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Plant Capacity = 1000 tons/day of clinker

Clinker Composition on the base of PS

output of Preheater Waste Gases

Fly Ash Clinker

Coal as Fuel

Kiln Output
Compound %age Amount Flow rate M.W no. of moles
tonne/day kg/hr kg/kgmole kg mole/hr
C3S 53.8 538 22416.66667 228.3145 98.18328081
C2S 20.19 201.9 8412.5 172.2375 48.8424414
C3A 6.4 64 2666.666667 270.1912 9.869554103
C4AF 12.04 120.4 5016.666667 485.9551 10.32331313
LOI 1.92 19.2 800
IR 0.4 4 166.6666667
Alkali eq. 0.6 6 250
MgO 2.84 28.4 1183.333333 40.304
Cl 0.01 0.1 4.166666667 35.453 147.7208333
free lime 1.8 18 750
Total 100 1000 41666.66667
CO2 42.77108529 Waste gas Compound M.W
SO3 80.066
SO2 64.066
S 32.065
O2 31.998
CaO 56.077
SiO2 60.0835
Al2O3 101.96
Fe2O3 159.687
CaCO3 100.0857
CO2 44.0087
C 12.0107

On the base of Equations, we calculate the input streams of the kiln

CaCO3 CaO + CO2 Eq. 1

2CaO + SiO2 C2S Eq. 2

Moles kgmoles/hr 97.68488279 48.8424414 48.8424414

Mass flow Kg/hr 5477.875172 2934.624828 8412.5
Mass 131.4690041 70.43099586 201.9

3CaO + SiO2 C3S Eq. 3

Moles kgmoles/hr 294.5498424 98.18328081 98.18328081

Mass flow Kg/hr 16517.47151 5899.195153 22416.66667
Mass 396.4193163 141.5806837 538

3CaO + Al 2O3 C3A Eq. 4

Moles kgmoles/hr 29.60866231 9.869554103 9.869554103

Mass flow Kg/hr 1660.364956 1006.299736 2666.666667
Mass 39.84875895 24.15119367 64
4CaO + Al2O3 + Fe2O3 C4AF Eq. 5

Moles kgmoles/hr 41.29325254 10.3233131 10.3233131 10.3233131

3 3 3
Mass flow Kg/hr 2315.601723 1052.56500 1648.49890 5016.66666
7 5 7
Mass 55.57444134 25.2615601 39.5639737 120.4
tonne/day 7 1

Input Stream calculated from equations

CaO 623.3115208 tonne

SiO2 212.0116795 tonne
Al2O3 49.41275385 tonne
Fe2O3 39.56397371 tonne

Now the CaO and othe component obtained from three major sources as

 limestone,
 Fly ash
 Coal used as fuel

let us take 545 tons from limestone and other from Fly ash and Coal used in combustion

From Eq. 2

CaCO3 CaO + CO2 Eq. 1

Moles kgmoles/hr 404.9491473 404.949147 404.9491473

Mass flow Kg/hr 40529.61887 22708.3333 17821.28554
Mass 972.7108529 545 427.7108529

Now remaining CaO from fly ash and Coal ash content generated from combustion =78.31152077

Fly ash used = 360 tons/day

Fly ash Composition that is the waste of jamshoro power plant

Component %age Amount

SiO2 33 118.8
Al2O3 8.2 29.52
Fe2O3 10.4 37.44
CaO 21 75.6
MgO 7.8 28.08
Na2O + K2O 1.6 5.76
TiO2 1.6 5.76
SO3 8.9 32.04
LOI 4.2 15.12
undetermined 3.3 11.88
Total 100 360

