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In Today�s world technology is a part and parcel of our life. Be it communicating

across the globe or carrying out simplest things such as preparing coffee or
heating your food. While there are huge benefits in moving ahead with technological
changes, there are some adverse affects as well. I would like to look at the pro�s
and con�s of the technological development in our day to day lives.


No need to move physically to get a task done. Eg. More and more companies are
using Video/ audio conferencing and connecting teams across the globe or working
from home option helping in work life balancing by avoiding commuting long distance
to work. This is a win win situation for Employee and Employer .The Employee saves
cost and time on commuting and Employer saves cost on space and resource. In the
absence of technological development this would have been impossible.

Technology can decrease the time it takes to accomplish a task, which can
ultimately save money and increase productivity. Communication speed also
increases. Instead of sending a message by postal mail, using email or fax can
deliver it instantaneously. Technology can also speed up various manufacturing
processes, as machines and computers can do work that was once performed by humans
more quickly and efficiently.

It is a fact that businesses that embrace technology and new technological

innovations are strong competitors in the world of business. Businesses that use
social media to gain new business than those who do not take advantage of what
technology has to offer have a larger advantage and reach to customers

Having access to information any time it is needed is a major benefit of technology

today. Most companies, no matter how large, have systems which allow their
employees to access or enter necessary data quickly and efficiently, which saves
time and money.

Another area is the advancement in Health care. Improving quality of life is one of
the main benefits of integrating new innovations into medicine. Medical
technologies like minimally-invasive surgeries, better monitoring systems, and more
comfortable scanning equipment are allowing patients to spend less time in recovery
and more time enjoying a healthy life.

Education is yet another area where technology is having a major impact. Students
can find almost any academic material or answer to a research question just by
using online resources or academic databases. Not only is it easy and simple to
use, it is also inexpensive, as many sites do not charge for information that used
to be accessed only by purchasing a membership or journal. Networking and
Communication Technology has also allowed social media to be used for educational
purposes. Many educators use it to make sure students are more engaged and can
increase their communicative skills; introverted students may feel more at ease
using Twitter or Facebook to take part in discussion or express their ideas than
speaking up in a classroom situation. Student wikis and forums also allow students
with different learning styles and who need time to process ideas more chance to
join the discussion in an online medium. It may also allow students to communicate
more often and more effectively with their instructors. Twitter and Facebook have
been especially effective in helping instructors explain material, answer
questions, or share supplementary material with students.

Technology can offer families a wide array of tools that can streamline their day
to day work and get multiple work done in a short span of time. Here are some ways
technology can be used in our day to day life
1.Online calendars help coordinate everyone�s schedules and can be accessed by a
variety of devices. Eg Google Calendar.
Cell phones allow families to text updates on activities, practices, and even
grocery lists.
Teachers are able to use class websites or apps to keep parents updated about

4.Busy parents are able to pay bills and bank online. You can conveniently pay the
utility bill being at home.
It is easy to check the weather and stay updated on severe or threatening

6.Monitor a child�s Internet activity with an app. Keep worries at bay and be
involved in what your child is viewing, texting, or messaging online.
Get homework help or locate answers to difficult questions like Googling or seeking
educational websites.
Clean out the family entertainment center and go digital. Use movie or television
services that don�t require bulky boxes, movie cases, or tons of cords.

9.Doctors are using technology such as Skype or messaging services to chat with
patients. This can save a trip to the waiting room and avoid contagious germs.


Although social media may far reach many people, it may help making a large amount
of friends but very few best ones who can support you during hour of need.

Failure to offer the personal touch that existed in past may lead to loss of that
many small businesses that used to thrive on personal face to face contact; this
may result in a loss of strong client relationships and public perception.

Extensive use of social media can break families as there is very little time for
each other and all are busy in their own small world although connected to the
world through technology. This can lead to depression and withdrawal.

Using the most up to date machines may ensure faster assembly and production but
will also decrease the need for manual labor, which means more people will be

Technology systems are vulnerable to attacks from within and outside the company;
hackers and competitors can steal or corrupt data and cause enormous harm to a
company�s finances, research, or reputation.

Technology has all the information available by click of a button.The downside to

all this information available on the Internet is that much of it is not accurate.
Wikipedia, for example, is infamous for allowing anyone to add information on a
topic; one does not have to be an expert or undergo any fact-checking to make an
entry. Many students do not know how to evaluate a site�s reliability and
therefore, their research may be flawed.

Technology sometimes has a bad reputation for leading people down scary paths of
sexting, identity theft, and introducing predators into their lives.
Technology in our life has to be at the right level and fit for the purpose we
need . It is important to identify what is the right level for each of us as an
individual .This can vary based on situations and requirement. It is similar to the
right dose of medicines we need to take to get ourself out of any illness or the
right amount of food intake even though the food in front of us looks inviting.

The choice and the right balance is ultimately with us to use technology
effectively in our day to day life.So it is like a boon on us if we use it properly
withuot any misusage.

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