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Job Title Ref

By Date31-May-16 Chd

Client File Date/Time 25-Jun-2019 10:32


Beam End Force Summary

The signs of the forces at end B of each beam have been reversed. For example: this means that the Min Fx entry gives the largest
tension value for an beam.
Axial Shear Torsion Bending
Beam Node L/C Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kNm)
Max Fx 618 364 121:D+L+(T-30) 11.8E+3 262.976 -442.712 6.240 -5.768 9.990
Min Fx 4329 828 172:0.6XD+(-X-Z) 1.72E+3 102.801 -53.635 14.566 -15.650 313.337
Max Fy 618 61 120:D+L+(T+30) 9.17E+3 351.363 103.742 -27.696 -563.655 1.95E+3
Min Fy 615 59 120:D+L+(T+30) 6.13E+3 -129.987 153.924 -0.000 -874.287 -738.328
Max Fz 615 59 120:D+L+(T+30) 6.13E+3 -129.987 153.924 -0.000 -874.287 -738.328
Min Fz 4326 832 120:D+L+(T+30) 6.47E+3 -79.823 -999.365 -22.679 1.84E+3 -68.616
Max Mx 4329 828 121:D+L+(T-30) 5.38E+3 181.900 -100.434 45.660 1.079 542.361
Min Mx 4326 832 121:D+L+(T-30) 7.12E+3 120.125 -795.583 -71.097 2.03E+3 378.559
Max My 618 61 121:D+L+(T-30) 11.8E+3 262.976 -442.712 6.240 2.51E+3 1.5E+3
Min My 4326 61 120:D+L+(T+30) 6.51E+3 -79.823 -999.365 -22.679 -3.36E+3 346.465
Max Mz 618 61 120:D+L+(T+30) 9.17E+3 351.363 103.742 -27.696 -563.655 1.95E+3
Min Mz 615 59 120:D+L+(T+30) 6.13E+3 -129.987 153.924 -0.000 -874.287 -738.328

Note: Use these combinations only for Design.

Other beam end forces are at Base of the Member & Those
forces are considered for Base Plate Design.

Print Time/Date: 25/06/2019 10:45 STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 5) Print Run 1 of 1

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