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Sd ‘ABovenau é reconhecida no cenério internacional, hi 25 anos, como uma das maioresfabricantes demacacos e equipamentos hidréulicos. ABovenau PE ee au ee cee OCC e CC Se oat etc) eee Ls Sabendo das reaisnecessidades de cada setor, seja ele da construcio civile COS ea cc recy COCA CL eC Aa rere Oceano eee ee contabilizando mais de 20 inhas diferentes, divididas entre cilindros e bombashidréulicas manuais, deago ealuminio, bombashidropneuméticas, Pe eee Le Cec Coe necro) Se Cae reer ee ee COS ae aS a a ce UL CMe ore eer Bovenau-Cllindros e Bombas de alta pressio. Asolugio ideal. Bovenauisrecognizedinternationally,for2S yearsasaleading manufacturerof hydraulic Jackandequipments. The Bovenau also stands out for providing hydraulicjacks OEM for Ct ee eee eee Knowing the realneeds ofeach sector beit building and naval construction, mining or industry, Bevenau brings to market another important product ine: High Pressure Cree tae ee ee ee ee ee eee eae ata eed eee eee eee ees Ce eee eee ean Only those who truly understand the strength and safety, and have high technical Ce a aa a ea EO ae eee ta ee Coa ecw eele carta Sea ce area ren (oor rem Seas yn Single Acting Hollow Rae aera Sac Dae Perey ea ehegan ety Poste eens Pee eine ce Carat an reer ae eae) eared pee ee ea ree Came 80) Pull fal UlNel (eieye ase eM UN ra tnd Sr etscte Sao CSS Siew nese arene) i] Fy fear sesle) Al CD Pee) Ee Sea Nal sy as Us ROU Wears Reese d Nts ins. sS i510) nea aan ean ci BOMBAS ELETRICRS as ES eos ee cud aN ev cpa eee poesia Me ene einen ala MANOMETROS MN Gauges Gear Cro AM eee ceaosalts pain eee ns ae UA, UC MANIFOLDS ba ae Remit eiseal ae cs eras ga eaetre ce! Cee Di Neicwe sera ered EE} Ed Ea ES Ee 39 Er By EIS 38 39 cr 4 ce ag oy is oT)

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