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Nlalnga' Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Cayetano tells Velasco:

Apologize to Rody fot lying
BY WEI{DETI VIGITA denying last week that the t*o of them had a
term-sharing agleement in the ptesence of t}te
TAGUIG-Pateros Rep. Alan Perer Cayetano yes- President, who has already admitted that he medi- -.
teiday stepped up his attack agaiost Madnduque ated betweeo the two lawmakers.
Rep. Lord A.lan Velasco, sayhg Velasco should The President suggested the term-sharing in a
apologize to President Duterte for making it bid to end the speakership race which has divided
appear that the Chief Executive lied vzhen he the administtation coalition at the House of
conirmed that he had approved a term-shadng Reptesentatives.
agreement between the two candidates foi speaker "Cong Velasco owes tlre President an apol-
of the 1 8th Congress
Cayetano continued to pounce on Velasco fot See CAYETANO) PageB3

had asked for the Presidends bless- President's priority measutes

CAYETANO ing to be the next sPqaker when he because the House vrill have an
osv and the FiliPino, his honesry," decided o run again for congtess- ideal work-ing relationshiP not
man, they rcld the President drat only with the Senate but with the
Civeuno told ANC a daY aftet
oresidential son and Darzo CitY Iord should be dte next sPeaker Executive as well.
ilep. Paolo Duterte castigated once Speaker Gloria MacaPagal- "Nobody among the curteat
Artoyo steps dou.n qoD of contenders for the SPeak-
bic^kering speaketship candidates
'"Ihev on to the President and ership other than CaYetano has the
for allegedly playing dirty to sectue
promise that v/e'U leadership skills, legislative expeo-
the fourth highest position in t.l, e said, isn;t there a
be the speaker after GMA? Arrd ence, competence and gtavitasto
countrv, .

' Velasco, vrho was fielded bY then it became, khat about term- work on-and achieve-better
some leaders of the ruling PDP- sharins?" he said. cootdination between the two leg-
Laban to run against Cayeano and Cuy""tuno said the President islative chambers and the executive
I-e1te Rep. Mattin Romualdez of agreed to the proPosal on the branch," he said.
Lakas, was not immediatelY avail- condition drat Cavetano will be the Villafuete, who is also ftom the
able for comment. fust to sit as speaker NP, said he does oot see a lePeat of
Cayetano, a former senator and "They ffelascos) disagreed the House-giggered conglessional
foteign affaits secretaty, earlier and then .vhen it became 15-2I deadlock ovet the Passage of the ,

revealed that Velasco and his wife (months), Lord \tlasc\o- said 2019 GAA (General APProPria-
Rowena ot 'qWen" backed out of there was no such agreement," tions Act) which fotced govero-
dreir tetm-shadng agreement evefl he said. ment to flln on a leenacted budget
it already had President Dutete's Cayetano said the sPeakershiP from lanuary to April.
blessing row was supPosed to have been Th; delay was largely blamed
"I-ord said there was oo such resolved when he sPoke with by economic managets fot the
agleement so it's okaY to me that Roweoa who told him that het siate under-spending that led to
hi lied because politiciaos lie," husband would abide bY the agtee- the lower-than-exPected glowth
Cayetano said. "But to call the ment. of 5.6 percent in the Year's first
Prisident (a) liar by saYing that "She said, 'don't worY about quaftet.
there's no such agreement, I'll not Lord, he's a good Person. He'll Villafuerte pointed out
take that sitting down." follow what we've agreed uPon,"' that Finance SecretarY Cados
The agreement was for CaY- he said, quoting Rowena. Dominguez wants the Plesi-
etano to take the 6rst 15 months There was also a rePott over dre dent's economic team to have
as speaker while Velasco will serve vreekend that Paolo vras tutned off mote frequent engagements
the remaining 2l months. after seeing Rowena suriog at his vriti lavrmakets with an eYe on
Velasco has said there vras no father duting *re dinner that he moving ahead on the Duterte ad-
such an agreement because the hosted for neophlte lawmakers in ministration's remaining priotity
Ptesident did not mention "term Malacaffang last June 18. Rorveoa measures requiting conglessio-
sharing ' when he announced last was reportedly dismaYed aftet the nal apptoval.
week that he would no longer Pick President reitented that he would "Given his ovet two-decade
his spealership bet. He said major- no longer choose his sPeaketshiP track record in the executive and
ity of supporters ate against term- bet. legisladve branches. CaYetano is
The administration coalition the best aspiraot for Speaket in the
shadng because it wil not onlY be
divisive but vzill.also hamper their divided after some PDP- l8thCongtess to adePdY steet dre
'x'as House of RePresentatives towatds
lesislative work. Laban members oPPosed their
"C"v.tarro. st"l-urt of the Na- leader's' decision to sign a mani- better rapport and coordination
cionalista Party Q{P), reiterated
'festo of suPPott for Velasco's with bodr the Senate and Malaca-
bid. ffang in pursuit of fultller eco-
\\t that it was Rowena vrho broached
the idea of term-sharing which the Camadnes Sur ReP. Luis RaY- nomic and socio-political teforms
'mond Villafuerte said having that Presideot Duterte wants to Put
vtr.6)T Pfesident latei aPProved'
He said that wheo the Velasco Cayetaoo as sPeaket will lead in place over the next duee Years

couple found out tlat to the speedy of the of his watch," he said.
Ptee CaYetano Passage

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