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Comprehensive On-Line Human Design Report

Prepared for



Discover the Person You Were Born to Be!

Congratulations Lee! You have purchased your Personal Human Design Chart Interpretation!

In the text below, you will find sections of information on various components of your Human Design (HD)
chart, including:

Your Three Keys

 Your HD Type (which you may have already read with our free offering )

 Your HD Authority (how you make the right decisions in life, every time)

 Your HD Profile (how you best interact with the world)

And additional information that describes your unique nature

 Your HD Centers

 Your HD Channels

Some of the following information will be entirely new to you, and some of it you will recognize in
yourself. While it is fascinating to recognize aspects of our personality spelled out on a page for us, some
of the greatest value you will receive will be from learning about your Three Keys, which point the way,
telling you how to best utilize your unique combination of qualities to achieve the most fulfillment in life.

Learn more about the REAL you! Something all babies and small children do naturally is: Be Themselves!
When you were first born, you expressed your natural self. But, somewhere along the road, we are
encouraged by well‐meaning parents, educators, advertisements, and even peers to “act properly”, or to
be like someone else. Knowing your Human Design “Type” is the first step in uncovering the real you…..



Your Life Chart ............................................................................................................................................ 4

Your Basic Human Design Keys are ........................................................................................................ 4
Astrological Data used for this analysis .................................................................................................. 4
Your Type, Manifesting Generator ............................................................................................................. 5
Authority, the Second Key in Human Design .............................................................................................. 7
You have: Emotional Authority .............................................................................................................. 8
Profile ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
Your 6/3 Profile .................................................................................................................................... 10
6/3 Profiles communicate and relate best with: .................................................................................. 11
The Nine Centers, an Overview ................................................................................................................ 11
Your Nine Centers ..................................................................................................................................... 12
Your Crown is defined (colored-in) ....................................................................................................... 12
Your Mind is defined (colored-in) ......................................................................................................... 12
Your Throat is defined (colored-in) ...................................................................................................... 13
Your Self is undefined ........................................................................................................................... 13
Your Heart is defined (colored-in) ........................................................................................................ 14
Your Sacral is defined (colored-in)........................................................................................................ 14
Your Spleen Center is defined (colored-in)........................................................................................... 15
Your Emotions Center is defined (colored-in) ...................................................................................... 15
Your Root is defined (colored-in) ......................................................................................................... 16
The 36 Channels ....................................................................................................................................... 16
Logical Mind, Critical Perceptions ........................................................................................................ 17
Keeping Busy, The drive to be active .................................................................................................... 18
Community, Seeking One’s Larger Family ............................................................................................ 18
Preservation, Care-giving and Caretaking: ........................................................................................... 19
Struggle, Stubborn Individuality. .......................................................................................................... 20
In Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................ 21




Type: Manifesting Generator
Authority: Emotional, Feeling Clarity, Patience
Profile: 6/3
Life Theme: The Interpersonal Life Theme of Wishes (1) : Sun in Gate 3


for Lee Collins
born on 22.04.1970 local time 08:18
in Lancaster, USSC U.T. 13:18
080W46' 00", 34N43' 00"



Lee, you have the potential to be a great “mover and shaker” in life when you align your tremendous
sacral energy with a clear, inner, sense of purpose. You may always have a sense of what can be done but
will often find yourself going through the process of wondering if doing something just for the sake of
being active is worthwhile or not. Your capabilities are enormous, yet your way of getting involved in
things and with people can be puzzling until you completely understand your unique nature.

Your Manifesting Generator Design chart has similarities with both a Manifestor Design and a Generator
Design but it has some very different and important characteristics and ways in which you are best able to
interact with the world. Since you are a bit of both, it will be helpful for you to understand a little about a
Manifestor and a Generator Design.

A Manifestor is someone who catalyzes things to happen, whether it be they themselves doing things or
activating others. They cause events to happen. A Generator Design is one that literally generates Life
Force energy but needs to have a gut response before engaging with anyone or anything.

Your Manifesting Generator Design integrates both qualities that, when combined in the right order, can
propel you through all manner of amazing and fulfilling life experiences. Without the knowledge of your
Human Design, you might find yourself exhausting and frustrating yourself by committing to people and
situations that do not bring the level of satisfaction that you are designed to have. You love nothing more
than being “on” – flying full speed toward your goal, but, and this is essential, to achieve true and lasting
satisfaction, you must first listen to your sacral response.

An important thing to know about your Sacral energy is that it has a “on” switch” but no “off” switch,
implying that once you commit your life force energy to someone or something, you have to see it
through. There is no point in trying to quit once you are fully involved because you quickly build up a
momentum that is almost impossible to stop. And if you do manage to stop your commitment, you are
left in a void of inactivity and discomfort without any obvious connection as to what to do next.

