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7/5/2018 THE MILITARY JUSTICE SYSTEM Protea by LIC ERIC G ALCERA Jacsien) INTRODUCTION “Victory in bane i the wlimate im of every miltary commander and the noms that victory cannot be ‘attained, no matter how superior his Forces may bein men and materials. if ‘iscipine among the rank and file is found wanting. For “fan army 19 be ‘anything ‘but on uncontrolled” mob, Asciplne i required end must be enforced.” (177.25, 05A H915L 1) INTRODUCTION QThe MILITARY JUSTICE SYSTEM consists of rules governing the conduct of military pe and provides a method by who break these rules may be Punished. This is designed to enforce discipline and administer justice in the AFP. INTRODUCTION Two Fold aim of Military Legislation 1. To have an efficient army (armed forces) ready to meet the enemy of the State; and 2. To limit the armed forces power in order to prevent possible injury to the Government ‘or country that supports i ("Bren scary Lam, 1989 7/5/2018 SOURCES 1987 Constitution Commonwealth Act 408, ag amended, (Articles of Wat) Commonwealth Act No.1, (National Defense Act) Revised Administrative Code Executive Orders, Proclamations, Admin Orders & Miltary Orders issued by the President as Commander in-Chlet ofthe AFD Laws enacted by Congres Decisions of the Supreme Court ‘AFP regulations, bulletin & General Orders Digest and Opinions of TJAG of the AFP. COMPONENTS sata Boonen] >| INVESTIGATING OFFICES Cea ets OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL E Investigate the following: 1. Cases unearthed in the course of the inspection; and 2 Those directed by CSAFP involving irregularities or gross violations of policies, directive, discipine, eficiancy, and economy land the good name, prestige and integrity of the AFP. 7/5/2018 OFFICE OF THE ETHICAL STANDARD AND PUBLIC ACCOUNTABILITY Investigate violations of 1. RA 6713 (Code of Conduct and Ethical Standard for Public Officials and Employees) 2. RA 3019 (Anli-Gra and Corrupt Practices Act) 3. RA 1379 (Law on Forfeiture of Uniawfully Acquire Property 4. AWS5 (Frauds Against the Government) eras ha A 509) OFFICE OF THE ETHICAL STANDARD AND PUBLIC ACCOUNTABILITY Investigate violations of 5. Rape, Sexual Harassment and other Sexually Related Cases in the AFPrwnoinl cise Ores 6. Domestic Related Offenses ys ona w2 20 7. Revised Penal Code, Title Vil which are considered as crimes committed by public Officers; asec sos cca ae 05910) ® Graft Related admin cases of Civilian Employees ‘THE PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL © investigate violations of 1. Violations of AFP Rules and Regulations 2 Admin offenses agains! person and property, vehicular accidents, trafic violations, disturbance of peace and order, individual violations of laws and regulations, and Complaints against personnel for misbehavior ‘or misconduct ‘THE PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL © Investigate violations of 3. Human rights abuses and related complaints reported or referred to said office Won 4,0, 1° 105)

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