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Resilient modulus of hot-mix asphalt gap

graded with waste rubber tire additives

Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 060024 (2019);
Published Online: 26 June 2019

Danang Desfri Abdilah, Sigit Pranowo Hadiwardoyo, and Raden Jachrizal Sumabrata

AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 060024 (2019); 2114, 060024

© 2019 Author(s).
Resilient Modulus of Hot-Mix Asphalt Gap Graded with
Waste Rubber Tire Additives
Danang Desfri Abdilah1, Sigit Pranowo Hadiwardoyo1, a) and Raden Jachrizal
Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, UI Campus Depok, West Java, Indonesia
Corresponding author:

Abstract. The protection of pavement structures on surface layer is achieved by using non-structural mixed layers, e.g.,
hot rolled sheet (HRS). The aim is to place between layers of pavement in order to increase the load capacity and act as
an impermeable layer. HRS is expected to create high flexibility and durability coupled with the specification of gap
graded aggregates to create increased inter aggregate cavities, and thereby increase the quantity of absorption of asphalt.
In the present study, the improvement in the quality and performance of HRS was achieved using Refined Buton Asphalt
(RBA) and the addition of crumb rubber (CR). Testing of CR involved replacing fine aggregates based on volume
considerations and adding RBA to the optimum asphalt levels. Marshall standard tests and Marshall immersion tests were
performed to determine the Marshall stability ratio (MSR). A universal material testing apparatus (UMATTA) tool was
used to perform an indirect tensile strength (ITS) test. The results indicate that the value of resilient modulus (M r)
decreases with an increase in the temperature. The addition of CR in the modified HRS-WC mixture decreases the
resilient modulus (Mr) value when compared with that of the mixture without the addition of CR (0%) with a decrease of
only 6.95% at 25 °C.

Recently, increases in the logistical vehicle loads, high volumes of vehicles, and extreme weather typically cause
early damage to road pavements in Indonesia. Temperature and water are the main factors that reduce the durability
of the pavement layer. Additionally, high vehicle loads contribute to the emergence of permanent deformation.
Currently, asphalt is used on a large-scale as an aggregate binder on road pavements. However, asphalt with ideal
characteristics that can withstand permanent deformation in extreme conditions and high softening points, and
thereby withstand temperature changes is required. Asphalt characteristics depend on the crude oil content and the
refining process performed [1]. Asphalt with ideal specifications is increasingly difficult to find and relatively
expensive, while using asphalt with a low quality potentially leads to the occurrence of early damage during the
service life of a road. Data shows that the length of the heavily damaged national roads reached 2,821.02 km from a
total of 47,071 km in 2015.
The asphalt mixture performance improvement program is fulfilled by using modified materials, including
natural asphalt from Buton Island. The Indonesian government through the Ministry of Public Works specified that
Buton Asphalt should be used on a large-scale in on road pavements in Indonesia. A product from processed Buton
Asphalt that is processed with asphalt mixing with a content of 90–100% asphalt is termed as Refined Buton
Asphalt (RBA) and has been produced by PT. Olah Bumi Mandiri, Jakarta. RBA mixture provides a surface layer
that is resistant to high temperature environmental conditions and able to improve stability and service life.
However, the performance of asphalt mixes remains generally unpredictable given that asphalt hardens in cold
weather and softens in hot weather. Given the environmental and economic conditions, the use of polymers, e.g.,
crumb rubber as a modified mixture material, contributes to improvements in road pavement performance and
avoids the problem of industrial tire waste [1].

