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(Pragmatics Approach)


Submitted as A Partical Requriments

for the Degree of Sarjana in English Letters.

By :







Alhamdulillahirobbilalamin all praises be to Allah SWT, This thesis is dedicated to :

1. My beloved Dad Supardianto and my Mom Suryanti.

2. My beloved Brother Muhadi Yusuf.

3. My beloved Sisters Dian Oetari.

4. My beloved Friends that could not be mention one by one.

5. My beloved Lecturer of English Letters Department.

6. Everybody who cares, prays, helps and always supports me to finishing the


7. My Almamater IAIN Surakarta.

My great thanks go to all of you...


Indeed, with (hardship) will be easy, so you have finished (your duties), then stand up
(for worship). And to your Lord direct (your) longing.

(Q.S AL-Insyirah: 6-8)

The best revenge is to improve yourself

-Imam Ali-

Never end up as beautiful, if never grateful

(The researcher)

There is no beautiful word that the researcher express his gratitude to Allah
except Alhamdulillahirobbilalamin. All praises be to Allah SWT, the single power,
the Lord of the universe, master of the Day of Judgment, Allah all mighty, for all
blessings and mercies, so the reseacher was able to finish this thesis entitled “An
analysis of illocutionary acts performed by the main character in Divergent movie by
Neil Burger 2014”. Peace be upon Prophet Muhammad SAW, the great leader and
good inspiration of world revolution. Beside of that, the researcher realized that she
would not be able complete this thesis without the helps , supports, and suggestions
from several sides. Thus, the researcher would the express her deepest thanks to all of
those who had helped, supported and suggested her during the process of writing this
thesis. Then the researcher would like to give special thanks to:

1. Dr. Mudhofir Abdullah, M.Ag, as the Rector of the State Islamic Institute
of Surakarta

2. Dr. H. Giyoto, M.Hum, as the dean of Islamic Education and Teacher

Training Faculty

3. Hj. Lilik Untari, M.Hum, as the head of English Letters Department

4. M. Zainal Muttaqien, M.Hum as the advisor for his guidance, precious

advices, correction , motivation and help to revise the mistake during the
entire process of writting the thesis.

5. All lecturer of English Letters Department that could not be mention one
by one.

6. For her parents Mom Suryanti and Dad Supardianto, my brother Muhadi
Yusuf, and my sister Dian Oetari who always motivated, pray and
accompany the researcher to finish this thesis.
7. For her beloved family Mbak Satinem, Bude Katiyem, Ibu Marni, Bapak
Sunardi, Reni Fathkul Jannah, Mas Ali Tohar, Mbak Nirmala Sari.
8. For her beloved someone in heaven Ali Ufron, may Allah give you a
beautiful place.

9. B class of English Letters 2013 (Astray Family) thanks for the friendship.

10. Her roomates in boarding house Aulia Umul Fatih, Solikatun Mubarok,
Billa Arsita, Tarina Wahidiyati, Isna Umi Utami, Sheila Isnaini
Mahmudah, Widyati Istiqomah, Wheny Sulistyoningsih, Shintya
Marahtus Shollihah, Erika Rahayu and Putri Ayu Nurmalinda thanks for
all kindness may Allah always blessing us.

11. Her beloved owner of boarding house Ibu Joko, mbak Nana, and mas Aldi
thank you so much.

12. Her beloved friends Fauziah Anjani, Aprilia Nurjanah, Resita Maarif
Fadzilah, Ririn Rahayu, Rosiana Asmarani, Nia Damayanti and Handoko
Saputro, thanks for the loves.

13. All beloved friends from English Letters Department, thanks for
supporting and guiding the researcher.

The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. The
researcher hopes that this thesis is useful for the researcher in particular and the
readers in general.

Surakarta, 28 July 2017

The researcher

Lavenia Dianty

TITLE .............................................................................................................. i

ADVISOR SHEET.......................................................................................... ii

RATIFICATION ............................................................................................. iii

DEDICATION ................................................................................................ iv

MOTTO ........................................................................................................... v

PRONOUNCEMENT..................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGMENT................................................................................. vii

TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................. viii

ABSTRACT..................................................................................................... x

LIST OF TABLE ............................................................................................ xi

LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................ xii


A. Background of Study ...................................................................... 1

B. Problem Statement .......................................................................... 7

C. Objective the Study......................................................................... 7

D. Limitation the Study ....................................................................... 7

E. Benefits of the Study....................................................................... 8

F. Definition of Key............................................................................ 9


A. Theoretical Review ......................................................................... 10

B. Scope of Pragamatic ........................................................................ 16

C. Classification of Illocutionary Acts ................................................ 24

D. Previous Study ................................................................................ 31


A. The Research Design....................................................................... 32

B. The Data Source ............................................................................. 33

C. Research Instrument ........................................................................ 34

D. Technique of Collecting Data......................................................... 34

E. Technique of Data Analysis ............................................................ 36

F. Data Trustworthiness ....................................................................... 37


A. Research Findings ........................................................................... 39

B. Discussion of the data..................................................................... 41


A. Conclussion ..................................................................................... 69

B. Suggestion ....................................................................................... 70

BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................... 71

APPENDICESS ............................................................................................... 72

Lavenia Dianty. 2017. An Analysis of Illocutionary Acts Performed by Main

Character in Divergent Movie.AThesis.English Letters Study Program, Islamic
Education and Teacher Training Faculty. The State Islamic Institute Of Surakarta.

Advisors : Muhammad Zainal Muttaqien, S.S., M.Hum

Key Words : Pragmatics, Types of Illocutionary Acts

Thi research is pragmatics approach study of An Analysis of Illocutionary Acts

Performed by the Main Character in Divergent Movie. The objectives of this
researcher are to find out the types of illocutionary acts are performed by the main
character‟s utterance, and to find out dominantly of types of illocutionary acts are
used by the main character‟s utterance.

The researcher uses descriptive qualitative method to describe and analyze the
selected of illocutionary acts which are watching movie and then classifies them
according to John R. Searle‟s concept types of illocutionary acts. Technique of
collecting data are (1) watching the movie for several times in order to understand
the whole story (2) collecting the data, transcibing the data from the dialogue in the
movie into form of list, identify the listed dialogue that contain types of illocutionary
acts carried out by the participant (3) finding out the types of illocutionary acts
carried out by the participant representative, directive, commisive, expressive, and
declarative. The researcher uses content analysis which focus on analyzing types of
illocutionary acts and the dominantly of types of illocutionary acts in Divergent
movie carred out by the main character.

The result of the analysis, the researcher found the answer of the researcher
problems. The researcher finds that Beatrice (Tris) the main character use all types of
illocutionary acts. First representatives there areAsserting (10), denying
(1),notifying(7), Stating (10), predicting (2). Directives Ordering (2), Forbiding (2)
Commanding (9), Requesting (3). Commisives Vowing (1), expressives
Condoling(1), Deploring(2), Apologizing(1), Thanking (1), Declaratives Naming (2),
Declare (1). This research, reveals that Beatrice in his utterances use illocutionary
acts of representatives.


A. Background of the study

The part of linguistics studies the word „pragmatics‟ was derived from the

Greek word „pragma‟ which means „deed‟ or „action‟. A pragmatic analysis of

language use in movie is a classifiying of how language has functioned in

communication between the speaker and the listener. It is understood that the

pragmatic analysis of language is the investigation into that aspect of meaning

which was derived not from the formal properties of words and constructions, but

from the way in which utterances were used and how they are related to the

context in which they were uttered. According to Leech (1983: 57), the scope of

pragmatics includes: The message being communicated, the participants involved

in the message, the knowledge of the world which they share, the deductions to

be made from the text on the basis of the context, and the impact of the non-

verbal aspect of interaction on meaning. However, in this study, the dimensions

of language should be investigated in commercial bill-board adverts by using the

tools of pragmatics, evolved by different theorists in the literature: speech acts,

(locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary acts) presupposition, mutual

contextual beliefs, world knowledge, non- verbal communication and cooperative

principles. The study of speech acts (which is the core of pragmatics) has grown
appreciably, but from a theoretical perspective in particular. Grice has contended

that the Cooperative Principle of Conversation, spelt out by maxims of Quality,

Quantity, Manner and Relevance generate conversational implicatures, when

flouted by participants of discourse. He has submitted also, that besides

conversational implicatures, there are conventional implicatures, which are

generated from the conventional meanings of words. It has been noted that in

billboard adverts, conventional issues are of both immediate and remote relevance

to the audience.

According to Yule (1996:3), pragmatics is concerned with the study of

meaning as communicated by a speaker (or writer) and intepreted by a listener

(or reader). In pragmatics, we study about the meaning of the context between

the speaker and the listener. From the explanation above, it means pragmatics is

the study of speaker‟s meaning. Pragmatics is the study of speaker‟s meaning.

With pragmatics, people can talk people‟s intended meanings, their assumption,

their purposes or goals, and the kinds of action that they are performing when

they speaks (Yule, 1996:4).

This approach also necessarily involves how listener can make inferences

about what is said in order to arrive at an interpretation of the speakers intendeed

meaning. Those kinds of actions performed through utterance above are known

as speech act. As Austin (1962:94) states that speech acts is a theory in which to

say something is to do something. Speech act theory explain how speakers use
language to accomplish intended actions and how hearers infer intended meaning

form what is said. Speech act is the people expression of something by utterance.

To achieve their goals, speakers are not only saying something but also

there is an action embedded in their utterances. An utterance which performs an

actionis called a speech act. A speech act is an action through which people do

something by using their language. Every utterance spoken by people in real life

consists of speech act which has functions such as to command, to warn, or to

express the speaker‟s purposes.

According to Austin in Yule (1996: 48), there are three types of speech

act. The first is locutionary act (an act of saying something) which merely

delivers the literal meaning of utterances. Or, it can be said that locutionary act is

the textual meaning of utterance produced by a speaker. Second is illocutionary

act (an act in saying something) which sets a function to perform the intended

meaning in utterances. Third is perlocutionary act (a certain effect of utterances

may have on the hearer) which is the effect of illocutionary act. Illocutionary acts

is the function of the word, the spesific purpose that the speakers have in mind.

The most important study from three kinds of speech act is illocutionary acts, it

becomes the basic of analysis in pragmatics comprehension.

In other words, illocutionary act is the purpose or contextual meaning of

utterance. It will decide the listener‟s understanding or act (perlocution) as effect

of the utterance. It means that perlocutionary act is the effect of the utterance
which is said by the speaker to the listener. From those three acts, as Yule (1996:

49) states that illocutionary is the most often discussed acts in pragmatics. The

most important study from three kinds of speech act is illocutionary acts. It

becomes the basic of analysis in pragmatic comprehension.

Illocutionary act is interesting to be analyzed in order to understand the

function of utterances and the intended meaning of utterances. It includes context

of situation in analyzing illocutionary act because context of situation can bring

some information to understand the intended meaning of utterance. Illocutionary

act has some different types. Searle (1975) in Levinson (1983:240) proposed that

there are five classification of illocutionary act; they are representative, directive,

commissive, expressive, and declarative. Illocutionary acts is used to analyze any

utterances who produced by the listener and the speaker.

Each type of illocutionary acts above has a different context and

meaning. First representative, that the speaker believes something being the case

or not. Second is directive when the speaker requesting to the listener, listener

perform an action. Third, commisive, asks the speaker to do something in the

future. The fourth is expressive, it shows an expression how the speaker feels

about the situation. The last is declarative, it changes world by the utterance

which is produced.

