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Volume Information
Source: Science Fiction Studies, Vol. 20, No. 3 (Nov., 1993), pp. 489-492
Published by: SF-TH Inc
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Accessed: 04-07-2017 18:38 UTC

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INDEX TO VOLUME 20 (1993) 489

Index to Volume 20 (1993)

#59 = pp 1-144; #60 = pp 145-304; #61 = pp 305-496.


Books Received. 135, 2%, 485.

Contributors. 144, 300, 487.
Corrections. 142, 300, 487.
Paper Calls and Other Announcements. 143, 300, 486.
Unjustly Neglected Works of Science Fiction: A Survey. 422.

Aldiss, Margaret. The Aldiss Bibliography. 298.
Alessio, Dominic. Introduction to the Great Romance. 305.
Barr, Marleen. Feminist Science Fiction 101. 470.
Becker, Muriel Rogow. Two-Fold Audience. 481.
Benford, Gregory. Time and Timescape. 184.
Bengston, Goren, and Arthur B. Evans. Academese and International Transactions.
Bleiler, Everett F. On Wells and Gernsback in #58. 137.
Broderick, Mick. Surviving Armageddon: Beyond the Imagination of Disaster. 362.
Bozzetto, Roger. French Conference Papers on Science and SF. 288.
. Moreau's Tragi-Farcical Island. 34.
Christianson, Gale. Revolution or Outgrowth. 131.
Colas-Charpentier, Helene. Four Quebecois Dystopias, 1%3-1972. 383.
Connor, James A. Strategies for Hyperreal Travelers. 69.
Crossley, Robert. Censorship, Disguise, and Transfiguration: The Making and Revis-
ing of Stapledon's Sinius. 1.
Csicsery-Ronay, Jr., Istvan. Less a Model Than an Elaborate Suggestion. 457.
. SEE Rickman.
Elms, Alan C. The Enlightened Asimov. 118.
Evans, Arthur B. Optograms and Fiction: Photo in a Dead Man's Eye. 341.
Two More Volumes of "Fantastic" Essays. 119.
Wells, Cromie, and Verne: An Addendum. 138.
SEE Bengston.
Feehan, Ellen. An Interview with John Kessel. 94.
Fitting, Peter. Essays on Dick in French. 476.
Franklin, H. Bruce. Clarke's Voices Updated. 476.
Galbreath, Robert. Another Oxymoron? 294.
. Worldly Myths, Otherworldly Realities. 123.
Gordon, Andrew. Posthuman Identity Crisis. 444.
. SF Film Reconsidered for the Electronic Age. 121.
Grace, Dominick M. Rereading Lester del Reys's "Helen O'Loy." 45.
Gray, Chris Hables. War Re-Imagining War. 477.
Hollinger, Veronica. A Bloody Profusion of Reading. 483.
Familiar Feminist Territory. 127.
Guinevere Fails to Interest. 130.
A New Alliance of Postmodernism and Feminist Speculative Fiction. 272.
Early Study Appears (Too?) Late. 474.

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Howell, Yvonne. Paradise as Propaganda. 125.