Coal use for 1000 tons of clinker production is = 200 tons/day

Therefore, ash in thar coal is about 11% = 22 tons/day

Coal Ash Composition used as fuel in kiln and preheater

Component %age Amount preheater kiln

tonne/day 40% 60%
SiO2 45 9.9 3.96 5.94
Al2O3 13 2.86 1.144 1.716
Fe2O3 11 2.42 0.968 1.452
CaO 13 2.86 1.144 1.716
MgO 2.1 0.462 0.1848 0.2772
Na2O + K2O 2.1 0.462 0.1848 0.2772
TiO2 0.4 0.088 0.0352 0.0528
SO3 7.8 1.716 0.6864 1.0296
LOI 3.4 0.748 0.2992 0.4488
Undetermined 2.2 0.484 0.1936 0.2904
Total 100 22 8.8 13.2
Composition of Limestone needed as per clinker requirement

Component %age Amount

CaCO3 84.85 972.7108529
SiO2 7.2 82.53998988
Al2O3 1.55 17.7690256
Rest 6.4 73.36887989
Total 100 1146.388748

Coal used as fuel in preheater and kiln

Thar Coal
Coal Quality Lignite %
Moisture 44.5
Volatile Matter 26.08
Fixed Carbon 22
Ash 6.5
Sulphur 0.92
Total 100

First, we have to remove moisture content then , the fixed carbon percentage increased after moisture

Thar Coal
Coal Quality Lignite %
Moisture 5.12
Volatile Matter 44.58
Fixed Carbon 37.7
Ash 11
Sulphur 1.6
Total 100
Value of fixed carbon = 37.7

Coal Main Reaction

C + O2 CO2

Mass tonne/day 75.4 200.8749865 276.274986

Flow rate kg/hr 3141.666667 8369.791103 11511.4578
moles kgmoles/hr 261.5723202 261.5723202 261.57232

Exit CO2 as waste gas

In kiln = 165.7649919

In preheater = 110.5099946

for complete Oxidation need excess air of 20%

Complete O2 Required = 241.0499838 tonne/day
for kiln 144.6299903 tonne/day
for preheater 96.41999351 tonne/day

Reaction for sulphur and their oxides in kiln

For Coal

S + O2 SO2

Mass tonne/day 1.92 1.915988149 3.836167784

Flow rate kg/hr 80 79.83283954 159.8403243
moles kgmoles/hr 2.494932169 2.494932169 2.494932169

For Coal

SO2 Generation for kiln = 3.836167784 tons/day

Excess 20% O2 Required for SO2 generation in coal =2.299185779 tons/day

Reaction for sulphur and their oxides in Preheater

S + O2 SO2

Mass tonne/day 1.28 1.277325433 2.557445189

Flow rate kg/hr 53.33333333 53.22189303 106.5602162
moles kgmoles/hr 1.663288113 1.663288113 1.663288113

For Coal

SO2 Generation for preheater = 2.557445189 tons/day

Excess 20% O2 Required for SO2 generation in coal = 1.532790519 tons/day

Reaction in kiln for waste gases

For kiln

2SO3 + O2 2SO2 + 2O2

Mass tonne/day 33.0696 6.608054985 26.46113199 13.21611

Flow rate kg/hr 1377.9 275.3356244 1102.547166 550.671249
moles kgmoles/hr 8.60477606 8.60477606 8.60477606 8.60477606

O2 Required for SO3 reaction = 7.929665982 tons/day

SO2 output from kiln = 30.29729977 tons/day

For kiln Complete O2 Required = 139.3435463 tons/day

Air required = 663.5406965 tons/day

Total Air input as primary Air = 1129.460018 tons/day

N2 in Air = 524.1971503 tons/day

Waste gas towards Boiler from kiln

Total CO2 Exit = 208.5361

output of Preheater Waste Gases
Fly Ash Clinker

Coal as Fuel
Assume that

Conversion of CaCO3

In preheater = 90%

In Kiln = 10 %

CaCO3 10% CaO + CO2 Eq. 1

Mass tonne/day 97.27108529 54.5 42.77108529

Flow Kg/hr 4052.961887 2270.83333 1782.128554
moles Kgmoles/hr 40.49491473 40.4949147 40.49491473

