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1. Difference between action and behavior?

action is more specific and carries a sense of(( intention)), like the killing
in your sentence. His actions -- stealing, assault and carry an illegal weapon
-- put him in jail.

And behavior is more general -- Her strange behavior kept people from
befriending her.

2. git and GitHub

Used to create collaborative software

NPM and NPM scripts a way for developers to share their code and Javascript

the library that companies like Netflix, Facebook, and Instagram use to build
fast, scalable applications.

4.the Front End

that is just building websites without communicating with any other web site
or the outside world or servers.


We're going to build an image recognition app that's going to be really, really
fun. You submit a URL and using a machine learning API we're going to
detect to see if in that photo there is a face and then detect where that face
is with the square box

Fully working app that has a frontend client web site, a backend server, and
a server that's working with a database. Pretty much a full fledged

6. Servers are essentially computers that are in basements or in huge

server farms and they have a piece of software running just like at a
restaurant where a server brings you food. It knows how to send you files
when you request for them.

essentially is a tool - a piece of software that can receive files from servers
and it knows how to read them.

is something that allows the ISP the Internet Service Provider, to connect to

The Internet

is just all these connected computers that are just transferring files between
each other

Traceroot: cmd  tracert -enter

Different hops it takes to go to for eg google server

9 hops---9 computer helps us to locate google server

The IP addresses you see may be IPv6. In this case, you will have to run:
tracert -4 which forces IPv4 hops

7.How to make websites fast?

--location of server
--how many trips

--size of files

8.Front-end Developer

essentially anything that a user sees, the front-end developer does

9.The back-end developer,

that's a person that works with the server and makes sure that when a
browser speaks to it, it serves up those files then that server is going to talk
also to a database.
10.What is www?

Created bcz we wanted a standard way to share documents

It it common language that computers can speak. So with the worldwide web
saying hey from now on everybody if we want to communicate together if we
want to share images or if you want to share files let's just have this agreed
upon language agreed upon protocol in order to share these documents

those servers, the HTML, CSS, Javascript, the browsers all work on top of the
World Wide Web so you can think of it as the Internet as your phone and the
World Wide Web is Instagram that runs on your phone. So it's essentially a
decentralized application now.


is a way for us to just write text on websites and these text on web sites can
also have things called hyperlinks that can link to other parts of the website.

HTML it's this file that has this weird syntax that describes how this web page
should look in text.SO IT describes how text should look like

So styles will actually let you add styles to the website,

So HTML, text, and links

, CSS, pretty colors.

Javascript makes websites interactive

worldwide web created it because we needed a standard way to

share documents amongst each other, and through HTML, CSS and
Javascript we're able to read these files and actually have beautiful
Each of these browsers read it -The HTML, CSS, and Javascript, and
lay out the web-page for us. But as you can see each one of them is
owned by a company, and is a different browser. So that means they
all have to agree on how they're going to read the HTML, CSS, and
Javascript, because if they don't all agree, then well, we need to
create different files specific for each browser, because each one of
them has a different idea of what HTML, CSS, and Javascript is. And
you know what? When the World Wide Web got started we had
something called, 'the browser wars' where each browser was kind
of doing its own thing implementing different things. And we still
have that to this day, to some extent, but there is a governing body
which kind of creates the standards now.

But still, it is still a pain point for developers, where we need to

figure out that whenever we send our files to the web browser, it all
looks the same. And that is one of the biggest problems we have as
developers and you'll see tools later on in this course that try to
solve that issue.

So now, not only do we have to worry about different browsers, and

whether they agree on what code works in each of these files.You
also have to make sure that our web sites look good on small screens
on big screens on all sorts of different screens,

was a library that allowed Javascript to be written in a simple, clean
way that allowed us not to worry too much about working in one
browser, then the other.It created this environment for Javascript to


we have the LAMP stack that stands for Linux Apache MySQL, and
PHP. And in those days, back-end developers used PHP to write files
that allowed us to have logic on the servers. And then we had
Apache. So if you ever use something like HostGator and you had to
log in to cPanel, or any of those very common hosting platforms,most
likely they're running Apache server. And what it is - it's a software
that really efficiently serves up files,
So we're learning all these things in order for us to build clean, fast,
and bug free web applications


Is a program that allows us to code


--hypertext markup language

Imp topic

An exclamation is something that can either be sudden, or

emphasised, or generally just loud It can denote fascination,
excitement, or shock. Typically, it's used for speech, but it can be
used in writing (to emphasise on things).

So we basically saying loudly look you are about to see html 5



Whatever shows up on webpage


doctype' says to the browser, this file is going to use HTML5.'