Exploring Resources, Process and Design for Sustainable Urban Development

AIP Conf. Proc. 2114, 060024-1–060024-9;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1850-9/$30.00

The use of crumb rubber (CR) is developed in road construction [2]. Specifically, CR is obtained via the grinding
of used tire rubber into powder. It is used in pavements as an additive to increase elasticity. CR interacts with
bitumen that affects the rheological properties of the mixture to improve the mechanical performance of the asphalt
mixture. It is difficult to explain the interaction between CR and asphalt because it depends on the percentage, size,
and temperature of asphalt mixing and CR [3]. Mixing CR as a modified material replaces a small portion of asphalt
or aggregate content [4]. The asphalt mixture added by CR involves two methods that are commonly known as the
wet process and dry process [5]. As indicated in previous studies [6], the wet process involves mixing CR on hot
asphalt while the dry process is mixing CR with aggregate first and to be added with hot asphalt. The mixing method
of CR in the asphalt mixture used in the study is important because the specific gravity of CR is only a quarter of the
aggregate specific weight, and thus the mixture weight and volume should be considered to obtain optimum results.
Structural support of the pavement layer depends on the used material and also on the aggregate size distribution,
which is called gradation of the aggregate. A few modified asphalt mixtures applied several gradations for
reinforcement purposes although only a few developed the use of gap gradation of aggregates [7]. Wearing course
on HRS mixture specifications involves the application of aggregates with gap gradations with impermeable
properties, smooth surfaces, resistance to rutting, flexibility and high durability, and that are capable of traffic loads
Resilient modulus (Mr) is a parameter in flexible pavement design that predicts and describes the response of
asphalt mixture when it is subject to loads [9]. The mechanistic approach represents the ability to recover pavement
from deformation as a result of being subject to repeated burdens, and also illustrates the strength of the constituent
material [10]. This method analyzes the pavement structure by considering the mechanical properties of the material
with outputs in the form of parameters of stress, strain, deflection, and resilient modulus. The test to obtain Mr is
performed via the indirect tensile strength (ITS) test using a universal material testing apparatus (UMATTA).
The aim of the present study is to analyze the characteristics of the mixture of the Marshall test by performing an
ITS test on RBA asphalt mixture with additional CR for certain variations of the HRS-WC asphalt mix


In the present study, several material types were combined to produce hot asphalt mixtures, consisting of new
aggregates, RAP aggregates, asphalt from RAP, CR, and RBA.

Refined Buton Asphalt (RBA)

Refined Buton Asphalt (RBA) is the result of mixing the semi-extracted Buton Asphalt and bitumen hence the
end result corresponds to an asphalt content of 90% and the remaining part corresponds to minerals. RBA used in
the present study was obtained from PT. Olah Bumi Mandiri, Jakarta, and its characteristics were tested in the
Structure and Material Laboratory, University of Indonesia. The material was tested as per SNI standard procedures
and Bina Marga 2010 standard specifications (revision 3). The characteristics of RBA are shown in Table 1 with a
series of tests in the form of penetration, softening point, ductility, and other test parameters. The initial stages of the
RBA test varied in levels and corresponded to 6.5%; 7%; 7.5%; and 8% to obtain the optimum asphalt content that
was used as a control variable in the next test series.

TABLE 1. Characteristics of RBA
Test Type Testing Method Unit Test result
Penetration at 25 °C, 100 g, 5 seconds SNI 2456-2011 0,1 mm 59
Softening point 25 °C (Ring and Ball) SNI 2434-2011 °C 52
Flash point (Cleveland Open Cup) SNI 2433-2011 318
Burn point (Cleveland Open Cup) 329
Ductility at 25 °C, 5 cm/min SNI 2432-2011 cm >100
Solubility on C2HCL3 SNI 06-2438-1991 % 76.96
Asphalt Specific Gravity 25 °C SNI 2441-2011 gr/cm3 1.081
Kinematic viscosity at °C SNI 7729-2011 cSt 478
Residual Thick Film Oven Test (TFOT) at 163 °C for 5 h
Weight loss (Thick Film Oven Test) SNI 06-2440-1991 % 0.051
Penetration at 25 °C, 100 g, 5 seconds SNI 2456-2011 % 55
Ductility at 25 °C, 5 cm min SNI 2432-2011 cm > 100

The aggregate was obtained from the Asphalt Mixing Plant (AMP), Karawang with the initial form divided by
the size of the fraction corresponding to diameters in the ranges of 0 – 5 mm, 5–10 mm, and 10–15 mm. Aggregates
were filtered to obtain each size fraction hence it was adjusted to the specifications of the Hot Rolled Sheet Wearing
Course (HRS-WC) gap graded in which several fraction sizes were specified. Prior to their use, the aggregates were
tested with a series of characteristic tests in Table 2 with the preparation stage including washing to remove dust and
soil content. The aggregate of the screening process that satisfies the gradation as presented in Fig. 1 can be used in

Percent passing, %

Sieve opening, mm
FIGURE 1. Aggregate distribution curve used for the hot rolled sheet mixture.