The primary thing to understand about your Design is that you have a defined and active Sacral Center
that works through your gut response. This gut response comes either as a noise from your lower belly:
“Uh-huh!” = “Yes!” or “Uh-uh!” = No!” or no noise at all indicating “Not interesting!” Or your gut response
can come as a rising of energy from your lower belly towards someone or something that confronts you.
Alternatively, the whole energy of your lower belly can shut down, indicating a negative gut response, or
no energy for this person or project.

The important thing to realize is that your gut response is just a response; it is not pro-active. It is not
trying to second-guess what is “supposed” to happen, it is acting in pure, energetic response. Once you
have a positive “Yes!” gut response to something life is offering, you can unleash your manifesting energy
upon the world!

The tendency for all Manifesting Generators is that they are always “antsy” and restless, ready to move
into anything at a moment’s notice. You know what the manifesting is all about and you love to be in
motion exercising your manifesting abilities, but first your Sacral Center has to give its “okay!” that


energetically something is appealing to you. As a Manifesting Generator you might often have difficulty
sitting or standing still without a little movement or distraction to keep you occupied.

Your process is a little like changing gears. After the gut response, there is a moment in which you make
the first step changing from response to action, going from Generator response to Manifestor. In that
moment, you are “in the gap” between two distinctly different parts of your nature. In that “gap,” you
experience what can be described as a “moment of truth.” If in that “moment of truth” you have clarity to
proceed, you start to manifest and move through every twist and turn to make things happen as a
Manifestor does.

If, in that “moment of truth” there is hesitation, when you start to take the first steps and the action no
longer appeals to you, you then discover if your Manifestor nature wants to proceed or not. If your
Manifestor nature is not ready to proceed, it is best to sit back again and put the brakes on. In such a case,
the Sacral response has found something appealing but the Manifestor aspect of your nature does not
have the clarity to advance.

Call it inner vision, hunch, intuition, feeling sense or whatever….the “moment of truth” is not a mental
thing, although the mind may later pick up on it. Your response is triggered in your belly. This is something
totally different.

“In the gap,” between responding and becoming fully active, you define your own truth and if that truth
says “Yes,” you instantly become a Manifestor, advancing as a pure Manifestor with the backing of a
“fired up” Sacral and its generated Life Force energy. You might find value in informing everyone of what
you are about to do, as all Manifestors are advised, but you might also find that if someone triggered your
response, that person is just waiting for you, their Manifesting Generator friend, to leap into action!

If you understand your process as described here, you will have found an enormous sense of freedom.
Instead of committing yourself wholesale to everything and anything, you find an inner discrimination
that opens the doorway to fulfilling experiences. When you are fully engaged with some activity, you are
truly a sight to behold, but it is so important that you get your clarity before you get going.

When you allow yourself the patience to find your inner certainty, you are unstoppable and constantly
fulfilled. If you insist on trying to be a Manifestor, without waiting on your gut response, or you insist on
not paying attention to your “moment of truth” process, then your life can become embroiled in
unnecessary chaos and frustration for yourself and others around you. Have you perhaps experienced

This one Key, understanding your Type, can make all the difference between a life of frustration, or one of
true and lasting fulfillment! Let’s look at the strengths and relative limitation of your Design:


• You have the most complex of all Designs and it takes more for you to learn to successfully find
your truth.

• People can take advantage of your seemingly limitless energy.


• Once you set your energy in motion, your dynamic movement can be a dizzying pace for the
others around you. If you expect others to keep up, they may feel threatened, or conversely,

• Current models in society do not support your trusting in an innate “gut response” for clarity
about life decisions.

• Once you complete a project or an activity, you can have a difficult time knowing what to do with
your energy and can feel “antsy”


• You are literally a powerhouse, capable of sustaining energy for activities, potentially long past
anyone else’s fatigue point.

• Once you have your truth and both your sacral and your manifesting energy is engaged, you
catalyze others into action along your way.

• Unlike Generators, once you are in motion, you can easily course-correct.

• You are continually flooded with life force energy which, when you stop and tune into it, is
blissful beyond description.

Remember, just because you can manifest does not mean that it will bring you fulfillment. Just because
someone needs something, or because something needs to get done, it does not automatically mean that
it has your name on it! Listen to your gut response, follow it, and then pay close attention to what
happens when you begin to engage your energy….Do you still have a full, “Yes!”, or has your interest
waned? Just because you said yes to someone or something does not mean you must do it, it only means
you might do it. You won’t know until you are in action. It works really well for you to let the people in
your life know this about you. Once you practice this a bit, you will see how well it works. Watch how your
appropriate interactions ripple into the world around you and everyone with whom you interact. Notice
how fulfilled and satisfied you feel at the end of the day!

We invite you to begin using the Key to your Type. Notice how fulfilled and satisfied you feel at the end of
the day. This one simple Key unlocks the true story of your life…the one you were meant to live!

Also, other people in your life are most likely Generators, Manifestors, Projectors or perhaps even
Reflectors, so it can be very helpful for you to learn about the nature of all five Types. When you read the
charts of your family, friends, and associates to discover their Human Design Types, you begin to truly
understand the significant people in your life and their unique nature!


