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On the Reaction Theorem for Scattered Fields

Johan Malmström

Abstract— ε(r), µ(r)

Two novel formulations of the reaction are derived. The formu- Antenna 1 Antenna 2
lations decompose the electromagnetic fields in multiple scattered
components. It is shown that some of the scattering components (a) ∼hI11 E1 , H1 S2 b V21
do not contribute to the reaction. The novel formulations of the -
reaction are derived by excluding the non-contributing terms n̂2
from the traditional reaction formulations. The correctness of
one of the formulations is verified with a numerical example. The ε(r), µ(r)
novel formulations are useful for estimating the errors introduced Antenna 1 Antenna 2
if multiple scattering are neglected in a scattering environment.
They are also important for a conceptual understanding of the b V12
reaction. (b) 2
E , H2 S2 ∼hI22
Index Terms—Electromagnetic scattering, electromagnetic the- n̂2
ory, antennas, mutual impedance, mutual coupling.
Fig. 1. The original reaction (1); (a) Antenna 1 transmits with a current I11
while Antenna 2 is open circuit, and (b) Antenna 2 transmits with a current
I22 while Antenna 1 is open circuit. The media is the same in (a) and (b).
The mutual impedance between antennas, and the closely
ε(r), µ(r)
related mutual coupling, is of big importance when installing Antenna 1 Antenna 2
antennas for simultaneous transmission on platforms [1]. A
high mutual coupling means that much of the transmitted (a) ∼hI11 E1 , H1 S2 b V21
energy leaks into the other antenna [2], something that can -
severely degrade system performance.
The reaction is a measure of the interaction between two
pairs of electric and magnetic sources, carried by their corre- ε0 (r), µ0 (r)
Antenna 2
sponding electromagnetic (EM) fields. The reaction, denoted
with h2, 1i, is defined as [3]
I (b) 2
E , H2 S2 ∼hI22

h2, 1i = (E2 × H1 − E1 × H2 ) · n̂2 dS, (1) n̂2

Fig. 2. The generalized reaction (2); (a) Antenna 1 transmits with a current
where the fields E1 , H1 are generated by Antenna 1 and I11 in the original environment with Antenna 2 open circuit, and (b) Antenna 2
0 in an alternative environment. The media inside
transmits with a current I22
E2 , H2 by Antenna 2, as in Fig. 1. The integration surfaces
S2 must be the same in the two environments but can differ outside S2 .
S2 , with normal n̂2 , must completely enclose one and only one
of the antennas (in this case Antenna 2). To be able to handle
inhomogeneous regions, such as a platform or other structure,
The reaction theorem relates the field quantities in (1)–(2)
the complex valued ε(r), µ(r) depend on the position r.
with circuit quantities, i.e. currents and voltages defined on the
The reaction h2, 1i does not depend on the environment
terminal of antennas, see Fig. 1–2. For example, it can relate
outside the integration surface S2 , when generating E2 , H2
the reaction h2, 1i with the mutual impedance Z21 between
[4], which is used in the generalized reaction [4],
I the two sources or antennas involved,
h2, 1i = (E20 × H1 − E1 × H20 ) · n̂2 dS, (2) h2, 1i
S2 Z21 = − . (3)
I11 I22
where unprimed variables are from the original environment
and primed variables are from an alternative environment, as The terminal current I21 in Antenna 2, when Antenna 1
depicted in Fig. 2. The structure outside the integration surface transmits, is assumed to be zero, i.e. an open circuit. The
S2 , described by ε0 (r), µ0 (r), can be changed between the terminal current I22 is replaced with I22 0
in the generalized
original and alternative environments, but structure enclosed reaction theorem (2).
by S2 must remain unchanged. The reaction theorem has been used for calculating mutual
impedance in several works recently, see e.g. [5]–[8]. It is
Manuscript received September 30, 2017; revised February 4, 2018; ac-
cepted Xxx xx, 2017. observed that multiple scattering is neglected in these works,
J. Malmström is with Saab Surveillance, Stockholm, Sweden, and with the to make the reaction theorem applicable. It is hence interesting
Electromagnetic Engineering Laboratory, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, to investigate the effects of multiple scattering on the reaction
Stockholm, Sweden.
The work was supported by Saab. theorem, which is a goal with this paper.

