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An Analysis of Speech Act in “Merry Riana: Mimpi Sejuta Dollar” Movie


NIM : 1600620011




Abstract : This study aims to describe the purpose of the speech act contained
in the movie of the Merry Riana: Mimpi Sejuta Dollar. The method used is
qualitative descriptive, the object of this research is the dialogue. the technique
of the data collection has been found by recording of dialogue in duration
1:04:40 to 1:09:33 . The background of understanding owned by speakers and
opponents of speech so that the opponent can make interpretation or interpreting
the meaning of speech that contains the intent or purpose of the speaker at the
time of making speech in accordance with the situation conditions. Based on the
analysis, this research reveals that there are 25 speech acts consisting of 10
locutionarys, 8 Illocutionarys, and 7 perlocutionarys the research can be
concluded that the movie is more use locutionary for the speech act.

Keyword: Pragmatics, speech act, locutionary, Illocutionary, perlocutionary,

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tujuan dari ujicoba

yang terdapat dalam film Merry Riana: Mimpi Sejuta Dollar. Metode yang
digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif, objek penelitian ini adalah dialog. Teknik
pengumpulan data telah ditemukan dengan merekam dialog berdurasi 1:04:40
sampai 1:09:33. Latar belakang pemahaman yang dimiliki oleh pembicara dan
lawan bicara sehingga lawan bisa menafsirkan atau menafsirkan makna ucapan
yang berisi maksud atau tujuan pembicara pada saat berpidato sesuai dengan
kondisi situasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa
ada 25 ujicoba yang terdiri dari 10 lokus, 8 ilokusi, dan 7 perlokusi penelitian
dapat disimpulkan bahwa film tersebut lebih banyak menggunakan lokutionary
untuk pidato.

Kata kunci: Pragmatik, wicara, lokusi, illokusi, perlokusi



1.1 Background of Study

The presence of language cannot be separated from human life because
every human must use language in doing something. Language also shows
a person's characteristics or traits. Language is a distinguishing feature that
is most prominent because with the language of every social group feel
itself as a unity different from other groups. Language is a symbolic system
of speech sounds used to communicate by the wearer community. A good
language develops according to a system, a set of rules that the user is
obeying. Language itself serves as a means of communication as well as a
means of integration and adaptation.
Pragmatic is the science of language that examines the meaning
externally, namely how the language unit is used in communication.
Pragmatics is a branch of language that studies the structure of language
externally, ie how the language unit is used in communication (Wijana,
1996: 1-2). Context is the background of understanding owned by speakers
and opponents of speech so that the opponent can make interpretation or
interpreting the meaning of speech that contains the intent or purpose of
the speaker at the time of making speech in accordance with the situation
conditions. Keep in mind that interpreting the meaning, intent or purpose
of humans is difficult, so it needs expertise, diligence, and thoroughness in
analyzing it. So, this is where the importance of pragmatic to solve the
problem how to find meaning, purpose or purpose of a speech act
Understanding the speech act is an individual phenomenon, is
psychological and its continuity is determined by the speaker's language
skills in the face of certain situations. In speech acts more seen on the
meaning or meaning of action in his speech (Chaer and Agustina, 2004:
This speech acts one of which can be found in literary works. Literary
works are for human creative activities that use language as its medium or
more clearly into works of art that use the language as a medium, both
written and spoken. Not speaking in the literary works, especially the
drama contained in the dialogue between the characters who play the role.
Based on the above thinking, the writer analyzes the speech and
language style in the dialogues of "Merry Riana: Mimpi Sejuta Dollar film
by Hestu Saputra. The speech here examines locution, illocution and

1.2. Statement of Problem

Based on the background of the study above, the writer has curiosity
to know the answer of the following questions:
1. What are the locutionary acts, illocutionary acts, perlocutionary acts
from “Merry Riana: Mimpi Sejuta Dollar” movie?
1.3. Purpose of Study
According to statement of problem above, this writing is aimed to:
1. To analyze what the locutionary acts from “Merry Riana: Mimpi
Sejuta Dollar” movie.
2. To detect what the illocutionary acts from “Merry Riana: Mimpi
Sejuta Dollar” movie.
3. To identify the perlocutionary acts from “Merry Riana: Mimpi
Sejuta Dollar” movie.
1.4. Scope of Study
This research has two benefits: theoretical and practical benefits: 1.
Theoretical benefits This research can be used as a contribution for the
development of pragmatic theories and subsequent research related to
speech acts, especially speech acts in discussion activities on learning
to speak. 2. Practical benefits This research can provide information to
readers about speech acts in discussion activities on learning to speak.