TABLE 2. Aggregate characteristics
Property Test Items Method Results

0 – 5 mm
Bulk Specific Gravity 2.25
Saturated Surface Dry Specific Gravity 2.29
SNI 1970 : 2008
Apparent Specific Gravity 2.34
Absorption 1.63%
5 – 10 mm
Bulk Specific Gravity 2.60
Saturated Surface Dry Specific Gravity 2.66
SNI 1970 : 2008
Apparent Specific Gravity 2.75
Absorption 1.38%
10 – 15 mm
Bulk Specific Gravity 2.61
Saturated Surface Dry Specific Gravity 2.65
SNI 1969 : 2008
Apparent Specific Gravity 2.71
Absorption 2.10%

Crumb Rubber
Crumb rubber (CR) used in the present study corresponded to CR processed by ambient grinding produced by
PT. Daur Indo at room temperature. The use of CR in concrete asphalt mixtures considered the size of the grain to
obtain the right mixture proportion. The CR replaced the proportion of aggregate volume retained by filter No. 100
by 0%; 25%; 50%; 75%; and 100%, thereby resulting in percentages corresponding to 0.48%, 0.96%, 1.44%, and
1.92% of the total aggregate weight (Table 3.). The CR was mixed in the aggregate asphalt mixture by using the dry
process method that involved pouring CR on the aggregate when it reached a temperature of 152 °C (mixing
temperature). The mixing method was done as follows: the aggregate was heated at mixing temperature, CR at room
temperature was then poured on the heat aggregate, and RBA was added to the aggregate and CR mixture. The most
important point to be considered in mixing CR is that an increase in the CR level in the asphalt mixture will decrease
the aggregate volume. The condition caused the amount of asphalt content on surface of aggregate. The
consideration of CR in the mixture was extremely important because the specific gravity of CR only corresponded to
0.35 g/cm3 (based on the inspection by rubber centre research, Bogor), and this was extremely different from the
density of the aggregate.
TABLE 3. Material composition based on volume considerations
Weight Unit Volume Unit
CR 0.48%
Aggregate retained in sieve No.100 112.54 gr 49.05 cm3
CR 5.72 gr 16.35 cm3
CR 0.96%
Aggregate retained in sieve No. 100 75.03 gr 32.70 cm3
CR 11.44 gr 32.70 cm3
CR 1.44%
Aggregate retained in sieve No. 100 37.51 gr 16.35 cm3
CR 17.17 gr 49.05 cm3
CR 1.92%
Aggregate retained in sieve No. 100 - gr - -
CR 22.89 gr 65.396 cm3

Gap Graded Aggregate
The HRS-WC specification was formed from a set of granules with a non-continuous arrangement where there
were several aggregate factions in which the amount of aggregate was only in terms of small numbers or even not
represented. The composition of aggregate with gap graded specifications of the Bina Marga HRS-WC 2010
(revision 3) was obtained through a screening process by using sieves to obtain the weight % of each filter size. All
asphalt mixture samples used in this study were included into gap graded aggregate. The center specification gap
graded was formed and determined from the center of maximum limit and the minimum limit of weight % passed
from the specification curve table 4.
TABLE 4. HRS-WC aggregate requirement for Gap Graded
Weight Weight
% Weight %Center %Weight
Filter Size passing retained
passing Spec retained
(gram) (gram)
3/4” (19,1 mm) 100 100 1,200 0 0
1/2” (12,7 mm) 90 – 100 95 1,140 5 60
3/8” (9,52 mm) 75 – 85 80 960 15 180
No. 8 (2,38 mm) 50 – 72 61 732 19 228
No. 30 (0.59 mm) 35 – 60 47.50 570 13.50 162
No. 200 (0.074 mm) 6 – 10 8 96 39.50 474
Pan 0 0 0 8 96