E (0) , H (0) VR \V2
Ed, H d
E (1) , H (1)
E (2) , H (2) S2

V+ r V2


| {z } | {z }
E+, H + E−, H −
Fig. 4. The surfaces SR , S2 , enclose the volumes VR and V2 , respectively.
Fig. 3. Decomposition of fields E , H generated from an antenna based on The volume VR \V2 is between the two surfaces SR and S2 .
source origin into the fields E + , H + and E − , H − . Scattering components,
E (n) , E (n) , are denoted with their scattering order n, i.e. the number of
reflection they have been under. The direct components, E d = E (0) , H d = First, we will focus on the second of these four integrals, i.e.
H (0) , is included in E + , H + .
(12) in the above expression. The integral (12) depends on the
fields E2+ , H2+ from Antenna 2, and the fields E1− , H1− from
II. T HE R EACTION F OR S CATTERED F IELDS Antenna 1 that are scattered on objects enclosed by S2 .
A. Field Decomposition
B. The Radiation Condition
We consider an antenna generating the fields E, H that are
scattered on some objects, as in Fig. 3. We use a fictitious We let a sphere SR enclose a volume VR that include both
surface to separate the transmitting antenna (if necessary, also antennas and the surface S2 , see Fig. 4, and calculate the
including parts of the platform) and scatterers in two disjoint reaction (1) over the surface SR . When the radius r of the
regions, V + and V − , as in Fig. 3. sphere goes to infinity r → ∞, the radiated fields decay as
The fields from the antenna will induce a current J on r−1 and the cross products as r−2 . Since the area of integration
the platform and all scattering objects. We note that, from goes as r2 , the integral will not obviously converge. We have
the method of moment approach, given the induced current J to convince ourselves that the reaction over the large sphere
and material parameters ε(r), µ(r), the fields E, H can be SR with the decomposed fields is zero.
uniquely determined, see e.g. [9]. Clearly, E, H are linearly We assume that the medium far away from the antennas is
dependent of J . The current J is decomposed into two parts, homogeneous and isotropic, and that the sources are localized.
With these assumptions, the EM fields will propagate outwards
J = J + + J −, (4) from the antennas and, asymptotically (i.e. infinitely far away),
based on the origin of the currents, so that form a locally plane wave.
For large but finite distances from the source, the wave
J+ = J , in V + , (5) will not be perfectly plane. We consider the Silver-Müller
− + radiation condition, which gives information about the asymp-
J = 0, in V , (6)
totic behavior of the fields far from the sources. In [10]
J+ = 0, in V − , (7)
− −
the Silver-Müller radiation condition is given as (with a
J = J , in V . (8) omitted/normalized impedance Z = 1)
Based on the superposition principle, we consider the fields lim r (H × n̂ − E) = 0. (15)
E + , H + to be generated by the sources J + and the fields r→∞

E − , H − by the sources J − , so that Using the little-o notation1 , the radiation condition (15) for
a large, but finite, r and a general impedance Z can be
E = E+ + E−, (9)
formulated as a plane wave including a correction term as
H = H + + H −. (10)
E = Z(H × n̂) + o(r−1 ), (16)
Consequently, the fields E1− , H1−
are source free in V and +

the fields E2+ , H2+ are source free in V − . in which it is understood that each field component goes as
We apply the decomposition (9)–(10) to E1 , H1 and o(r)−1 . Using (16), we can write the integrand in the reaction
E2 , H2 in (1). We let the surface that separates V + and integral (1) as,
V − coincide with the integration surface S2 in Fig. 1–2. The E2+ × H1− − E1− ×H2+ = (17)
reaction (1) separates into four terms,
I = Z(H2+ × n̂) + o(r −1
)) × H1−
E2+ × H1+ − E1+ × H2+ · n̂2 dS (11) −(Z(H1− × n̂) + o(r −1
)) ×H2+ =

h2, 1i =
I S2 H2+ (H1− · n̂) − H1− (H2+ · n̂) + (H1− − H2+ )o(r−1 )