Illocutionary acts can be found in the daily life conversation. As the

example of conversation found in some media, it especially in the electronic

media, like a movie. Movie becomes the most influential media than another

media since as audio and visual, they work together to make the audience

interested to watch. Movie script is a good example of conversation which can be

taken as the object of the study.

To study illocutionary act, the reseacher takes a film, entitled Divergent,

a science fiction action film from US which is directed by Neil Burger based on

the novel of the same name by Veronica Roth. Divergent is a faction action film

which was released in march 2014. The main character of this film is Beatrice

Prior (Tris) a woman of young adult. Tris is a daughter of Andrew Prior. She was

born into Abnegation who lead a simple life, selfless, dedicated to helping others.

This movie tells about in a futuristic Chicago, society is divided into 5

factions. Abnegation the selfless, Dauntless the brave, Erudite the intelligent,

Candor the honest, and Amity the peaceful. When all teenagers reach the age of

16, they must choose to either stay in their faction of birth, or transfer into

another faction. Beatrice Prior must make the decision to stay with her family in

a faction, she felt she is not right for, or to transfer into another faction, and left

her family behind. Tris must make some tough decisions, but she must also kept

a secret that she were warned could mean death, while she juggled friends,

initiation, and a new found love interest. But there is a secret lying beneath

everything that threatened to tear the city apart. Beatrice a woman abnegation who

has to take the aptitude test to determine here future faction. She go to the station

where other 16-year-olds from the other factions are taking their aptitude tests.
Tori, as her test administrator, said that the results were inconclusive. According

to the results, Beatrice is suited for Abnegation, but also Erudite and Dauntless.

This is a rare case, known as Divergent, being suited for more than one faction.

She had the aptitude to fit into multiple faction ( Candor, Erudite, Amity,

Abnigation, and Dauntless). However, Tris must chose one of the fifth factions,

because everyone there only have one faction in their life. This movie contains

utterances of illocutionary act analysis, for example :


Tris :“Mom, you can't be here.”

Mom : “ I know, but you're in danger”.

Tris utterance “Mom, you can't be here” the meaning as forbid someone

to do something. Tris forbiding her mom to can not be here in that place, depends

on the context. The utterance above can be included into one of type of

illocutionary acts, delcarative act, who the speaker to get someone else to do

something as forbiding acts. It will be discussed deeper in the chapter of findings

and discussions. The example shows that an utterance has one meaning or

purpose. Hence, from this movie the researcher can learn how to understand and

use speech act correctly.

Illocutionary acts become main analysis to analyze the main character‟s

utterance. From those reasons, the researcher was interested in identifying the

movie by using speech act theory especially illocutionary acts. She intended to
conduct a research entitled An Analysis of Illocutionary Acts Performed by the

Main Character in Divergent Movie by Neil Burger 2014.

B. Problem Statement

There is a major problem that the researcher wants to answer in this

research. This is about a pragmatics analysis on the movie. The researcher

divides the problem into three questions, as follows:

1. What are the types of illocutionary acts in the Divergent movie who

produced by the main character?

2. Which are the types of illocutionary acts most dominantly used in the

Divergent movie who produced by the main character?

C. Objective of The Study

In accordance with the problem of the study above, the objectives of the

study are :

1. Identifying types of illocutionary acts who produced by main character in the

Divergent movie.

2. Finding types of illocutionary acts which are dominantly in the Divergent

movie who produced by main character.

D. Limitation of the problem

In order to reach the expected goals of the research, the researcher

focused on analyzing speech acts in Divergent film who produced by the main

character. Therefore, to be spesific, the researcher focus on analyze the

illocutionary acts and the five types of illocutionary acts according to Searle

from the dialogue from the main charascter. The researcher choose Divergent

movie as the object because this movie tells about a woman‟s adventure who

interesting to watch and interest to analyzing.

E. The Benefits of the Study

The benefit of the study will be distinguished into two theoretically and

practically. This study provides several significant contributions to the reader it

can be enjoyed with the meaning and purpose of Divergent movie. Especially, it

is by knowing about the speech acts classification used in Divergent movie. The

research hopefully brings benefit that will be useful for English learners as well

as anyone interested in pragmatics especially speech acts. The benefit as follows

1. Theoretically

a. This research can give contribution in pragmatic study.

b. The research can give additional reference in observing many aspects

of the main character utterance and other speech acts.

2. Practically
a. The research can give additional input in improving the ability to

analyze the speech acts especially about Divergent movie.

b. The research can be used as reference for similar research and

stimulation for the other researchers concerning the act of Divergent


F. Definition of Key Terms

The key terms are used to help the researcher analyses the work and

reveal it in the research. The key terms of this research are:

1. Speech Act

Yule (1996:47) said that speech acts is actions performed via utterances.

Searle says that the unit of linguistics communication is not, as has generally

been supposed, the symbol, word or sentence, or even the token of the symbol,

word or sentence in the performance of the speech acts Mey (1993:111).

2. Illocutionary Act

Illocutionary act is performed via the communicative force an utterance,

we might utter to make a statement, an offer an explanation, or for some other

communicative purpose. Yule (1996:48).

3. Divergent
A fiction action film from US which is directed by Neil Burger based on

the novel of the same name by Veronica Roth which was released in march 2014.

( accessed February 08,2017).



A. Review on Pragmatics

In this chapter, the researcher presents the review of related

literatures that are related to this study. The first part is the theoretrical review.

Some theories that are used in this study are theory about pragmatics, scope

of pragmatics, speech acts, types of illocutionary acts , and context. This research

uses pragmatic theory as data analysis approach. Related literature which was

contained the main theory of the study, and related study which it is about the

author‟s research as the supporting theory and some reference books and reliable

sources that support the theories applied in this research. The next part is

previous research study. It present the similar research that had been conducted.

The last part is the theoretical framework. It explains a theoretical basis for the

research design adopted in this study. Each is presented as follows:

1. Definition of Pragmatics

Pragmatics is a branch of linguistics studies which was developed in

the late 1970s, it study about how people understand and produce

communicative acts. There are experts who provide definition of pragmatics.

According to Yule (1996:3) “pragmatics is concerned with the study of

meaning as communicated by a speaker and interpreted by a listener”. This

definition shows that it is very important to that the real meaning is by listener
to perform communication with the speaker. In addition, he defines

pragmatics, as first study of speakers meaning in this case, pragmatics is

concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by a speaker (or

writer) and interpreted by a listener (or reader). Second, pragmatics is the

study of contextual meaning. In this context, pragmatics focuses on the

ability, or proficiency to make a use of language that relates to

determinant factors of communicative acts.

Pragmatics discusses about the structure and form of language to

the situation context and closely related to the atmosphere of hearer, speaker

and surroundings. Related to these atmospheres, language users must have

communicative competence. Communicative competence is the ability to use

language as their functions in a communicative situation that is in a

spontaneous transaction involving a person or group of people. Third,

pragmatics studies are to get more different in communication. This approach

also necessary to explore how listeners can make inferences about what is said

in order to reach at an interpretation of the speaker‟s intended meaning. This

type of study explores of how a great of what is recognized can be a meaning,

as part of what is communicated.

The last, is study of the expression of relative distance. This

perspective can raise the question of what determines the choice between

uttered and unuttered. The basic answer is tied of the notion of distance,

closeness, whether it is physical, social, or conceptual, implies shared

experience. On the assumption of how close or distant the listener is to the

speaker, the speaker determines of how much utterance to be said. Moreover,

he says that pragmatics is the study of the relationship between linguistic

forms and the users of those forms.

Another expert has different definitions of pragmatics. According to

Levinson (1983) “Pragmatics is the study of those relation between language

and context that are grammatical, or encoded in the structure of a language”.

He also added that pragmatics is the study about the ability to use language

and to make the sentence which has relationship with the context. It can be

said that pragmatics studies about language and its context. Pragmatics studies

the context within which an interaction occurs as well as the intention of

the language user. Pragmatics also explores how listeners and readers make

inferences about what is said, or written in order to arrive at an interpretation

of user‟s intended meaning.

Levinson (1985:9) defines that “the study of those relations between

language and context that are grammaticalized, or encoded in the structure of

language”. In other words, pragmatics is the study of those aspects of the

relationship between language and context that are relevant to the writing of

grammar. Hence, it can be said that pragmatics should be concerned with

principles of language usage and have nothing to do with the discription of

linguistic structure.

With regard to the definition of pragmatics, Mey (1993:5) defines

“pragmatics as the science of language viewed from the relation to its user”.

In this case, pragmatics seen as the science of language as it is used by real

life people, for their own purpose and within their limitations and affordances.

It provides people greater understanding of how the human mind works, how

human‟s communicates, and how they manipulate other. According to Mey

(1993:4-5), pragmatics tells about the right to use language in various,

unconventional ways, as long as people know what they are doing to deliver

their purposes.

Moreover, according to Leech (1983:6) “pragmatic is the study of

meaning in relation to speech situation”. Pragmatics also a study of contextual

meaning. Pragmatics is concerned with the study of meaning by speaker or

writer and interpreted by listener or reader so that it involves the interpretation

of what people meant in particular and how the context influence what is said.

Leech (1983:76) views that language consist of grammars, vocabulary, and


He defines pragmatics as a set of strategies and principles for

achieving success in communication by the case of grammar. In pragmatics

studies we talk about speech acts more. Pragmatics is an important study in

communication, because pragmatics studies about language and its context.

When the people communicate with others, they do not only consider how to

use the language, but also consider the context in which the language is used.

Pragmatics is another branch of linguistics that is concerned with the speaker

and contextual meaning. In reference to the definition of pragmatics stated by

expert above, it can be summarized that pragmatics is the study of speaker‟s

intended meaning related to its context.

Another definition of pragmatics is stated by Yule (1996: 4) He states

that “pragmatics is the study of relationship between linguistic forms and the

users of those forms”. Yule (1996: 3) also states four areas that pragmatics is

concerned with. They are as follows:

a. Pragmatics is the study of contextual meaning. What people said usually tied

with the context of conversation. This type of study necessari involves the

interpretation of what people meant in a particular context and how the

context influences what is said. It requires a consideration of how speakers

organize what they want to say in accordance with who, when, where, and

under what circumstances they are talking.

b. Pragmatics is the study of how more meaning are communicated than what is

said. It explores how listeners can make inferences about what is said in order

to arrive at an interpretation of the speaker‟s intended meaning or it

investigates the invisible meaning. In the conversation, what is unsaid is

recognized as a part of communication which has a great deal in the

interpretation of the speaker‟s intended meaning. It is why the approach also

explores the invisible meaning or the unsaid part of a speaker‟s utterances.

c. Pragmatics is the study of the expression of relative distance. The approach

answers the perspective of what determines the choice between the said and

the unsaid in which the said and the unsaid are tied to the notion of distance.

On the assumption of how close or distant the listener is, speakers determine

how much needs to be said.

d. Pragmatics is the study of the expression of relative distance. This

prespective then rasises the question of hat determines choice between the

said and unsaid. The basic answer is tied to the notion of distance. Closeness,

wheter it is physcal, social, or coneptual, implies shared experiences. On the

assumption of how close or distant the listener is, speakers determine how

much needs to be said. Thus, we can make a conclusion that pragmaic is

appealing because it is about how people make sense of each other

linguistically, but it can be a frustating study because it requires us to make

sense of people and what they have in mind.

On the other hand, Cutting (2008: 2) states that pragmatics and

discourse analysis study the relation of language to contextual background

features which study context, text and function. Pragmatics focuses on what is

not explicitly stated and on how to interpret an utterance in situational

contexts. They are concerned not so much with the sense of what is said as

with its force, that is, with what is communicated by the manner and style of

an utterance.

