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Earth and Human Activity

WebQuest Description: In this lesson you will explore energy and fuels and what it means to be renewable and nonrenewable. You
will also think about how humans use these energy and fuels in both a negative and/or positive way.
Grade Level: 3-5
Curriculum: Science
Keywords: Renewable, Nonrenewable, energy, fuels, resources
Published On:
Last Modified: 2019-06-18 18:04:51
WebQuest URL:

Good afternoon students!Today you will be sent on a journey across the Earth to see how we use natural resources as energy. You
will discover what it means to be a renewable resource and a nonrenewable resource. You also gain more knowledge on the positive
and negative effects of humans using these resources. As you journey through this WebQuest keep an open mind to all
possibilities!Good luck, I know you will do great!

Assignment Objectives: Students will be able to explain the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources and give
multiple examples of each and answer the discussion questions with critical thinking skills scoring 14 (out of 16) or higher on grading
rubric.You will use many website links to complete this WebQuest. There is a lot of information. Do not hesitate to ask questions. As
you go through this information, I want you to critically think and try to connect this material to your life. We are constantly using
energy and resources to produce that energy. 

Assignment Objectives:Students will be able to explain the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources and give
multiple examples of each and answer the discussion questions with critical thinking skills scoring 8 (out of 10) or higher on grading
rubric.Part 1:Learning the facts1. You will start this lesson by visiting this website:
nonrenewable-energy-reading-material/ Watch the video and read all material. Do not do discussion questions yet!2. After you
have watched the video and read the material you will practice your skills with this game Part 2:Pros and cons1. You will use this link to read about the use of
natural resources.  2. Once
you have read the materials above test your knowledge with this game Part
3:Wrapping it up1. You will pick discussion questions to answer from the list at the link from part 1 number 1. Open a word document
and type your responses. You can use all the resources that have been provided to answer the questions! Make sure answers are
clear and well thought out.2. If you finish with time to spare check out this link and see some ways you can Go Green!  

This rubric will be used to grade your responses.

Category and Score 4 3 2 1-0 Score

Use of Word to answer The student correctly Students used Word, Students used word, but Students did not use 4
discussion questions. used Word to neatly but did not number. did not number or head Word.
answer questions. the document correctly.
Renewable resources Students correctly and Student defined Student incorrectly Student did not define 4
throughly defined a renewable resource but defined renewable renewable resources.
renewable resource, did not provide any resources, but gave
and also provided example. correct examples.
Nonrenewable resources Student correctly and Student defined Student incorrectly Student did not define 4
throughly defined nonrenewable resources defined nonrenewable nonrenewable resources.
nonrenewable resources correctly, but did not resources, but gave
and also provided provide any examples. correct examples.
Category and Score 4 3 2 1-0 Score
Discussion Questions Student answered 4 The student only 3 The student answered 1- The student did not 4
questions. Their answer questions and 2 questions and answer and questions or
was correct and demonstrated critical demonstrated critical only 1 but did not
demonstrated critical thinking skills. thinking skills. demonstrate critical
thinking skills. thinking skills.

Total Score 16

Congratulations students! You have finished your journey through energy sources, renewable resources, and nonrenewable
resources. I hope you have gained knowledge on this subject! I also hope you have become more aware of the resources being used
and how. After this lesson you should be conscious of your world and how you use resources! 

This WebQuest is designed to teach a lesson on Energy resources and nonrenewable and renewable resources. It will take 1hour
and 30 minutes.
Tn State Standard:4.ESS3: Earth and Human Activity1) Obtain and combine information to describe that energy and fuels are derived
from naturalresources and that some energy and fuel sources are renewable (sunlight, wind, water) and some arenot (fossil fuels,
minerals).2) Create an argument, using evidence from research, that human activity (farming, mining, building)can affect the land and
ocean in positive and/or negative ways.ISTE Standard:3. Research and information fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather,
evaluate, and use information.
Resources:All photos used from

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