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Lagura, John Rhey

11809922 AB-POM

Reaction paper

Manila - 20 million and rising

This video about examining the overpopulation in manila pointed out a lot of good points about the issue.
It started out by showing the current state of a certain hospital in manila. It clearly showed how the
hospital itself can not contain the amount of people that is inside their hospital from the capacity the
hospital can take. I think that this issue is caused by the lack of family planning of the parents.
Overpopulation has affected a lot of filipino lives. An example of which is greatly seen in baseco, manila.
It is a place that is owned by the government but filipino have settled in the place and now it is highly
overpopulated. Every small amount of space that can be found is turned into a household. This current
situation shows how overpopulation endangers the lives of the people that are currently situated in a
place wherein basic human needs is scarce. Not only that but also students are highly affected in this
scenario. Overpopulation doesn’t only affect the present but also the future. Not just only this but, there
are places in manila that fighting for land can be seen. I never thought that there would come a day
wherein my fellow countrymen would fight for their country’s own piece of land. Just thinking about this
current issue that our country is currently facing saddens me, knowing that there are fellow filipinos who
are facing different sorts of problems everyday. Nonetheless, there are still a few that believe that the
overpopulation issue can be given solution. As a fellow filipino and a student, i aspire to be able to give
my share of help to this current issue that we have now in the philippines. To be able to accomplish this
goal and help out millions of filipino is truly the ultimate feeling that a person can get.
The Philippines' Baby Factory | 101 East | Ang Pabrika ng Sanggol ng Pilipinas
This clip shows the root cause of overpopulation in the Philippines. Can you believe that in the Philippines
a baby is born every few minutes, if you do the math, there are at least a thousand babies born each day
in the Philippines. Another funny thing is, teens that are getting pregnant make up a huge percentage of
this number. As young as thirteen years old, there are girls that are getting pregnant. Being pregnant as a
teenager is really hard for someone who still goes to school and still have his/her life way ahead of them.
The sad thing about this is there others that resort into something inhumane. From what the video
showed, others drink supplements to get rid of the baby that is growing inside of them. To commit
underage sex is a bad thing, but to kill an unborn baby because of commiting underage sex is far worse
and on a different level of sin. I think that lack of education and ignorance is the only cause for this
problem. The role of the government and the church also gives huge importance to this. The point of view
of the church to this problem is highly questionable. I understand their statement that all human life is
good, but having this mentality doesn’t mean that having a baby is a good thing even though the family
can’t even provide anything for the baby. Banning the use of contraceptives have given a huge impact on
the increase teenage pregnancies and overpopulation. The government has played their role by making a
law that is called reproductive health act of 2012. I think that this law helped solve the issue. Nonetheless,
there are still filipinos that strive to end this epidemic in our country. This act by our fellow countrymen
serves as wake up call that we filipinos should take this issue seriously because by solving this problem
of ours, our country might rise above poverty and become the next 1st world country.

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