Studying language via pragmatics approach leads to know the nature

of language. It leads to a deep analysis of what message that is brought in an

utterance said by a speaker. It gives the advantages that one can talk about

people‟s intended meanings, their assumptions, their purposes or goals, and

the kinds of actions performed in utterances. In pragmatics there are so many

things learned such as deixis, pressupposition, speech acts, etc. In this

research, the researcher focus on specch acts comprehensively.

2. Scope of pragmatics

The study of pragmatics as a branch of linguistics with many

principles. There are six principles or scopes of pragmatics according to Yule

(1996) as follows: (a) deixis, (b) presupposition, (c) cooperative principle, (d)

implicature (e) speech acts and (f) politeness. Since this researcher belongs to

pragmatics study, this scope will be elaborated in more detail.

a. Deixis

According to Levinson (1983), deixis deals with the way in which a

language encodes or grammaticalizes features of the context of utterance of a

speech event. Another definition of deixis is presented by Yule (1996:9).

According to him, “deixis is a technical term (form Greek) for one of the most

basic things we do with utterence”. When you notice a strange object and ask

“what‟s that?” you are using a deictic expression (that) to indicate something

in the immediate contecxt. Deictic expression are also sometimes called

indexicals. He divides deixis into three kinds. There is a person deixis the

second is a spatial deixis and the last is a temporal deixis.

1) Person Deixis

2) Spatial Deixis
3) Temporal Deixis

b. Presupposition and Entailment

Yule (1996) states that “it is something the speaker assumes to be the

case before producing utterance”. Moreover, he says that a presupposition is

something the speaker assumes to be the case prior to making an uttarance.

Speakers, not sentence, have pressuposition. In many discussions of the

concept, presupposition is treated as a relationship between two

presuppositions. Meanwhile, An entailment is something that logically

follows from what is asserted in the utterence. Sentences, not speakers, have

entailments. If we says “My wife is pregnant” means that the speaker has a


In the analysis of how speakers assumptions are typically expressed,

presupposition has been associated with the use of a large number of words,

phrases, and structure. He categorizes presuppposition into seven. They are

potensial presuppositions, existensial presuppositions, factive presuppositions,

structural presuppositions, lexical presuppositions, counter-factual

presupposition, and non-factive presuppositions.

c. Cooperative principle

This sense of cooperation is simply one in which people having a

conversation are not normally assumed to be trying to confuse, trick, or with

hold relevant information from each others. Cooperative principle proposed

by the philosopher H. Paul Grice is used to explain how conversation involves

a certain level of “cooperation” among communicants.

That something must be more than just what the words means. It is an

additional conveyed meaning, called an implicature. Implicature are primary

examples of more being communicated than is said. In most circumstances,

the assumption of cooperation is so pervasive that it can be stated as a

cooperative principle. Yule (1996) states “that cooperative is the basic

assumption in conversation in which each paerticipant tries to contribute

appropriately, at the required time, to current exchange of talk.”

Grice in Yule (1997: 37) states that in communication, “cooperative

principles make a conversational contribution of communicants such as is

required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purposes or direction

of the talk exchange in which communicants are enganged”. In reference to

Grice‟s idea, the cooperative principle in conversation can be explained in

terms of our conversational maxims. They are include maxim of quantity,

quality, manner and relevan. Each is described as follows:

1) Maxim of quantity

2) Maxim of quality

3) Maxim of relation

4) Maxim of manner

d. Implicature
In a conversation, there are a lot of messages who are delivered by the

speaker. When the listener hears the expression of speaker, they have to

assume that the speaker is being cooperative and intends to communicate

something. That something must be more than just what the words mean, it is

an additional conveyed meaning. The listener must understand the context of

the conversation to get the meaning of the implied message. The implied

messages are often refered to implicature.

According to Yule (1996), implicature is “associated with spesific

words and result in additional conveyed meaning when those words are used”.

According to Grice (1975), “implicature is what speakers can imply, suggest,

or mean as distinct from what they literary say”. In other words, implicature is

an implied message that is based on the intepretation of the language use and

its context. There are two types of implicature of Grice‟s, namely convertional

and conventional implicature.

Conventional implicature occurs when the speakers present a true fact

in a wrong way. Meanwhile, the convertional implicature is another level at

which speakers meaning can differ from what is said, depends on context of

conversation. In convertional implicature, meaning is conveyed not so much

by what is said, but by the fact that it is said.

B. Speech acts

1. Definition of Specch Act

Speech acts are one of the five main topics in the study of pragmatics.

The concept of speech acts is firstly developed by a philosopher, John L.

Austin in his book How to Do Things with Words (1962). Austin defines

speech acts simply as the action performed by saying something. By means of

utterances, ones are able to get others to do something. In other words, speech

acts are actions which are performed via utterances (Yule, 1996: 48 ).

Addition Austin‟s opinion (1978: 1) is that with words, we do something not

only says something. One can tell whether a statement, if viewed as an act is

successful or not with reference to the speaker‟s intention and to decide

whether the statement is true or false.

To develop the idea, every speech event constitutes a speech act. Speec

h acts consist of three separate acts: an act of saying something, an ac

t of doing something, and an act of affecting something.

Speech act is a part of pragmatics study. In linguistics, speech act is an

utterance defined in terms of speaker‟s intention and the effect it has on a

listener. Austin (1962:94) states that “speech acts is a theory in which to say

something is to do something”. According to Levinson (1983:236) “the

bringing about of effects on the audience by means of uttering the

sentence,such effects being special to te circumstances of uttarance”. In

attempting to express themselves, people do not only produce utterance

containing grammatical structure and words, they perform actions via those
utterances. Speech acts are commonly taken to include such acts as promising,

ordering, greeting, warning, inviting and congratulating.

Searle in Mey (1993:111) states that the unit of linguistic

communication is not, as has generally been supposed, the symbol, word or

sentence or even the token of the symbol, word or sentence, but rather the

production or issuance of the symbol or word or sentence in the performance

of the speech acts. Every utterance is performing actions or means of the

speaker. As the Yule (1996:47) states that in attempting to express

themselves, people do not only produce utterance containing grammatical

structures and words, they perform action from via those utterance.

He also states that speech act is an action performed via utterances

which has more specific labels, such as apology, complaint, compliment,

invitation, promise or request. These terms apply to the speaker‟s

communicative intention in producing an utterance. In communication, the

speaker expects that his/her utterances can be understood by the listener.

Thus, the interaction can run smoothly because the message is delivered to the


Actions performed via utterances are generally called speech acts and

in English are commonly given more spesific labels, such as apology,

complaint, complament, invitation, promise, or request. There is three

classification of speech act, the first is locutionary act, second is illocutionary

act and the last is perlocutionary act.

Speech acts, which explore the performative nature of utterances, are

the ways in which what people say to each other has force as well as content”.

There is an intention as content of what people say that is delivered via

language with its force to get the message inside the utterances. However,

language is the principal means that people have to greet, compliment and

insult one another, to plead or flirt, to seek and supply information, and to

accomplish hundreds of other tasks in a typical day.

2. Kinds of Speech Acts

In addition, speech act are actions using language as a way to the

communicative intention. Every production of utterance covers intended

message that is delivered through the force of the utterance. It is how

language plays as actions or as speech acts. In other discussion, Leech (1983:

199), based on Austin‟s categorization, states three distinct levels of action

beyond the act of utterance, follow as : locutionary, illocutionary, and

perlocutionary act.

a) Locutionary act

is the act of simply uttering a sentence from a language it

is description of what the speaker . Yule (1996: 48) states that

“locutionary act is the basic act of utterances or a meaningful linguistic

expression”. It is represented by a sentence with a grammatical structure

and a linguistic meaning. According to Cutting (2008: 14), locutionary act

is the act of saying something that is the form of the words uttered, or

“what is said”. Illocutionary Act

is the act in which the speaker intends to do something by producin

g an utterance.

b) Illocutionary acts would include stating, promising, thanking, congrat

ulating, apologizing, threatening, predicting, ordering, and requesting

(Leech 1983:199), for example,

if a girl says to her friend, ”Take my bag!”

the illocutionary act is the act of ordering. Yule (1996: 48) states that

the illocutionary act is performed via the communicative force of an

utterance. Mostly people do not just produce wellformed utterances with

no purpose. They form an utterance with some kind of function in mind.

Cutting (2008: 14) states that it is what the speakers are doing with their


c) Perlocutionary Act is the act done by the listener affected by what

the speaker has said. Perlocutionary acts would include effects such

as: get the listener to think about, bring the listener to learn that, g

et the listener to do, persuading, embarrassing, intimidating, boring,

irritating, or inspiring the hearer (Leech 1983:199). For the example

if the father utters this sentence to his school-

age son, “You‟d better do your homework”, in that utterance the

Perlocutionary act might be one of irritating, especially if this speec

h act is a daily occurrence. Yule (1996: 48) states that the third

dimension of performing act via utterances is that people do not simply

create an utterance with a function without intending it to have an effect.

Every utterance created by people in their communication consists of

three related acts that are locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary

acts. Since illocutionary acts conveyed the force in delivering the

intended meaning of people‟s utterances, then, the researcher takes the

illocutionary acts as one of her research objectives.

3. The Classification of Speech Acts

According to Searle (in Leech, 1983: 105), the classification of

illocutionary acts in to five main types:

1) Representives/Assertives

Assertives are acts which commit the speaker to something‟s being the

case to the truth of the expressed proposition. Leech (1983: 105) proposes the

examples of this acts are such as stating, suggesting, boasting, complaining,

claiming, and reporting. In uttering a representative, a speaker conveys his/her

belief that some proposition is true. The words used by the speaker state what

the speaker believes to be the case, such as describing, claiming,

hypothesizing, insisting and, predicting (Cutting, 2008: 14).

Furthermore, Yule (1996: 53) illustrates these acts by giving examples

“It was a warm sunny day”, the speaker describes his/her opinion that the day

is warm and sunny as his/her belief although maybe it is a hot sunny day. In

using a representative, the speaker makes words fit the world. All of the
examples above illustrate the speaker who represents the world as he/she

believes it is. In other discussion, representative is kinds of speech acts that

state express what the speaker believes to be the case or not (Searle in Yule,

1996:53). It shows the truth condition of the meaning of the utterance. Searle

describe representative to many types, such as stating, denying, admitting,

asserting, confessing, notifying, predicting. The following for example :

“The earth is a flat”

The utterance is a fact that the earth is a flat. This is absolute fact who is

trusted by everyone.

2) Directives

Directive is used by the speaker to get the addressee to do something.

It intends to produce some effects through action on the listener. By uttering a

directive, the speaker attempts to get the listener to do something. By

ordering, commanding, requesting, advising, asking, beging, biding,

demanding, forbiding, and recommending, the speaker is trying to get the

listener to carry out some action. This act represents what the speaker wants.

Directive used by the speaker to get someone else to do something. An

example is taken from Yule (1996: 54) as follows:

“Give me a cup of coffee. Make it black”.

The example shows the direction to the listener to do what the speaker

said that is to make a cup of coffee and to make it black. This speech act

embodies an effort to direct the listener towards the speaker‟s goal.

3) Commissives

Commissives are acts which commit the speaker to some future course

of action. By uttering commisives, the speaker is committing himself or

herself to some future course of action. Some examples are promising,

vowing, offering, volunteering, guaranteering, pledging and betting.

Commissives is kinds of speech act that the speaker use to commite

themselves to do some in the future (Searle in Yule, 1996:54). Commisive can

be express what the speaker intends. Including in this type is offer, promise,

swear, threat, and volunteer. The examples are :

[a] “I will be back”.

[b] “We will not do that”.