= Z
E2+ × H1− − E1− × H2+ · n̂2 dS (12)

1 For

non-zero g(r), the little-o notation f (r) = o g(r) implies that
E2− × H1+ − E1+ × H2− · n̂2 dS (13) f (r)

+ lim = 0.
r→∞ g(r)
Additionally, the little-o notation is related to the Big-O notation. If a function
E2− × H1− − E1− × H2− · n̂2 dS. (14)

+ f (r) = o(r), it implies that f (r) = O(r) [11].

Far from the source, the dominant parts of H1− and H2+ outside the integration surface S2 . With this choice, there
are orthogonal to the direction of propagation n̂. We know that will be no scattering from outside S2 , and, hence, E2+ =
H1− , H2+ , and (H1− − H2+ ) all decay as r−1 for large r. The E2d , H2+ = H2d , E2− = 0, H2− = 0 (using the notation
radial components, H1− · n̂ and H2+ · n̂, decay faster, so that introduced in Fig. 3). The fields E2d , H2d , E1−, H1−, have
H1− · n̂ = o(r−1 ) and H2+ · n̂ = o(r−1 ). Hence, all terms in their sources within S2 and are source free outside S2 . With
(17) are o(r−2 ), and so is the whole integrand, i.e., this restriction, the same derivations can be repeated for the
generalized reaction, resulting in the following expression,
E2+ × H1− − E1− ×H2+ = o(r−2 ). (18) I
E2d × H1+ − E1+ × H2d · n̂ dS,

This relation implies that the reaction (1) over the large sphere h2, 1i = (25)
SR goes to zero when r → ∞,
I which is valid for an empty alternative environment. Note
E2+ × H1− − E1− ×H2+ · n̂ dS = 0. that the components E1− , H1− generated by Antenna 1 and

SR scattered inside the surface S2 do not contribute to the reaction.

C. Divergence of the Cross Product Difference III. V ERIFICATION

Still with the integral (12) in focus, we consider the region We verify the results for a pair of Hertzian dipoles between
VR \V2 between the surface S2 and the sphere SR , see Fig. 4, infinite ground planes, as depicted in Fig. 5. The configuration
will give strong multiple scattering. The EM fields can be
E2+ × H1− − E1− ×H2+ · n̂ dS.

(20) determined using the method of mirroring and the analytically
SR −S2 known fields from a Hertzian dipole in free space [12].
Recall that the fields E2+ , H2+ , E1− , H1− per definition (see Starting with Dipole 1, we determine the fields after mir-
Fig. 3) are source free, J1− = 0 and J2+ = 0, in the volume roring in the left ground plane. The resulting two Hertzian
VR \V2 outside S2 . By considering the integral form of Lorentz dipoles in Fig. 6 with scattering order n = 0 produce right-
reciprocity theorem [12] in the source free region VR \V2 , we propagating fields in the region between the ground planes.
immediately see that the integral (20) evaluates to zero, Next, the two Hertzian dipoles for scattering order n = 0 is
mirrored in the right ground plane. The resulting two Hertzian
I dipoles, with scattering order n = 1 in Fig. 6, produce left-
E2+ × H1− − E1− ×H2+ · n̂ dS = 0

(21) propagating fields.
SR −S2
By continuing the alternating mirroring on the two ground
planes, we get mirrored dipoles for higher scattering orders n,
We know from (19) that the surface integral over the large as illustrated in Fig. 6. The sources will be farther away for
sphere SR is zero. Combined with (21), it follows that the each mirroring and give weaker contribution to the fields in
integral over S2 , i.e. the integral (12), must be zero, the region between the ground planes. Referring to Fig. 6, we
can convince ourselves that summing the fields with scattering
E2+ × H1− − E1− ×H2+ · n̂2 dS = 0.