2.1. Pragmatics

Pragmatic is the science of language that examines the meaning

externally, namely how the language unit is used in communication.
Pragmatics is a branch of language that studies the structure of language
externally, ie how the language unit is used in communication (Wijana,
1996: 1-2). In line with that, according to Kridalaksana (2001: 176)
pragmatic is the science of language that learns language signals that result
in harmony in the use of language in communication. Pragmatics learns
how language is used in communication, and how pragmatics investigates
meaning as context, not something abstract in communication (Leech
through Rohmadi, 2004: 2).

Another opinion put forward by Gazdar (in Nadar, 2009: 5) that

Pragmatics is a study, among others, regarding deiksis, implicatur,
presuposisi, speech acts and aspects of the structure of discourse.
According to Parker (in Nadar, 2009: 4) pragmatics is a study of how
language is used to communicate, and asserts that pragmatics do not
examine the ustructure of languages internally such as grammar, but
externally. Based on some explanation above, it can be concluded that
pragmatics is a branch of language science related to the aspects of usage
in a communication.
2.2. Speech Act
Understanding the speech act is an individual phenomenon, is
psychological and its continuity is determined by the speaker's language
skills in the face of certain situations. In speech acts more seen on the
meaning or meaning of action in his speech (Chaer and Agustina, 2004:
50). In line with that opinion, Soemarsono (2007: 2) argued that speech
acts are a piece of speech that is produced as a result of social interaction.
According to Cunningsworth (through Tarigan, 1990: 41) the theory of
speech acts is a theory that focuses on the use of language in
communicating the intent and purpose of the speaker and also with the
intent of using the language it implements.
Speech (speech act) is a function of language as a means of action.
All sentences or utterances uttered by speakers actually contain certain
communication functions. Speech from a person (speaker) is of course not
merely the origin of speech, but it contains a specific purpose (Mulyana,
2005: 80). From some previous opinions it can be concluded that speech
acts are the speech of a speaker on a particular situation in social
Austin's Type of Action (through Chaer, 2004: 53) defines three
types of actions taking place at once, locution art, illocutionary art, and
perlocutionary act.
1. Locution
Wijana (1996: 17) The act of speech is a speech act to say something.
This act of speech is referred to as The Act of Saying Something. The
act of speech is the act of speech acknowledging something in the
sense of "saying" or acts of speech in the form of meaningful and
understandable sentences (Chaer and Agustina, 2004: 53). Speech
action locution (locution act) means the basic meaning or reference
sentence. Locution communication is ideational. Speech locution is a
utterance used to express something (Mulyana, 2005: 81).
2. Illocution
Illocution is a speech act which is usually identified with explicit
performative sentences. These illocutional actors are usually
concerned with granting permission, thanking, enjoining, offering,
and promising (Chaer, 2004: 53). Related to that, Wijana (1996: 18)
disclose the act of speech illocution is a speech act that is used to do
something. The act of telling the illocution is what the speaker wants
to accomplish at the time of telling something and can be an act of
declaring, promising, apologizing, threatening, predicting,
commanding, asking, and so on. The act of illocution can be regarded
as the most important action in the study and understanding of speech
acts (Nadar, 2009: 14).
3. Perlocution
A person's utterance often has a perlocutionary force, or an effect on
those who hear it. This effect or power of influence may be
intentionally or unintentionally created by the speaker. Speech acts
that pengutaraannya intended to influence the opponent said speech
acts perlocution speech (Wijana, 1996: 21). Speech acts perlocution
is acts of speech related to the speech of others in connection with
attitudes and nonlinguistic behavior of others. For example, because
of a doctor's remark (to the patient) "Maybe the mother had coronary
heart disease" then the patient will panic then sad. Speech of the
doctor is the act of perlocution speech (Chaer, 2004: 4). The act of
speech perlocution is an action to influence the opponent of speech
such as embarrassing, intimidating, persuading, and others (Nadar,
2009: 15). According Mulyana (2005: 81) perlocution act (perlocution
act) is the result or effect caused by speech (to the listener). Speaking
perlocution contains certain intentions desired by the speaker to be
seen in an action. Based on the above explanation, perlocution speech
acts is the effect or influence power generated from what the speaker
said to the partner said.
2.3 Mimpi Sejuta Dollar