The present study involved a series of tests that commenced with the standard of Marshall Test with the aim of
determining the optimum asphalt content (OAC) from the variation in RBA. The OAC corresponded to a control
variable for asphalt mixture in mixing using CR. In the asphalt mixture, the standard Marshall test was conducted to
determine the characteristics of stability and other parameters. The next test corresponded to the Marshall immersion
test wherein the sample was immersed in a water bath at 60 oC for 24 h for the UMATTA test.

Marshall Test
Marshall specimens were prepared in a cylindrical form with a diameter of 10 cm (4 "), height of 7.5 cm (3"),
and weight of 1200 g based on SNI 06-2489-1991. Each specimen was mixed at a mixing temperature of 152 °C and
compaction temperature of 140 °C (the results of viscosity test). Subsequently, the upper and lower surfaces of the
specimens were compacted with a 2 x 75 compactor tool. The test object was then removed from the mold and
allowed to stand for 24 h. It was followed by soaking the specimens at room temperature for 24 h. The specimens
were then weighed and the average height was measured.
All samples of asphalt mixture with CR were soaked in a water bath at 60 °C for 30 min while specimens were
soaked for 24 h for the Marshall immersion. The preparation stage was required prior to testing the sample via the
Marshall Stability test until the sample cracked.

Resilient Modulus Test

The resilient modulus test (Mr) used the UMATTA resilient modulus test (RMT) tool in Fig. 2 as per ASTM
D4123-82/AASHTO TP31 standard was performed. The samples were subject to temperature changes with
variations in the temperature, namely 25 oC, 35 oC, and 45 oC. The resilient modulus was measured by using a load
between 10–50% of indirect tensile strength to the sample. In the test, the compressive load with the Haversine wave
form was performed on the cylinder sample in the vertical direction, and recoverable deformation was measured in
the horizontal direction. The resilient modulus is calculated as follows:

Mr P(Q  0.27) / H .t (1)

where, Mr = Resilient Modulus;
P = Peak Load,

H = recoverable horizontal deformation (mm),
t = thickness of sample (mm), and
Q = Poisson’s Ratio.

FIGURE 2. UMATTA Test Equipment.

The specimens were divided into two types, namely the dry condition test and immersed condition test items.
The characteristics of RMT samples are identical to the Marshall stability test samples, namely in the hot asphalt
mixture on optimum asphalt content with the addition of CR.
The RMT test results for dry and wet resilient modulus values are shown in Fig. 3. Resilient modulus values
determine the tensile strength of the mixture, and thus it exhibits a correlation with the nature of the crack pavement.
Increases in the value of the resilient modulus will increase the capacity of a pavement to accept loads to crack [11].
In its application, the load was distributed through a loading strip, and the loading produced a uniform tensile stress
along the plane of the vertical diameter and load in the direction of the horizontal diameter. The tests were
performed by pulse loading to determine the characteristics of the resilient modulus [12].


Marshall Standard and immersion test results on the hot asphalt mixture at the optimum asphalt content position
with the addition of CR variation result in the characteristics of asphalt mixture in the form of Marshall Stability in
wet conditions and dry conditions. A comparison between dry and wet conditions indicates the Marshall Stability
ratio (MSR) of the sample as follows:

MSR MSwet / MSdry (2)

where MSwet denotes the Marshall stability immersion, and MSdry denotes the Marshall stability standard.

