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A Bibliography of Economic V aluation Literature

Defenders of Wildlife: Conservation Economics Program

Washington, DC

Acharya, Gayatri, and Lynne Lewis Bennett. 2001. Valuing open space and land-use patterns
in urban watersheds. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 22:221-237.
Ackerman, Frank, and Kevin Gallagher. 2000. Getting the prices wrong: The limits of market-
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Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62: 1104-1110.
Aldy, Joseph E., and W . Kip Viscusi. 2006. Adjusting the value of a statistical life for age and
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Allen, Bryon P . and John B. Loomis. 2008. The decision to use benefit transfer or conduct
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Allen-Wardell, Gordon, Peter Bernhardt, Ron Bitner, Alberto Burquez, Stephen Buchmann,
James Cane, Paul A. Cox, Virginia Dalton, Peter Feinsinger, Mrill Ingram, David Inouye, C.
Eugene Jones, Kathryn Kennedy, Peter Kevan, Harold Koopowitz, Rodrigo Medellin,
Sergio Medellin, Gary P . Nabhan, Bruce Pavlik, Vincent Tepedino, Phillip Torchio, Steve
Walker. 1998. The potential consequences of pollinator declines on the conservation of
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Anderson, Soren T., and Sarah E. West. 2003. The Value of Open Space Proximity and Size:
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Anderson, Soren T., and Sarah E. West. 2006. Open space, residential property values, and
spatial context. Regional Science and Urban Economics 36:773-789.

Defenders of Wildlife, Conservation Economics Program Last updated October 24, 2008
Anielski, Mark, and Sara Wilson. 2005. Counting Canada’s natural capital: Assessing the real
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Armsworth, Paul R., Gretchen C. Daily, Peter Kareiva, and James N. Sanchirico. 2007. Land
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Arrow , Kenneth, Robert Solow , Paul R. Portney, Edward E. Leamer, Roy Radner, and
Howard Schuman. 1993. Report of the NOAA Panel on Contingent Valuation. Federal
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Arrow , Kenneth J., Maureen L. Cropper, George C. Eads, Robert W . Hahn, Lester B. Lave,
Roger G. Noll, Paul R. Portney, Milton Russell, Richard Schmalensee, Kerry V . Smith, and
Robert N. Stavins. 1996. Is there a role for benefit-cost analysis in environmental, health,
and safety regulation? Science 272:221-222.
Arrow , Kenneth, Partha Dasgupta, Lawrence Goulder, Gretchen Daily, Paul Ehrlich,
Geoffrey Heal, Simon Levin, Karl-Göran Mäler, Stephen Schneider, David Starrett, Brian
Walker. 2004. Are we consuming too much? Journal of Economic Perspectives 18(3):147-172.
Ash, Neville, and Martin Jekins. 2007. Biodiversity and Poverty Reduction: The Importance of
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Azevedo, Christopher D., Joseph A. Herriges, and Catherine L. Kling. 2003. Combining
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Journal of Agricultural Economics 85(3):525-537.
Balmford, Andrew , Aaron Bruner, Philip Cooper, Robert Costanza, Stephen Farber, Rhys E.
Green, Martin Jenkins, Paul Jefferiss, Valma Jessamy, Joah Madden, Kat Munro, Norman
Myers, Shahid Naeem, Jouni Paavola, Matthew Rayment, Sergio Rosendo, Joan
Roughgarden, Kate Trumper, and R. Kerry Turner. 2002. Economic reasons for
conserving wild nature. Science 297:950-953.
Balmford, Andrew , Pippa Gravestock, Neal Hockley, Colin J. McClean, and Callum M.
Roberts. 2004. The worldwide costs of marine protected areas. Proceedings ofthe National
Academy ofSciences 101(26):4694-4697.
Banzhaf, Spencer, Dallas Burtraw , David Evans, and Alan Krupnick. 2004. Valuation of
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September 2004.
Banzhaf, H. Spencer, and Puja Jawahar. 2005. Public benefits of undeveloped lands on urban
outskirts: Non-market valuation studies and their role in land use plans. Washington, DC:
Resources for the Future. June 2005. 47 pp.
Banzhaf, Spencer, and James Boyd. 2005. The architecture and measurement of an Ecosystem
Services Index. Resources for the Future. Discussion Paper DP-05-22, October 2005.
Banzhaf, Spencer, Wallace Oates, James Sanchirico, David Simpson, and Randall Walsh. 2006.
Voting for conservation: What is the American electorate revealing? Resources 160:8-12.
Barbier, Edward B., Evamaria W . Koch, Brian R. Silliman, Sally D. Hacker, Eric Wolanski,
Jurgenne Primavera, Elise F . Granek, Stephen Polasky, Shankar Aswani, Lori A. Cramer,
David M. Stoms, Chris J. Kennedy, David Bael, Carrie V . Kappel, Gerardo M. E. Perillo
and Denise J. Reed. 2008. Coastal ecosystem–based management with nonlinear ecological
functions and values. Science 319(5861): 321-23.