S2 order n = 0, n = [1, 2], n = [3, 4], . . . produce null-fields
on the left ground plane, whereas summing the fields with
Changing our focus to the third integral, (13), in the
scattering order n = [0, 1], n = [2, 3], . . . produce null-fields
decomposed reaction, we see that the fields E2+ , H1− , E1− ,H2+
on the right ground plane.
are all source free inside the integration surface S2 . We can
We let the integration surface S2 enclose the half-space
again consider the integral form of Lorentz reciprocity theorem
x > 0. Summing scattered components with even scattering
[12], to see that the integral (13) evaluates to zero,
I order produce the right-propagating fields E1+ , H1+ whereas
E2− × H1+ − E1+ × H2− · n̂2 dS = 0.

(23) summing components with odd scattering order produce the
S2 left-propagating fields E1− , H1− , i.e.,
D. The Resulting Reaction E1+ = E1 , (26)
Using (19), (23), the reaction h2, 1i can be formulated as n=0,2,4,...
E2+ × H1+ − E1+ × H2+ · n̂2 dS + E1− = E1 , (27)

h2, 1i =
IS2 n=1,3,5,...

E2− × H1− − E1− × H2− · n̂2 dS. (24) and equivalently for the magnetic fields H1+ , H1− .

The same procedure is repeated with Dipole 2, to decom-
Note that there is no interaction between the fields (·)+ and pose the fields into E2+ , H2+ and E2− , H2− .
(·)− from the different antennas. Based on the decomposed fields, E1+ , H1+ , E1− , H1− , E2+ ,
The generalized reaction (2) can also be separated into H2+ , E2− , H2− , we evaluate two formulations of the reaction;
scattering components. It becomes especially simple if the the original reaction (1), and the reactions for scattered fields
alternative environment where Antenna 2 transmits, depicted (24) derived in this letter. We use a dipole separation distance
in Fig. 2(b), is chosen to be homogeneous (e.g. vacuum) D = 1.8 m, with each dipole placed a = 1.1 m from

Mutual impedance |Z21 | (/Ω)

Dipole 1 Dipole 2

- D - a-

Fig. 5. Two high-scattering antennas, each consisting of a Hertzian dipole in

front of an infinite ground plane, facing each other.

Antenna separation distance D (/m)

Scattering order n

Fig. 8. The mutual impedance magnitude |Z21 | calculated with the reaction
h2, 1i as in (1), and (24). For illustration, the integrals (22) and (23) are also
plotted. We see that the agreement of (1) and (24) is excellent and that (22)
and (23) are both very close to zero.

on one side of the integration surface only interact with fields

x (/m)
from sources on the opposite side of the surface.
Fig. 6. Mirroring of Dipole 1 with positive (up-pointing triangle) and negative The resulting reaction between sources must not change
(down-pointing triangle) Hertzian dipoles between two ground-planes at x = depending on the chosen formulation of the reaction. The clas-
±2 m. The vertical axis denotes scattering order n.
sical formulations of the reaction [3], [4] include combinations
of scattering components that do not contribute to the reaction.
Total field E1 Component E1+ Component E1− V/m
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 If neglecting multiple scattering, as in e.g. [5]–[8], the novel
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 formulations of the reaction makes it easier to estimate the
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 error introduced due to the neglected scattering components.



1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1
z (/m)

z (/m)
z (/m)

zz (/m)

z (/m)

z (/m)
zz (/m)

z (/m)

zz (/m)
z (/m)
z (/m)

z (/m)

For example, with the formulation (25), we see that none of

0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
the odd scattering components (H1− , E1− ) contribute to the
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 reaction.
-2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2
3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3
-3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3
4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4
-4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4
02 2 -2 -2 -2 0 0-20 2 2 02 2 -2 -2 -2 0 0-20 2 2 02 2 -2 -2 -2 0 0-20 2 2 02 2
x x x x x x(/m) x xx (/m)
x x x (/m)
x x x x The author is grateful for valuable advices from B. L. G.
Fig. 7. The z component of the electric field ReE1 (left) from Dipole 1 de- Jonsson during the work with this letter.
composed in the right-propagating ReE1+ (middle), and the left-propagating
ReE1− (right), illustrated on the plane x = [−2, 2], y = 0, z = [−4, 4].
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