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Status 12124 and Status 24148 a

The Simplicity of
a two scene preset
Mmua:or Lleiiory Sw lch

console and advantages of a

memory console in one package
The Status Control Console is a cycling, dimmer to channel patch
simple yet powerful lighting control and the ability to playback special
system ior the theatre and television effects on any or all submasters
Status, when used in conjunction
Status offers the operator complete with the ENR Series 24 Dimmer
manual access via a lwo-scene Rack or Packs does not require any
preset mode. At the f lip of a swiich, line voltage. This means no power
the Multi-scene mode otters twice cord to plug in.There is also an
the channel capacity ol two scene optional power supply available for
mode and up to 120 recorded cues. Status Consoles used with other
In either mode, the console can drive Dimming Systems.
5l 2 Dimmers and provides:
overlapping submasters, All show data can be stored on an
programmable bump buttons, EEPROM [.4emory cartridge.
Memory Dala Slorage
Status is a portable console featuring
a backlit LCD that displays a command
line, channel levels, patch information,
submaster effect and setuP data.

Record cue allows the operator to store up to 120


Record Submaster enables the operator to save

channel assignments on the submasters.

Assigning a lime to a submaster makes that

submaster an etfect master. with selectable chase

On initial start-up the console deJaults to a one to

one patch,but with the electronic patch feature, any
dimmer or group of dimmers can be assigned to
one control channel.

An optional EEPROM Memory Cartridge serves to

store show data. The operator may "Read" or
"Write" data tofirorn this cartridge at any time during
console operation.

The Cycle feature allows cues to play back

automatically in numerical order, following recorded
fade times.

The Bump Button mode (not shown) is selectable

between channel pile-on, channel solo, submaster
pile on, submaster solo and off modes.

Manual two-scene
operation and more
The Status is designed lor simple
opera'lion but also has the features you
expect to find in sophisticated memory

A flexible operating philosophy lets you

decide the best way to meet your facility
or production needs.
Specif ications
Status 12124 and Status 24148
A. General Description The memory section has lhe lollowing controls: The following leatures are found in boih Status
12124 and Status 24/48 consoles:
--. A group ollour l,"ys Jor ca..'g Jp vaioLs displays on
1. The Statls12124 and Slalus 24148 consoes shaLlbe
microprocessor based lightif g control syslerns specilically lne baakil LCD inc slaoe. (Je. SLbmasrer a_d 5. ln lvultiscene mode conso es can have up to 120
designed and constrLrcted lorthe conlroloitheat caland setJp. - ese di5plays sia ailow lever sen ng, p evjew ng recorded cues.
television dimmlng syslerns. and modilication olshow dala.
6. Split Fade time conlrol.
2. The consoles shallnot require lhe use oi any perphelal 12. A dlmmer to channel electonic paLh.
devlce such as dlsk dive or casselle to lunction. The 7. Backlit LCD lor dlsplayinq channelleves, palch, cue,
operaling program shallbe slored in an lntelfalnon- 13. A Record Cue feaiurc. slrbrnasler, eflect and sel up dala.
volatile read- only memory.
14. A Record Submaster lealure. 8. Live and blind seninq olcues, submaslers and
3. The Stalus 12124 and Slatus 24148 shall noi require ine ellecls.
vollaqe ilpur ro operale w-en used in con,L_cro_ wrrh I're 15. A Tlme butlon 10 assjgn a lade lime lo a cue orsiep
lime lor an etiecl. g. Dualnise and lowerbLrllons to acl as a levelselllng
ENR Seies 24 d nmer rackts) or polable pa(h(s).
4. The Slatus lighting control console shal be a lree 16. An e(panded -LnenL leypad u.eo lo enle"Lneric
standinq table assembly, no largerlhan 4" high,14'deep .nlo narion lo creale channe isls and sal levFls i_ stage. r0. Speciar aflecls package wrlh up lo 24 or dB sleps
and 22.5" lang (12124 channel)or 4" high, 14" deep and cue, and submaster modes. This key pad shallaso wilhindividualslep evels.
30.5" long (24148 channel.) Weighlshall notexceed include "+"(pus),'@" (al)and lhru leatures.
12lbs. (1224 channel) or 17lbs. (24148 chanfel). 11. Cue insert lealure wilh decima key.
17. Dual raise afd lower keys lor settifg levels and
5. O'1 Lne show oara slorage s dll be ac(onplis_eo wilh pao ng lr'odg! TenJS. 0 e set o'keys shall i_cremenl 12. Ability lo lake cues out ol sequence.
revelrdpidly whie lhe orhe selo'leis operale slowly.
an op onal EEPROV l\,4enory canldge. Syslers u iliizing
otl line slorage devices wil- pars sLch a5 disk 13. Ability lo modiiy recorded lade tirnes.
drives shall not be acceplable. 18. A Next Cue key to enable oul ol sequence cue
operalion. 11. CVoS nenol bacl'up. Data shall be reta -ed for a

