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LPI Guardian CATCALC Overview

Date: February 2017

This document provides a summary of LPI’s “CATCALC” program, which is used to compute the
protection areas and positioning of the Guardian CAT I, II and III enhanced air terminals.

CATCALC Flowchart
Figure 1 is a flowchart showing the process of calculating the protection radius of a Guardian CAT air
terminal. This flowchart outlines the input parameters used to calculate the protection radii and the
report details generated by CATCALC.

Calculation Overview
The calculation of the protection radius of CAT terminals and the attractive radii of features on the
structure that are most likely to be struck depends on many factors, including the geometry of the
structure itself, environmental parameters and the statistics of lightning discharges.

The key factors and parameters taken into account in all of the calculations include:
A. Protection level according to the “risk profile” of the structure (decided mainly by its height).
B. Downward leader charge distribution model.
C. Striking distance equations (improved models that take structure height into account).
D. Dynamic electric field of the downward leader as it approaches the structure.
E. Electric field enhancement of the ambient electric field by the structure and its features.
F. Allowance for lightning approaching at an angle.
G. Computation of striking distance surfaces for the the structure and air terminals.
H. The speed of the downward and upward leaders (the so-called “race condition”).
I. Selection of the correct CAT terminal for the particular installation, e.g., CAT III is used at a
greater height above the structure and/or on taller structures due to its larger geometry.
J. Determination of protection, i.e., if coverage is achieved based on the relative distances
between the surfaces and typical leader velocities.

Based on lightning statistics from AS 1768 and IEC 62305, the following “protection levels” and their
asociated physical parameters are used for each of the CAT terminals in protection calculations:

Air Terminal Protection Level Int. Eff. (%) Ip min. (kA) Charge, Q (C)
Guardian CAT I, II or III Standard 88 15 1.5
Guardian CAT I, II or III High 93 10 0.9
Guardian CAT I, II or III Very High 98 6.5 0.5

Commercial in Confidence Document ID: LPIDOC-26-3384 Version: 1.0 25/08/2017 Page 1

Copyright © 2017 LPI

1. Input Client Details

Company Name,
Address, Phone, Email

2. Input Building Parameters

Construction Type

3. Input Environmental Parameters

Ground Flash Density
Thunder Days

4. Input Protection Parameters

Device Parameters
Mounting Type
Protection Level
5. Calculate Protection Radius
- Building attractive radii
- CAT terminal protection radii

6. Generate Report
Client Details
Building Parameters
Environmental Parameters
Protection Parameters
Ground Protection Radius
Building Protection Radius
Bill of Materials
Plan/3D Design View

Figure 1: Flowchart showing the CATCALC computation process.

Commercial in Confidence Document ID: LPIDOC-26-3384 Version: 1.0 25/08/2017 Page 2

Copyright © 2017 LPI

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