Indick, Ben P. Fantasy in the Theatre. 465.
Inhabitant, The. The Great Romance. 311.
Kelley, Robert. A Maze of Twisty Little Passages All Alike; Aesthetics and Teleology
in Interactive Computer Fictional Environments. 52.
Kessel, John. SEE Feehan.
Ketterer, David. The Facts in the Case of Mr Poe? 111.
Landon, Brooks. Hypertext and Science Fiction. 449.
Latham, Rob. A Career Epitomizing the Development of the Genre. 284.
. Cyberpunk = Gibson = Neummancer. 266.
Malmgren, Carl D. Self and Other in SF: Alien Encounters. 15.
McGuirk, Carol. Gibson, Cyberpunk, Postmodernism. 114.
Meyers, Walter E. Aldiss at Large. 132.
Mullen, R.D. A Canticle for Canticle. 117.
The Definitive War of the Worlds. 440.
From Anglo-American to Amero-British, Alas! 276.
History Without Scholarship. 117.
In Defense of the Popular. 293.
Indispensable. 470.
A Most Important Book. A Prestigious Anthology. 291.
Riverside Quartedy and Blish's Response to Butor. 299.
Thomas D. Clareson, 1926-1993. 486.
Science fiction, including utopian fiction...but not fantasy. 298.
The SF Writer as Demiurge. 128.
Philmus, Robert M. H.G. Wells, Robert Cromie, and Literary Crime. 137.
. The Latest SFFBRI. 116.
Pierce, John J. The Literary Experience of Hard Science Fiction. 157.
Rambo, Jim. Brazilian Fantasy and SF for Export. 299.
Reginald, Robert. A Requiem for Starmont House (1976-1993). 414.
Rickman, Gregg, and Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr. On Our Philip K. Dick Collection.
Rottensteiner, Franz. Horrifying Utopias. 289.
Ruddick, Nicholas. A Sounding of Sordid Depths. 283.
Samuelson, David N. Modes of Extrapolation: The Formulas of Hard Science Fic-
tion. 191.
On Extrapolation: A Supplementary Bibliography. 233.
On Hard Science Fiction: A Bibliography. 149.
On Hard Science Fiction: Introduction. 145.
Scobie, Stephen. What's the Story, Mother?: The Mourning of the Alien. 80.
Sponsler, Claire. Beyond the Ruins: The Geopolitics of Urban Decay and Cybernetic
Play. 251.
Stavans, Ilan. Carlos Fuentes and the Future. 409.
Steffen-Fluhr, Nancy. The Definitive Morau. 433.
Stone-Blackburn, Susan. Consciousness Evolution and Early Telepathic Tales. 241.
Westfahl, Gary. "The Closely Reasoned Technological Story": The Critical History
of Hard Science Fiction. 157.
White, Eric. The Erotics of Becoming: XENOGENESIS and The Thing. 394.
Wolfe, Gary K. Reinventing Stephen King. 108.
. Vonnegut as Vonnegut. 295.

Aldiss, Margaret. The Wor* of Brian W Aldiss: An Annotated Bibliogr
Guide. (Meyers). 132.

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INDEX TO VOLUME 20 (1993) 491

Baehr, Stephen Lessing. The Paradise Myth in Eighteenth-Centwy Russia: Utopian

Pattems in Eady Secular Russian Literatue and Cultur. (Howell). 125.
Barr, Marleen S. Feminist Fabulation: Space/Postmodem Fiction. (Hollinger). 272.
Battenfeld, Robert L. SEE Robertson.
Becker, Allienne R. The Lost Worlds Romance: From Dawn to Dusk. (Mullen). 117.
Bertha, Csilla. SEE Morse.
Branwyn, Gareth, Peter Sugarman, et al. Beyond Cyberpunk: A Do-It-Yourself Guide
to the Futur. (Landon). 449.
Bukatman, Scott. Tenninal Identity: The Virtual Subject in Postmodem Science Fiction.
(Gordon). 444.
Clarke, I.F. Voices Prophesying War Future Wars 1763-3749. 2nd ed. (Franklin), 476.
Collon, Hel6ne, ed. Regards sur Philip K Dick: Le Kaldickoscope. Anthologie de
temoignages et de textes critiques, entretien avec Philip K Dick et bibliographie.
(Fitting). 476.
Cox, Greg. The Transylvanian Libraiy: A Consumer's Guide to Vampire Fiction. (Hol-
linger). 483.
Downing, David C. Planets in Peril: A Critical Study of C.S. Lewis's Ransom Trilogy.
(Galbreath). 123.
Elkins, Charles L., and Martin Harry Greenberg, eds. Robert Silverberg's Many Trap
Doors: Essays on His Science Fiction. (Latham). 284.
Filmer, Kath. Scepticism and Hope in Twentieth-Century Fantasy Literature. (Gal-
breath). 123.
Geduld, Hariy M. SEE Hughes.
Gordon-Wise, Barbara Ann. The Reclamation of a Queen: Guinevere in Modem Fan-
tasy. (Hollinger). 130.
Greenberg, Martin Harry. SEE Elkins.
Hall, Hal W. Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Review Index, 1989. (Philmus). 116.
. Science Fiction and Fantasy Reference Index, 1895-1991. (Mullen). 470.
Harbottle, Philip, and Stephen Holland. Vultures of the Void: A History of Bnitish
Science Fiction Publishing, 1946-1956. (Ruddick). 283.
Hassler, Donald M. Isaac Asimov. (Elms). 118.
Hermand, Jost. Old Dreams of a New Reich: Volkish Utopias and National Socialism.
(Rottensteiner). 289.
Holland, Stephen. SEE Harbottle.
Hughes, David Y., and Harry M. Geduld, eds. A Critical Edition of The War of the
Wom'ds: H.G. Wells's Scientific Romance. (Mullen). 440.
Keulen, Margarate. Radical Imagination: Feminist Conceptions of the Future in Ursula
Le Guin, Marge Piercy, and Sally Miller Gearhart. (Hollinger). 127.
Landon, Brooks. The Aesthetics of Ambivalence: Rethinking Science-Fiction Film in
the Age of Electmnic (Re)Production. (Gordon). 121.
Magistrale, Tony. Stephen King: The Second Decade, Danse Macabre to the Dark Hal]
(Wolfe). 108.
, ed. The Da>* Descent: Essays Defining King's Hororscape. (Wolfe). 108-
Manlove, Colin. Christian Fantasy: From 1200 to the Present. (Galbreath), 294.
McHale, Brian. Constructing Postmodemism. (Csicsery-Ronay). 457.
McKnight, Stephen A., ed. Science, Pseudo-Science, and Utopianism in Eary Modem
Thought. (Christianson). 131.
Morse, Donald E. Kur Vonnegut. (Wolfe). 295.
, Marshall B. Tymn, and Csilla Bertha, eds. The Celebration of the Fantastic:
Selected Papers from the Tenth Anniversaiy Intemational Conference on the Fan-
tastic in the Arts. (Evans). 119.
Murphy, Patrick D. Staging the Impossible: The Fantastic Mode in Modem Drama.
(Indick). 465.