6. The console shall be finished in a gray and black power mrnim!m olone yearafler power lailure.
coat with white and blue silk screen graphics. 19. A Fade llme key to enable operator lo alter the Jade
lir.e ol a cue. 15. The channe lade6, submasters and bump bullons
7. For eas6 oi serviceabilily, the enllrc fronl panel control shalloperate on a'h ghesl ldtes precede'c" bas.s.
surlace shallhinge !p lrom the consoLe housing. 20. A l chan l porenlrorelers. SLbnasre s. etlecl
marlers ano bJmo bLllons ac ve in two-scene mode shall 16. A cycle leat!re ior aulomatic execulion ol
B. Standard Fealures be operative in mLltiscene mode. sequeflialcues.

The leil hall ol the pane is used io r mafu al level setling C. Operation 17. Seectable between Lee Colodran or DMX-512
and playback. d mmer oulpul proloco.
The Slalus Conso e Serles may be operaled as a simple
The right half olthe panel is used lor memory setling afd manuallwo scene preset console or as a memory 18. Abjllly to slore cue, palch, submaslerand eliect
playback. console. dala on a EEPROM cartridge.

The Slatus liqhlinq conlrolconsole shallprovlde, but not be 1. The Slalus 1224 can be operated as a 12 channellwo 19. D mmers may be unpalched al any lime during
limited to, the iollowing leaturcs: scene preset or a 24 channelmulliscene console. opeGlion.

l. Atwo scene or m!ltiscene select swilch which The Stalus 24148 can be opented as a 24 channeltwo D. Available 0plions
delermines two scene preset opention or memory scene prcset or a 48 channelmultiscene console.
operalion. 1. Power sLpply Kil d602 1041120V)o {602105
2. Slalus 1224 and 24148 can conlrolup to 512 dlmmers (240V).
2. A G and l,lasler to provide a nasler level 'or all via e ectronic patch.
op€ralional i!nclions. 2. EE P RO[,] rnemory cartridg e #601 160.
3. Slalus 1224 has 12 overlapping, pile'on submasters
3. A blackolt swiich. lor channe or eilecl conlroL. 3. Anaog nuhipey d mmer oulpLr lo a so sJpporl
t.SlTT slandard AMX-r92 d602-r0r. Sldus 12,2a
4. An airilow LED indicaljng a oss ol aidlow condilion ln Slatus 24148 has 24 ove apping, pile-on slbmasters lol # 602103, Statls 24148.
the dlmmer rack or packs. channel or eflecl conlro.

4. Slalus 1224 has 12 channelor submasler bump

The manualseclion haslhe tollowing controls: b!llons.

5. Twelve or twenty-iour channels for two-scene presel Slalus 24148 has 24 chan nel or submasler bump bullons
operation and setting levels manually.
Bolh console's bump bunon operalonal mode is
6. Twe ve ortwenly-lour lllly ove applng pie-on seleclable:pile-on. so'o or ol lor (5an-els or subnaslers.
submaslers or etlect maslers.
Cat No. Descriplion
7.Twelve oriweniyjour bump butlons 10r momenlary
602-100 Stalus 1224
conlrolol channels or submastels. 602-101 Stalus 1224 with AMX dimmer protocoi
6A2-102 Status 24148
8. Crossladel lo provide a split dipless lade betweei
602'103 Stalus 24148 with AMX dimmer protocol
Scene 1 and Scene 2. Ordering lnformalion: 602 104 StalusPower Supply Kll, 120V
602 105 StatusPower Supply Klt, 240V
9. Two green LED bar'graph lade prcgress indjcators.
602-106 24148 wilh 120V Power Supply
10. Adiustable iade time up to ggg seconds. 6A21Al SlatuslZ24 wlth 120V Power Supply
601 160 EEPBo[,1 Memory Cartridge
168,660 6 ConirolCable
168-661 25 Contro Cable

l0l5ChestnutSt.,Burbank,CA 91506-9983. (818) 843'1200. FAXi(B1B) 954-8520

i=---- Colortran,lnc. 40 B Commerce way, Totowa, N.J. 07512 . (201)256-7666 ' FAX: (201)256-0889

400 N,4alheson Blvd. Easl, Unil 1, Mississauga, Onlario L4Z 1N8. (416) 890-0935 . FAX: (416) 890 6261
Prinred U.S.A

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