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Operating System

Processing Modes
Data must be processed by the must suitable means. It can be transferred to one or more
computer system for more processing, for output or for storage.

This processing can be achieved by:

 Batch processing
 On-line processing
 Real-time processing
 Time-sharing

Batch processing

A batch processing system is one where data is collected together in a batch before
processing starts. With early computers data was entered on punched cards (or Hollerith
cards), which were handled in batches, hence the term batch processing. Batch
processing is most suitable for tasks where a large amount of data has to be processed on
a regular basis. When a batch job begins, it will continue until it is completed, or until an
error occurs.

Examples of a batch processing systems include those that process utility bills such as:

 Water
 Electricity
 Payroll
 Examination report card systems

Credit card companies also process billing in batches. The customer does not receive a
bill for each separate credit card purchase but one monthly bill for all of that month’s
purchases. The bill is created through batch processing, where all the data is collected
and held until the bill is processed as a batch at the end of the billing cycle.

Advantages of Batch processing

 Once the data is submitted for processing, the computer may be left running
without human interaction.
 The computer is only used for a certain period of time for the batch job.
 Jobs can be scheduled for time when the computer is not busy.

Disadvantages of Batch processing

 There is always a delay before work is processed and returned since batch jobs are
usually stored up over a period of time.

 It usually involves an expensive computer and a large number of trained staff.

On-Line and Real Time Processing

Computers and peripheral devices are on-line when they are connected to a main
processor and turned on, so that the operator can interact with them. Examples of on-line
processing include devices such as printers, which are on line when they are ready to
receive data from the computer to print. Most printers have an on line button you can
press to turn the machine on. If it is turned off then you are off line. You can also be
online if you are connected to say, Internet through a modem or network.

A real-time processing system processes data without significant delay, making it always
up-to-data. Since a processing system must be connected to one or more computers to
process data, then it must also be on-line. However, note that on-line does not
necessarily imply that processing is real time since there may be some delay with an on-
line system. Examples of real-time processing systems include:

 Anti – missile defense systems

 Aeroplane landing control system
 Flight simulation systems
 Electronic fund transfer systems
 Ticket reservation systems


 No significant delay for response

 Information is always up-to-date
 Output from the computer may be used to adjust and improve the input back to
the system.


 The computer must be dedicated solely to the task

 The computer must be continually on-line

Time- Sharing

A time-sharing system allows many users to share time on a single computer. Each user
is given a slice of CPU time by the computer. The computer works so fast that each user
seems to be the sole user of the computer.

One example of a time- sharing system is a bank’s bankcard system, which allows
hundreds of people to access the same program on the mainframe at the same time.

Other operating system controls include:

 Multi-tasking: allowing more than one program to run (work) at the same time:
for example, using a desktop publishing program while a graphics program is still
 Multi-processing: executing programs using tow or more processors
 Multi-programming: executing two or more programs at the same time using
only one processor
 Multi-user: allowing more than one user on a computer network to access the
same file at the same time.
 Security: creating passwords to allow only those with correct password to use the

Data transfer
Data transfer is the movement of data from one place to another. With computers this
happens in three ways

 Within a single computer

 Between a computer and other computers
 Between a computer and external devices.

Within a computer

The loading of the operating system when the computer is started is one example of data
being transferred within a computer. The operating system data is transferred from the
hard disk to the computer’s memory (RAM).

Data is also frequently transferred between software applications on a stand-alone

computer. This can be done simply by copying and pasting or by the software itself
opening or importing files that were created by a different software package. Importing
is the term for transferring data from one program to another. For example, Microsoft
Word will open web pages and documents created in other word-processing packages
such as Word Perfect.

Between computers

Most computer users will, at some time or another, need to transfer files between
computers. School students may need to transfer their work from a computer at home to
the school network via a diskette or a Zip disk. Updates to software packages, such as
Microsoft Office, can be downloaded from the Internet using file transfer protocol (FTP).

Sometimes, however, transferring data between computers requires a little preparation as

not everybody uses the same software. For example, one person might use Microsoft

Access as a database, whereas another might use Lotus Approach. The solution to this is
to convert the file into a common file format that can be read by all software packages
without changing or damaging the data. This process is known as file conversion. In the
example in Fig 1, converting the file to CSV (comma separated values) would enable it to
be read by other spreadsheet or databases.

Text, too, can easily be concerted. Saving text in ASCII (American Standard Code for
Information Interchange) format converts letters into binary code that can be read by any
computer. There is a drawback, however, because saving a file as ASCII results in all
formatting (bold, italic. etc.) being lost. To overcome this problem, files can be
converted instead to Rich Text Format (RTF). RTF enables the files to be opened by
other programs- even those on computers running different operating systems, as well as
preserving all formatting.

Fig. 1 Saving an Excel spreadsheet in CSV format means that other spreadsheet or database programs can open the

Another way of transferring data, made popular by the Internet, is by HTML (Hyper Text
Markup Language).

Before transferring data, it is also sometimes necessary to reduce the file size. The
process of reducing the size of a file for storage, or for sending via the Internet, is known
as file compression. WinZip and Stuffit are popular programs for compressing files.
File compression is important because some files, particularly picture, sound, video and
animation files, can take up a large amount of disk storage space.

Table 1 File compression

Type of data to be Compressed file format

 Graphics  JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
 GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
 Music  MP3
 Video  Versions of MPEG (Moving Pictures Experts

The larger the file size, the longer it takes to send via that Internet. This can mean that
more money is spent on telephone calls. Users of the Internet will also know that web
pages containing pictures can take a long time to load. Web designers try to get around
this problem by reducing the file size of pictures – usually by saving them in JPEG (Joint
Photographic Experts Group) format. When video is to be shown, this will be
compressed using the MPEG (Moving Pictures Experts Group) format. Music will be
compressed using MP3 (Table 1).

Fig. 2 Picture A was creted in Photoshop and saved, uncompressed, in Photoshop format. Its file size is 7.8 Mb. The
picture was then saved as JPEG (picture B), reducing the file size to 469 k.

Class Activity:

1. Categorize the following situations into batch, on-line, real-time processing, or

time-sharing. Indicate if you think any are a combination of more than one and
give a reason for your selection.
 Printing a letter from your word processing application.
 Chatting with a friend using the Internet and a chat program
 Scheduling your e-mail application to send an e-mail message in the next
 Sensors are attached to a machine, which is drying some chips. When the
temperature reaches a specific level the machine switches off. If it is
below a certain temperature the machine will increase the temperature
 Using a Automatic Banking Machine (ABM) to make a deposit.
 Booking a cruise through a travel agent.

2. List three ways in which a computer transfers information.

3. Explain what is meant by the terms file conversion and file compression.
4. Give one reason why many users need to convert files.
5. Give two reasons why you might want to use compressed files if you have a
modem and access the internet.

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