Authority is an essential key element to both understand and practice in your life. Because it points the
way for you to make good, clear decisions, we can’t emphasize enough how vital it is to begin to use this
Key as you continue in your life’s journey. Countless years, even decades, of unnecessary pain, frustration


or disappointments can be avoided by integrating this simple understanding into the way you make
important decisions.

If this is your first time to be introduced to Human Design, this information on Authority will be entirely
new to you. It can take some time to learn it and practice it, but the rewards are great. Imagine your life
flowing harmoniously, your relationships being deeply fulfilling, and your work bringing you great
pleasure! Once you have some practice with it, you will find that using your Authority works for even the
simplest decisions.


As you read further, you will learn more about being clear and making personally empowering choices
through your “Authority”. Your Authority is, of the Three Keys, perhaps the most important one to

Authority in Human Design is about decision-making, and we all know how important it is to make the
right decisions in life! Years of pain and disappointment can be easily avoided simply by making the right
decisions the first time. But, by making others and their opinions for us the “authority” in our lives, most
of us have lost the natural in-built ability to attune to our own truth.

By the term, “truth”, we mean, that part of us that knows what is right for us in any given situation. We
each have a natural way to access our truth; in Human Design, we call that your Authority…..


Your Authority is the most complex of all; Emotional Authority. Making clear decisions only happens when
you are in tune with the awareness of your feelings, yet unattached to the outcome of a desired result.
Emotions can be a powerful force, whether you are riding pleasure currents, flying high into states of joy,
excitement, or feeling down, sad, even miserable. It can seem that emotions “happen to you”; that you
are somehow subject to your emotions, and often we humans try to squeeze the last bit of juice out of
pleasure currents, while avoiding altogether the low ebbs of feelings.

Countless hours, days, months and years of practice with this has taught us much that we distill here for
you: Being attached to holding onto any particular feeling state, whether wishing to nurse an old grudge,
continually pulsing out negative feelings of resentment, or desiring to prolong ecstatic states of pleasure,
will only result in frustration.

Our powerful Emotional systems are meant to be in motion. Dive in! Allow yourself to feel all of it; watch
the currents of feelings change, but resist the temptation of making decisions from a “stance” of, either
avoiding undesired emotions, or desiring to prolong pleasurable ones. Instead, find your Emotional
Clarity. This can take time; be patient. Important life decisions may come quickly, but they may also take
days, or longer, even months. The important thing is to know when you have arrived at feeling clarity: You
will feel an unwavering clear, calm, centered feeling, and be deeply connected to your decision, without a
sense of attachment to an outcome; you are simply following and trusting your own truth!


With your Manifesting Generator Design, you are here to be active and involved with people who feel like
family, people you can comfortably share a meal or feel comfortable enough to hug. While you are
moving in your life getting things done, it is important for you to remember to pay attention to your
feelings. Your own feelings ultimately run everything in your life, as your Authority is your Emotions

Emotions move through you in wave patterns, whether you are always aware of them or not. Down and
up they go, coloring your perceptions moment to moment. When you are up in the wave, life may seem
absolutely incredible! When you are down in the wave, life may seem quite the reverse. When you are
clear about your feelings you are able to make good decisions for yourself. Your clarity comes through
patiently waiting through all aspects of your feelings with watchfulness. Allow yourself to watch how your
feelings move while everything around you stays the same. When you find your feeling clarity, you will
find a calm feeling of serenity and comfort that runs within you. It is a feeling that is not attached to
expectations but which is full of acceptance, unattached to any outcome.

Your emotional clarity can be integrated with your active and busy side, your Manifesting Generator side.
Any given instant, someone or something can come into your life and trigger your gut response. Your gut
response can be experienced as a rise in energy, beginning from the area near your belly, indicating
someone or something is interesting to you. This response is your gauge as to whether to start something
new, or not to act. A rise in energy is a “Yes”, whereas a sinking in energy, or a lack of a gut response,
indicates a “No”.

If you start to move on something that your gut response indicated was interesting for you, check
whether the motion feels right for you. If it feels clear, then proceed. If it feels right to you, then you have
a green light and you can put the accelerator to the floor. If it doesn’t feel right, then you can back off,
and wait for something else to trigger your response. Your next response then signals the process again,
your final guide being your feelings toward something. You know the difference between getting involved
in something that feels right and brings fulfillment, and something that doesn’t.

You are designed to get things done, willing your way through life, often as part of a team of people who
have a familiarity with you and that you want to include in your life. That “family feel” is not only
something that you need from others, but also something you offer to others who might feel isolated or
lonely. You are tactile in nature. Shaking hands, hugging and touching is one of the ways you find your
own stability in the world.

You have a strong willpower and it is important you honor your heart, as it gives you a power that can
“move mountains.” Such incredible displays of energy require periods of rest afterwards to recuperate
and recharge.

By now, you may have noticed your abundance of energy and all the possibilities for its application.
Trusting your feelings and your own Manifesting Generator way is guaranteed to lead you into fulfilling
experiences with fulfilling people.



