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Problem 1 if L=W=20,000N
And T=D=2000N


A D=2000N

x met y met



Since Lx= Ty,

20,000 x =2000 y hence x=1/10y

Problem 2: An aeroplane weighs 10,000N ,the drag in normal

horizontal flight is 1250N , the centre of pressure is 25mm (.025m)
behind the centre of gravity and the line of drag is 150mm ( .15m)
above the line of thrust .Find what load on tail plane which is 6m
behind the CG – will be required to maintain balance in normal
horizontal flight

Problem 2: An aeroplane weighs 10,000N ,the drag in normal horizontal

flight is 1250N , the centre of pressure is 25mm (.025m) behind the centre
of gravity and the line of drag is 150mm ( .15m) above the line of thrust
.Find what load on tail plane which is 6m behind the CG – will be
required to maintain balance in normal horizontal flight



Drag=1250N P

T=1250N 150mm



Solution : lift force on main plane =Y Newtons

Force On Tail plane =P ( Assumed Upwards)
Total lift =Y+P
But L=W = 10,000 N , hence
Y+P= 10,000 N-------------------(1)
Also T=D=1250 N ----------------(2)

Taking moments @ X , we have

0.025 Y + 6 P = CCW MOMENTS @ X,

0 .015 D= CW MOMENTS @ X
0.025 Y + 6 P =0 .015 D------------------(3)
But Y+P= 10,000 N and D= 1250
Solving P= -10.4 N( Direction is opposite
Than Assumed)

Problem 3:
Calculate the values of temp, pressure and density
and speed of sound for ISA @ 6.7 Km altitude
Solution : Temperature
6.7 Km altitude falls in Troposphere
T6700= T0 + λZ T0= Temp @ sea level
=288.15 0K
λ= Lapse rate =
- 0.0065 0K/m
Z= Altitude (m )
T6700= 288.15 + ( -0.0065 ) x 6700 =244.6 0K

Pressure : In troposphere
-( g/RT)
P =P0 (T6700/T0 )
P0 =Atm Pressure =101325 N/m2
g= 9.80665 m/s2
R= Gas Constant =287 J/Kg-0K

-( 9.80665/287X -0.0065)
P= 101325 ( 244.6/288.15 )
= 42818 .15 N/m2 ( 42.82 kPa)

Density :
ρ =P/RT
=42818 .15 /287X244.6
=0.6099 Kg/m3

Speed of Sound:
a =√γRT
=√ 1.4 X287 X244.8
=313.625 m/s

Problem 4
A Pilot cruising @ altitude 6200 m wants to fly @
altitude 10500m .The readings of Temp @ pressure
@ 6200m are 248 0K AND 46kPa .What will be their
readings @ 10500 m and what will be the air density
& speed of sound at 10500m
Solution :
Both 6200m and 10500m are in Troposhere
T2 = T1 + λ(Z2-Z1)---------------- (1)
P2 = P1 (T2/T1) ( -g /R λ)-------------(2)

Air density
ρ2 =P2/RT2 Kg/m3 ------------(3)
Speed of sound
a =√γRT m/s
P1,T1---Pr and Temp @ 6200m
P2,T2---- Pr and Temp @ 10500m
- (9.80665/287X0.0065)
=24534 N/m2
Air density
ρ2 = 24534/(287x220.05) = 0.338 Kg/m3
Speed of sound:
a =√γRT m/s
= a =√ 1,4x287x220.05 = 297.35 m/s

Problem 5
Calculate Temp & Pressure at altitude 18Km
18Km altitude is in Stratosphere
Temp in stratosphere (upto 20Km is constant at
Pressure :
P=P1 exp [ -g (z-z1)/RT1]
P1= Pressure @ beginning of Stratosphere
Z1 = Altitude @ Stratosphere =11000m
Hence ,
P18000= 22630 e –[9.80665 ( 18000-1000)/287x216.65)
=7502.6 N/m2
Problem 6
An aircraft is flying at geometric altitude of 5.3Km
with outside air temperature of -16 0C and pressure
62100N/m2 and air density of 0.55 Kg/m3 .Calculate
the equivalent Temp, Pressure, and Density altitude
Solution :
1) T5300= ( 273-16) =T0+ λZT
ZT=4792 .31m
2) Pressure at altitude ZP
ln (p1/p0) = -g(Z-Z1)/Rx T5300
ln ( 62100/101325) =9.80665 (Z-Z1) /287 x(273-16)
Zp=(Z-Z1)=3682.34 m
3) Density
Pd = ρ RT =0.55x 287 (273 -16)
= 40567.5 N/m2
ln (Pd/P1) = -g Zd /RT5300

ln(40567.5/101325) = -9.80665 x Zd /287 x ( 273-16)

Zd = 6884.8m

Method of Calculating Minimum Landing Speed

If weight =Lift =CLx ½ x ρ xV2 x S
VL = Landing speed
W= CLx ½ x ρ xV2L x S

Problem 7:
Find the landing speed for an aeroplane of mass
1500Kg .If the minimum Wing area is 41m2 and CL
max=1.2 . Assume ρ= 1.22Kg/m

W=1500 Kg= 14715 N = (1.2x1.22x VL2x41)/2

VL =22.33 m/s

Problem 8:
Compare the minimum Landing speeds of the
following for CL max =1.2 and ρ = 1.22 Kg/m3
(a) Sail plane of wing loading 100N/m2
(b) Fighter plane of wing loading 1500N/m2
(c) Airliner of wing loading 3000N/m2
Solution :
Wing loading =W/S =CL x ρ x VL2
(a) Sail plane W/S=100=(1.2x1.22 x VL2 )/2
VL = 11.7m/s

(b) Fighter plane W/S=100=(1.2x1.22 x VL2 )/2

VL = 45.3m/s

(c)Airliner W/S=3000=(1.2x1.22 x VL2 )/2

VL = 64m/s

Calculation of Lift & Drag

Problem 9:
Calculate the lift & drag for an aerofoil with CL=0.6
and CD=0.028 When It Is Moving With A Velocity
Of 100 Knots at height of 1 Km .What are the values
of velocity at height of 4Km .use area =40m2
Solution :
100 Knots =51.6m/s
Density of air at 1Km , ρ= 1.112Kg/m3

Lift = CL x ½ x ρ x V2x S
=0.6 x ½ x 1.112x 51.6 2x40
= 35529.0 N
Drag = 0.028 x1/2x 1.112 x51.6 2 x40
=1658 N

At Height 4 Km: Density Of Air ρ= 0.089Kg/m3

For the same weight of plane, the new velocity will

35529 = 0.6 x1/2x0.819 x V2x40
V= 60m/s
Corresponding drag force,
Drag = 0.028 x 1/2 x 0.819 x 602 x 40
= 1651 N


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