Speaker in example [a] commits to the future action that he/she will come

back again. Speaker in example [b] promises that he/she will not do the same

thing again in the future. Both speakers are committing some future course of

action which means they apply commissive. The speaker undertakes to make

the world fit the words (via the speaker) by using commissive.
4) Expressives

Speakers of a language often express feelings to the listener when they

speak. By doing so, the speakers have performed the expressive acts.

Expressives are speech acts which express a psychological state. They have

the function of expressing, or making known, the speaker‟s psychological

attitude towards a state of affairs which the illocution presupposes. These

speech acts express the speaker‟s inner state which says nothing about the

world. The examples are:

[a] “I’m really sorry!” and

[b] “Congratulations!”.

Both of the speakers in the example [a] and [b] show their psychological

states. Speaker [a] expresses his/her psychological state of pardoning and

speaker [b] expresses his/her psychological state of congratulating. The

speaker makes words fit the world (of feeling) by uttering an expressive.

5) Declaratives

Declarative is kinds of illocutionary act that can changes word the

utterance which is produced. As Searle in Yule (1996:53) state that

declarative is kinds of speech act that change the world via their utterance.

When the speaker utters a declaration, his or her words bring about a new

state of affair. It can be changing of the status of a person or, the ownership of
something. The verbs which belong to declaration are : appointing, baptizing,

declare, naming, and resigning. The examples are the priest said :

“I now pronounce you husband and wife”.

In example the utterance above changes of the status of those two

people the priest changes the life of two persons of a single being to be

husband and wife as a new family. Searle‟s classification of illocutionary acts

is used by the researcher to analyze the kinds of speech acts employed by the

main characters in Divergent movie. The classification is used to describe the

force used by the characters in delivering their purposes through language.

4. Politeness

Politness in an interaction, can then be defined as the means employed

to show awareness of another person‟s face. In this sense, politness can be

accomplished in situation of social distance or closeness. Brown and

Levinson;s definition describes linguistic politeness as a means of showing

concern for people‟s „face‟ ( Brown and Levinson in Woro Retnaningsih 2013

: 262).

Politeness is the means employed in an interaction to show the

awareness of another person‟s face. In their social interactions, people use

their public selfi mage or face wants to behave so that their expectations will

be respected. To save another face, people use two kinds of face wants. The

first is negative face in which a person wants to be independent, to have

freedom of action, and not to be imposed on by others. Positive face, as the

second face want, is the need to be accepted by others, to be treated as a

member of the same group, and to know that his or her wants are shared by

others. In other words, negative face is the need to be independent and

positive face is the need to be connected in communication.

C. Context

Context is an important thing in pragmatics study. According to

Nunan (1993), context is situation giving rise to the discourse and within

which the discourse is embedded. They include linguistic and non-linguistic

context. Linguistic context refers to the language the surronds a part of

discourse being analyzed, meanwhile non linguistic context are related to the

discourse within. According to Leech (1983:13) states that context is a

background of knowledge assumed to be shared by speaker and hearer and

which contributes‟s to hearer interpretation of what speaker means by given

utterance produced. The same utterance will have different meaning if the

context of utterance is different. Bellow the example : “Your hair is so long!”

If the utterance above is delivered by a teacher to the man student at school, it

can refers to a teacher command them to cut their hair in order to obey the

rule‟s of school. In the different situation, if the utterance is delivered by

woman to her friend, it can be meants that she praising of her friend‟s hair.

From the example above, it can be concluded that the inteded meaning only

based on the speaker and the hearer is not enough. But, we also to know the

situation when the utterance produced.

Beside context, there are another aspect of speech, those are listener‟s

and speaker‟s, purpose of speech, etc. As the following, Gumpers and Hymez

as linguists explain about aspects of speech in an acronym. Gumpers and

Hymes in Wardrough (1986) construct the acronym of speaking for describing

aspect of speech. Those are setting and scene, participants, end act sequence,

key, intrumentalities, norm of interpretation and interaction and genre. As

follow Setting and sense (S), which refers to the time and place of speech.

Participants (P), which include in the conversatiton, speakers and listener, End

(E), which refers to the conventionally recognizes and expected outcome of

speech. Act (A), is sequence, which refers to the actual form and content of

what it said. Key (K), which refers to the tone, manner or spirit in which

particullar message in conveyed. Instrumentalities (I), refers to the choice of

the channel and to the actual form of speech employed. Norms (N) of

interpretation and interaction, refer to the specifics behaviours and properties

that attach to speaking and also to how these may be viewes by someone who

does not share them. Genre (G), the final term that refers to clearly

demarcated types of utterance.

D. Movie

Movie or film is one of art forms. Movie has visual elements which

give motion pictures. Movies are made by adopting human cultures as a

representation of a real life. According to Graham (2005: 117) in Indah

Rukamanasari (2012:33) states that a film/movie has advantages as a method

of recording real people and historical events, and largely values as such.

Today, many movies are made by human‟s imagination or fiction. Some of

movie productions become popular worldwide entertainment. Movie are

something which is remembered, recalled and relished. According to Allen ad

Gormey (1985:136) state that movie is an art which portrays man;‟s

interprettion of life. Movie as an art and movie as a form of enertinment are

boght right.

E. Previous Related Study

There are many researches in language use especially on speech act.

One of them was conducted by Ainurrohman (2011) of Semarang University.

The research about the use of illocutionary acts in the novel entitled New

Moon. The aim of the research is to do identify and analysize the use of

illocutionary acts in the Stephanie‟s Mayer‟s New Moon based on Searle‟s

speech acts classification. The data included utterances from the character‟s

conversation. In conducting the research, the writer read the novel carefully

and made notes pages contain data and then the writer classified the data into

five classification. The Ainurrohman‟s research almost similiraty with

writer‟s reseacher. Equally identified and classified the character‟s

conversation into five parts. Secondly, An analysis of illocutionary acts in

Sherlock holmes Movie by Agung Suryo Nugroho. He analyzed the movie

used illocutionary acts In this research, the writer finds that Sherlock Holmes uses

all types of illocutionary acts: Assertives (Arguing, Asserting, Informing, Telling),

Directives(Advising, Asking, Commanding, Entreating, Insisting, Inviting,

Ordering,Requesting), Commissives (Promissing, Refusal), Expressives

(Congratulating,Praising, Welcoming, Thanking), Declarations (Appointing).This

research reveals that Sherlock Holmes in his utterances uses illocutionary acts of

directive more often than other acts.

The third research was conducted by Jati Handayani (2012), the

objectives of her researcher to find speech acts in the Body of Lies movie

script. The problems of this research are types of speech acts and Searle‟s

categories of illocutionary acts. This researcher has similarities with the

writer‟s research, but the data object is different. She analyzed about the

movie script and the writer analyzing the main character‟s utterance.

The fourth research was conducted by Solihin Muhammad Naf‟an

(2015) of State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. With entitled An

analysis of illocutionary acts performed by Nemo in the Finding Nemo. He

analyzed about speech acts especially illocutionary act performed by Nemo,

the main character of Finding Nemo movie. In analyzing the data, he used

speech acts theory of John Searle who classified the utterance into four parts

of illocutionary acts. Solihin‟s research, has similarties object and theory with

the writer research. The same found and identify the data into five parts of

illocutionary, but in his reseach only four parts are classified by the



This chapter elaborates the steps involved in the study. It consists of the

types of study, it is how the research is conducted is explained in details. This

chapter is divided into five sessions: the research design, object of study, data

sources, research procedures, and data trustworthiness. Each of them is presented

in the following discussion. The type of study discusses the approach in this

research. Meanwhile, object of study, data sources, discuss how the data are

collected and anlysis using research procedures. The last section in this chapter is

data trustworthiness, this chapter discusses how the validity of the data research is


A. Research Design

According to the data, this research uses qualitative methods with

inductive data analysis. To analyze the types of illocutionary acts that are

found in the Divergent movie, the researcher used qualitative approach

research method since it was intended to find out the kinds of illocutionary

acts, dominant types of illocutionary, meaning and contecxt performed by

Tris, main chararacter in Divergent movie. Qualitative approach is usually

used to describe or analyze the data in research. Hence, the researcher used

qualitative approach in this research because a consideration is problem

statements. This researcher uses qualitative model because the reseacher

wants to know what messages in each utterance are.

According to Semiawan (2010:108), qualitative methode is a methode

which focuses on text image, picture, narration, artfifacts and non-numerical

format data. The researcher explain the data taken from script of movie.

besides according to Surakhmad (1994:139), descriptive methode is a kind of

research method using technique of searching, collecting, classifying,

analyzing the data, interpreting them and finally drawing conclusion.

Qualitative research is perfommed on the natural background because natural

expects the existence of realities (data) as a whole which cannot be

understood if they are separated from the text. There are some considerations

in using qualitative research in this research, the first one is that qualitative

research is able to adjust with general realities moderately.

B. Data and Data Source

Data is very important element in research and may have many

different forms. According to Arikunto (2006:107) the data may appear in the

form of discourse, sentence, clause, phrase, word, or even morpheme. The

main data in qualitative research is words and actions or attitude from

dialogue. The study focused on the illocutionary acts used by the main

character, Beatrice (Tris) in Divergent movie. This movie was produced in US

and directed by Neil Burger it was released 2014 and distributed by Summit
Entertaiment. Types of illocutionary acts in this study focuses only on Tris‟s


C. Research Instrument

As according Sugiyono (2008:222) states that in qualitative research,

the researcher is the key instrument. In addition to this, several teps to collect

the data were watching movie and reading the script. It can be stated that this

data source is the object that can provide the data as material for the

preparation of information for the reseacher.

Qualitative research uses some technique to collect the data through

interview, observation, voice recording, although in qualitative paradigm the

researcher is the instrument, sometimes questionnaire and response forms is

useful for collecting data (Krueger,1997:56). In other word, According to

Lofland in Moleong (2007:157) the main source of data in qualitative research

is the words and the remaining actions, there are additions like other


The data of this study were Beatrice the main character‟s utterances

related to the illocutionary acts. While the data sources of this research was

Divergent movie script. The script was taken from the web. The duration of

this movie is 2 hours 19 minutes.

D. Technique of Collecting Data

Technique of collecting data is how the process of evaluating data

using analytical and logical reasoning to examine each component of the

data is provided. Because the topic of the research is concerned with

pragmatics. In this study, the researcher applied pragmatic identity method.

This method is used to identify linguistic units according to the effects which

are uttered by the speakers. The method used for thii research is

documentation. According to (Suharsini 2010:274) a documentation methode

is find the data that related by using book, trancripts, newspapers, magazines,

notes of a meeting, ancient insription, and agenda. According to Creswell in

Emzir (2008:2006) using prosses of collecting of the data, the researcher to

ensure that the findings and interpretation of accurate.

This form of analysis is just one of the many steps that must be

completed when conducting a research experiment. Data from various sources

were gathered, reviewed, and then analyzed to form some sort of findings or

conclusions. Thus, the technique of data analysis of this study could be

explained as follows:

1) Watching the movie for several times

2) After the researcher watching the movie, the researcher reading the script.

3) Watching the movie while reading the script and take some notes to

construct the analysis based on the data.

4) The researcher determined the art of dialogue that presened types of

illocutionay act (Assertives, Directives, Commisives, Expressives


5) Collecting Beatrice‟s utterances from the dialogue on the movie.

6) Identifying the data based on the types of illocutionary.

7) Giving codes to each dtum in order to be easy in anlayzing the data.

For the example :

Datum no/T/toia/subtype


Al : “Please, can you ever forgive me?”

Tris : “If you ever come close to me again, I will kill you!”

Al asks to Tris to forgive his mistakes, but Tris doesn‟t.