Your Third Key, after Type and Authority, is what is called the Profile. In Human Design there are 12 of
these Profiles and each of us has one of them for our whole lifetime.

Your Profile can be described as a pair of frequencies that you put out to the world energetically: one is
conscious and intentional, and the other is latent, predetermined and unconscious.

Your Profile determines your perspective in life, how you go about things, how you relate with others and
how the world relates with you. In addition to knowing yourself better, understanding the Profiles of
others in your life will help you navigate your relationships with much greater ease and fun!


Your 6/3 Profile is one of the rarer Profiles, and you know you have hardly ever met anyone quite like
yourself! From the day you were born, you have devoted yourself to expanding the envelope and pushing
the boundaries of whatever life has given you. You have an inbuilt means of challenging anything and
everything that comes before you, testing its authenticity and limits.

There is a good chance that you are a serial risk-taker. You might not always be aware of this tendency,
but I can guarantee there are a number of close squeaks in your past, where you have barely got away
with whatever you were doing.

Having burned through a plethora of challenging experiences, life can start to become boring for you at
around age 18, but if you still have the zest for it, you will go on challenging life and trying everything that
confronts you, at least until age 30, at which time you may slow down for some reflection or integration
of everything you have experienced.

You have a wisdom that is beyond your years but you can also carry a foolishness that convinces you to
struggle with the inevitable…..just because! When you find yourself off balance or fighting with
meaningless shadows, it is essential that you ground yourself in your present reality, and commit once
again to your life.

Your gifts of authority and the benefit of your often hard-won wisdom culled from the experiences you
accumulate at speed are much needed qualities in the world. You are probably aware of how much
people would like you to commit to them, and yet you are also aware that you are not so keen on
commitments that limit your sense of freedom in any way. Those who involve themselves with you need
to appreciate not only your gifts, but also your great need for openness and freedom in your partnership
with them. In one way or another, they always have to leave an escape route or an extra measure of
space open for you.

It is essential for you to comprehend your Type and Authority to determine who and what fits within your
world at any time, and to know just how much you are prepared to give of your very distinctive and wise



Other 6/3’s and 3/6’s. Also with those having 1/3, 3/5, 4/6 and 6/2 Profiles.

Some people who are born with a 6/3 profile include: Amelia Earhart, Kevin Costner, Matt Damon, Jules
Verne, Saddam Hussein and Warren Beatty.

You now have your Three Keys of your Human Design Life Chart, your Type, Authority and Profile, by
which you can ascertain and move through almost any aspect of your life with confidence and clarity.

Your Type reveals your innate nature, the gifts you bring to the world, as well as your vulnerabilities.

Your Authority gives you a clear way to access your truth and make good life decisions.

Your Profile explains your stance in life, your perspective, or how you see things, and how you relate with

It may take a little time for this information to resonate within you and become integrated…. you may
relate to some of the information immediately, and some of it over time. What we have found through
countless hours of giving personal and relationship readings and teaching Human Design over nearly two
decades is:

If you actually work with your Three Keys by understanding and accepting your Type, making important
life-decisions only according to your Authority, and knowing yours and other’s Profile, which involves
making room for you to have your perspective in life, while others may have a very different one, your life
will become easier over time. You will attract the right circumstances, opportunities and people into your
life, you will make only good choices that lead to fulfilling outcomes, and your relationships will be
imbued with harmony.

Next, you will learn more about yourself by discovering the Nine Centers, and how each of them works in
your own Life Chart.


In your Human Design Life Chart there are nine Centers, and they are either triangular or square in shape.
In the vast majority of charts, some of the Centers are colored in and some are white. The Centers
represent vortices of energy within you that regulate various functions, and at the same time relate to
various organs and glands within your body. For instance, there is a mental Center, a Self Center, Heart
Center, Expression Center, etc.

Your nine Centers, are either defined, or “turned on,” (colored in color), or undefined and “latent,”
(colored white). The implication of a Center being colored in, or defined, is that the function represented


by your Defined Center is “turned on”, running, consistent, and reliable for you throughout your lifetime.
It’s what you can count on.

There are no “good” charts and no “bad” charts, so having a Center defined or undefined is neither
positive nor negative. What is important for you is recognizing which Centers in your chart are defined,
and therefore running continuously, and which Centers are undefined, meaning that you have sporadic
access to the function of that Center on your own behalf, but also can be the source of wisdom for others
in your life who do have that Center Defined.

Reading through your Centers one by one, you will begin to get the picture of what is consistent for you in
your life and what is always fluctuating and having the potential to be overly influenced or “conditioned”
by others.

Even though we might all be very different in how we live our lives, each of us has common ground
through these nine Centers as we use them in our own particular ways. According to your Life Chart and
the Designs of those people around you, the Centers communicate with each other and move energy to
where it is needed for you to experience and fulfill your life.