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Olsen, Lance. William Gibson. (McGuirk). 114.

Park, Sung-Bong. An Aesthetics of the PopularArts: An Approach to the PopularAtts
ftvm an Aesthetic Point of View. (Mullen). 293.
Philmus. SEE Wells.
Rabkin, Eric S. SEE Slusser.
Reginald, Robert. Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature 1975-1991: A Bibliography
of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and HororFiction Books and Nonfiction Monographs.
(Mullen). 283.
Roberts, Robin. A New Species: Gender and Science in Science Fiction. (Barr). 470.
Robertson, William H., and Robert L. Battenfeld. Walter M. Miller, Jr.: A Bio-
Bibliography. (Mullen). 117.
Ruddick, Nicholas. British Science Fiction: A Chronology, 1478-1990. (Mullen). 276.
Ultimate Island: On the Nature of Bntish Science Fiction. (Mullen). 276.
ed. State of the Fantastic: Studies in the Theory and Practice of Fantastic
Literatur and Film: Selected Essays fivm the Eleventh Intemational Conference
on the Fantastic in the Arts. (Evans). 119.
Shippey, Tom, ed. The Oxfort Book of Science Fiction Stories. (Mullen). 291.
. SEE Slusser.
Silverman, Kenneth. EdgarA. Poe: Moumful and Never-ending Remembrance. (Ket-
terer). 111.
Slusser, George, and Eric S. Rabkin, eds. Fiction 2000: Cyberpunk and the Future of
Natrative. (Latham). 266.
. Fights of Fancy: Armed Conflict in Science Fiction and Fantasy. (Gray).
Slusser, George, and Tom Shippey, eds. Styles of Creation: Aesthetic Technique and
the Cration of Fictional Worlds. (Mullen). 128.
Sullivan III, C.W., ed. Science Fiction for Young Readers. (Becker). 481.
Terrel, Denise, ed. "Science et science-fiction, Actes du 4eme colloque international
de science-fiction de Nice, 3-6 avril 1991." (Bozzetto). 288.
Tymn, Marshall B. SEE Morse.
Wells, H.G. The Island of Doctor Moreau: A Variorum Text. Ed. Robert M. Philmus.
(Steffen-Fluhr). 433.
. SEE Hlughes.

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