The alphabietic capital letter are used minute and types of illocutionary

acts there are written bellow :

Tm : Time

toia : Types of Illocutionary Acts

Rep : Representatives

Dirc : Directives

Cmsv : Commisives

Expr : Expreesives

Dcl : Declaratives
No : Number of Data

E. Technique of Data Analysis

According to Bogdan in (Sugiyono 2008:244), data analysis is the

process of systematically searching and arranging the film dialogue script,

notes, and other materials that researcher accumulates to increase the

researcher‟s understanding of them and to enable the researcher to present

what he/she has discovered to others. The steps of data analysis in this

research were as follows:

1. The data from the dialogue of Divergent movie were identified,

2. The data were classified based on the formulation of the problems,

3. The data were analyzed, grouped into their own types and

transfered into dat sheets,

4. The researcher described and interpreted the data in order to

answer the formulation of the problems, and during the process of

analysis, the researcher applied the trusworthiness of the data and

analyzed the data to gain the results of the research.

F. Data Trustworthiness

Trustworthiness of a research can be gained by conducting credibility,

dependability, transferability, and conformability. Moleong (2001:173).

Credibility is concerned with the accuracy of the data. Dependability refers to

the stability and track ability of the changes in data over time and condition.

The conformability is the neutrality in which conclusion and explanation of

the data depend on the subject and condition of inquiry rather than on the

researcher. Transferability is concerned with generalizability in fittingness of

findings to other social settings, populations, and contexts. In this study, the

researcher focused only on credibility and dependability. The credibility of the

data obtained by means of triangulation.

The triangulation that the researcher applied was researcher or

investigator triangulation. It was conducted by consulting with the experts.

The purpose of triangulation is not to seek the truth about some phenomena,

but rather to increases the researcher‟s understanding of what has been found.

Therefore, the triangulation technique intended in this study is checking data

obtained from various collecting techniques. In this case, the researcher

discussed the data with one lecturers of English Letters Study of The State

Islamic Institute of Surakarta, Lukfianka Sanjaya as proofreader, to ceck the

correct of the data. The investigators‟ roles were checking and validating the

data. To meet the dependability, the researcher gave detail explanation of the

data collection and data analysis.



In this chapter, the researcher would like to present the research findings and

discussions. Firstly, the researcher explains the types of illocutionary acts from Tris‟s

utterances and the context in Divergent movie.Secondly, the researcher classifying

the utterance into five types of illocutionary acts.Thirdly, the researcher observed the

context which supported the analysis.


According to the data validation, the researcher has found 54 data in the Tris‟s

utterance. The researcher attempts to analyze the data usingPragmatics study

especially speech acts, classification of illocutionary acts by John R. Searle. Speech

acts can be categorized into several types. They include locutionary acts,

illocutionary acts, and perlocutionary acts. Locutionary acts is the acts of saying

something that is the form of the words uttered, or “what is said”. Meanwhile, the

kinds of illocutionary acts consist of representative, directives, commisives,

expressives, and declaratives. Moreover, in classification of illocutionary acts there

are kinds of other things also, such as Representative (Asserting, stating, denying,

confessing, admitting, notifying, concluding, predicting). In addition perlocutionary

act is the effect of an utterance. The researcher took the data from dialogue of Tris
as main character in Divergent movie. Below, there are table types of classification

of illocutionary acts has founds.

Table 1 Types of Illocutionary Acts .

No. Types of Illocutionary acts Kinds of illocutionary Sub total Total

1. Representative Asserting 10 30
Denying 1
Notifying 7
Stating 10
Predicting 2
2. Directive Ordering 3 16
Forbiding 2
Commanding 9
Requesting 2
3. Commissive Vowing 1 1

4. Expressive Condoling 1 5
Deploring 2
Apologizing 1
Thanking 1
5. Declarative Naming 2 3
Declare 1
Total 55 55

Based on the table above, representativesacts are the most commonly used by

speakers in the movie, that occurs is 30 data. This means that almost speaker give

information about the case. The second shows directives acts that occurs is 15 data,

it happens when the characters asks to the listener to do something by her

utterances. Third is commisives acts that occurs is only1 data This act happens

when the speakerwant to do something to the listener in future. Fourth, expressives

acts that occurs are 5 data, this acts happens when the speakerexpressing her
expression. Then the last is declaratives acts that occurs are 3 data, this acts happens

when the speakerdeclare her conditions of the time.


In the research, the researcher analyzingthe data and classified the data

intofives types of illocutionary acts. In analyzing the types of classification

illocutionary acts, the researcher classified the data based on types of

illocutionary actsaccording to Searle in Yule (1996:53). Namely representatives,

directives, commisives, expressives, and declaratives. Based on the objective of

this research, the first is to analyze types of illocutionary acts are performed by

the main character and to find out the dominantly acts resulted as follows :

1) Representative

According to Searle in Yule (1996:53), representative shows the truth

condition of the meaning of the utterance. There are acts which commit the

speaker to something‟s being the case to the truth of the expressed proposition.

According to Searle (1996) the examples of this type are stating, asserting,

denying, confessing, admitting, notifying, concluding, predicting and so on. It

is so different things with another opinion about types of illocutionary acts.

However, the researcher used Searle‟s classification to analyze the objects.The

researcher found thirty of representatives acts in Divergent movie.Meanwhile,

the researcher found five examples of representatives from the data.First

asserting, second is denying, third is notifying, then stating, and the last is

predicting.The examples can be seen as below:

a. Asserting

Some people say something emphatically as called asserting.

Datum 03/00:40:07,772--> 00:40:30,259 /Rep/Ass

Tori : You made a mistakechoosing Dauntless.They'll find out about you...

Tris : “Who?” Who will?

Tori : “The people you're a threat to”.

Tris :“What people? Who, Dauntless?”

Tori : “No, society.If you don't fit into a category,they can't control you”.

Tris : “I don't get it”.

Tris : “I'm Dauntless. I'm going to be Dauntless. I chose Dauntless.”

Tori : “For your sake, I hope so”.

a. Addreseer & addresee : Beatrice and Tori
b. Setting : Dauntless area, (Tattos)
c. Context of situation : The condition was quite. In that night,all of
members were asked to chose a tattoo. Beatrice met Tori, she has been
a supervisor Tris‟s exam.
Discussion of the data

The dialog is between the main character (Beatrice) and her

supervisors exam named Tori. The speech event takes place at the

dauntless room. When Four and Eric sneer at Beatrice and doubt her

ability to keep up. To cheer her up, Christina, Will, and Al took her to a

parlor to get tattoos. There, Tris found Tori and follows her, even

though it looks like she's trying to avoid her. She warned Tris that she

shouldn't have chosen Dauntless as her new faction, because there are

people looking for divergents. Beatrice still curious about her result‟s

test yesterday, she want to asked Tori aboit it. But, Tori blamed Beatrice

because she had choosen Dauntless to her faction, but shewere sure with

her choice. She did not care about people who hate her. Then, Tori said

“For your sake, I hope so”. She hoped it will come true. From the

utterance, Beatrice said that she were sure with her judgment to chose

Dauntless as her faction. Beatrice‟s illocutionary acts above is

Representative. She asserted to Tori about what her choice. Itis clear

that this utterance is Asserting.

b. Denying

Datum 11/00:11:51,211--> 00:11:59,583/Rep/Dny

Tori : “Your results were inconclusive”.
Tris : “That's impossible. It doesn't make any sense”.

Tori : “No. Not impossible. It's just extremely rare”.


a. Addreseer & addresee : Betrice and Tori

b. Setting : exam room

c. Context of situation : The condition was quite. In that
morning, Tris has done first time examwhere the test was used to
determine where she was.

Discussion of the data

From the dialogue is between Tori and Beatrice, The speech

event takes place at the exam room. She puts Tris in a chair and has her

drunk a blue serum to start the test. Beatrice closed her eyes and then

opened them to find herself alone, with Tori no longer standing by her

side. She gets up and sees her reflection. She kept turning her head and

saw more reflections. Then there appeared to be a rabid dog. It growled

at Beatrice and then ran toward her. She closed her eyes and then saw it

as a puppy. Her younger self appeared, want to play with the puppy. It

reverts to its mangy dog form, running to attack the little Beatrice. The
older one runs after the dog, and they sink through the floor. Beatrice

awaked with a jolt. Tori is in a panicked state. Beatrice asked her what

the results were. Tori said they were inconclusived. According to the

results, Beatrice is suited for Abnegation, but also Erudite and

Dauntless. This is a rare case, known as Divergent, being suited for

more than one faction. Tori told her to go home and said she were sick

from the serum. Tris‟s utterances are included in the representative of

denying, which are contained the distrust or denying something.

c. Notifying

Datum 17/01:28:20,795 --> 01:28:36,043/Rep/Ntf

Four : “Why do you say that?

Tris : “You know why”.

Tris : “And as soon as all the others find out, they're gonna kill me ”.

Four : “I'm not gonna let that happen”.

a. Addreseer & addresee : Tris and Four

b. Setting : Dauntless area

c. Context of situation : The condition was very quiet, when Tris knew
that Al was dead, he was very upset.

Discussion of the data

From the dialogue is between Beatrice and Four, when Tris and

Christina came across the chasm where some Dauntless members are

pulling out a body. It is Al, having jumped to his death out of guilt. Tris

felt somewhat responsible for this. Tris admited to Four she did not sure

she would pass her final testing either. When Four asked why, Tris said

that Four knew she is Divergent. Four acknowledges that he knew, and

said he is going to help her. After Tris saw Al were died of suicide. Four

tries to calm Tris that it's not Tris's fault, but it's Al's choice to worry too

much about his faction. Here Tris told Four that he would also do the

same if he had failed with his faction. Because Tris had 5 factions at once

which if they (the Dauntlesss) knew this Tris will be killed by the

Dauntless. Then, Four said "I'm not gonna let that happen". She assured

Tris, it would not happen to her. Tris's illocutionary act above is

Representative. Tris's told Four that she would be killed by other

Dauntlesss if they knew Tris's true faction. Here is included in the

notifying representative where the speaker stated a notification to the


d. Stating
Datum 22/00:38:17--> 00:38:24/Rep/Stt

Tris: “I'm never gonna make it. I'm the weakest one here.”

Christina :“Yes, you are. Then you'll be most improved”.


a. Addreseer & addresee : Tris and Christina

b. Setting : Dauntless area

c. Context of situation : The condition was quite. In that

evening, after the phsycal test for the first time, Tris lost to againther
enemy and her name were ranked the last.

Discussion of the data

From the dialogue, Tris told her friend (Christina) that herself

was weak. She considered that she was the weakest among other friends.

Then, Cristina said “Then you'll be most improved”. She tried to calm her,
Tris didnot felt weak. From the utterance, Tris stated that she felt so

weak than another friends. Tris‟s illocutionary acts above is

Representative. Tris stated that she could not do like another person

there. Itis clear that this utterance is Stating

d. Predicting

Datum 29/00:38:40,419--> 00:38:46,755/Rep/Pred

AL : “If they cut me, I think my parents would take me back”.

Will : “No, it doesn't work like that”

Will : “Even if they wanted to, their faction wouldn't allow it”.

Tris: “ Even if my parents would take me back, I wouldn't belong

there anymore”

Christina : “This is getting depressing”.


a. Addreser & addresee : Tris,Christina,Will and Al

b. Setting : Dauntless area (bedroom)

c. Context of situation : The night's condition was very relaxed, before

sleeping the new Dauntless members were given knowledge about
the Faction and they are disscussing about it.

