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great amount of force because its mass and

acceleration is so large.
Name: D. Both b and c.
Date: 9. When a teacher stands at the front of the class, the force of
gravity pulls her toward the ground. The ground pushes back
1.Which among the Newton’s Laws of Motion states that force with an equal and opposite force. This is an example of
equals mass times acceleration? which of Newton's Laws of Motion?
A. 3rd Law B. 1st Law A. Law of Inertia
*C. 2nd Law D. all of the above B. Law of Acceleration
*C. Law of Interaction
2. According to Newton's 2nd Law of Motion, force equals – D. Law of Universal Gravitation
A. mass divided by acceleration 10. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
B. mass plus acceleration This is
C. mass subtract acceleration a statement of
*D. mass times acceleration A. Newton's First Law of Motion.
B. Newton's Second Law of Motion.
3. How does the acceleration of an object change in relation to *C. Newton's Third Law of Motion.
its mass? It is _________. D. Newton's Law of Action.
A. directly proportional
*B. inversely proportional Law of Acceleration: Problem Solving (10pts each)
C. acceleration doesn’t depend on mass at all
D. neither A or B 1. A huge stone is pushed with 30 N of force. If there is only 5N
o friction and the stone’s mass is 88 kg. What is the
4. Suppose a cart is being moved by a force. If suddenly a load acceleration of the table?
is dumped into the cart so that the cart’s mass doubles, what
happens to the cart’s acceleration? a= f/m
A. It quadruples. a= 30N/88kg
B. It doubles. a= 0.35 m/s²
*C. It halves.
D. It quarters. 2. A car is being towed. If its mass is 1750 kg and it accelerated
at 5m/s2, how much net force is involved?
5. Which will accelerate faster?
A. a 1000 tons truck Fnet = m*a
B. a fully loaded bus Fnet= 1750 kg 8 5 m/s²
C. an overloaded jeepney Fnet = 8,750 N
*D. a race car

6. As a 500 N lady sits on the floor, the floor exerts a force on

her equal to______________.
A. 1000 N *B. 500 N
C. 250 N D. 50 N

7. According to Newton's Third Law of Motion, when a hammer

strikes and exerts a force on a nail, the nail
A. creates a balanced force.
B. disappears into the wood.
C. moves at a constant speed.
* D. exerts and equal and opposite force back on the

8. Pick the best example of Newton's Third Law in action.

A. A rocket taking off from earth which pushes gases in
one direction and the rocket in the other.
*B. A rocket sitting on the ground preparing for take-off but
it needs an outside force to overcome its inertia of a nonmoving
C. A rocket that is accelerating through space and exerts a

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