under the sun or moon for
one full day or night. Afterwards, they need to be activated in a meditation. Placing the crystal in your left hand and reflecting, in-
voke the power of love and other attributes of Rose Quartz you wish to summon into your life.

All information in this document has sourced from other sites. It was not written by me nor do I
claim to have written this. It is intended as a guide only.
Sources of information:


Image credit: ©Sheryl Marshall Photography 2015. Image is not to be published in any form other than on
this document without prior consent of the copyright owner.

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