Discussion of the data

From the dialogue, Tris and his friends were talking about life

factions. The worst thing that would happen to the faction here is that if

they did not have the right factions in their lives, they would be

considered non-factions and would not be accepted back to their

respective families. Tris‟s utterances are included in predicting, where

Tris had guessed that both her parents would still received her if she

failed in choosing her faction.

2) Directives

According to Yule (1996:54), Directive is used by the speaker to get the

addressee to do something. It intends to produce some effectsthrough action on

the listener. By uttering a directive, the speaker attempts to getthe listener to do

something.By ordering, commanding, requesting, advising, asking, begging,

bidding, demanding, forbiding, and recommending. The speaker is trying to get

the listener to carry out some action. This acts represents what the speaker

wants. Directive is the speaker to get someone else to do something. According

to Searle (1996) an utterance used to try to get the hearer to do something.

Directives can be concluded that this utterance drives the listener to do

something, as proposing a request or urge. The examples of this types

according to Searle are requesting, ordering, forbiding, warning, advising,

suggesting, insisting, and recommending. The data below are the types of

directive acts:

a. Ordering

Tris‟s utterancewhich involved in ordering of directive illocutionary

acts are as follows :

Datum 31/00:46:48,572-->00:47:21,164 /Dirc/Ord

Eric : “One thing you will learn here, is that orders are not optional.

Tris : “Stop! Anyone can stand in front of a target. It doesn't prove

Eric : “Then it should be easy for you to take his place”.


a. Addreseer & addresee : Tris,and Eric

b. Setting : Dauntless area
c. Context of situation : The situation was very tense. When they were
trained to hit the target with a knife, all members were asked to throw a
knife to hit the target.

Discussion of the data

From the dialogue, all of Dauntless's members were trained to threw

a knife on target.The initiates then practice throwing knives at targets. Al

threw his knife weakly and it did not hit anywhere close to the target. Eric

toldhim to go get it, but Al refused to as everybody is throwing their knives.

Eric stopped everybody and forces Al to stand in front of the target. Before

Eric threw his knife, Tris told him that this wont prove anything. Eric makes

her take Al's place. Four grabed four knives to threw. He threw the first one
far away from Tris, but gets closer with each knife until he threw the last one

close enough to cut Tris's ear. After the practice, she told Four that he cut her,

but he said Eric would not had let her out of there if she were left without a

scratch.Tris‟s utterance is included in the directive (ordering). He asked Four

firmly to stop his action.

b. Forbiding

Tris‟s utterances which areinvolved in forbiding of directive

illocutionary acts are as follows :

Datum 34/01:07:57,573--> 01:08:00,876/Dirc/Forb

Tris : “Mom, what are you doing here?”

Mom : “I knew they'd assign you here...sooner or later. Look at you!
God,you're so strong and beautiful.”
Tris : “Mom, you can't be here!”

Mom : “I know, but you're in danger”.

a. Adresseer & adressee : Tris and her Mom
b. Setting : Dauntless parking
c. Context of situation : The conditions were happy, all the quarantine
members were allowed to go home. When it was time Tris put things
in the car, his mother came.

Discussion of the data

From the dialogue, when Tris and all the members of Dauntless

had finished their quarantine it is recommended to go home, Tris put the

bags in the truck, they are taking in bags of supplies from Amity and loading

them onto trucks. Tris saw a light flashing in her eyes as if somebody is

trying to get her attention. She walked behind the trucks and found her

mother had signaled. They hug. Natalie asked Tris if she really got Dauntless

for her aptitude test. She admited her results were inconclusive. Natalie

warns her not to let anybody knew about this and to be safe, because Erudite

is hunting down Divergents, believing they are a threat to their system since

they did not conform to just one faction and are capable of free-thinking.

Tris then asked Natalie if she were Dauntless. Her mom told that Tris in

danger of her faction. However, Tris more worried about her mother if she

stays here. This utterance, it is clear that Tris forbade her to be in this place.

In the directive act, the speaker expects the listener to do something with

what the listener said. Tris wished her mother would soon leave the venue.

d. Commanding

Tris‟s utterance which areinvolved in commanding of directive

illocutionary acts are as follows :

Datum 36/01:53:11,618--> 01:53:25,498/Dirc/Cmd

Tris : “Will! Will! Will! Will, stop! Stop! Stop!”


a. Addresseer & addressee : Tris and her Mom

b. Setting : Dauntless area
c. Context of situation : This condition was grip, because Tris wanted
to be killed by Erudite Faction.

Discussion of the data

From the dialogue, Tris and her mother tried to saved themselves

from the Erudite faction and Dauntless faction itself. She rescues her

daughter, and Tris realizes that her mother were indeed a former Dauntless.

They took their weapons to defend themselves. Will shoots at Tris and

Natalie, and Tris had to kill him. Tris tried to stop Will but he ignored her.

Tris had to fire the bullet to Will until he died.She is upset that she had to

do it, but her mother comforts her. Tris's comment contained commanded

meaning but the listener ignored the command from the speaker.

Datum 40/01:59:06,873--> 01:59:09,206/Dirc/Cmd

Tris: “Against the wall!”


a. Addreseer & addresee : Tris, and Al

b. Setting : Dauntless area

c. Context of situation : That condition was so gripping, they are trying

to get into the Dauntless area. Tris met Al who he was died before in there.

Discussion of the data

From the dialogue, the situation was so gripping. Tris heled her

mother and cried. She went to found her father and Caleb in a safe house. She

cried to her father, morning Natalie's death. Caleb mourns as well, having left

Erudite after realizing their corruption. Tris told them that the serum Erudite

gave the Dauntless members is controlling them into attacking the Abnegation

members, part of a plot to usurped control of government from the

Abnegation faction. To stopped this, they must infiltrate the Dauntless

fortress. Tris led them away.Tris guided Andrew and Caleb, and another

fighter, to the train that took them to Dauntless. They jumped off the train into

the rooftop and down into the hole. Tris found Al and forces him to told them
where the fortress is after shooting him.They must found where Erudite

controls the system. When they enter into Dauntless, and they met with Al, he

awoke again. Tris ordered Al to lean “against the wall and asked to told where

Erudite‟s place controls the system of influenced”. Tris's utterance contained

into a commanding word which means the listener does what the speaker‟s


e. Requesting

Tris‟s utteranceswhich are involved in requesting of directive

illocutionary acts are as follows :

Datum 43/01:59:17,651--01:59:22,355 /Dirc/Rqt

Tris : “Where are they controlling it from?”

Al : “Why would I tell you that? It's not like you're gonna shoot me.”


a. Addreser & addresee : Tris, and Al

b. Setting : Erudite area
c. Context of situation : That condition was tense, Tris asked Al to say
where the controlling place.
Discussion of the data

From the dialogue, Tris guided Andrew and Caleb, and another fighter, to

the train that took them to Dauntless. They jumped from the train to the roof and

down into the pit. Tris foundAl and forced him to tell them where the castle is

after shooting him. The heroes met the more controlled members of Dauntless.

Andrew shot them and killed them, but he was shot and also died quickly. Caleb

cried because of his father, and Tris was mourning as well. He kept moving until

he found a room with Jeanine and the others, ready to complete Dauntless's

control. All are ready to kill many Abnegate members. Some of the Dauntless

have started killing some Abnegate members.In this dialogue it is clear that Tris

asked Al where it is. Here is included in directive ordering.

Datum 44/02:04:36,569--02:05:12,002/Dirc/Rqt

Tris : “Four... Please...

It's okay, it's okay. I love you. It's okay.

Four, look at me. Look at me.

It's me. It's me. It's me. It's me.”


d. Addreser & addresee : Tris, and Four

e. Setting : Erudite area
f. Context of situation : That condition was tense, Four has been
beating Tris without realizing himself.

Discussion of the data

From the dialogue, Four is out of control, he had been exposed

to ammunition from Jeanie (the leader of Erudite) which they wanted to

master the Dauntless faction and wanted to destroy the Abnegation

faction. In here, Tris asked Four to be aware that it is him. Because she

had been beat Tris. Tris saw that Four had also been injected with the

serum, controlling him to attack Tris. She were fought back, but Four

outfights her easily. Tris repeatedly tried to remind him who she is. She

grabed a gun and points it at him, but then she turned it around to her own

head. She continues to reassure Four, "It's okay, I love you." As Four took

heled of the handle of the gun, ready to kill Tris, she gently kept his face

turned toward her. Tris's utterance is included in the Directives

(requesting) where Tris asked Four to saw her at that moment to get him

out of control.

3) Commisive

Commissives are those kinds of speech acts that the speaker uses to

commit themselves to some future actions. They express what the speakers

intend. In using the commisive, the speaker undertakes to make the world fit the

words (via the speaker). By uttering commisives, the speaker is committing

himself or herself to some future course of action. For example, commite-

request, the point of promise is to commite the speaker to do something to try the

listener doing it. Commissives express what the speaker intends.

The examples are [a] “I will beback”and [b] “We will not do that”.

TheSpeaker in example [a] commits to the futureaction that he/she will come

back again. The Speaker in example [b] promises thathe/she will not do the same

thing again in the future. Both speakers are committing some future course of

action which means they apply commissive.Some examples are promising,

vowing, offering, guaranteeing, pledging and betting. Commissive is kind of

speech act that the speaker uses to commite themselves to do some in the future,

(Searle in Yule1996:54). Commisive can express what the speaker intends. The

data below are the types of directive acts:

a. Vowing

Tris‟s utterance is involved in vowing of commissive illocutionary

acts are as follows :

Datum 46/01:26:49,705 -->01:27:03,951/Cmsv/Vwg.

Al : “Tris, can I talk to you for a second? Listen, I just wantedto say that I'm
sorry.I don't know what's wrong with me.Please, can you ever forgive

Tris : “If you ever come close to me again, I will kill you!”.


a. Addresseer & addressee : Tris, and Al

b. Setting : Dauntless area (dining room)
c. Context of situation : That condition was quite, all of members were
eating in there.

Discussion of the data

The dialogue happens when Tris returns to Dauntless, she is caught

by three masked guys. They carried her and nearly threw her into the chasm,

but she fought herself out. She unmasks one of them, shocked to see it is Al.

She fought them off and Four came in to her rescue. He tendedto her wounds,

and she expressed disbelief that Al would attack her. Four said it is because he

is trying to boost his ranks since he knew he is close to getting kicked out.

Later, when everybody is eating in The Pit, Al tried to apologize to Tris for

what he did. She told him to left her alone and that she would killed him if he

touch her. However, Tris did not wish to forgave him because Tris were

disappointed with his action last night, because Tris were almost killed by

him. The commisives acts from Tri‟s utterance is when she were promised

would killed him.

4) Expressive

Expressive are those kinds of speech acts that state what the speaker

feels. They express psycological states and it can be statements of pleasure.

Speakers of a language often express feelings to the listener when they speak.

By doing so, the speakers have performed the expressive acts. They have the

function of expressing, or making known, the speaker‟s psychological attitude

towards a state of affairs which the illocution presupposes. These speech acts

express the speaker‟s inner state which says nothing about the world. As the

examples are thanking, congratulating, apologising, deploring, welcoming, and

condoling (Searle 1996). Those psychological states can be statements of

pleasure, pain, likes, dislikes, joy, or sorrow which are experienced by the

speaker. The data below are the types of expressive acts, those are:

a. Condoling

Tris‟s utterance which areinvolved in condoling of expressive

illocutionary acts are as follows :

Datum 48/02:10:18,977--> 02:10:52,929/Expr/Cond

Tris : “My mom and dad died today. They're gone. Now we have nothing.
We have no home, no faction. I don't even know who I am anymore..”
Four : “I know exactly who you are”.

a. Addresser & addressee : Tris,and Four

b. Setting : in a train
c. Context of situation :That condition was quite, they would
went far from this place.