You are always thinking! On and on and on goes your mind! Whether it is processing anything relevant or
irrelevant to your life, your Crown does not really care, its job is to keep on processing all sorts of
inspirations, framing them into possible mental patterns or insights.

It is up to you to decide if you are going to be in charge of your mind or if your mind is going to run your
life for you. With your defined Crown comes the pressure to understand, to make sense of life, or to have
flashes of insight that you somehow make relevant. It is one thing to be thinking great thoughts, it is quite
another to render them into a constructive flow in your life and relationships. You do this by using your
mind in the way it is intended, and living according to your Design by honoring your Type and following
your Authority.


You will have realized that your mind is always thinking, and you might appreciate that it is always
thinking in a particular, set and consistent way. You must choose to decide how important any particular
stream of thought is for you and just how much mental energy you are prepared to give to it. This is called
mental discipline. The mind is a wonderful tool, but its value can be overindulged as though thoughts
were the only way of perceiving life.

Can you distance yourself from your Mind and become more objective about your thinking process?
Doing so is the first step towards meditation and calm in your life, just by watching your thoughts


It is not that there is anything inherently wrong with thinking, but there are many ways in which we come
to appreciate life, and thinking provides just one way! Regardless of what your schooling or parents
taught you, the Mind was not meant to lead your life. Only your innate wisdom, your soul, is capable of
making important life decisions. Any time you make a decision using only your mind, you open yourself to
regret. Because your thoughts shift constantly, and there is rarely lasting satisfaction through entrusting
your life to your thoughts alone, learn to avoid making purely mental decisions. Following your Authority
will always lead you to the right experiences, relationships, and choices in life.


Never at a loss for words, you have consistently reliable access to the medium of speech, whether it is you
talking, or facilitating for others to speak. Since you have the means to facilitate speech for people, be
careful that they are actually talking with you rather than “at” you. Be clear that their interaction with you
is conversational and not just a monologue of their thoughts, fears and complaints about their life. Your
defined Throat Center facilitates for others to be able to release built up energy through contact with you
and your defined Throat, but that does no imply you have to stand and listen to everything they say!

While facilitating others’ speech can be a great gift, guiding when, and how, the speech is expressed is an
important part of your responsibility. Engaging in conversation can be a wonderful pastime, but it is
important to appreciate that something said can be quite different than something done. Just because
you say something does not imply that you have to do it too! Check your Type and Authority to appreciate
if, when, and how to engage yourself appropriately with people and activities at any time.


You will come to see that you are all things to all people. Others make of you, at any moment in time,
whatever they want to make of you. You are here to walk many paths and try many roles in life. Life for
you can be a kaleidoscope of possibilities!

When you need to find direction or a consistency in how you live your life, you will draw it from those
around you who have their Self Center defined, who energetically suggest all sorts of possible identities or
directions in life. With this potential, it is especially important for you to trust your own Authority,
particularly in knowing who to get your bearings from and when. It can be said that if you keep company
with people who empower you, you will always find a fulfilling life purpose. If you choose to follow the
ways of people who are disempowering to you, you will inevitably take paths that leave you unfulfilled.

Establishing boundaries for people and situations in your life is always going to be an issue. Just because
someone appears self-assured to you, does not mean they are pointing a way in life that has any real
meaning for you. Be aware of your Type and Authority in deciding who to follow.

Britney Spears, Woody Allen and Angelina Jolie, for example, all have an undefined Self Center.



You have access to a tremendous power that can accomplish tasks very efficiently. You can complete
something in five minutes that might take someone with an undefined Heart fifty minutes. Such apparent
inefficiency in others can irk you in ways that make you want to take on every task and do it yourself. You
can complete tasks one after the other, charging through life while everyone else languishes, and holds
back to let you through, while you carry their loads too!

One of the greatest requirements of a defined Heart is rest. Chill. Have a cup of tea. Put your feet up. Take
a break! Accomplishment is never the question because you truly can move mountains. Having the sense
to sit down and rest your heart is another matter. If every other kind of reasoning fails, consider it an act
of politeness in letting everyone else catch up with you!

Remember the Heart is all about our wants, or wishes. In your heart of hearts, what do you really wish
for? Even if you can’t anticipate things “for the greater good,” be clear about what holds intrinsic value for
you! Be intentional. A definded heart can be a bit like an untrained and unbridled horse…it wants what it
wants! Remember to follow your Type and Authority in deciding to whom and to what to commit your
heart’s energy.

Al Gore, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Queen Elizabeth 1st and Paris Hilton for example, each have a defined
Heart Center.


You have access to a continuous stream of Life Force energy that gives you enormous staying power in
any endeavor to which you commit yourself. You will find that others have trouble keeping up with your
levels of endurance in a way that could make you feel obliged to take on their tasks as well as your own.