Mimpi Sejuta Dollar is a drama movie that was released on December 24, 2014.
The director is Hestu Saputra. Asian Film Indonesia titled "Merry Riana: Mimpi
Sejuta Dollar" tells the story of a girl named Merry Riana who found his youth
with a bag of mediocrity. The story of Merry Riana's struggle is lifted from a
true story that has also previously been written in a book entitled to fit this film
as well. Merry Riana played by (Chelsea Islan), who was recently graduated
from high school, was forced to flee to neighboring Singapore due to the
unstable condition of Indonesia in 1998. Despite the fact that he wanted to stay,
Merry Riana's parents still asked him to leave immediately. Upon arriving in
Singapore, Merry Riana was alone, with a modest amount of money to buy a
five-course meal. From here the story of Merry Riana's struggle begins with
having to find a place to live and survive. Lectures and successes that became
his goal seemed so far away. But Merry Riana did not give up so easily, through
social media he found a friend named Irene played by (Kimberly Rider) who
was about to study in Singapore. With Irene's help, Merry looks for a gap
between Singapore's rigorous rules and is not only allowed to stay in college
dormitories. But Alva gives all sorts of conditions before finally helping Merry
Riana, which is asking her to look for odd jobs. So Merry went to college and
thought hard to get a job and multiply the money he had, ranging from work
spreading brochures, online business, working in restaurants and playing stocks
with high risk. and this is a synopsis of Merry Riana: Mimpi Sejuta Dollar.


This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Qualitative method is a

research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or oral
words of people and behavior that can be observed, Bogdandan Taylor (in
Moleong, 2014: 4). This research is descriptive because the data obtained is not
poured in the form of numbers or statistical figures, the study presents a picture
of the object and the results of the study in the form of narrative. Technique of
collecting data in this research is by using technique of recall and technique of
note. Techniques refer to the use of language. The recording technique is done by
recording the act of speech and locomotive perlocution contained in the film
Merry Riana: Mimpi Sejuta Dollar works that immediately followed by the
classification or grouping. Data collected and stored or recorded in the data card.
Recording can be done immediately when the first technique is completed (see
technique) and with a specific stationery (Sudaryanto, 1993: 135).


Data description contains the explanation of the result from the use of
speech act used by characters in Merry Riana: Mimpi Sejuta Dollar movie.
Speech act is classified into three types: Locution, Illocution and Perlocution. The
findings are presented of the followings:

The research used 25 data of speech acts in Merry Riana: Mimpi Sejuta Dollar

From the data above the detail of discussion be discussed of the following:

1. Locution
The writer has found that there are 10 speech acts of locution in the
movie of Merry Riana: Mimpi Sejuta Dollar used by both speakers Merry
and Alfa. In the table below, there are two examples of the conversation
that contains locution with the time of duration:
Time Speech Act Situation Analysis
1:05:24 Merry : “Aku Merry is taking Because Merry wants to
mau kasi kamu money in his bag tell Alfa that she wants
sesuatu.” and giving the to give something for
money to alva in him. But this sentence
the intention only about to inform not
Merry wants to to act from speaker two
return the money (Alfa).
given alva when
he has not earned
1:08:31 Merry : “kamu Merry is sitting Merry tells Alfa that the
yang dikit-dikit with alva, and life is not easy
uang, hidup di explains what especially life in
Singapura beda ever alva said Singapura. It means that
dengan di that in singapure she informs him
Jakarta, harus it takes money without need Alfa to do
cari because the cost something that time.
penghasilan of living is very This sentence has
harus cari expensive meaning to
pekerjaan. information.
Kamu bilang
hidup itu
berhitung .”

2. Illocution
The writer has found that there are 8 speech acts of illocution in the
movie of Merry Riana: Mimpi Sejuta Dollar used by both speakers Merry
and Alfa. In the table below, there is an example of the conversation that
contains illocution with the time of duration:
Duration Speech Act Situation Analysis
1:07:54 Alfa: “Aku mau Alva wants to This sentence
tanya deh sama ask the Merry revealed that Alfa
kamu Mer, yang and wants to wants to stop talking
dipikiran kamu itu tell you that about money and try
cuman uang aja money is not to make Merry
ya?” everything and reliazes that in this
Merry: “Bukan merry trying to life money is not
begitu, tapi kan gak explain to Alva everything.
enak kan liat uang and trying to
dimeja gitu kan secure the
fa..” money on the