Lets you have a paragraph

Enter block of functionality with content inside it is called element

some mobile phones didn't have the ability to bold the text, and didn't have the ability to italicise,
or some screen readers, which people who are visually impaired use, didn't really understand the
meaning behind italicized and bold. So now we use something called, 'strong' for bold and
'Refresh'. And then for italicized we use, 'em' for emphasis.

When you italicize your writing, you print or type in the slanted letters called "italics." You can
italicize a word in a sentence when you want to emphasize it. Move was made to get into more
semantic html

Attributes---add special properties to a tag

It tells/describe more information about tags


Specifies an alternate text for an image

Src—tells us where to grab image from

Anchor tag :gives ability to link through different pages

Href---hypertext reference
Why index.html

Most of the time there are more than a few html files .You saw that with our
example we had our 'index.html' and also 'newpage.html'. But when we
make that request to let's say, how does the server know which
html (file) to return first for the homepage? And you could go into the server
and configure it and tell it you know what I want 'about.html' to be the first
page. But, by default most servers just say, "I'll return 'index.html'- if I see
'index.html' in the servers

Relative vs Absolute Path

Relative path uses file protocol so we cant access it outside my computer it uses relative

So I am saying link to xyz.html relative to where index.html is

Required attribute don’t need value automatically its true, e g email required

Min---minimum characters the password needs







values that we entered, into our form were just attached to this link.
And this is actually called query strings and what it is.It's one way
for us, to send our information to the backend or the servers,
because we have to store this form information somewhere, so that
when we come back onto this page, the Web site remembers us.This
was automatically generated in HTML5, with a form. But form was
using an attribute called "GET" and this "GET". If I left it as this, will
do the exact same thing, where it will attach the form information to
the URL and send it to the server.

There is another option, where you can do "POST" but you wouldn't
see any query parameters. So this wouldn't change, the bar at the
top won't change and that is because, it will be attached to the body
of the request, why we might want to use "POST" instead of "GET"
because well, what if somebody can see my password right there in
the bar. Basically we are sending this information to the backend
You should use a GET request only to get information from a server and never to send private data.
To send data which nobody should read you have to use Post. The amount of chars which you can
send over GET Request are limited.
You should use a GET request if you want to fetch special data from the server. For example sending
an ID with which you get the data from the database like and on the back-end you
search in the database for an article with the ID 20.
To send data to the server from a Form you will use a POST request.
I'm not entirely sure myself, but I do know that GET, puts data into the url such
as http//, and in php, the $_GET['data'], will access from that url. Post on the other
hand, doesn't put the data into the url, therefore it's more secure for things that have private info like
emails, passwords, etc.
the ‘div’ tags and the ‘span’ tags

they're used to divide content. So ‘div’ tag, you're going to see in a

lot of web pages, are used to wrap the form. So by doing this, let's
see if it does anything. Nope!, everything looks exact same, but this
is very powerful when we get into CSS. Because what this allows us
to do, is to divide up our content. Imagine if we had a registration
form here, maybe another piece of content, maybe an image up here.
‘div’ tag allows us to add styles and divide up the content into each
different section, so that, each section of our Web site, can have its
own little box.

‘span’ tag is the same thing except, ‘span’ tag is a inline element, so
an inline element is different from a block element because with
,’span’ tag we can just add it to a specific line, so we can do ‘span’
and ‘/span’. And again, this won't do anything, if I refresh. Nothing
happens. But now inline, we can add some styles only to the "First
Name:" and we can emphasize it, so these are just tags that we can
use as tools, when we want to have a container, an invisible
container, around a piece of element and are HTML. that perhaps you
want to add some style to or have some specific functionality to.

section and article tag

There isn't a visual difference between the two, they're both block level elements. The only difference
is in their standard semantic use and even that is debatable and the use of it varies widely. For
example, I typically create a <section> whenever there's completely separate content (again this is
not consistent across contexts and depends largely on the design), and inside of the <section> I
break things further using <articles>.

HTML 5—semantic element----more descriptive

The advantage of semantic elements is, that it is a huge benefit for accessibility and also for search
bot crawlers. These tags give your website the ability to be descriptive and also the source code
makes sense to humans and to scripts. gives a lot more meaning to the web page and it'll
have a better idea of, how the website is structured and where it's their rank and their
Google search results

Nav Tag
in the end, it does the same as an div would do. It is an new HTML5 element which gives your code a
more semantic meaning

'head' tag just contains information about what the page needs. other than the title, but 'meta' tags
and information that we need for the website

This 'link' tag

allows us to link this HTML file to something else.


It stands for Cascading Style Sheets, and 'style sheets' – that makes sense – that we're creating

style sheets, but what does 'cascading' mean?

Well cascading means that it always takes the selector that is at the end.

Imp websites


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