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Ring Documentation, Release 1.

12.4 Samples

You can add new samples to this folder

12.5 Applications

You can add new applications to this folder

12.6 Editors Support

You can help in supporting Ring in different code editors

Check the next folder

12.7 Libraries in Ring

You can update and add libraries to this folder

12.8 Extensions in C/C++

You can add and update extensions in this folder

12.9 Compiler and Virtual Machine (VM)

• Source Code (C Language) :

• Visual Source (PWCT) :

12.10 Ideas and suggestions

You can share your ideas, suggestions and questions in this group!forum/ring-lang

12.4. Samples 152




13.1 Hello World

The next program prints the Hello World message on the screen (std-out).
see "Hello World"

13.2 Run the program

to run the program, save the code in a file, for example : hello.ring then from the command line or terminal, run it
using Ring
ring hello.ring

13.3 Create Executable File

Using Ring2EXE we can create executable file for our application

ring2exe hello.ring -static

13.4 Not Case-Sensitive

Since the Ring language is not case-sensitive, the same program can be written in different styles

Tip: It’s better to select one style and use it in all of the program source code

SEE "Hello World"

See "Hello World"

13.5 Multi-Line literals

Using Ring we can write multi-line literal, see the next example

Ring Documentation, Release 1.7

See "
Welcome to the Ring programming language
How are you?


Also you can use the nl variable to insert new line and you can use the + operator to concatenate strings
As we have NL for new lines, we have Tab and CR (Carriage return) too!

Note: nl value means a new line and the actual codes that represent a newline is different between operating systems

See "Hello" + nl + "Welcome to the Ring programming language" +

nl + "How are you?"

13.6 Getting Input

You can get the input from the user using the give command
See "What is your name? "
Give cName
See "Hello " + cName

13.7 No Explicit End For Statements

You don’t need to use ‘;’ or press ENTER to separate statements. The previous program can be written in one line.
See "What is your name? " give cName see "Hello " + cName

13.8 Using ? to print expression then new line

It’s common to print new line after printing an expression, We can use the ? operator to do that!
? "Hello, World!"
for x = 1 to 10
? x

Hello, World!

13.6. Getting Input 154

Ring Documentation, Release 1.7


13.9 Writing Comments

We can write one line comments and multi-line comments

The comment starts with # or //
Multi-lines comments are written between /* and */
Program Name : My first program using Ring
Date : 2016.09.09
Author : Mahmoud Fayed

See "What is your name? " # print message on screen

give cName # get input from the user
see "Hello " + cName # say hello!

// See "Bye!"

Note: Using // to comment a lines of code is just a code style.

13.9. Writing Comments 155




14.1 Hello World

The next program prints the Hello World message on the screen (std-out).
put "Hello World"

14.2 Run the program

to run the program, save the code in a file, for example : hello.ring then from the command line or terminal, run it
using Ring
ring hello.ring

14.3 Create Executable File

Using Ring2EXE we can create executable file for our application

ring2exe hello.ring -static

14.4 Not Case-Sensitive

Since the Ring language is not case-sensitive, the same program can be written in different styles

Tip: It’s better to select one style and use it in all of the program source code

PUT "Hello World"

Put "Hello World"

14.5 Multi-Line literals

Using Ring we can write multi-line literal, see the next example

Ring Documentation, Release 1.7

Put "
Welcome to the Ring programming language
How are you?


Also you can use the nl variable to insert new line and you can use the + operator to concatenate strings
As we have NL for new lines, we have Tab and CR (Carriage return) too!

Note: nl value means a new line and the actual codes that represent a newline is different between operating systems

Put "Hello" + nl + "Welcome to the Ring programming language" +

nl + "How are you?"

14.6 Getting Input

You can get the input from the user using the get command
Put "What is your name? "
Get cName
Put "Hello " + cName

14.7 No Explicit End For Statements

You don’t need to use ‘;’ or press ENTER to separate statements. The previous program can be written in one line.
Put "What is your name? " get cName put "Hello " + cName

14.8 Writing Comments

We can write one line comments and multi-line comments

The comment starts with # or //
Multi-lines comments are written between /* and */
Program Name : My first program using Ring
Date : 2016.09.09
Author : Mahmoud Fayed

Put "What is your name? " # print message on screen

get cName # get input from the user
put "Hello " + cName # say hello!

// Put "Bye!"

Note: Using // to comment a lines of code is just a code style.

14.6. Getting Input 157




15.1 Hello World

The next program prints the Hello World message on the screen (std-out).
load "stdlib.ring"

print("Hello World")

15.2 Run the program

to run the program, save the code in a file, for example : hello.ring then from the command line or terminal, run it
using Ring
ring hello.ring

15.3 Create Executable File

Using Ring2EXE we can create executable file for our application

ring2exe hello.ring -static

The -static option will avoid the need to ring.dll||ring.dylib

But since the stdlib.ring load libraries like (LibCurl, OpenSSL, MySQL, etc)
You will need these libraries!
To avoid the need to these libraries (If you don’t need stdlib classes)
Use stdlibcore.ring instead of stdlib.ring as in the next example
load "stdlibcore.ring"

print("Hello World")

Using stdlibcore.ring You can access the stdlib functions but not the stdlib classes.
if you want to use stdlib.ring and distribute your application
ring2exe hello.ring -dist -allruntime -noqt -noallegro

Ring Documentation, Release 1.7

15.4 Not Case-Sensitive

Since the Ring language is not case-sensitive, the same program can be written in different styles

Tip: It’s better to select one style and use it in all of the program source code

LOAD "stdlib.ring"
PRINT("Hello World")

Load "stdlib.ring"
Print("Hello World")

15.5 Multi-Line literals

Using Ring we can write multi-line literal, see the next example
Load "stdlib.ring"
Welcome to the Ring programming language
How are you?


Also you can use the \n to insert new line and you can use #{variable_name} to insert variables values.
Load "stdlib.ring"
Print( "Hello\nWelcome to the Ring programming language\nHow are you?")

15.6 Getting Input

You can get the input from the user using the getstring() function
Load "stdlib.ring"
Print("What is your name? ")
cName = GetString()
Print("Hello #{cName}")

15.7 No Explicit End For Statements

You don’t need to use ‘;’ or press ENTER to separate statements. The previous program can be written in one line.
Load "stdlib.ring"
Print("What is your name? ") cName=getstring() print("Hello #{cName}")

15.8 Writing Comments

We can write one line comments and multi-line comments

15.4. Not Case-Sensitive 159

Ring Documentation, Release 1.7

The comment starts with # or //

Multi-lines comments are written between /* and */
Program Name : My first program using Ring
Date : 2016.09.09
Author : Mahmoud Fayed

Load "stdlib.ring"

Print("What is your name? ") # print message on screen

cName=GetString() # get input from the user
print("Hello #{cName}") # say hello!

// print("Bye!")

Note: Using // to comment a lines of code is just a code style.

15.8. Writing Comments 160




In this chapter we will learn about using Ring Notepad to write and execute Ring programs quickly
Ring Notepad is just a simple application developed using the Ring language.

16.1 Ring Notepad - Main Window

When we run the Ring Notepad we get the next dockable windows
• Project Files Window : where we can select and open any ring file (*.ring) quickly.
• Source Code Window : Where we write the source code.
• Form Designer Window : The Form Designer to create GUI application forms.
• Web Browser Window : Where we read the documentation or quickly open any website.
• Output Window : Output when we run programs that print to the standard output
• Function Window : List of functions in the current source file
• Classes Window : List of classes in the current source file


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