3. Perlocution
The writer has found that there are 7 speech acts of perlocution in
the movie of Merry Riana: Mimpi Sejuta Dollar used by both speakers
Merry and Alfa. In the table below, there is an example of the conversation
that contains perlocution with the time of duration:
Duration Speech Act Situation Analysis
1:06:23 Alfa: “Mer, kita udahan Alva wants Alfa suggests
1:06:29 aja invest sahamnya,” to stop Merry to stop
Merry: “Loh kenapa?” Merry's invest. Analyzing
activity, alva from this
for wanting sentence is this is
to talk about not only what it
something say from Alfa but
very also he want to
important to make Merry
merry and it really stop to
has not been invest, there is
done yet and action from
merry is Merry after this.
when alva
stops him


The conclusion of the film Merry Riana: The Million Dollar Dream
is a 25 speech act consisting of 10 locutions, 8 illocutions and 7
perlocutions. From the data it turns out in the movie Merry Riana: Mimpi
Sejuta Dollar in duration 1:04:40 to 1:09:33 speakers use more locution in
each statement or question This proves that this locution proves that many
speakers inform something meaningful without sending the speaker does
an action.
Merry: Alva, Sorry…Sorry…. kamu udah nungguin aku ya daritadi?
Alva: Gak kok, Belum lama…
Merry: Aku yang teraktir ya? I insist….
Alva; Okay
Merry: Excuse me...
Pelayan : Yeah, Good Evening. Is there anything I can help?
Merry: Order one strawberry milkshake …
Pelayan:. Order one strawberry milkshake, Anything else?
Alva: No, Thank you
Pelayan; That’s it, thank you…
Merry: You’re welcome…
Alva: Eeee…Ehm…
Merry: Eeeee…haha….
Alva: Yaudah, kamu duluan deh…
Merry: Aku mau kasih kamu sesuatu…
Alva: Oke
Merry: Ini… Thank you va, Ini utang aku ke kamu. Inget kan?
Alva: Oh… iya. Makasi ya…
Merry: so….
Alva: Oh ya bentar…
Merry; Sorry.. (sibuk melihat hape)
A: Mer…
Merry: Sebentar ini Remainder…. Oh Gimana-gimana?
Alva: Eee…. Kalo kamu sibuk gaapa lain waktu aja kita ngobrolnya…
Merry : No…No…No… aku Cuma kepikiran terus keputusan kita dari awal kita
mulai bisinis bareng harusnya kita lebih…
Alva : Lebih apa?
Merry : lebih berani…
Alva: Berani???
Merry: Tadi… remainder perusahaan airlines ini sudah sampai seharga ini
sahamnya harusnya kita pasang aja disini. Tapi kan… kata kamu coba yng keci-
kecil dulu. Tapi kalau menurut aku kita coba aja invest disini. Gimana?
Alva: Mer…. Kita udahan aja sahamnya…
Merry: loh kenapa?
Alva: Iya, uang kita kan udah cukup sampai lulus….
Merry : Iya tapi kan belum cukup untuk bayar utang kampus. Kalau bisa lunas
pas lulus kan lebih baik lagi.
Alva: Aku mau Tanya deh Mer, yang dipikiran kamu itu cuma uang aja ya?
Merry: Bukan begitu… tapi kan nggak enak kan liat uang di meja gitu kan va…
Pelayan: Excuse me, this is your strawberry milkshake, Is there anything else I
get for you?
Merry: No, Thank you
Alva: Miss….
Pelayan: Sorry sir, you have not asked for your bill yet
Alva: No…No…No… This is not to pay for drink. This is for you..
Pelayan: Oh… Thank you sir…
Merry: Alva… itu bukan dua dollar va…
Alva: Mer… aku nggak mau omongin uang lagi..
Merry: kamu yang dikit – dikit uang, hidup di singapura beda sama di Jakarta
harus cari penghasilan harus cari pekerjaan. Kamu bilang hidup itu berhitung…
Alva: Berhitung Mer bukan uang…
Merry: Ya, sama ajalah va, aku sekarang mengerti mengapa orang berambisi
untuk kaya karena uang bisa membeli segalanya va. Kamu lihat kan kemarin
bagaimana semua orang menghargai aku hanya karena aku menyumbang di
acara tahunan itu. Aku bosan bokek va. Mungkin kamu nggak pernah ngerasain
bokek mangkanya kamu bisa bilang hidup itu bukan cuma duit. Kamu nggak
tahu betapa susah nya nggak punya uang dan betapa susahnya cari uang..
Alva : I am done with you..
Faiturrahman. “An analysis of Speech act: J.L. Austin’s theory of performative
act”. 1 Januari 2018.
E – Journal Unesa. “The Use of Direct and Indirect Speech Acts between
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