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June 17,2019 ‘Members ofthe Board of Directors Washington Metropolitan Ares Transit Authority 600 Sth Street NW ‘Washington, DC 20001 Dear Boatd Members: On behalf of the citizens of our respective sates, we write to express our conoem with the recently closed Ethics Committe investigation int the chairman of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Board of Directors and to request the public release of information related tothe investigation. As ‘Governors of Maryland and Virginia, we have been entrusted by our citizens to provide transparency and accountability in all aspects of government - most importantly, the expenditure of pubic funds and oversight of institutions and organizations to which public funds are distributed - and we are committed to fulfiling tis important responsibilty, ‘As an agency that receives dedicated local, stat, and federal Funding, WMATA end its appointed leadership ‘ust be held to the highest ethical standards. The circumstances that necessitated the investigation are troubling and raise concerns regarding WMATA’ overall accountability. ‘Transparency and accountability, principles that are essential to maintaining public tras, must be preserved. ‘This can only be achieved through the disclosure of investigative Findings. We are committed to upholding our ‘responsibilty to the public and request the release of the findings ofthe ethics investigation, ie fy ber PRS BE on eae ‘Maryland Virginia

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