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Android App Development Program Summary

Certificate Program High Lights

Duration: 3 Months Total Skills: 25

 The Certificate Program is clustered into following set.

 This program which contains around 25 various skills as follows.
 Technology Training-stream specific training to ensure
that all tasks pertaining to role can be performed. Almost 15
technology skills are covered.
 Software Process Model- Agile Process, DevOps.
 Foundation Soft Skills: Its curriculum also incorporates
written and verbal communication, customer handling skills,
Personal Skill and the importance of ethics in business.
 Basic Technical Skills-OS Basics, Network Basics,
 Domain Training-Health Care, IoT, E-Commerce,
Education, Finance, Digital Image Processing.
 Role Specific Training – hands-on project work to be assigned during the
professional practice term.
 This 3 month training which lays strong emphasis on practical exercises,
continuous assessments and assignments followed by On-The-Job training
or Professional Practice Term.
 You'll learn through videos, PPTs and complete assignments, projects and
other activities designed to enhance learning outcomes, all at times that
are most convenient to you.
 After completing the Course successfully we will provide Course
Completion Certificate

Core Course Skills

1. Introduction to Android Development 2.Android Layouts, Widgets and Implementing Event

Receivers3.Activities, Intents, Fragments and Notifications 4.Customizing Widgets and Constructing Option
Menu 5. Storage, Media and Animations 6.Web Services 7. Location and Google Map 8.Database Framework
and Third Party Libraries 9.Localization, Sensors and Social Media Integration 10. End-to-End App
Development & Publishing 11.Objects Oriented Programming 12. SQLite DB 13.Google Maps 14. Web Service
15. Debugging & Deploying to Google Play Store 16.IDE-Android Studio, Eclipse

Software Process Model Domain Skills Technical Skills

17. DevOps CI/CD Pipeline: Jenkins 18.Agile 20. Health care 21.E- 22. Java Basics 23. OS
Process 19. GitHub/SVN Commerce Basics
Soft Skills

24. Email Communication25. Customer Service

Course Objective:

After completing the Android App Development course, you should be able to understand:

 Basic Android Development tools such as Android Studio, DDMS, Drawables,

Listeners and Activity Lifecycle
 How to use various Layouts and Widgets and Implementing Event Receivers in your
android application
 How to communicate between fragments and activities in android
 How to customize a widget and implement a menu bar in your activity
 How to create interactive applications in android with multiple activities including
audio, video and animation
 How to create a dynamic web application with jSON and SOAP Service
 How to display user current location in a google map
 How to create applications using SQLite database and Third Party Libraries
 How to integrate Facebook, Dropbox and Google Drive in your existing android
 How to publish your App on Google Play

Course Content

1. Introduction to Android Development

Learning Objectives : In this module, you will learn the basic architecture of Android
platform, download the tools used by any Android application developer and use them to
create your first Android app. You will also learn how to run android application on emulator
& on your own device. We will deep dive into Android application lifecycle and understand
the working of event listener

Topics : Basics of Android, Android Architecture, Android Studio Setup - Modifying project
parameters in Android Studio and Gradle build files, Adding dependencies in Android Studio
and Gradle build files,DDMS, Activity Lifecycle, Event Listener

2. Android Layouts, Widgets and Implementing Event Receivers

Learning Objectives : In this module, you will learn to create a user interface by using the
visual tools and the underlying XML. We will deep dive into core of Android layouts and
impressive and easy to code android widgets along with Implementing Event Receivers.

Topics : LinearLayout, RelativeLayout - Adding a widget to the user's home screen and
updating active home screen widgets, FrameLayout, TableLayout, WebView, CheckBox ,
RadioButtons, Spinner, AutoCompleteTextView, CardView, TimePicker, DatePicker Dialog,
BroadcastReceivers (System & Custom), LocalBroadcastManager

3. Activities, Intents, Fragments and Notifications

Learning Objectives : In this module, you will be able to create applications with multiple
activities and learn to share information between multiple activities with the help of Intents
and fragements. Also you will be able to generate notifications in android.