Kiln Input
Component preheater Ash due to Fly ash
output fuel comb.
tonne/day tonne/day tonne/day Waste gases
CaCO3 97.27108529
SiO2 86.49998988 5.94 118.8
Al2O3 18.9130256 1.716 29.52
Fe2O3 0.968 1.452 37.44
CaO 490.5 1.716 75.6
MgO 0.1848 0.2772 28.08
Na2O + K2O 0.1848 0.2772 5.76
TiO2 0.0352 0.0528 5.76
SO3 1.0296 32.04
LOI 0.2992 0.4488 15.12
Undetermine 73.56247989 0.2904 11.88
Total 768.4185807 13.2 360

From CF Silo Waste Gas

Coal as Fuel Output towards kiln

CaCO3 90% CaO + CO2 Eq. 1

Mass tonne/day 875.4397676 490.5 384.9397676
Flow Kg/hr 36476.65699 20437.5 16039.15699
moles Kgmoles/hr 364.4542326 364.454233 364.4542326

input output
Component Amount Component Amount Component Amount Compou Amount
From Coal tons/da From tons/day tons/day Waste tons/day
y Gas
Combustion Limestone
Ash CaCO3 972.71085 CaCO3 97.27108 CO2 495.44976
29 53 22
SiO2 3.96 SiO2 82.539989 SiO2 86.49998 SO2 3.1066783
88 99 52
Al2O3 1.144 Al2O3 17.769025 Al2O3 18.91302
6 56
Fe2O3 0.968 Fe2O3 0.968
CaO 1.144 CaO 491.644
MgO 0.1848 MgO 0.1848
Na2O + K2O 0.1848 Na2O + K2O 0.1848
TiO2 0.0352 TiO2 0.0352
SO3 0.6864
LOI 0.2992 LOI 0.2992
undetermin 0.1936 undetermin 73.368879 undetermin 73.56247
ed ed 89 ed 99
Total 8.8 Total 1146.3887 Total 769.5625 Total 498.55644
48 81 06

For preheater

2SO3 + O2 2SO2 + 2O2

Mass tons/day 0.6864 0.137158264 0.549233163 0.27431653

Flow rate kg/hr. 28.6 5.714927685 22.88471511 11.4298554
moles kgmoles/hr. 0.178602653 0.178602653 0.178602653 0.17860265
Excess 20% O2 Required for SO3 reaction = 0.164589917 tons/day

SO2 output from preheater = 3.106678352 tons/day

Complete O2 required = 97.84305741 tons/day

Air required = 465.919321 tons/day

N2 in Air = 368.0762636 tons/day

Waste gas towards Boiler from preheater

Balance on CF Silo

Assume to be 100% efficient and no loss of material

1146.388748 tonne/day
CF Silo Output
1146.388748 tonne/day

Balance on EP

Assume that 0.1% of the material on hourly basis is loss during fan suction and recover from EP

Efficiency of EP is 99.44 %

48.08145475 Kg/hr
EP Output
47.7661978 Kg/hr
1.153954914 tonne/day 1.14638875 tonne/day

Material waste
0.007566166 tons/day
0.315256906 Kg/hr.
Balance on Grinding Mill

Assume there is no loss of material in mill

Vertical Roller Mill

Input Output
1146.396 tonne/day 1146.396 tonne/day this block have to changed
47766.51 kg/hr 47766.51 Kg/hr

Balance on Storage Dome

Assume that the material is lost in that area so input material taken to be high

Lost % = 0.003 hourly basis


1146.430706 tonne/day 1146.396314 tonne/day
47767.9461 kg/hr 47766.5131 kg/hr

Balance on Crusher

Assume to be 100% efficient as only size reduction occur here

Crusher Output
Input 1146.43071 tonne/day
1146.430706 tonne/day


Compound Amount %age

Limestone 1146.430706 76.10245208
Fly ash 360 23.89754792
Total 1506.430706 100
Balance on Poly track Cooler

Assume to 100% efficient

cooler Output
Input 1000 tonne/day Clinker
1000 tonne/day

Assume that there is no loss in clinker storage and

Input = output

Balance On Cement Mill

(5) Five% use

Clinker 1000 tonne/day Mill
Cement 1050 tonne/day
Gypsum 50 tonne/day

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