Defenders of Wildlife, Conservation Economics Program Last updated October 24, 2008
Barbier, Edward B. 2000. Valuing the environment as input: review of applications to
mangrove-fishery linkages. Ecological Economics 35:47-61.
Barrick, K.A., and R.I. Beazley. 1990. Magnitude and distribution of option value for the
Washakie Wilderness, Northwest Wyoming, USA. Environmental Management 14(3):367-380.
Batabyal, Amitrajeet A., James R. Kahn, and Robert V . O'Neill. 2003. On the scarcity value of
ecosystem services. Journal ofEnvironmental Economics and Management 46(2):334-352.
Bateman, Ian J., Andrew A. Lovett, and Julii S. Brainard. 1999. Developing a methodology for
benefit transfers using geographical information systems: Modelling demand for woodland
recreation. Regional Studies 33(3):191-205.
Bateman, Ian J., Andrew A. Lovett, and Julii S. Brainard. 2002. Developing a GIS-based
Methodology for Benefit Transfers. In Florax, R.J.G.M., P . Nijkamp, and K.G. Willis
(eds.). Comparative Environmental Economic Assessment. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Pp. 154-176.
Bateman, Ian J., Brett H. Day, Stavros Georgiou, and Iain Lake. 2006. The aggregation of
environmental benefit values: Welfare measures, distance decay and total WTP . Ecological
Economics 60:450-460.
Bates, Laurie J., and Rexford E. Santerre. 2001. The public demand for open space: The case
of Connecticut communities. Journal ofUrban Economics 50(1):97-111.
Bayon, Ricardo, Nathaniel Carroll, Amanda Hawn, Alice Kenny, Jennifer Austin, Teddy
Krolik, Cecilia Lartigue, Simone Lovera, Ree Strange Sheck, Emily Tyler, Maria Teresa
Vargas, Sissel Waage, and Sven Wunder. 2006. A tale of two continents: Ecosystem
services in Latin America and East and Southern Africa. The Ecosystem Marketplace. 86
Bell, Frederick W . 1997. The economic valuation of saltwater marsh supporting marine
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Bengston, D.N., D. P . Fan, and D. N. Celarier. 1999. A new approach to monitoring the
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Bergstrom, John C., H.Ken Cordell, Alan E. Watson, and Gregory A. Ashley. 1990. Economic
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Economics 29:69–78.
Bergstrom, John C., and Paul De Civita. 1999. Status of benefits transfer in the United States
and Canada: A review . Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 47(1):79-87.
Bergstrom, John C., and Laura O. Taylor. 2006. Using meta-analysis for benefits transfer:
Theory and practice. Ecological Economics 60:351-360.
Berrens, Robert, John Talberth, Jennifer Thacher, Michael Hand. 2006. Economic and
community benefits of protecting New Mexico’s inventoried Roadless Areas. Report
prepared for Forest Guardians. New Mexico: Ecology and Law Institute. September,
2006. 69 pp.
Berrens, R.P ., P . Ganderton, and C. Silva. 1996. Valuing the protection of minimum instream
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Beschta, Robert L., and William J. Ripple. 2006. River channel dynamics following extirpation
of wolves in northwestern Yellowstone National Park, USA. Earth Surface Processes and
Landforms doi: 10.1002/esp/1362.
Bin, Okmyung, and Stephen Polasky. 2005. Evidence on the amenity value of wetlands in a rural
setting. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 37(3):589-602.

Defenders of Wildlife, Conservation Economics Program Last updated October 24, 2008
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Boyd, James. 2007. Counting nonmarket, ecological public goods: The elements of a welfare-
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Boyd, James, and H. Spenzer Banzhaf. 2005. Ecosystem services and government
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Boyd, James and Spencer Banzhaf. 2007. What are ecosystem services? The need for
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Boyd, James, and Lisa Wainger. 2003. Measuring ecosystem service benefits: The use of
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Paper 02-63. April 2003. Resources for the Future. 130 pp.
Boyer, Tracy, and Stephen Polasky. 2004. Valuing urban wetlands: A review of non-market
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Boyle, K., R. Bishop, J. Caudill, J. Charbonneau, D. Larson, M. Markowski, R. Unsworth, and
R. Patterson. 1998. A Database of Sport Fishing Values. Prepared for U .S. Fish and
Wildlife Service. Prepared by Industrial Economics, Cambridge, MA. October 1998.

Defenders of Wildlife, Conservation Economics Program Last updated October 24, 2008
Boyle, K., R. Bishop, J. Caudill, J. Charbonneau, D. Larson, M. Markowski, R. Unsworth, and
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Boyle, Kevin J., Gregory L. Poe, and John C. Bergstrom. 1994. What do we know about
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Brander, L. and R. Florax. 2007. Valuation of Wetlands: Primary Versus Meta-analysis Based
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Brower, Roy, Ian H. Langford, Ian J. Bateman, Tom C. Crowards and R. Kerry Turner. 1997.
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