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Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes. This show is a Series that has been coming
to you from DCTV since 2015 in a weekly program called the Network of Global
Corporate Control. Today’s program is coming to you live from DCTV's Studio B and is
called “The corrupted global system is in its death throes"
In next week's segment we are going to give you an explanation why.
Thank you to DCTV, Carmen Stanley, Program Director; Maurice Jackson, Studio
Director, and Krushae Starnes, Audio and Prompter

We are in the middle of an historic transition. One of the unknown but very positive
factors is the fact that we are "transcendent beings.”
Last year I explained what I meant when I said that we are "transcendent beings".

Humanity as transcendent beings, sock puppets, and more

I ended up quoting from the Tao Te Ching. The Tao Te Ching is an ancient Chinese

We are in a watershed moment, where we either "make it" in the transition to a kinder world, or
all end up in WWIII. The chances, though, are more than 90% in our favor. This number 90%
comes from the National War College's power transition model. I can explain this model to you.
Japan does not want the US military to surrender. Japan wants the US military to honor its
defense treaty. The same goes for Germany. So Japan and Germany are not going to allow the
US paper money to fail, like paper money always does. Japan and Germany are going to make
sure that the US can access its monetary gold reserves so that the US military can honor the US
defense treaties.

You can easily see progress. I said [last year] that Donald Trump was not Commander in Chief
of the United States, with nary a peep from Donald Trump. [Then] , I read you my letters to the
adjutants general of the 50 states, and reminded you how this resulted in the early retirement of
the Chair of the National Guard. Now I
report publicly, without correction from the US or any other nation, that military aircraft and
helicopters are saluting me, in US airspace, as Overseer Mandate Trustee of the US and rest of
the world's monetary gold reserves.

When are we going to begin the exchange of currencies? As I said previously, we are ultimately
going to accomplish everything on our agenda, and that means we are going to wind down the
Banking Cartel, and end the corruption in the world's currencies by exchanging currencies from
the Bank for International Settlements for gold and for local currencies.
The transition is accomplished by all of us, as we interact. The Banking Cartel is powerless to

prevent the Global Currency Reset because we have control of the world's wealth in the Global Debt
Facility. Folks, please learn to distinguish between real and fake. We are anchored in the reality that
I am describing to you, which the Banking Cartel is trying to hide from you. You are going to learn
this sooner or later. Sooner is better.

We are all in this together, and we are proceeding peacefully. As we proceed, the way that we know
that we are on track, is the way we acknowledge openly what is wrong and discuss how to correct it.
We are going to transform our world to a kinder place, and assume our "transcendent" aspects. In the
Global Currency Reset the corruption will end, as the world's paper money is exchanged for local
currencies and for gold.


This was a very encouraging and enlightening video. Now what does "assume
our transcendent aspects" mean. I see this often when reading about GESARA. It all seems like a
sci fi movie. Can all this really be true. Is the world ready to accept it? Your thoughts please.

My earlier reply was deleted. I am going to put this reply out on the internet. First of all,
GESARA is Banking Cartel disinfo. Please get into a group and work together with your friends to
learn how to resist getting duped. On DCTV during [last year's] segments on June 12 and 26 I
said that the hippocampus is the chief organ in the human body that is associated with our
capabilities as transcendent beings. In my previous comment that YouTube erased, I said
that our abilities are based on scientific data, and that I am in contact with one of the
scientists familiar with these studies. I also said that we were going to learn this
information as this and other suppressed information becomes public. I am about to tweet
a further reply, which you can read at

What is going on now is that we (the group that is really in charge) are having
a conversation. The Banking Cartel has nothing to say in this dialogue. That
is because they are bankrupt, and we are winding them down. But they are
trying to butt in just to confuse you. We are going to learn from all that has
happened before to tell what is real from what is fake. And we are going to fix
things. That is the Global Currency Reset. It is important for people to know
that we are all working together.

In the Tao Te Ching:

"When the Master has accomplished her task, the people say, 'Amazing:
we did it, all by ourselves!" 17

Do you remember in the DCTV segment, when I told you that about the
hippocampus, and that we are all transcendent beings? This is what I meant.
So here is the good news, which I also mentioned during the last live segment:

" I recently learned about the special role of the hippocampus: "

Humanity possesses many hidden abilities: according to my source on the
hippocampus, "we are transcendent beings." In other words, we have many
talents and capabilities that are going to stand us in good stead during the Global
Currency Reset.