Sex energy, sourced from the Sacral Center, is the driving force for life, yet the fact that you have the
Sacral defined does not mean that you are naturally driven by sex. It does mean, however, that you can
have a sustained and satisfying sex life if you learn when and how to commit your Sacral energy,
according to your own nature. This, as in all things you do, involves paying attention to your Sacral, gut

You will, at times, find yourself chronically overburdened and depleted. You can ask yourself what it was
you did to deserve this? The answer is quite simple: you keep on committing to anyone and anything
indiscriminately, finding rational reasons for overloading yourself. Certainly there are plenty of things that
need to get done in life, but it is essential that you commit to people and endeavors that resonate with
you, and not just because they are on some list of “things to do.”

You have the energy to “carry” many people and projects throughout life, and this ability is wonderful.
But it is vital for you to realize that sometimes it is good, even essential, for people to be able to “carry”
themselves. Projects can be outsourced to others with capabilities and time on their hands.

Angelina Jolie, Justin Timberlake and Meryl Streep, for example, each have a defined Sacral.



You are Designed to be “on your toes” in this lifetime. You have a spontaneous sensibility that is scanning
your environment moment by moment for any sense of threat.

You can carry a sense of wellbeing into the world around you and can literally “light up” any room that
you walk into. Of course, your challenge is to consistently walk into “right rooms.” This means that you
pay attention to your senses, moment by moment, with the quickness to disengage from any
environment that your senses tell you is unhealthy for you. Of course, there is a difference between
gauging health and being a hypochondriac!

You have the means to bring freshness and wellbeing into any environment, but need to be aware that
just because you make others feel good, it is not necessarily your job to do so all the time. Overloading
your Spleen Center leads to your own unhealthiness, and when you get sick you tend to become very sick.
This is because you have filled your immune system to capacity, by ignoring all the signals it was trying to
give you to stop and clear accumulating unhealthiness. Extended colds, slow-healing sores and extensive
allergies might indicate a Spleen Center that is completely clogged.

A defined Spleen can have the need to be triggered to defend itself whenever you get sick so that your
body’s immune system starts reasserting itself to do its job of maintaining health. Consequently allopathic
or strong medicines might be your first choice when you get ill.

Zac Efron, Jessica Biel, Prince William and Taylor Swift, for example, each have a defined Spleen.


You are here to live out a full spectrum of feelings; to fly high and dive deep. Sometimes your head can be
through the clouds, and at other times your nose could be firmly pressed into the mud of life. Your lesson
in all of these life experiences: do not get attached to any particular feeling, because it is going to change!
Enjoy it for what it is, and move on. Getting identified with a feeling is like playing a cracked 60’s-era, vinyl
recording that keeps jumping back onto the same track… or playing the same video clip over and over.

Keep on moving through all the highs and lows of your life experiences without expectations of how
things are “supposed” to turn out. Emotions are not necessarily reasonable at all. Setting destinations and
goals for yourself with an expectation of how you are going to feel when you get there will leave you
constantly disappointed. Enjoy the highs, acknowledge the lows, for they are all a part of your life
experiences. Your life is a journey, and when you follow your feelings, you have the chance to find
fulfillment by living through all your feelings and accepting them as an expansive experience of life.

Through defined Emotions, you are called on more and more to be responsible for the expression of your
own moods and feelings and to be aware of how your feelings affect everyone in the world around you.
As both a center of Motivation and one of three Awareness Centers in Human Design, Emotions are a
powerful driving force that must come to a point of clarity and awareness before being expressed or
acted upon. Emotions are also your Authority for making life-decisions, and you can only make good
decisions from a place of emotional equilibrium.


For men to admit that they experience their feelings has generally been more difficult than for women,
but yes, men particularly, must take responsibility for their moods and feelings so humanity can be done
with uncontrolled rage, fighting, feuds, war and strife and all the energy that goes into destruction, and
poorly used militarism.

Women too, must learn to contain and responsibly express their feelings of exaltations and
disappointments, following the waves of feelings through their ups and downs.

Clarity comes for you when you reach a centered place from which you express to the world only the
feelings that really merit expression.

Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp and Gisele Bundchen, for example, have defined Emotions.


You have the means to be able to handle, withstand and even create extraordinary pressures in life that
call you, and others to perform. All imposed or presumed “deadlines” are triggered in the Root Center,
and you have to gauge whether any particular goal or cut-off date is essential.

Recognize that the Root Center delivers raw power that urges you to act. In historic times, being
confronted by a wild animal would have given you a sufficient “adrenaline rush” to act, but in more
modern times where you are confronted by traffic, competition, business requirements, family pressures,
security issues and other attributes of modern life, the relative urgency of any situation can be hard to

Know that in its normal state, your Root is calm and joyous, in other words, meditative and celebrative. If
you can see that these attributes are part and parcel of your wellbeing, you will recognize the relative
importance of what you are meant to commit to, and what to avoid.

Riding the storms of life, with the wind in your face, and a confident glow in your being is part of your
nature. When you can calmly smile to yourself in the middle of chaos, you have found your stillness and
potential for joy.

Steve Jobs of Apple Computer, Gisele Bundchen and Barack Obama each have a defined Root.