Topics : Activities - Persisting application state during configuration changes and creating
activity hierarchies, Fragments, Explicit and Implicit intents - Navigating between activities
using intents, Using NotificationCompact to Show Notifications - UsingPendingIntentto
package and send a delayed action, Services for executing background work,
UsingJobSchedulerfor syncs and periodic tasks, and Scheduling time sensitive tasks with

4. Customizing Widgets and Constructing Option Menu

Learning Objectives :In this module you will learn to implement different collections
widgets available in android like GridView, ListView and RecyclerView. We will also learn
to implement one of the four essential components of Android development, which is
Broadcast Receivers. We will also deep divining into Android canvas framework, which lets
you draw different shapes on the screen.

Topics : GridView, ListView - Building layouts using XML and Java code and Grouping
common UI design elements with styles, RecyclerView - Handling item touch interactions in
a RecyclerView, DrawerLayout - Providing alternative resources for device configuration
changes, Canvas & Paint - Customizing the application theme, Extending framework UI
components to create custom views and validating application layouts properly respond to
accessibility events, Constructing Option menus for action bar navigation

5. Storage, Media and Animations

Learning Objectives : In this module you will learn most important persistent frameworks in
Android system, which is SharedPreference, and Android File System. We will learn to
implement different types of animations provided by android system to create impressive
android applications.

Topics : Internal & External File Storage, haredPreference - Creating settings UI using the
preferences framework and reacting to changes in a Shared Preferences instance,
MediaPlayer & VideoView, Tween Animation, View Property Animation, FrameAnimation

6. WebServices

Learning Objectives : In this module, at times you will need to perform tasks that should
prevent blocking the user from performing other tasks in the application. Here is when
services and broadcast receivers come into play. You will learn the highly acclaimed API of
Android framework, which is AsyncTask. We will also learn to implement SOAP Services.
You will understand the concept of Retrofit library used for performing these Asynchronous

Topics : An overview of SAS, Application of SAS, SAS Environment, Interface,

Componnents, SAS Libraries, Programs, Data Step, Proc Step, Key Concepts - Data Set,
Descriptor, Portion, Data Portion, Observation, Variables etc.
7. Location and Google Map

Learning Objectives : In this module you will learn android location framework like
GoogleMaps and Geocoder, which will help you to integrate location related functionality in
your applications. You would also learn to draw markers on the map to show targeted
locations to user and also perform animated zooming over the map.

Topics : Fetch Users Current Location, Reverse Geocoding using Geocoder, MapFragment,
Showing Current Location on Map, Showing Markers on Map, Exploring different Map
Types Animated Zooming using Camera

8. Database Framework and Third Party Libraries

Learning Objectives : In today's world what app doesn't make use of saving and retrieving
data? You will be learning most common mechanisms for doing this. You will learn to use
android SQLite framework. Also you will see how the data can be saved in database
asynchronously. After completing database we will learn how to use few of the most famous
and efficient third party libraries in our application like image loading, database
implementation while writing minimal code.

Topics : Using SQLiteOpenHelper - Accessing static bundled data in assets (e.g. premade
databases, config files), SQLite Data Types, Maping between Table & Widgets using
CursorAdapters, Async CursorLoader , Palette for extracting colors from images, Picasso for
Image Loading & Caching, ButterKnife for Injecting Views, TimesSquare for showing
CalendarView, Cupboard for ORM

9. Localization, Sensors and Social Media Integration

Learning Objectives : Facebook, DropBox & Google Drive are some of the essential
applications which are present on almost all user devices, we will learn to integrate them in
our application. We will be learning Single Sign on, uploading files to Google Drive. We will
also learn how to target international audience using localization and various sensors
available in Android devices like compass, Accelerometer etc.

Topics : Localization, Facebook Integration, Dropbox Integration, Google Drive Integration,

Exploring Android Sensors

10. End-to-End App Development & Publishing

Learning Objectives : In this final lesson, you will learn to use Android Studio much more
efficiently; we will create one live application end to end to revise the concepts we learnt
earlier. We will be signing the application using our newly generated keystore and then you
will learn how to submit an application to Google Play to share with the world.

Topics : Debugging Applications, End to End App Development including writing and
executing automated unit tests on the local JVM, writing and executing automated
instrumentation tests on an Android device, using the system log output (andlogcattools) to
trace code execution, locating an error from the stack trace of an uncaught exception and
using Strict Mode to locate and report threading violations and leaks, Using Proguard to
obfuscate applications, Generating Signing Keys, Publish the application on Google Play
Store (Live Demo), Doubts & QueriesUsing Proguard to obfuscate applications

11. Two Real Time Projects with Assessment

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