We have been talking about this big transition for some time. I get to
function as a guide. You are going to see that we are all the biggest players in the transition.
I am now going to quote from something I tweeted last year:

The corrupted global system is in its death throes. If I'm OK, then you know
that humanity retains control of the world's wealth in the Global Debt Facility,
as José Rizal and Ferdinand Marcos intended

This little bit of buried news accounts for all the mayhem we've seen lately. The
corrupted global system is in its death throes.

I am disclosing important facts about the corruption in the world's money. I had disclosed these
things in the past, and they were covered up again. Each time I disclose this corruption, an
increasing number of people become aware. We have already reached critical mass. This means
that the reality of the world we are living in has become manifest. Reality takes on a life of its
own. When I expose the lies of corrupt people, these people like to seek other audiences where
their lies are not known. With the passage of time, they begin to contradict themselves. The
Bankers remove entire websites. The lies become less credible. We are reaching wider audiences.
At some point, the liars are going to become ridiculous. I am going to tell you that an heir of
Soewarno has no claim to any of the assets in the Global Debt Facility. Then I am going to show
you where an agent of the Vatican has lost many of the people in her audience. It seems to me
that the electromagnetic weapons are gradually losing power.

The Bankers have lost.

I am going to tell you about a letter to the Washington Embassies of all of the members of the
World Bank, that was sent 4 years ago. The Federal Reserve owes over $2 quadrillion dollars,
and this debt is secured. A secured loan is backed by assets that can be taken away. This is just
one of the documents in the file that proves my statement that THE BANKERS HAVE LOST

The legitimate government of the US under the US Constitution of 1789 is going to return under
an Article V Convention. The organization called COS is headed by a shill from the Banking
Cartel. As a priority, we will need to make sure enough people know how deep the corruption
really is and wind down the Banking Cartel in the Global Debt Facility.

As you know, the courts are fake, and the judges work for the Banking Cartel. The Governors are
giving out warranties of title rather than actual title to the property owned by the people in their
states; instead, the Banking Cartel is stealing the property of the people under war powers.


For people to go up against these judges in the fake courts is risky business until the Global
Currency Reset. People are going to decide what to do about mortgages and other debt during
the Global Currency Reset. page41 of 73

In my prepared comments I want to cover one more thing: the voicemail message on July 27,
2016 from an agent of the Banking Cartel named George. I did not give George what he wanted.

The attack following my conversation with George was so severe, that I had to return home in a
wheelchair. My vision was upside down, as if I had to relearn how to see things. I had an
irregular heartbeat after the attack, but my doctors at Johns Hopkins forgot to tell me about my
irregular heartbeat. My irregular heartbeat was reversed by a cardioversion.l To this day, Johns
Hopkins refuses to send me my medical records.

The attack was right around the same time that I broadcast a translation of the video how the
ancient Pharoahs used to rule the world, and that their descendants (the bloodline families) are
at the center of the Banking Cartel: )

Last week someone sent me an English version of this video through the contact page on my

I just listened to your message again,

[ ]
and I believe you were referring to the Monetary Agreement as the contract, and were not
proposing a contract. I apologize for the confusion. As Overseer Mandate Trustee, I need to
let people know of a contact that wants me to have the Euroclear account numbers.


OUTTRO Thank you for staying tuned to this series about the Network of Global
Corporate Control. This segment covered our transition to a kinder world and how we are
taking back our world and our wealth. The Banking Cartel is no longer hidden, and neither
is our kindness and our strength

Commercial Code Division Department of Business Services 501 S. Second Street, Room 350W Springfield, IL
62756 Re: UCC Record #20091045; Your letter dated April 30, 2015 and mailed May 5, 2015 Dear Sirs, I refer to
your letter dated April 30, 2015 purporting to terminate UCC Record #20091045 concerning the above-referenced
lien against the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago for "Federal Reserve Notes 200 boxes Eagle U.S. Hardware
Mother Box 5 Boxes Treaty of Versailles Mother Box 45 Boxes." As I stated in my letter dated April 19, 2015, 810
Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/9-501.1 (a) does not apply by virtue of subsection (k), because the UCC was filed by "a
representative of a regulated financial institution." A "regulated financial institution" is an institution subject to
regulatory oversight by a federal agency. The World Bank, which administers the trust called the "Global Debt
Facility", is subject to regulatory oversight of the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and
Financial Policies. I filed UCC Record #20091045 as a representative of and on behalf of the World Bank's Board of
Governors. My letter to you of April 19, 2015 was cleared by the Board of Governors of the World Bank and
International Monetary Fund Pursuant to Article V,
Section 2 of the World Bank's Articles of Agreement, "All the powers of the Bank shall be vested in the Board of
Governors." As the Secretary of State does not possess any statutory authority to terminate the filing of a
representative of a regulated financial institution, your purported termination of UCC Record #20091045 is of null

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