Stability Characteristics of the Hot-Mixed Asphalt relative to the percentage of Crumb

As shown in Fig. 3, the addition of CR to the HRS-WC asphalt mixture improves resistance to water. The
addition of CR at levels from 0.48% to 1.92% increases the MSR when compared with that of the hot asphalt
mixture without CR. The CR functions as an inter-mixed cavity filler and replaces a part of the aggregate fraction
with a filter of 100, and CR in the asphalt mixture reacts with hot water (60 oC) during immersion in a water bath.
The results are in accordance with the expression wherein the nature of CR when exposed to hot water at a
temperature of 85 ± 2 oC increases the specific gravity of CR, and thus the CR volume tends to decrease [12][13].
Furthermore, the stability value potentially increases in asphalt mixtures in which asphalt with a higher softening
point is used, and this makes the mixture more rigid [14].

2,000 Marshall Standar
1,800 Marshall Immersion

Marshall Stability
0% 0.48% 0.96% 1.44% 1.97%
Crumb Rubber

FIGURE 3. Standard Marshall Stability and Immersion.

Resilient Modulus Hot-mix Asphalt

Figure 4 is an exponential curve that illustrates the results of the UMATTA test. As shown in the figure,
increases in the heating temperature of the sample surface reduce the Mr value. It is shown in Eq. (3) in which the
factors α and β denote the coefficients of Mr in Table 5 due to the influence of temperature (t). The decrease in value
also occurs at increasing temperatures for immersion samples on Fig. 4b. The expression is as follows:
M r D .e  E .t (3)
TABLE 5. Coefficients (α and β) of the equation for the temperature difference

α β
% CR
Standard Immersion Standard Immersion
0% 44,421 30,191 0.080 0.099
0.48% 44,754 38,173 0.081 0.073
0.96% 35,212 27,198 0.074 0.099
1.44% 45,226 28,985 0.079 0.070
1.92% 32,771 28,698 0.073 0.069

3,200 3,200
0% CR (Immersion)
2,800 0% CR 2,800 0.48% CR (Immersion)
Modulus Reisilien (MPa)

Modulus Reisilien (MPa)

0.96% CR (Immersion)
2,400 0.48% CR 2,400
1.44% CR (Immersion)
2,000 0.96% CR 2,000 1.92% CR (Immersion)

1,600 1.44% CR 1,600

1,200 1.92% CR 1,200

- 25 35 45
25 35 45 Temperatute (°C)
Temperature (°C)
(a) (b)
FIGURE 4. Resilient modulus of the asphalt mixture with the addition of CR dry (a) and immerse conditions (b).

The results of the resilient modulus test are performed in dry and wet conditions, and the test involves
determining the resistance of the value with respect to water. The expression is as follows:

MrR Mrwet / Mrdry (4)

Where, Mrwet = the resilient modulus in immersion samples, and
Mrdry = the non-soaked resilient modulus.
The test results indicated that the MrR value of HRS-WC hot asphalt mixture with the addition of CR exhibits a
higher value. The addition of CR to HRS-WC hot asphalt mixture increases the resistance to water. The modulus
resilient ratio indicates increased resistance to moisture damage when compared to that of the asphalt mixture [15].

The present study involves a series of investigations with the aim of comparing the characteristics of HRS-WC
asphalt gap mixtures with or without the addition of CR in Marshall stability and resilient modulus testing. The use
of gap gradation aggregates has increased the voids in the mix mixture so that further absorption of asphalt in the
mixture is required. A few aggregate fractions can be replaced by CR, and thus the voids in mix mixes are filled by
CR. The use of CR in HRS-WC contributes to the increase in the Marshall stability, especially from 0.48% to
1.44%). The resilient modulus is significantly influenced by temperature, especially at temperatures between 25 oC
to 35 oC. The resilient modulus in dry and wet conditions did not exhibit significant changes in the sample with the
addition of CR.

The study is supported by PITTA 2018 Research Grant funded by DRPM Universitas Indonesia No.
2531/UN2.R3.1/HKP.05.00/2018. The author thanks various parties who contributed to the success of the study and
especially the Directorate of Research and Community Development, Universitas Indonesia. A series of tests were
completed with assistance from the Laboratory of the Structure and Material Laboratory of the Universitas Indonesia
Civil Engineering Department and the Road and Bridge Research Center, Ministry of Public Works and Housing,


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