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What is the Unabomber Manifesto saying about the impact of technology on society

and on people? Do you agree with what he is saying and why?

The Unabomber Manifesto is a declaration based on the negative developments which

have arisen as a consequence since the Industrial Revolution and from the grown of the
industrial-technological system. We can find between the factors that directly affect the
environment and the human race the concept of the denominate “leftism” (understanding
this idea beyond communism from the industrial revolution). This idea brings as
consequences two psychological tendencies known as the “feeling of inferiority” and the
"oversocialization”. The first can be defined as the situation in which the citizen feels
despised and the second one as the feeling where the person feels bound and morally
suffocated, so he seeks to rebel against society . Both of these aspects generate feelings
of low self-esteem, impotence, depression. Causing hatred directed towards everything
that has to do with success and self-improvement. Noting the idea of leftist collectivism”
where it only feels strong and secure as a member of a group or a mass movement.

Another aspect treated is the need for power that is biologically in the human, this process
has 4 elements: goal, effort, the attainment of goal and sense of autonomy. Understanding
that the human has and needs goals and horizons to follow, otherwise he could develop
psychological problems such as depression, boredom, leisure, demoralization, etc.

This goals con vary between every human, but everyone has the same basic needs such
as food, water, a decent shelter and decent clothe.

In modern industrialized society it becomes more trivial to obtain such comforts, which
leads people to feel incomplete, depressed and in the need to look for other types of
activities with which they can feel fulfilled and part of something greater. These activities
are called “surrogate activities”. These can be done in an altruistic way or for purely selfish
and recreational reasons. Between them we can find such as scientific work, athletic
achievement, acquisition of money and material goods far beyond the point at which they
cease to give any additional physical satisfaction, and social activism. In some cases the
need for autonomy is low. This may be because the motivation of individuals for power is
weak or they found satisfaction by identifying themselves with some organization to which
they belong

Finally, the author states that modern industrial society presents to man abnormal
conditions that cause him stress and aggression as overcrowded and noisy places.
Isolating him from nature and forcing him to work unmeasurably.

Yes I agree with the author in some way. We live in a world that has no rest, cities that are
active all day every day of the year. The human being is exposed to a lot of publicity and
propaganda that force him to want to obtain and consume things that he does not really
need and his struggle to reach that ideal frustrate and complicate him. At the same time it
has caused a negative impact on nature and the environment for the same reason,
seeking to get a lot of production has been put aside his care. Although I think that
technological progress is not good or bad, it is a tool that gives man many opportunities for
his development and understanding of the world, but it is he who decides what use he
wants to give, whether positive or negative.

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