Discussion of the data

From the dialogue, when more Dauntless members appear to shot at

Tris and Natalie (Tris‟s mom) as they made a ran for it. They fought back, but

Natalie is shot in the side and quickly dies. Tris heled her mother and cried.

She went to find her father and her brother Caleb in a safe house. She cried to

her father, mourning Natalie's death. Meanwhile,the heroes encounter more

controlled Dauntless members. Andrew (Tris‟s dad) shot at them and killed

them, but he is shot and also dies quickly. Caleb cried over his father, and Tris

briefly mourns him as well. Tris is so sad today, she had to lose both her

parents. It happens when Natalierescues her daughter, and Tris realizes that

her mother was indeed a former Dauntless. They took their weaponed to

defend themselves. Now she didnot had anyone else except his brother Caleb,

and Four. Tris also did not have the faction.In this dialogue, Tris's speech

belonged to the expressive(condoling), which showsed the sadness in his life.

b. Deploring

Tris‟s utterance which areinvolved in deploring of expressive

illocutionary acts are as follows :

Datum 49/01:28:06,681-->01:28:11,652 /Expr/Depl

Tris : “It's my fault that he's dead.”

Four : “No, it's not because of you. He made his own choice.”


a. Addresser & addressee : Tris, and Four

b. Setting : in Dauntless area
c. Context of situation : That condition was quite, after they saw Al

Discussion of the data

From the dialogue, Tris and Christina came across the chasm where

some Dauntless members are pulling out a body. It's Al, having jumped to his

death out of guilt. Tris felt somewhat responsible for this. Tris admited to

Four she is not sure she would pass her final testing either. When Four asked

why, Tris said that Four knew she is Divergent. Four acknowledges that he

knew, and said that he is went to help her.Tris felt so sad because AL died

suicide after he tried to kill Tris. She deeply regrets and blamed herself for the

death of Al. Four said "No, it's not because of you. He made his own choice.

"This is not a mistake of his own choice to end his life when he later has no

faction. Tris‟s utterances are included in expressive (Deploring) in which

there is regret for something that had happened.

c. Apologizing
Tris‟s utterancewhich are involved in ordering of directive

illocutionary acts are as follows ;

Datum 51/01:24:03,438--> 01:24:06,339 /Exp/Apl

Tris : “Sorry”.

Four : “It's okay”.


a. Adresseer & adressee : Tris and Four

b. Setting : Dauntless area
c. Context of situation :This condition was so sad, Triswereattacked by

Discussion of the data

From the dialogue, when Tris returns to Dauntless, she is caught by

three masked guys. They carry her and nearly throw her into the chasm, but

she fought herself out. She unmasks one of them, shocked to see it is Al. She

fought them off and Four came in to her rescue. He tends to her wounds, and

she expressed disbelief that Al would attack her. Four said that it iss because

he is trying to boost his ranks since he knew he is close to getting kicked

out.Tris suffered a hand injury, and her shoulders.

d. Thanking

Tris‟s utterance which areinvolved in thanking of expressive

illocutionary acts are as follows :

Datum 52/00:49:33,304-->00:49:33,303 /Exp/Thx

Molly : “Hey, Tris. That was cool”.

Tris : “Thanks.”


a. Addresser & addressee : Tris and her friends

b. Setting : Dauntless area
c. Context of situation : This condition were so happy, Tris got a
thanks from her friends.

Discussion of the data

From the dialogue, after Tris returned from the knives arena, she

greeted by her friends who praised for her courage. The other members,

including Molly, congratulate Tris. Peter approaches her to congratulate her

sarcastically while adding that there is a news report on both Tris and Caleb

and their both choosing to leave Abnegation for other factions.Tris were
suffered a wound at her ear because of his Four‟s blade. Tris‟s utterance is

included in Expressive (thanking) the main character gave thanks to her

friends about praised from them.

5) Declarative

Declarative is a kind of illocutionary act that can change word the

utterance which is produced. That acts bring about some alteration in the status

or condition of the referred to object or object solely in virtue of the fact that

declaration has been sucessfully performed. In using declaration, the speakers

can change the world via the words. As Searle in (Yule 1996:53) stated that

declarative is kinds of speech act that change the world via their utterance.

When the speaker utters a declaration, his/her words bring about a new state of

affair. The word can change which is intended to refer any situation. It can

change of the status of a person or, the ownership of something. The verbs

which belong to declaration are Naming, resigning, surrending, appointing,

baptizing, arresting.Below are the examples :

a. Naming

Tris‟s utterancewhich are involved in naming of declarative

illocutionary acts are as follows :

Datum 53/00:26:55,013 -->00:27:10,794/Dcl/Nam

Four : “What's your name?”

Tris : “It's bea...”

Four : “Is that a hard one? You can pick a new one if you want, but make it
good. You don't get to pick again.”

Tris : “Okay... My name's Tris.”


a. Addresser & addressee : Tris, and Four

b. Setting : Dauntless area
c. Context of situation :The situation were frightening to Tris, as she
were asked to jump from a height.

Discussion of the data

From the dialogue, Beatrice arrived in the Dauntless faction with all

the other members. They ran wild, climbing to the top of the elevated train

tracks and chasing after the train as it goes so they can hop onto it before it's

too late. Beatrice met a Candor member, named Christina. Then, they had to

jump off the moving train onto a rooftop. Dauntless leader Eric gathers
everyone over the edge of the rooftop for them to jump into a hole. He asked

for a volunteer to go first, and Beatrice steps forward. After some hesitation,

she jumped into the hole and landed on a net. She is pulled out by Dauntless

instructor Four. He asked for her name, Tris said that “Bea” but Four asked

again, “is it difficult my question”. Then Tris repeated his words. She

introduced herself that her name is Tris. She changed her name Beatrice to

Tris made easier to be remembered. Tris‟s utterances here are included in the

declarative (Naming) which told all that her name is Tris not Beatrice. It is

clear that word can change the world with word and she decides to call herself


b. Declare

Tris‟s utterances which are involved in declare of declarative

illocutionary acts are as follows :

Datum 55/02:11:25,677--> 02:11:43,028/Dcl/Dclr

Tris :“We're like the Factionless now”. We've left everything behind,
but we found ourselves and each other. Tomorrow we may
have to fight again, but, for now, we'll ride the train to the
end of the line...”

a. Addresser & addressee : Tris

b. Setting : a train
c. Context of situation : That condition was so quite and sad, Tris was
so happy because she has solved her problem, but she must lose her

Discussion of the data

From the dialogue, Four met with Marcus, his father, and he is

obviously uneasy. Despite this, both Marcus and Caleb join Tris and Four as

they board the train heading out of Dauntless. Tris is sad over the loss of her

parents and she still did not knew where she belongs. Four said that he did

knew. Tris narrates again, saying that they felt like the factionless, having

lost their homes and loved ones. However, they would continue to fight if

they must.Tris and Four went to a far off area by a train took them outside

the city wall to Amity. Tris told Four that now she had no anyone else and

had no faction.Tris‟s utterances areincluded in the Declarative (declaration)

because Tris had told all people what are happened after those sad events.


A. Conclusions

In this chapter, the researcher makes conclusion clearly from the

anaylisis of illocutionary acts in Divergent movie. The purpose of this

researcher is to know the types of illocutiinary acts that are dominantly

present by Tris as the main character in the movie, through the dialogue.

Based on the findings, there are five types illocutionary acts expressed by

Tris. In her utterances, Tris presents more illocutionary acts of representatives

than other acts.

Representative that appear in Tri‟s utterances are stating, asserting,

denying, notifying, and predicting. Those representative mostly used by Tris

is asserting. It is used ten times by her. Then, directives illocutionary acts

which founded in Tris‟s utterances are ordering, forbiding, commanding,

requesting. Commanding used by Tris nine times. One type of commisive

illocutionary acts, it is vowing. There are four categories of expressive acts

founded in Tris‟s utterances. They are thanking, apologizing, condoling, and

deploring. Deploring is mostly used by Tris. It is used twice times by her.

According to summary above, illocutionary acts of representative are

often used by Tris in her utterances. Representative potentially represents the

power and the dominance of the speaker. Representative shows the true

condition of the meaning of the utterance. In representative, the utterance is

commonly spoken by the main character herself. Because in this movie, she

goes condition that she really have never got before and it is real.

Representative explains that believe to be the case, but on the other sides, it

does not obligate to ourself, others also can believe that. This research reveals

that Tris as a great woman who understand who she is, and to what faction she

belongs. She has a great ability to solve her problems and to dominatie as the

main character besides any other participants.

Then, the illocutionary acts of directive are seldom used by the main

character in her utterances. In this movie, she is not a person who commands

someone else to do her willingness. Actually, there are some things included

in directive acts when Tris wants the listener to do something. Directive as

explained above when the speaker wants the listener to do something with

what the speaker expresses. But on the other sides, it does not obligate the

listener to do that.

In addition, from this research it can be known that context is needed

to know the intended meaning of the utterance. Context has an important role

in interpreting a sentence. The same utterance will have different meaning if

the context of each utterance is different.

B. Suggestion
In this research, the research analyzes speech acts, especially illocutionary

acts, to give more attention to the form of speech acts; direct and indiret, literal

and non-literal. So they do not only find the explicit meanings but also the

implicit ones. For the linguistics students, who are interested in analyzing movie

using pragmatic approach as its basic analysis, they can analyze deixis,

implicature or pressupposition.

The researcher hopes this research will be useful for the readers and

researcher to get better understanding about speech act, especially types of

illocutionary acts. The researcher also expects this research result can become

referable for further researcher to analyze illocutionary acts or other acts in

speech acts with the different objects, such as comics, magazines, short stories,

novels, etc. Finally, the researcher hopes that this study will give benefit to

English Letters Department students who wants to do similar research.


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An Analysis of Illocutionary acts in “Divergent” movie by Neil Burger 2014

There is three classification of speech act, the first is Locutionary act, second
is Illocutionary act and the last is Perlocutionary act.According to Searle (in Yule,
1996: 53), the classification of illocutionaryacts in to five main types :
1. Representative
Believe to be the case.
2. Directive
The speaker to get someone else to do something.
3. Comissive
Express what speaker‟s intends.
4. Expressive
Feelings to the listener when they speak.
5. Declarative
When the speaker utters a declaration, his or her words bring about a new
state of affair.

No Types of Meaning Data Context

1. Asserting 1. Beatrice said to Jeanie
Jeanie that the exam will show
00:16:49,808 --> 00:16:52,811 some results, but they can
Well, you both have a big determine their choices.
decision to make today.

00:16:52,812 --> 00:16:55,647
I'm sure your parents will
whatever choice you make.

“That's not suposed to be a
“The test should tell us what
to do.”

“but you don't really want

2. Beatrice said that as

Christina Candor, Christina
00:38:22,100 --> 00:38:24,700 shouldn‟t lying to her.
Then you'll be most improved.

“You're Candor. You're
not supposed to lie”.

3. Beatrice really
Tris chooseDauntless and she
00:40:26,224-->00:40:30,259 confident that Dauntless
“I'm Dauntless. I'm going to its her faction.
beDauntless. I chose

00:40:31,729 --> 00:40:35,531
For your sake, I hope so.

4. Four have hurt the part of

Four Tris‟s ear, and he said it
00:48:41,585 --> 00:48:43,253 deliberately because they
- You all right? never let her go without a
cut. Then, Tris say is she
Tris supposed to thank
00:48:41,585-->00:48:43,253 himafter what he have
“You cut me.” done to her.

00:48:43,254 --> 00:48:45,287
I meant to.