The 9 Centers in your Human Design Life Chart are interlinked by 36 Channels. While every Chart
contains 36 Channels, typically each person’s Life Chart has only a few of them “Defined”, or colored in,
meaning that these Channels are permanent aspects of your nature. Learning the meaning of each of your
Defined Channels gives you a clear picture of what makes you uniquely different in the world.

The very nature of a Defined Channel implies that the two Centers on either end of the Channel will also
be Defined, which is why you will see those Centers colored in. Your Defined Channels (and therefore,
Defined Centers), determine how you consistently experience your life. If you read your Defined Channels
to someone who knows you well, they will most likely say, “Yes! That is you, through and through!”


You may wonder about the significance of the remainder of the Centers or Channels that are not Defined
in your chart? Undefined Channels and undefined Centers operate inconsistently throughout your
lifetime, in that they turn on and off depending on the influences from outside, either through interacting
with the Designs of others or through the continuous movements of the planets. You have access to
them, but only inconsistently.

We are always amused when, inevitably someone in one of our Experiential Seminars thinks there may be
something wrong with their Design when they see that they only have two, three, or perhaps four Centers
colored in, while others in the room appear to have their whole Chart lit up. This does not imply that you
are somehow lacking in any way. Whether your Life Chart is full of color or only has a little color, it simply
describes you perfectly!

Read on for a description of each of your Defined Channels….


Your 4 - 63, gives you the gift of critical perception

that, at a glance, can register anything and
everything that appears to be out of place.

Your Logical Mind connects between your Crown

Center, where you take in inspiration in the form
of doubts, and your Mind Center, where you get
to process your thoughts, to find potential
solutions to whatever arrived in your head. A
Logical Mind looks into the future and questions
established ideas and knowledge to check their
substance and accuracy.

You have a mental process that not only doubts

what it sees, but also comes with a solution
mechanism that will fix it. Without saying that
there is anything wrong with your solution mechanism, it is worth appreciating that mental solutions are
mostly temporary fixes at best, and are not going to give you a longer term satisfaction.

Science is always reinventing itself, and what passes for a complete comprehension at one time, is quickly
overthrown when new data becomes available, and so it is with your Logical Mind. You might like to think
that you have resolved something only to find that your mind is already busy trying to second guess what
appeared to be a perfectly good solution.

With your critical perception, at a hundred paces, you can tell if a picture hanging on the wall is the
slightest bit crooked. Please remember, it doesn’t matter how much that might irk you, it is not
necessarily your job to go straighten it out, especially if it is someone else’s picture! Please check in with
your Type and Authority to know whether it is appropriate for you to make corrections, or leave it alone!


Your Logical Mind is impersonal. It is always weighing up your environment and what appears to be
happening within it. If, for example, you see your romantic partner’s hair is all messed up, it is not
necessarily going to please them if you say that they are looking “messed up.” A more appropriate or
tactful way of bringing their attention to their appearance might be to say something like : “You might
want to do something about your hair.” In this way, your critical perception has opened the possibility to
set things to rights without bringing any personal offence.


Your Channel of Keeping Busy, (20-34), is actually a

Manifesting Generator Channel in itself, and
operates in a different way than a purely
manifesting Channel.

As a Manifesting Generator, you have your own

particular process of paying attention to your gut
response, and it bears repeating. Once your gut
response is indicating your interest in something
that has been offered, you then have the
additional process of finding your personal
“moment of truth” as you test out the action by
getting involved. Once in motion, it may no longer
hold your interest; if it does, great, go for it, but if
not, stop. This is so important for you to
appreciate, otherwise you can find yourself constantly “being busy for busy’s sake,” and rarely finding
personal satisfaction, or appreciation in what you do.

Your Keeping Busy channel connects between the Life Force Energy, Sacral Center, and the Manifesting,
Throat Center. You have direct access for setting life force into motion. You might hear yourself always
implying “I am busy now!” Just make sure you are busy in something you are clear to be involved in!
Otherwise, you can be sure that everyone else will engage you to deal with everything they don’t feel like
doing themselves, and you will end up in a spin of activity that eventually leaves you spent and

Without employing your clear response mechanism, your Keeping Busy is personified exhaustion and
frustration, amazing in the potential scope of your accomplishments, but frustrated in your fleeting
personal sense of achievement. When you employ your Type and Authority with clarity, you can be one of
the most dynamic, accomplished and fulfilled people on the planet.



Your 37-40, through it sense of inclusion, gives you access to everyone around you so that you can select
those people you truly value as family or
Community. Your Emotions Center, which is your
solar plexus and the source of your feelings,
connects directly to your Heart Center which is
willfulness. You are continuously feeling your way
through life, establishing who you like to have
around you, sometimes opening up to include
everyone in the world in a sense of universal
brotherhood, and sometimes restricting your
family to unique individuals with whom you hold a
special, unseen bond.

