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Kimi Davis

Part A:

Part B:
CIED 1003: Introduction to Technology
Dr. Orr

Part C:

Who is author?

Jennifer E. Cherry

What is the name of the theses/dissertation?

Technology Integration in Education: An Examination of Technology Adoption in Teaching and Learning by Secondary
Teachers in Minnesota

What is the year of the theses/dissertation?

March 2014

What institution did the author go to? (Usually on title page.)

University of Minnesota

What was the purpose of the study? (You can retype it. It’s okay if it is word for word.)

The purpose of this study was to explore possible causal factors for level of teachers’ adoption of technology in teaching and
What was the conclusion of the study? (Usually on last page. You can type it word for word.)

Findings suggest that technology adoption was significantly associated with the predictor variables technology
anxiety, barriers to technology integration, technology available for teaching, and whether or not the teacher
utilized college courses as a training source. Further, teachers' level of technology adoption differed by subject
area. Business teachers adopted technology at significantly higher levels than other subject area teachers,
especially math and science teachers.

The findings of the study revealed technology anxiety perceived by teachers was fairly low. No significant
main effects were found for technology anxiety between subject area teachers. Technology anxiety was
negatively correlated with technology adoption, as technology anxiety increased teachers' level of technology
adoption decreased. Teachers in this study reported low-to-moderate barriers to integrating technology in
teaching and learning, with business teachers experiencing significantly lower barriers than other teachers. The
findings of this study revealed a negative relationship between technology integration barriers and technology
adoption, as barriers decreased, technology adoption increased. Most teachers utilized a variety of training
sources such as self-teaching, workshops/conferences, colleagues, and completing college courses. Business
teachers were most likely and social studies teachers were least likely to use college courses as a training
source. Whether or not a teacher utilized college courses or self-teaching as a technology training source were
significantly related to technology adoption. Findings of the study revealed a positive relationship between
technology available and technology adoption, as the technology available for teaching increased teachers'
level of technology adoption increased. Further, relationships existed between subject area and the
technologies teachers had available for their use in teaching. Business teachers had significantly more
technology available for their use than math or science teachers.

Why would this particular study be important in your field? (We are assuming it is important.)

This study could possibly be important in my field because of the findings related to technology anxiety and the ability for
students and teachers to adopt new ideas with the use of technology tools.

Most of the statistic that were taken focused the subject areas of the student and teachers. With my research I would
add additional variable, such as ethnicity. I think that it is important to understand the background of students, and
how they were raised with technology. Technology anxiety can become a hindering part of a student and teachers
success. Since the use of technology is always progressing the more it becomes relevant in everyday life.

Step 3:

Who is the professor that you have taken a class with? Or a professor that you are currently taking a class with?

Dr. Orr

CIED Intro to Education (Summer 2019)

What year did he/she write their dissertation?


What is the name of the dissertation?

The management skills of business education student teachers’ performance in the classroom as perceived by cooperating
teachers, university supervisors, and students teachers in Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma.

What institution did the professor go to when he/she published their dissertation?

University of Arkansas

What was the conclusion of the study?

The conclusions drawn from the study were based on data obtained from the hypotheses stated in Chapter I.

According to the results of this study, females are more likely to choose business education than males. The majority
of student teachers are in the age range of 20 to 30 while the majority of teachers in business education are
inthe41to50agerange. While most student teachers are pursuing a bachelor's degree, a growing number are seeking
teacher certification only. More than half of the cooperating teachers hold a master's degree while more than half of
the university supervisors have a doctorate degree. As the number of teaching experience increased with the
cooperating teachers and university supervisors, the number of student teachers supervised increased. Three
hypotheses were tested. An analysis of the mean, standard deviation, and analysis of variance for hypothesis one
indicated agreement among the student teachers and cooperating teachers on 42 items on the questionnaire. Student
teachers and cooperating teachers differed significantly in educational level and teaching experience. It is perceived
by the researcher that the longer the student teacher is associated with the cooperating teacher, the more in
agreement they will become.An analysis of the mean, standard deviation, and analysis of variance for hypothesis
two indicated agreement among the student teachers and university supervisors on 47 items on the
questionnaire. It seems reasonable to conclude that the amount of instructional time of university supervisors with
student teachers will result in similar ratings on classroom management skills needed. An analysis of the mean,
standard deviation, and analysis of variance for hypothesis three indicated agreement among cooperating teachers
and university supervisors on 47 items on the questionnaire. The findings of this study have implications for all
teacher-education institutions. Successful classroom management skills lead to teacher effectiveness.Frequently,
student teachers voice a concern of insecurity intheirclassroommanagementskills. More attention should be given to
classroom management to better prepare students for the student teaching experience.

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