“You meant to?”

“So am I supposed to thank

5. Beatrice said that her

Al parents is kind and does
00:50:11,109 --> 00:50:13,809 not like what he think.
Did they beat you,
like Marcus Eaton's kid?

“They didn't beat anyone.
They're good people.”

6. Beatrice assuring herself

01:12:08,657-->01:12:10,824 that the event is not real.
“This isn't real.”

7. Beatrice triying to explain

Christina to her friends that she
01:13:38,114 --> 01:13:39,915 does not have any trick to
You didn't seem to have complete the test with
any problem at all such a short time.

“Me? No, no, my God, it was

“I don't have a trick.”

“No, I... I'm not doing

8. Beatrice trying to remind

Caleb him about their faction,
01:19:10,112 --> 01:19:12,981 and she wanted to get
Erudite should be in charge. back to Abnegation, but
Certainly not Abnegation. her brother forbid her.
Because faction is above
Tris blood.
“Wait, hold on, Caleb.
How can you say that?”

“No. That's just what they're
telling you here...”

“It's not true.”

“It's not.”

“There are people who
knowhow to manipulate you.”

“Yeah, I'm fine.”

9. beatrice said to Markus,

Marcus Caleb and her father if
01:59:36,636 --> 01:59:39,177 they‟re wasting time it
Did you really need to shoot will be destroyed.

“Every minute we waste,
another Abnegation dies,

and another Dauntless
becomes a murderer.”

10. Beatrice trying to told to

Tris Four who she is, but
02:02:10,956-->02:02:13,324 hedidn‟t listen it, because
Hey. Hi. he was influenced by the

Four... Four, it's me.
You're in a sim.


02:02:32,979 -->02:02:35,446
He can't hear you.

Denying 11. Beatrice denying

Tori thatTori‟s statement is not
00:11:51,211 --> 00:11:53,312 posibble.
Your results were inconclusive.

“That's impossible. It
doesn't make any sense.”

00:11:55,248 --> 00:11:59,583
No. Not impossible. It's
just extremely rare.

Notifying 12. In her country, they

Tris divide into five groups
00:02:43,264-->00:02:45,508 faction, theyaremade to
“and they divided us keep the peace of their
into five groups,” life.

“factions, to keep the peace.”

“The smart ones, the ones
whovalue knowledge and

“are in Erudite.”

“They know everything.”

“Amity farm the land.”

“They're all about kindness
and harmony, always happy.”

“Candor value honesty and
“They tell the truth, even
When you wish they

“And then there's Dauntless.”

“They're our protectors,
our soldiers, our police.”

13. Beatrice explain about her

00:03:40,721-->00:03:42,755 faction nowdo not have
“My faction is Abnegation.” eshtablishment of life.

“The others all call us "stiffs.”

“We lead a simple life ,”

“selfless, dedicated
to helping others.”

“We even feed the

“the ones who don't fit in

“Because we're public

“we're trusted to run
the government.”

“My father works alongside
our leader, Marcus.”

“It all works. Everyone
knows where they belong.”
“Except for me .”

14. She trust thather result of

test will be reveal who is
00:06:04,665-->00:06:07,698 she in life.
“Test will tell me who
I am, where I belong”.

“Am I smart?”

“Kind? Am I honest?”

“Selfless? Or brave?”

15. Tori asks to Beatrice,

Tori what is it with Abnegation
00:08:10,656 --> 00:08:13,591 with the mirror?
What is it with you Beatricesaid that
Abnegation and mirrors? Abnegation always reject
00:08:14,02 --> 00:08:16,729
“We reject vanity.”

16. Tris said that they need to

Four go higher.
00:58:40,216 --> 00:58:42,817
This is high enough.

“No, we need to go higher.”

17. Beatrice said to Four,if

Tris the others find out who
01:28:32,740-->01:28:36,043 she is, they‟re gonna kill
“And as soon as all the others her.
find out, they're gonna kill

01:28:36,044 -->01:28:38,578
I'm not gonna let that happen.
18. She said that she was sick
Dad when test begins.
00:13:36,916 -->00:13:39,184
Why did you just leave
without telling anybody?

“I was sick.”
Stating 19. Many people said that
Dauntless so crazy, but
00:03:33,946-->00:03:35,815 they are who always save
“Some people think Dauntless the community of
are crazy,” country.

“which they kind of are”

20. Her brother is very smart.

“For my brother Caleb, it's

“He's a natural.”

21. Caleb asks Beatrice,

“would you want to help
00:05:52,486-->00:05:55,755 others if they need your
“I was thinking about helping help?”
her.” Beatrice consider it easy
for her brother.
“For you, maybe.”

22. Beatrice considers that

Eric she was the weakest
00:38:12,023 -->00:38:15,858 among them.
If you're still in the red by the
end of the first stage, you're out

“I'm never gonna make it.

“I'm the weakest one here.”
23. Beatrice want to know
what the faction who she
00:12:16,971-->00:12:19,572 chose and what should be
“This was supposed to tell me trusted from the result of
what faction to choose, the test.

“We're supposed to trust the

24. Beatrice must do

something like an
01:37:57,438 -->01:38:00,975 Dauntless.
They can see your
hallucinations on the screen.

01:38:00,976 -->01:38:03,077
So you get past your fears
the way a Dauntless would,

01:38:03,078 -->01:38:04,645
but do it quickly.

“Right. If I'm too good, then
they'll kill me, and if I'm too
slow, then I'll die.”

25. Beatrice said to Eric about

Eric he was wrong to describe
01:49:06,107 -->01:49:09,843 Tris.
- This is what happens.
- She's not gonna shoot me.

“Think you might be
Overestimating my

26. Beatrice said that she love

01:55:28,121-->01:55:30,955 her mom till whenever.
“I love you, Mom...”
27. Tris tried to told about her
Dad mom. Her mom was die.
01:56:43,629 --> 01:56:45,496
Your mother?

“She saved me.”

28. Tris try to explains to her

Caleb dad and her brother about
01:57:37,650 -->01:57:39,852 Dauntless and Erudite.
Why are Dauntless fighting for

“They don't know what
they're doing.”

“They're under simulation.”

“We need to wake 'em up.
I need to get into Dauntless.”

Predicting 29. She said that she can not

Will live in her house if she
00:38:37,516 -->00:38:40,418 fail in this faction.
Even if they wanted to, their
faction wouldn't allow it.

“Even if my parents
would take me back,

I wouldn't belong there

30. Beatrice thinks that Four

Four is not afraid anything.
00:58:57,067 -->00:58:59,901
Everyone's afraid of something.

“I didn't think you were
afraid of anything”

2. Directives Ordering 31. Beatrice ask firmly to

Tris Four to stop his actions
00:47:09,293-->00:47:21,164 and she said that all
“Stop!Anyone can stand in people can stand there,
front of a target. It doesn't but Eris asdks to Tris to
prove anything.” stand in front arenas.

“Then it should be easy foryou
to take his place”.

32. Beatrice asks to Al to stay

Al away from her, because
01:27:03,952 --> 01:27:05,053 she angry.

“You need to stay away from

Forbiding 33. Beatrice climbed to the

Four top of the windmill
00:57:51,200 -->00:57:53,136 looking for a secure
You're not gonna jump, are you? position and Four
followed her, and Tris
Tris forbid him.
“No, I'm just trying to get
a good vantage point.”

“You don't have to come with

34. Beatrice forbid her

Tris mother to be in this place
01:07:57,573-->01:08:00,876 because in this place is
“Mom, you can't be here.” very dangrous.

Mom : “I know, but you're in


Commanding 35. Beatrice doesn‟t want to

four talk with Four.
01:28:00,375 -->01:28:01,609

“Leave me alone.”

36. Beatrice asks to Will to

Tris do it (shoot) her, but Will
01:53:11,618-->01:53:13,952 still do it.
Will! Will!

Will! Will, stop! Stop!


37. Beatrice asks to all to stop

01:55:21,781-->01:55:23,649 it.
“Stop! Stop!”

38. Beatrice asks to Caleb,

01:58:28,868-->01:58:30,970 Marcus and her father to
“There's a net at the bottom. jump from train and jump
to bottom.
“Don't think, just jump.”

39. Beatrice was talking to

01:58:56,596-->01:58:58,629 them, they should wait
“Wait here.” here.

40. Beatrice asks to Al to

01:59:06,873-->01:59:09,206 against the wall and tell
“Against the wall!” where is Erudite
controlling the human.
41. Beatrice was forbid her
02:00:29,488-->02:00:32,057 father to do it but her
“Dad, no!” fathe still do, finally her
father die and Tris asks to
02:00:32,058-->02:00:33,726 Caleb to save him.

“Watch Caleb. I'm going in
42. Beatrice ask to Four to
02:03:31,504-->02:03:35,241 look at her, to stop what
“Four, it's me. It's me.” he do it.

“Please, Four, look at me.
Look at me.”

“Four! It's me!”

43. Tris command Jeannie to

02:07:51,330 --> 02:07:54,998 shutdown all the program.
“Now shut it down and
wipe the program.”
Requesting 44. Beatrice plead with Four
02:04:36,569-->02:04:38,836 for look at her, she was
“Four... Please...” willing to die for the sake
of Four.
“It's okay, it's okay.
I love you. It's okay.”

“Four, look at me. Look at

“It's me. It's me.”

02:05:09,135--> 02:05:12,002
“It's me. It's me.”

45. Beatrice has to choose

00:39:54,792-->00:39:56,759 one of tattoo and she
“I'd like this one.” asked Tori to make it in
around her neck.
.3. Commisives Vowing 46. Beatrice very angry to Al.
Al Because Al trying to hurt
01:26:49,705 --> 01:27:03,951 Tris
“Tris, can I talk to you for a
Listen, I just wanted to say that
I'm sorry. I don't know what's
wrong with me. Please, can you
ever forgive me?”
Tris : “If you ever come close
to me again, I will kill you!”.

4. Expressive Condoling 47. Beatrice is so very sad to

02:10:18,977-->02:10:21,397 lose her parents. Now she
“My mom and dad died haven‟t anymore.

“They're gone.”

“Now we have nothing.”

“We have no home, no

“I don't even know who I am
Deploring 48. Beatrice blaming herself
Tris for Al‟s demise.
“It's my fault that he's dead.”

01:28:08,484 -->01:28:11,652
No, it's not because of you.
He made his own choice.

49. Tris really regret and so

01:53:25,499-->01:53:27,365 sad, she was killing Will.

“I killed him. I killed
him. I killed him.”

Apologize 50. Beatrice apologize to

01:24:03,438 --> 01:24:04,572 Four, when Four treat her.

Tris : “Sorry”.

Four : “It's okay”.

Thanking 51. Beatrice thanking to her

00:49:29,133 --> 00:49:33,303 friends who praised her.
Her friends : Hey, Tris. That
was cool.

Tris : “Thanks.”

5. Declaration Naming 52. Beatrice introduce herself

00:26:55,013 --> 00:26:56,381 to her faction.
Four : “What's your name?”

Tris : It's bea...

00:26:59,184 --> 00:27:01,186

Is that a hard one?

00:27:01,187 --> 00:27:03,388

You can pick a new one if
you want, but make it good.

00:27:03,389 --> 00:27:05,622

You don't get to pick again.

Okay... My name's Tris.

02:07:34,447-->02:07:36,880 Beatrice said that she
You're right. Divergent.

I'm not.

I'm Divergent.

Declare 54.
We're like the Factionless

“We've left everything

but we found ourselves
and each other.

Tomorrow we may have
to fight again,

02:11:39,625--> 02:11:43,028
but, for now, we'll ride the
train to the end of the line...

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