You are sensitive to touch, whether that be

through running your hands over materials,
shaking or holding hands, giving hugs or in
particular, relishing the textures and substance of
good food or drink. It is not to say that you are necessarily a gourmand, but you are someone who is
particular in the company you share your mealtimes with. Being at a table of good food and drink in good
company can be akin to a spiritual experience for you sometimes.

If you are going to have people around you, you prefer that they are like family to you, where there is a
deep common familiarity. When you make a deal with someone, you are happiest if it is a handshake deal
rather than a paper contract, because you prefer a level of trust that you consider essential to the happy
growth of your Community. If someone breaks their agreement with you, they are finished, the trust is
broken and that is that.

Paying attention to your own Type and Authority (Emotions), you will always come to feel who fits closely
in your world, and those people who are open to giving and receiving unquestionable heartfelt support in


Your Generator Channel, 27 - 50, provides the

fundamental connection between your Sacral, Life
Force energy and your Splenic, Immune system
that constantly monitors health and well-being in
yourself and in the world around you.

Preservation is constantly balancing between care-

giving and care-taking, and although both
expressions have tended to take on the same
meaning in English, it is important that you
distinguish between their differences. Both are
natural to you, but care-giving implies that you


reach out to nurture others, and care-taking implies the need for you to look out for yourself!

The tendency for everyone with Preservation as a part of their Life Chart, is that they give all their life
force energy to take care of everyone else’s needs, almost completely forgetting about their own, and
ending up in a heap of frustrated exhaustion. Be warned if this happens to you, because there is no need
for this state of affairs; you may have forgotten something that is essential to your nature and simply
involves regaining your care-giving/care-taking balance!

How do you regain your balance? Pay attention to your own perfect Type (gut response) and Authority.
When you are clear to give, then give. When you are clear not to give, don’t! When you are clear to rest,
rest and allow your own self to be nurtured.

You will be pleasantly surprised sometimes that the world will not come to an end if you allow other
people to take responsibility for their own lives, especially when you are clear in yourself that it is not for
you to do. If you have people in your life who are accustomed to coming to you for anything and
everything, perhaps unwittingly taking advantage of your caring nature, you will need to inform them of
your “new rules”.


Your 28-38 gives you the means and the right to

your individual journey through life that is quite
beyond any form of “reasonable” comparison. At
times you might find yourself being as ornery and
unreasonable as a mule, and at other times you
will see yourself graciously empowering everyone
and everything around you. It can be very difficult
for others to relate to your ways, because you are
an individual who is bound to be doing your own

You have the drive and pressure of the Root

Center empowering your Splenic, (Immune
system), challenging the foundational qualities of
life. You can be passionately interested to know if
life has any real substance and meaning, and if
not, why not? Where you find situations that do not match your level of integrity, you are often driven to
confront them.

If you cannot resolve the issues you are confronting yourself, you will make them everyone else’s issues,
until your demands are heard, and your standards are satisfied in some way. Before that happens, you
can be totally deaf to other people’s “reasonable” entreaties.

Ultimately, you are championing human rights and the means by which everyone gets a “fair deal” in life.
Along the way you can find yourself taking on all sorts of challenges, often ones that have nothing to do


with you at all. Be watchful that you direct your energies and intentions towards those matters that really
concern you. You will know which these are by paying attention to your Type and Authority.

When you are aligned in your own truth, you are a sight to behold in how noble and empowering you can
be in yourself, and to the world around you.


This concludes your Comprehensive On-Line Human Design Reading. We realize you have much new
information about yourself and that it is a lot of new information to take in all at once. Over time, as you
practice using your Three Keys, it will come more naturally to integrate knowledge of your Human Design
into how you live your daily life.

We created this program because it is our vision to make Human Design accessible to everyone. This is
life-changing information! Once you live for a time according to your Design, and using your Three Keys,
your life’s experience will begin to transform, and you will no longer find yourself in unwanted situations
or relationships that truly do not serve your highest good. Living according to your Design, you are freed
to create the life you have always dreamed of living. When you were born into this world, you were given
a gift, the gift of life and the opportunity to explore living on your own terms.

It is our great pleasure to share this profound and timely knowledge with you. You are invited to join in
the conversation; stay in touch with us and with our Human Design community. Chetan’s ground-breaking
book, “Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be” is a must read! With humor and depth,
it leads you, by the hand, through the riches of Human Design; for both yourself and others in your life!
You may wish to take an Experiential Seminar, or to study Human Design with us, so that you can apply
more of this knowledge in your own life and in your relationships, or even to become a professional
Human Design Consultant. Having a personal reading with Chetan, in person, or via phone or skype, will
shed much more light on the multiple intricacies of your Human Design; this is a once in a lifetime
experience to fully come to know yourself, discover what makes your life really work, and find how to
create a life you can be in love with!

Visit us on-line often to delve further into the riches of Human Design, and to take advantage of our new
product offerings at our low introductory rates. The staff at Human Design For Us All wishes to convey
heart-felt thanks for your support. It is our life-long dream to be able to bring this knowledge to you.

Be in love.


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