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Changes in physics are changes in the form or physicality of an object, but the object can return to its

original form. We can say it as a change in form that can return to its original form.

In physics changes, no changes occur involving chemical reactions. Thus, the molecular composition of
objects does not change and its chemical properties do not disappear. Physical changes also include
changes in the shape and size of the object.

Changes in physics can occur including because an object is heated or cooled or pressured.

In changes in physics, things will change as follows:

Ø Change of liquid to gas and vice versa

· Evaporation: changes in ciar objects to gas, for example hot water will emit smoke, smoke is called
water vapor while water vapor is a gas object.

· Condensation: changes in gas objects to liquid, for example if hot water is tightly closed for a moment,
then on the lid there are water points that come from uqap water which changes into liquid.

I made an experiment on my own child, that is, I introduced to him the change of liquid into a gas and
conversely the change of gas to liquid.

To introduce changes in liquid to gas the materials I need are as follows:

Ø I prepared 1 cup of hot water, closed the besetra.

Ø Then I asked my child to open the glass lid, it would show a puff of smoke coming out of the glass, if
the puff of smoke was not too visible then I asked that my child put his hand on the glass about 4-5 cm
from the surface of the glass. So he will feel hot air above the glass surface.
Ø Why is that? Because if water is heated, there will be a change in form from a liquid to a gas, the
steam coming out of the glass is a gas object. The hot water experiences evaporation.

And to introduce changes in gas objects to liquid materials that I use are the same, because
remembering physical changes is a change in the form or physicality of an object, but the object can
return to its original form, namely:

Ø I use 1 cup of hot water and the lid.

Ø I request that my child cover the hot water which is closed and cultured for a while.

Ø After a while, I asked my child to open the glass lid, and turn the glass lid over. Then you will see water
points on the surface of the lid.

Ø I say it is dew, because water vapor called gas experiences condensation so that the water vapor turns
into liquid.

Ø Children can know and know the law of cause and effect.

Ø Children can find out about changes in object physics simply.

Ø Children can understand physics concepts simply.

Ø Children can develop their knowledge.

Ø Children can move their fine motor.

Ø Children can use their five senses

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